My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2990 I'm sorry

Chapter 2990 I'm sorry
Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze from looking at the clear sky, and looked towards Ren Qingrui's pretty face with some doubts.

"Hehehe, they, it's them!"

"Ah? What is it? No, Da Guoguo, what kind of charades are you playing?"

Ren Qingrui's already puzzled expression became even more puzzled after hearing Young Master Liu's words.

What are they?Is this all about what?
Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips lightly, his eyes calmly scanned everything around the two of them.

Streets lined with shops, stalls hawking non-stop, pedestrians coming and going, merchants shuttling among them.

Everything was brought into view one by one by Young Master Liu.

"Hey, Brother Wei is talking about them!"

Ren Qingrui frowned slightly, and instinctively followed Young Master Liu's gaze to observe the surroundings.

However, apart from the pedestrians coming and going, and the various shops and vendors on the long street, Ren Qingrui didn't see anything special.

Da Guoguo said, who are they?

Could it be that there are some special characters among the people who come and go around the two of them?

Ren Qingrui muttered to herself, raised her hand and lifted the veil in front of her eyes, and looked curiously at the passers-by by her side.

It's a pity that my eyes are almost sore, and I can't see anything wrong with these people.

Ren Qingrui closed her eyes, blinked vigorously a few times, my eye sockets were sore, and after putting down the light veil under the bamboo hat, she moved towards First Young Master Liu.

Raising her hand to grab Young Master Liu's palm and shaking it a few times, Ren Qingrui said in a delicate voice: "Oh, Da Guoguo, sister, my eyes are sore, and I can't see anything.

Da Guoguo, stop playing charades for me, and tell me who you are talking about? "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, took the rein of the horse and walked straight forward.

"Hey, hey, Da Guoguo, just leave as soon as you say, you haven't told me who they are?"

"It's not convenient to talk here, let's talk as we walk."

"Okay, Da Guoguo, walk slowly, wait for me to sprinkle it, don't you know that I still have a medicine basket on my back?"

The two walked about seventy or eighty steps together, Liu Mingzhi suddenly glanced sideways at Ren Qingrui who was walking side by side with him, and pointed to the entrance of the alley more than ten steps away.


"Hey, what happened?"

"Can the alley in front lead to the main street?"

"of course."

"Okay, then let's go through this alley."

"Okay, I'll listen to Da Guoguo."

The two walked into the alley, Ren Qingrui observed the environment in the alley through the veil in front of her eyes, and immediately moved towards First Young Master Liu.

"Da Guoguo, there are not many people passing by in the alley, you can tell my sister now, who are they you have been talking about just now?"

Liu Mingzhi casually put the reins on Fengxing's neck, and then took off the wine bag on his waist.

"Girl, when you were on the street just now, didn't you already see it?"

Ren Qingrui lifted the veil in front of her, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a puzzled expression.

"What? My sister, I've already seen it? Why don't I know about it?"

Liu Mingzhi drank a few sips of wine, turned his eyes and glanced at Ren Qingrui with a surprised expression.

"Oh, girl!"

"Huh? What happened? Da Guoguo, why are you sighing all of a sudden?"

Liu Mingzhi blinked his eyes a few times with a melancholy expression, raised his wine bag again and took a few sips of wine.

"Three years ago, my brother and I sent 40 elite troops who have experienced many battles, and went on an expedition of thousands of miles to conquer Dashi, the barbarians of the two countries of Tianzhu.

In addition to the 40 elite troops who have experienced many battles, tens of thousands of auxiliary soldiers accompanied them on the expedition of thousands of miles.

Around the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, my brother and I sent another [-] young soldiers who were in the same year, and once again went to the land of Xiyi thousands of miles away.

In order to ensure the food and grass for the [-] main soldiers and horses, tens of thousands of auxiliary soldiers went on an expedition together.

Not counting the elite soldiers and horses of the Protectorate of the Western Regions, the hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers and horses mobilized by the countries of the Western Regions, and a large number of auxiliary soldiers.

There are already 60 to [-] soldiers and horses in the three prefectures of Dalong Neifu, Beifu, and Xinfu. "

"What? In just a few years, 60 to [-] soldiers and horses have gone out for expeditions just from the imperial court?"

"Yes, just for the three main prefectures in my Dalong Pass, in the past few years, 60 to [-] elite soldiers have gone on expeditions for the country.

