My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2988 A Little Understanding 12

Chapter 2988 A little understanding

Ren Qingrui immediately stood up from the stone bench when she heard Young Master Liu's words.

Lianbu walked to Xue Ning'er's side lightly, Ren Qingrui spread out her hands apologetically, and curled her lips at Young Master Liu's back helplessly.

"Sister Ning'er, you know what to do, I can't make up my mind in front of this bad guy.

Let's take our leave first, and I will come to see you when my sister is free someday. "

Xue Ning'er looked up at the sky, and hurriedly led Ren Qingrui by my wrist and walked towards First Young Master Liu.

Xue Ning'er let go of Ren Qingrui's wrist, walked up to Young Master Liu and gave a blessing.

"His Majesty."

Young Master Liu looked at Xue Ning'er who was saluting him with a puzzled expression, and asked softly, "Miss Xue, do you have anything else to do?"

"Return to Your Majesty, I have nothing else to do.

It's just that it's already morning, and it's time for lunch.

You and sister Qingrui came to the pharmacy to sell herbs in the middle of the morning, so you probably haven't had lunch yet?

It is the honor of the humble house that you can come and visit us as a guest.

Now it's time for lunch, but if the concubine let you and sister Qingrui leave on an empty stomach.

Could it be that the courtiers and concubines have not treated guests well.

Therefore, this concubine boldly begs Your Majesty, you and sister Qingrui to sit down for a while, and this concubine will go immediately to prepare food and drinks for you two distinguished guests.

It is also good to let the concubine represent the husband and show the friendship of the landlord. "

Liu Mingzhi first looked up at the sky, and then moved his gaze to Xue Ning'er.

Looking at the sincere eyes on Xue Ning'er's pretty face, he frowned helplessly.

It's not that I don't want to give Xue Ning'er this face, but that I'm really not hungry at all right now.

Before leaving the father-in-law's mansion in the morning, in order to avoid delaying the trip due to the empty stomach on the way, I had already eaten enough.

Therefore, even if Xue Ning'er prepares a large table of delicacies from mountains and seas for herself, she still can't eat it in one bite.

I don't need these things now, if I let others prepare the food and drinks, not only will I live up to my kindness, but I will also waste a table of food and wine.

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Ren Qingrui who was standing beside Xue Ning'er.


"Hey, Big Guoguo?"

"Are you hungry now?"

Ren Qingrui was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, she stroked her weak and boneless waist with her hand.

Looking at First Young Master Liu, and then at Xue Ning'er, Ren Qingrui remained silent for a while with a pretty face, and then nodded first, then shook her head again.

Then he didn't open his mouth to express his meaning.

Young Master Liu looked at still Qingrui who was nodding and shaking his head in bewilderment, his face became weird, and there was a hint of incomprehension in his eyes.

"No, girl Ren, you are nodding and shaking your head again, are you hungry or not?"

Xue Ning'er also stared at Ren Qingrui's pretty face with a puzzled look on her face. Like Young Master Liu, she couldn't understand what Ren Qingrui's contradictory behavior meant.

"Sister Qingrui, do you want to say that you are a little hungry, but not too hungry?"

Ren Qingrui felt the strange eyes of the young master Liu and the two, wrinkled Qiong's nose lightly, and scratched Liu's eyebrows that looked like a crescent moon with her fingers.

The reason why I nodded and shook my head just now was because I didn't know how to reject Sister Ning'er's kindness, and I shook my head because I was not too hungry right now.

On the way to the pharmacy, I first ate a bunch of candied haws, and when I arrived at sister Ning'er's house, I ate several cakes in succession.

Therefore, there is really no hunger in my stomach now.

The most critical problem is that I don't know if Liu Mingzhi is hungry or not.

If Da Guoguo said he wasn't hungry when he was hungry, how embarrassing it would be.

Under such circumstances, should Da Guoguo stay for dinner?Or not to stay?
Oh, let him make up his own mind, he said what to do, so do it.

"I'm still... okay, I'll listen to Da Guoguo, and I'll do whatever he says."

Seeing Ren Qingrui's embarrassed expression, Liu Mingzhi thought about what she said just now, and gradually understood her thoughts.

Xue Ning'er was able to guess the identity of First Young Master Liu based on those reasons before, so she is naturally a quick-witted and intelligent woman.

She looked at Ren Qingrui's slightly embarrassed expression, and pretended to casually glance at the pastries that had been reduced a little in the tray on the table.

Coupled with Ren Qingrui's words just now, he probably guessed what Qingrui's sister was thinking.

It seems that the Emperor Liu Mingzhi has to come down to make a decision.

Xue Ning'er shook her head lightly, and shifted her gaze to First Young Master Liu.

