My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2989 I'm sorry for them

Chapter 2989 I'm sorry for them

"Sir, sir, please wait a moment."

When Deng Shuo saw that Young Master Liu was about to leave without saying a word, he hurriedly yelled a few times, took up the big yellow bow in his hand, and hurriedly chased after him.

Seeing this, Ren Qingrui, Xue Ning'er, and Deng Xin hurriedly lifted their clothes and ran after her.

"Little brother."


Deng Shuo directly ignored the greetings from his mother and sister, and hurried to Young Master Liu, opening his arms as a gesture.

"Sir, sir, please stay."

Liu Mingzhi stopped in his tracks, gently waved the carved jade fan in his hand, and casually looked at Deng Shuo, who was looking anxious.

"Boy, what do you mean?"

"Sir, this junior sincerely wants to worship you as a teacher, this junior begs you to teach me how to shoot arrows.

As long as the master is willing to accept the junior as an apprentice, the junior will listen to you. "

Deng Shuo saluted directly as he spoke, and then knelt down in front of Liu Mingzhi without hesitation.

"Junior Deng Shuo, pay my respects to my husband, and beg him to accept me as a disciple."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Deng Shuo who was kneeling in front of him with strange eyes, and shook his head helplessly.

After I saw the fatal wounds on the necks of the two prey just now, I casually praised Deng Shuo for his arrow skills.

However, when this kid heard his praise, there was a hint of complacency in his eyes.

Obviously, he is quite proud of his archery.

In order to prevent this kid from feeling proud, I wanted to give him a little warning, let him understand that there are people outside people, and there are mountains outside mountains.

It was also to let him understand that his archery technique, which he was proud of, was nothing in front of real archery masters.

Therefore, the scene where he shot through the target with an arrow and then entered the wall happened next.

My purpose of warning this kid was indeed achieved, to let him truly understand what is called a strong man has his own strong hand, and the truth that there is another mountain in every mountain.

However, I never thought that this kid's psychological endurance is so strong.

After he suffered setbacks from himself, he didn't look depressed after being hit. Instead, he wanted to worship himself as a teacher without hesitation, and wanted to improve his archery skills.

I have to say, this kid is really a guy with a bright eye.

It's a pity, how could I have the time to take this kid as an apprentice and teach him archery!
Furthermore, disciples of the Son of Heaven.

Not so easy to be.

Liu Mingzhi glanced down at Deng Shuo who looked sincere, raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, and sighed helplessly.

If he had known this earlier, he would not have shot that arrow just now.

Xue Ning'er silently looked at the rather helpless expression on Young Master Liu's face, and hurriedly blessed her.

Xue Ning'er was very clear in her heart that her son just didn't know Liu Mingzhi's true identity.

Otherwise, he might not have the guts to beg Liu Mingzhi to accept him as his apprentice.

"Mr. Liu, your lord has a lot, don't be as knowledgeable as Shuoer, this concubine will pull him up."

Xue Ning'er nodded apologetically to First Young Master Liu, and got up to pull her son up.

His son didn't know Liu Mingzhi's identity, but he knew it.

He never dared to extravagantly expect Liu Mingzhi to accept his son as an apprentice.

What kind of status is Liu Mingzhi, the king of a country, the son of heaven.

If he wanted to be a disciple of the emperor, how could his own son have such a blessing!
"Mom, what are you pulling me for? The boy just wants to worship Mr. as a teacher!"

"You kid, what nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and make way for Mr. Liu."


"Be obedient, if you are not obedient, I will be angry for my mother."

Standing aside, Ren Qingrui saw Xue Ning'er and Deng Shuo's wives tugging hard and trying to break free, and their expressions gradually became a little helpless.

Stretching out her hand and tugging Young Master Liu's sleeve, Ren Qingrui leaned close to his ear and said softly, "Da Guoguo, it's not an option to let Sister Ning'er and Shuo'er, the mother and son, keep pulling on like this.


Liu Mingzhi frowned, and turned his head towards Ren Qingrui's round ear.

"What else? Girl, you don't want me to accept this kid as a disciple, do you?

Girl, this kid doesn't know my identity, don't you?

Can I easily accept apprentices?
It's not that I look down on this kid, but that if I agree to accept him as an apprentice, there will be too many follow-up matters.

Being a disciple of the Son of Heaven is not so easy. "

Ren Qingrui shook her head generously when she saw First Young Master Liu's serious eyes.

"No, no, Da Guoguo, sister, that's not what I mean.

Sister, I want to say, how about you directly teach Shuoer some archery skills.

In this way, Da Guoguo, you don't need to accept him as an apprentice, but you can also make this child get what he wants.