If you add the elite cavalry of the Protectorate of the Western Regions and the elite soldiers and horses of the countries of the Western Regions.

There are already a million heroes, or more.

That is to say, in just a few years, under the order of our brother, millions of soldiers have left their hometowns and expeditions to the barbarians thousands of miles away.

Girl, there are millions of heroes! "

"Da Guoguo, isn't this great?
In just a few years, millions of troops can throw their heads and sprinkle their blood on expeditions for the country, which is enough to show the strength and prosperity of our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty.

Da Guoguo, as the king of a country, shouldn't you be proud of seeing this?happy?

Why...why do you still sigh with melancholy? "

"That's right, there are millions of soldiers throwing their heads and blood to fight for the country, brother and I, as the king of a country, should really feel excited and happy.

Just like what you said just now, girl, this alone shows the strength of my dragon.


"But what?"

Liu Mingzhi wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with his fingers, and sighed with a low expression.

"But, girl, you said that among the families of the millions of heroes.

How many Xue Ning'er will there be? "

"Huh? What do you mean? How many sisters Ning'er will there be..."

Ren Qingrui stopped halfway through her questioning words.

Turning her head to look at First Young Master Liu, Ren Qingrui stared at his gloomy expression for a long time, seeming to understand something.

"Da Guoguo, my sister understands what you just said about them.

What it refers to is not certain people, but the families of hundreds of thousands of expeditionary soldiers.

Right? "

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the wine, raised his hand and patted Ren Qingrui's shoulder with a sigh.

"Girl, you have poor bones beside the Wuding River, you're still the one in Spring Girl's dream!"

Ren Qingrui stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi who was full of admiration, and the playful expression on his stunningly pretty face gradually disappeared.

After a long silence with a worried expression, she raised her hand and tugged at Young Master Liu's sleeve.

"Da Guoguo, Sister Ning'er...she just wants to ask her brother-in-law when he will be able to come back home, there is no other meaning.

Sister, I know Sister Ning'er, so stop thinking about it.

For my sister's sake, don't be as knowledgeable as her, okay? "

Young Master Liu heard the worry in Renqingru's words, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Hehehe, girl, what are you thinking?"

"I...I'm just worried that Da Guoguo will..."

"Girl, you don't have to think so much.

Let me tell you clearly, Brother Wei, I don't have the slightest intention to blame Miss Xue. "


"Of course it's true, don't you understand Brother Wei's character?"

"Yeah, sister, I knew you were the best, Da Guoguo.

Since you are not angry with Sister Ning'er, then I feel relieved.

Big fruit. "

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Because of sister Ning'er's words earlier, what were you thinking just now?"

"For my brother, I am introspecting and reflecting."

"Introspection? Reflection?"

"Yes, in self-examination and reflection."

"What is self-examination? What is reflection?"

"Self-examination and reflection, is it wrong for my brother to send millions of soldiers to conquer the barbarians for the sake of Dalong's country and society?"


"Girl, is it wrong for you to say that I am a brother?"

Ren Qingrui frowned and fell silent for a moment, watching Young Master Liu vigorously shake his head.

"That's right, Da Guoguo, what's wrong with you.

Since you ascended the throne and proclaimed yourself emperor, the people in the prefectures all over the world have lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the national power of our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty has become stronger and stronger day by day.

Compared with the days when the Three Kingdoms were divided into regimes many years ago, there were continuous wars and disputes.

Now my Dalong world is changing with each passing day under your governance of Daguoguo.

Yang Wei overseas, proud of the world.The four barbarians serve as guests, and all nations come to court.

Just this one sentence explains the half-life achievements of you, the king of a country, Da Guoguo.

My Dalong Celestial Dynasty can have such a mighty power that looks down on all nations in the world, Daguoguo, you, the king of a country, have contributed a lot.

In just a few years, you, Da Guoguo, have created such a prosperous world that has rarely been seen in more than a hundred years.

If this is all wrong, what else is right in the world?

Da Guoguo, do you know what is the most important point? "

"Huh? What?"

"Da Guoguo, from the beginning to the end, sister Ning'er just asked you when brother-in-law will be able to return from the expedition.

Between the lines, I didn't have any dissatisfaction with Da Guoguo.

This alone is enough to prove, Da Guoguo, your decision——

That's right!
Three years ago, my sister and I were still in the capital with you, Da Guoguo, sister Yun and the others.