Seeing Xue Ning'er looking at him, Liu Mingzhi said before she could speak, "Miss Xue, I appreciate your kindness, but there is no need to prepare the food and drinks.

It's not that I don't want to give you this face, but that I only had a full meal around three poles a day, and I haven't felt hungry yet.

Even if you prepare a table of wine and food, I can only taste it at best.

In this way, you will let down Miss Xue's kindness in vain, and also waste a good meal on the table.

As for girl Ren, I have already asked her about it just now.

Whether she is hungry now, I think Miss Xue, you have already seen it yourself. "

"Here, the concubine will prepare less food and wine.

Your Majesty, sister Qingrui, you two should have some lunch. "

"Miss Xue, let's talk about it when I have a chance in the future.

When I come to Sichuan as a guest in the future, I will definitely let Yatou bring me to bother me for a while.

At that time, Miss Xue, if the food you prepare is not delicious, I will not be happy. "

Xue Ning'er could also see that Liu Mingzhi really didn't intend to stay for dinner, so naturally it was not good to continue to force her.

Smiling and nodding, Xue Ning'er slightly staggered half of her body.

"Okay, the concubine will wait for His Majesty and sister Qingrui, you two distinguished guests, to visit again at any time.

At that time, the concubine has already gone all out to arrange a table of good food and wine to entertain the two of you. "

"You're welcome, I'll thank Miss Xue first."

"Don't dare, dare not, it is the blessing of the whole family for His Majesty to visit the humble house."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, smiled lightly and punched Xue Ning'er.

"It's a deal, see you later.

Miss Xue, I and Maid Ren will take our leave first. "

Ren Qingrui hurriedly took two steps forward, and gave Xue Ning'er a blessing.

"Sister Ning'er, my sister will come to see you another day, so I'll take my leave first."

"Alright, Your Majesty, sister Qingrui, I'll see you off, please."

"You're welcome, please."

Young Master Liu flicked the carved jade fan in his hand, and strode towards the outside of the gazebo with vigorous strides.

The two sisters Ren Qingrui looked at each other and silently followed Young Master Liu.

When the three of them had just reached the steps from the backyard to the front hall, two people, one tall and one lower, suddenly walked in under the curtain in front of them.

Two people, one boy and one girl.

The taller of the two is the girl, whose appearance is about seven or eight points similar to Xue Ning'er.

The boy next to him was a little shorter than the girl, and he carried an exquisite longbow on his back, and a quiver with several feathered arrows tied on his back.

At this time, he was holding a hare in one hand and a pheasant in the other, and he was rushing towards the backyard with a smile on his face.

"Sister, hurry up, I'm starving to death."

"Mom, look at what good things my sister and I hunted today.

Later you will put this...huh?There are guests at home. "

The young man walking in front was subconsciously stunned when he saw First Young Master Liu approaching him.

After the young man came back to his senses, he saw Xue Ning'er and sister Ren Qingrui following Young Master Liu.

"Ah, it's Aunt Qingrui who came to visit our house.

Aunt Qingrui, you haven't been a guest at our house for some time.

Aunt, it’s a coincidence that you came today. My nephew, my sister and I hunted a hare and a pheasant. After my mother is ready, you have to eat a few more bowls. "

The little boy who didn't know who Young Master Liu was, saw Ren Qingrui behind him and greeted him with a smile.

Xue Ning'er knew that her two sons and daughters did not know the identity of First Young Master Liu, so she was afraid that the two of them would say something inappropriate, so she immediately walked over.



The two siblings looked at their mother who was coming, and greeted in unison.

Xue Ning'er nodded with a slight smile, and walked in front of First Young Master Liu, beckoning her two sons and daughters.

Xue Ning'er hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Ren Qingrui who was at the side.

Ren Qingrui felt her good sister's questioning gaze, and shook her head slightly.

"Xin'er, Shuo'er, let me introduce you for my mother, this gentleman is Mr. Liu who came with your aunt Qingrui.

Both of you salute Mr. Liu quickly. "

The boy and the girl looked at Young Master Liu curiously, and bowed in unison.

"Daughter Deng Xin'er, I have met Mr.

"Junior Deng Shuo, I have met Mr.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the pair of siblings in front of him indifferently, and put his hands up with a faint smile.

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you sir."

Seeing Young Master Liu's cheerful expression, Xue Ning'er let out a soft breath.

After Deng Shuo got up, he directly handed the pheasant and hare in his hand to his mother.

"Mother, the boy and sister happened to hunt two prey today, and the mountain goods are good things.

We can just use it to entertain Mr. and Aunt Qingrui. "

Xue Ning'er immediately pushed back the two prey that her son handed over, smiled lightly and shook her head.