How about it, my sister has a good idea, right? "

Young Master Liu was taken aback, and immediately gave Ren Qingrui a satisfied look after he realized it.

"Girl, good idea.

I really can't think of it, I haven't seen you for more than a year, but you have become so smart.

This is really three days of farewell, so we should treat each other with admiration. "

"That is, I have told you several times.

In fact, I am not melon at all, and most of the time I am witty. "

Ren Qingrui's arrogant expression had just been maintained for two breaths, and her bright eyes instantly became angry.

"Wait, I haven't seen you for more than a year, I have become so smart!
What do you mean by saying this?
What do you mean by that, that I used to be a melon? "

"No, no, girl, you are not good at all."

"Hmph, that's about the same."

"It's just a little silly."


Liu Mingzhi directly ignored Ren Qingrui's angry eyes, looked down at Deng Shuo who was struggling, and gestured with his right hand holding the folding fan.

"Boy, you get up first."

"Sir, do you agree to accept me as an apprentice?"

"Let's talk again, you should listen first."

"Yes, this junior obeys."

Deng Shuo stood up straight suddenly, and approached Young Master Liu with an excited expression.

Liu Mingzhi coughed a few times, leaned slightly and whispered in Deng Shuo's ear.

Ren Qingrui, Xue Ning'er and the others looked at each other, with a little doubt in their pretty eyes.

Because Liu Dashao's voice was too small, they couldn't hear what he was saying to Deng Shuo at all.

The women looked at Deng Shuo who was nodding frequently with surprise, and their eyes became more and more curious.

Ren Qingrui knew roughly what Young Master Liu was talking to Deng Shuo.

But seeing Deng Shuo's excited expression, she was somewhat curious about what Young Master Liu had explained.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi straightened his body, lightly smiled and patted Deng Shuo's shoulder.

"Boy, bite back and eat one bite at a time, the road has to be walked step by step.

You are still young now, so don't worry too much, just practice slowly. "

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he set off and walked forward without waiting for Deng Shuo to react.

Deng Shuo came back to his senses, and hurriedly turned to look at Liu Mingzhi who had already walked several steps.

"Sir, are you accepting me as an apprentice?"

"Boy, practice archery well."

Liu Mingzhi left a word, opened the curtain and left the backyard of Xue's drugstore.

"Sister Ning'er, I'm going to chase Da Guoguo first."


"Hey, mother?"

"You two go back and clean up first, and send off Mr. Liu and your aunt Qingrui for your mother."

"The child understands."

"Mother, wait for me, the boy will accompany you to see off the husband."

"Little brother, wait a moment."

"Sister, what are you holding me for? Let go of my hand quickly."

Deng Xin'er looked at the younger brother who was struggling constantly, and directly raised her slender fingers to grab Deng Shuo's ear.

"Stinky boy, can't you see it? Mr. Liu obviously doesn't want to accept you as an apprentice now.

You should calm down now and comprehend the skills that Mr. Liu taught you just now.

When your skills become stronger, you may have the opportunity to worship Mr. Liu as your teacher in the future. "


"Little brother, calm down quickly and comprehend the skills Mr. Liu taught you.

Mother has already gone to see off Mr. Liu, we two are just juniors, so we don't need to get involved. "

"okay, I get it."

Outside Xue's pharmacy.

Liu Mingzhi walked to the horse post and took off the reins, looked at Xue Ning'er who was smiling and hugged Xue Ning'er.

"Miss Xue, please stop, I will take my leave with Ren Yatou first."

Ren Qingrui tightened the medicine basket on her shoulders, and waved at Xue Ning'er reluctantly.

"Sister Ning'er, sister, Da Guoguo and I will take our leave first. I will come to see you when I am free someday."

"Mr. Liu, sister Qingrui, you two go slowly, I won't see you off too far away."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, took the rein of the horse and walked towards the street first.

Ren Qingrui backed away while reluctantly waving goodbye to Xue Ning'er.

"Sister Ning'er, goodbye."

"Oh, Da Guoguo, what are you doing so fast, wait for me for a while."

Xue Ning'er watched as the figures of Young Master Liu gradually merged into the crowd, shook her head with a complicated expression, turned and walked towards her own pharmacy.

After Liu Mingzhi led Fengxing away from Xue's drugstore gradually, a little confusion appeared in the depths of his eyes.

The faint smile that was originally on his face gradually subsided.

Raising his hand and stroking Feng Xing's flowing horse mane a few times, Liu Mingzhi glanced at the pedestrians coming and going around him complicatedly.

That broad figure seemed a little lonely.

Ren Qingrui was slightly taken aback when she saw Young Master Liu's back that seemed a little hungry and stooped, and the stunning Shengyan under the light gauze hat, turned around and hurriedly followed up.