My sister, I also know the reasons why my Dalong's hundreds of thousands of elite troops went on an expedition to Dashi, and the two countries of Tianzhu and the barbarians.

Before the hundreds of thousands of troops set off, the imperial court also issued a notice to all people in the world.

The people of the world also know the reason why you, Da Guoguo, sent troops to attack the barbarians of the two countries.

At that time, all the people in the world gathered to respond to the orders of you, Da Guoguo, the king of a country.

The people in the prefectures all over the country are unwilling to support your decision, Da Guoguo, and support the determination of the imperial court Yang Wei to rule the world.

This point is more than enough to show that Da Guoguo's decision is correct. "

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at Ren Qingrui's serious expression, and gently turned the emerald wrench on his thumb.

"It turns out that my prestige in the eyes of the people is already so high as a brother?"

"Da Guoguo, Sister Ning'er misses her brother-in-law, and the families of millions of other soldiers miss the soldiers of the expedition, this is an inevitable thing.

Family affection, between husband and wife, haven't seen each other for many years, how can anyone not miss each other!

Just like my sister, I have been away from the capital for more than a year. When I am bored alone, I can't help but miss you... miss... what.


Da Guoguo, over the years, my sister and I have traveled back and forth between the northern Xinjiang, the capital of the East China Sea, and the capitals of Sichuan and other places, and have witnessed with our own eyes how the lives of the people are.

Sister, I can tell you plainly, Da Guoguo, you have given all the people in the world the life they want.

For this alone, Da Guoguo, you can be called a wise king of the world.

So, no matter what you hear or see for a while, you don't have to worry about it.

Don't be distracted by the momentary words.

Da Guoguo, you are a good emperor, one of the few good emperors in all dynasties.

If you don't believe my sister's words, you can ask a commoner in Shu on the street at will.

Today's son Liu Mingzhi, is he a good emperor?

Maybe you should think about it in your heart, even if the lives of the people are not good, you dare not say that Da Guoguo, the king of a country, is a fool.

but?Da Guoguo, your life experience is much richer than that of my sister and me.

I believe that just from the looks and expressions of the people when they speak, you can tell whether they are telling the truth or lying.

In addition, you can also go to the homes of the people to see what they eat every day?
A momentary speech can be false, so the meals that are normally prepared can't be false, right?

Da Guoguo, the truth that you can't have both, with your knowledge, should be clearer than my sister and me, a mere girl. "

Liu Mingzhi swallowed the wine in his mouth, raised the wine bag in his hand and gestured to Ren Qingrui.

"Girl, do you want some?"

Ren Qingrui smiled lightly, took the wine bag handed over by Young Master Liu without hesitation, and sent it directly to Sakura Lips.

"You don't think you've drunk it for brother, at least wipe it off."

Ren Qingrui gave Young Master Liu a white look with bright eyes and coquettishness, and took a big gulp of wine with her wine bag in her mouth.

After a short rest, Ren Qingrui wiped the drink next to her cherry lips with a smile.

"Oh, it's more comfortable to live with you, Da Guoguo.

Such a good drink, my sister, I can't drink it once in a few months.

Of course, I am not willing to buy such a good drink just because my sister and I earned the money by picking herbs.

But, sister, I...I..."

"Huh? Why didn't you continue?"

"Hmm - keep it secret."

"As for?"

"My pleasure."


"Well, what happened?"

"You know? What I think about my brother is actually very simple."


"I just thought, as long as I fight the battles and do the things I need to do for my brother's generation.

Then the sons and daughters of the elder brothers, as well as our future children and grandchildren, will no longer have to fight.

Look no further.

What a pity. "

"Huh? What a pity?"

"It's a pity that my brother's thinking is too simple, some things cannot be done in one generation.

but! "

"Huh? What?"

"Whether it can be done or not, I want to give it a try as a brother.

Infamy or notoriety.

Brother, I want to try it.

After all, in today's world, it is for my brother and me to shoulder the burden. "

"Big fruit."


Ren Qingrui raised her snow-white jade neck, raised her wine bag and took a swig.

After a while, Ren Qingrui put down the wine bag, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a sad expression.

"You are a good father and a good emperor.


You are not a good man!

do you know?

The girl in your mouth.

I miss you day and night.

You are worthy of everyone in the world, but you are sorry for me, Ren Qingrui. "

(End of this chapter)

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