"Shuo'er, Mr. Liu and your Aunt Qingrui have already had dinner, you should put these two mountain goods aside first."

"Ah? Well, the child understands."

Just as Deng Shuo was about to put the two prey on the steps beside him, Young Master Liu raised his hand with a slight brow and raised his hand to signal.

"and many more."

Deng Shuo paused, and subconsciously raised his head to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Huh? Sir? What happened?"

"Boy, how about showing the prey in your hand to Mr.?"

"Of course there is no problem, sir, please take a look."

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hands to take the two prey from Deng Shuo, and observed them up and down in his hands.

When Xue Ning'er and Ren Qingrui saw First Young Master Liu's movements, they couldn't help becoming a little nervous.

what happened?Could it be that there is something wrong with these two mountain goods?
Liu Mingzhi gently turned the two prey in his hands, and finally found the wounds on the two prey.

Looking at the hare and pheasant that were fatally wounded by arrows on their necks, Young Master Liu's eyes flashed with admiration.

After casually returning the two prey to Deng Shuo, Young Master Liu smiled faintly.

"Boy, good arrow skills!"

Hearing Young Master Liu's words of praise, sisters Xue Ning'er and Ren Qingrui breathed a sigh of relief, and the two sisters understood what Young Master Liu meant.

Deng Shuo casually put the two mountain goods on the steps, looked at Young Master Liu and scratched his head with a silly smile on his face.

"Sir, this junior's archery skills were all taught to me by my old man before."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded as a gesture, his eyes moved to the longbow behind Deng Shuo.

"Is the big yellow bow on your back also left to you by your father?"

"That's right, this big yellow bow was also left to the younger generation by my old man on the eve of the expedition a few years ago."

"Are you nine years old?"

"Almost ten years old."

"Come, let sir see your rhubarb bow."

Deng Shuo hesitated for a moment, reached out and took off the big yellow bow on his body, and handed it to Young Master Liu.

"Sir, please take a look."

Liu Mingzhi lifted the big yellow bow and weighed it a few times, with a hint of understanding in his eyes.

Sure enough, it was the rhubarb bow, one of the standard crossbows equipped by frontier soldiers.

Stretching out his hand to pull the bowstring, Liu Mingzhi looked at Deng Shuo cheerfully.

"Boy, it seems that your father has high hopes for you!"

"Ah? What do you mean?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Deng Shuo's surprised expression, smiled lightly and stretched out his right hand in front of him.

"Come, give me a feathered arrow."

"Sir, can you also shoot arrows?"

"so far so good.

Just understand a little. "

Deng Shuo looked at First Young Master Liu who seemed to be being humble, and backhandedly drew a feathered arrow from the quiver behind his back and handed it over.

"Please sir."

Liu Mingzhi took the feather arrow, and skillfully began to bend the bow and set the arrow. With a slight force on his arm, he easily pulled the big yellow bow into a full moon.

Under everyone's curious eyes, Liu Mingzhi turned around slightly and pointed the arrow at the archery target dozens of steps away in the courtyard, and silently let go of his palm.

With a soft whoosh, the feathered arrow left the string and shot towards the distant target.

First there was a muffled pop, and then there was another jingle.

In the eyes of everyone, the arrow hit the bull's-eye accurately after shooting away. It first penetrated the thick archery target, and then sank into the wall behind the archery target.

Deng Shuo stared dumbfounded at the quivering feather arrow on the wall, and when he came back to his senses, he immediately looked at Young Master Liu excitedly.

"Sir, your arrow skills are too good. After passing through the bull's-eye, you can still sink into the wall of my house."

Xue Ning'er and the others also reacted to Deng Shuo's exclamation, and looked at First Young Master Liu in amazement.

Obviously, the few of them were also shocked by Young Master Liu's superb archery skills.

Liu Mingzhi turned the big yellow bow backhandedly, and threw it towards Deng Shuo casually.

"Boy, the range of the big yellow bow is still more than a hundred steps away. The distance from here to the archery target is only a few dozen steps. It is not difficult for the feathered arrow to penetrate the archery target."

Deng Shuo took the big yellow bow, looked at the arrows on the wall, and looked expectantly at Young Master Liu.

"Sir, can you teach me how to shoot an arrow?
Junior Deng Shuo, I am willing to worship you as my teacher. "

Liu Mingzhi shook his head without saying a word, raised his hand and patted Deng Shuo's shoulder, shook the carved jade fan in his hand and walked straight forward.

"Boy, your archery skills are already very good.

It's just because of being too young that it can't be pulled away completely.

Practice slowly, sir, and wait for the day when you are better than blue. "

(End of this chapter)

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