Walking side by side with First Young Master Liu, Ren Qingrui asked with concern: "Da Guoguo, how are you doing? Are you okay?"

Liu Mingzhi didn't seem to have heard Ren Qingrui's words of concern for him, he was still spinning the carved jade fan in his hand in a daze, and continued to rush on the road at a leisurely pace.

Seeing Young Master Liu's appearance, the worried expression on Ren Qingrui's pretty face became serious again.

She really didn't know why Liu Mingzhi, who was so good, suddenly became like this?
One must know that when Da Guoguo bid farewell to Sister Ning'er, he still looked cheerful!

"Da Guoguo, how are you doing? Don't ignore me."

Ren Qingrui bit her cherry lips lightly, and asked softly again with a tone full of concern.

However, Liu Mingzhi still ignored her caring words.

Holding the rein of the horse, he continued to drive the road silently.

Ren Qingrui stomped her lotus feet lightly, grabbed Young Master Liu's wrist, and asked in a louder voice, "Oh, Da Guoguo, what happened to you? Don't ignore me."

Young Master Liu stopped abruptly, turned his head to look at Ren Qingrui who was holding his wrist with a puzzled expression.

"Ah? What? Girl, what are you talking about?"

"What? Da Guoguo, didn't you hear a word of what I just said?"

" there? Did you speak just now? Why didn't I hear a word?"

"Me! Me! Hmph! I cared so much about you in vain, but you actually...hmph!"

Young Master Liu looked at Ren Qingrui, who was waving her hands and stomping her feet in surprise, and put her hand behind her light gauze bamboo hat.

"It's not hot on your forehead, girl, are you okay?"

Ren Qingrui slapped First Young Master Liu's wrist away, and raised her hand to lift the veil, revealing half of her pretty face full of resentment.

"You are the only one who has trouble!"

"No, brother, I am concerned about your health?
You are baring your teeth and claws, stomping your feet and twisting your waist. If you don't know, you may think that there is something wrong with your body!

But I don't think there is something wrong with your face, girl.


Young Master Liu gasped suddenly, looked around, and moved towards Ren Qingrui with a strange expression.

"Girl, you... you can't be that?"

Ren Qingrui was stunned for a moment, looked at Young Master Liu with a puzzled look and asked.

"What is it?"

"Girl, as the saying goes, Taoists have three urgencies.

On the way we rushed to the city earlier, you drank half of my wine bag and fell asleep, and then you ate and drank at Miss Xue's house.

you won't... won't be...

Are you in a hurry? "

Ren Qingrui's vivid bright eyes shrank suddenly, and her stunningly pretty face turned rosy in a flash.

Cherry lips stared tremblingly at Young Master Liu for a moment, Ren Qingrui came back to her senses, grabbed his palm and dragged it to the small cherry mouth under the bamboo hat.

Under Young Master Liu's stunned expression, Ren Qingrui opened his mouth and bit down hard on the side of Young Master Liu's palm.

"You're just're in a hurry!
Bastard, hum! "

Ren Qingrui shook off First Young Master Liu's arm, and walked forward angrily.

"Hiss - hiss - girl, you are a dog."

Young Master Liu reacted belatedly, and hastily hissed and shook his right hand that Ren Qingrui had left a clear tooth mark on.

"Your uncle is a shovel, hum!

I really wish I could kick you, you melon.

Ha Ma... hum... hum...

If I talk to you again, I'll be a jerk. "

First Young Master Liu blew on the tooth marks on his hands, and looked at Ren Qingrui's angrily walking away, completely confused.

No, what's the situation?

Master, I don't care much about you, do I?

Young Master Liu looked at Ren Qingrui's back, and immediately pulled up his horse and chased after him.

"Girl, wait for me.

What's wrong with you?Why do you lose your temper so much? "

When Ren Qingrui heard Eldest Young Master Liu's shout behind her, her lotus feet stopped suddenly, and she lifted the light veil under the bamboo hat and waited.

"You! Didn't you really hear what I told you just now?"

"Girl, don't you understand who I am?

If I heard you talking to me, how could I ignore you?

Really, I really didn't hear you talking to me. "

"Then you looked absent-minded just now, what were you thinking?

I told you so many things, but you didn't even answer me. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and lowered his head with a complicated expression.

"I didn't think about anything."

"Say it! Don't say it, don't say it."

"Girl, I just..."

"Say it."

Liu Mingzhi remained silent for a long time with a complex expression, looked up at the sky, and sighed softly.

"Hey! Girl, I'm sorry for them!"

"What? Who are they?"

(End of this chapter)

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