My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2991 Good Medicine

Chapter 2991 Good Medicine

Liu Mingzhi was a little caught off guard by Ren Qingrui's sudden love words.

He stared blankly at Ren Qingrui, whose eyes were slightly red with wine dripping from the corner of his lips, and his lips were pursing non-stop.

He obviously wanted to say something to the girl in front of him, but he didn't know where to start.

Some words have clearly reached their lips, but they can't come out anyway.


Liu Mingzhi may be worthy of everyone in the world, but he is the only one who is sorry for her, Ren Qingrui.

The girl was right, even she thought so.

"Girl, it's for brother, am I right..."

Just hearing what Liu Mingzhi said earlier, Ren Qingrui seemed to already know what Young Master Liu was going to say next.

When First Young Master Liu finished speaking halfway, she interrupted directly.

"Big fruit."


"The so-called sorry, you don't have to say it anymore.

You have said this to my sister many times.

Da Guoguo, you haven't said enough, but I'm tired of hearing it.

You know better than anyone else, sister, what I want is not to be sorry. "

Hearing Ren Qingrui's words that hit his heart directly, Liu Mingzhi lowered his head guiltily.

He rubbed his hands for a while as if there was nowhere to place them, and habitually touched the dry pipe at his waist.

Ren Qingrui's bright, clear and beautiful eyes just quietly watched Young Master Liu pull out the pipe from his waist and deftly fill it with shredded tobacco.

This time, she didn't open her mouth to say anything more about Daguoguo, this thing is not good for the body, so you should give up your words of admonition.

Ren Qingrui watched quietly as First Young Master Liu lit the shredded tobacco with a torch, then raised the wine bag in his hand and sent it straight to the rosy lips.

The mouth of the sandalwood was slightly opened, revealing a few broken jade-like silver teeth, and Ren Qingrui drank the old wine in her hand one after another with her cherry lips in her mouth.

It seems that everything goes without saying.

All in the wine.

"Oh, girl, why are you bothering?"

"This sentence, Da Guoguo, you have told me dozens of times since the day we first met outside the city of Yingzhou in northern Xinjiang, and now a few years later.

Sister, when I followed you back to the capital from northern Xinjiang for the first time, Da Guoguo, you told me.

Then, I followed from the capital and returned to northern Xinjiang. Da Guoguo, you also told me.

Da Guoguo, you raised your troops to rebel and proclaimed yourself emperor. After my sister returned to the capital with you, Da Guoguo, sister Yun and the others, you also told me, Da Guoguo.

Later, when you advised me to go to Donghai to meet that person, you also told me.

Later, when my sister and I came back from the East China Sea, after we reunited with you, Da Guoguo, at the hexagram stall outside Penglai Restaurant, you also told me.

During the days when I lived in your house in Daguoguo, during this period, at certain times, you even said these words to me time and time again.

Da Guoguo, the last time you said this to me was on the third day of May last year when you sent me away from the capital and back to Sichuan.

What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Sister, I thought that after listening to this sentence, people would feel tingling in the heart, hesitate, and tremble in the heart.

For the rest of my life until the day I die, I will never hear it again.

However, fate is really a trick!

After a year, five months, and another eighteen days.

Da Guoguo, you said this sentence to me again.

Girl, why are you bothering?

Girl, why are you bothering? "

Ren Qingrui glanced at Liu Mingzhi, who was gloomy and silently puffing out clouds and smoke while holding a cigarette stick, blinked his red eyes vigorously a few times, raised his wine bag and took a few sips of wine again.

"Why bother? It's really hard!
This bitter taste, my sister, I will taste it every day.

Bitter day by day, more bitter each time.

But, sister, I can't help it!

Big fruit, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, which of the five tastes is better than bitter!

However, I tasted it over and over again, but I was always reluctant.

Da Guoguo, tell me, am I sick? "

Ren Qingrui's words were very calm, from beginning to end.

There was no loud questioning, nor any unwilling reprimand.

However, whether it was Ren Qingrui herself or Liu Mingzhi, the listener.

They can all feel the sourness under the calm words, the sourness that cannot be expected.

Liu Mingzhi didn't know what Ren Qingrui was thinking, but Liu Mingzhi could clearly feel the pain in her calm words.

Because, the meaning of suffering was exactly what I brought to her.

I am the starting point of this story and the end of this story.

"Big fruit!"

Liu Mingzhi paused suddenly when he raised the cigarette rod, and looked sideways at Ren Qingrui who was walking side by side with him.


"It is said that good medicine tastes bitter and is good for the disease. Da Guoguo, tell me, my sister, I have been suffering for so long, but why does this disease not get better?
Isn't it, sister, my bitter medicine, it's not bitter enough! "

Liu Mingzhi's body trembled, and he stared intently at Ren Qingrui who was also staring straight at him.

It seems to be a coincidence.

It seems to be sent out with emotion.

Liu Mingzhi, who had never known what to say, looked at Ren Qingrui's bright eyes full of bitterness and blurted out: "There are three thousand diseases in the world, only lovesickness can't be cured."

Ren Qingrui smiled lightly, raised her wine bag and took a few sips of wine.

"Yes! My sister, what I said earlier is indeed correct.

Or Daguoguo, you have a wider knowledge.

You are so right. There are three thousand diseases in the world, but lovesickness is the only one that cannot be cured.

Maybe, sister, I will never be able to recover in my life. "

Just when Liu Mingzhi was about to say something, Ren Qingrui suddenly spoke again.

"Big fruit."

"Huh? What... what's wrong?"

"Sister, I want to ask you a question, can I?"

Hearing Ren Qingrui's low-toned words, Liu Mingzhi looked at the shredded tobacco that had been reduced to ashes in the tobacco pot, and wanted to refill it with Yiguo shredded tobacco.

The moment he opened the cigarette bag, Liu Mingzhi thought of something, then he tightened the cigarette bag in his hand, raised his foot and knocked out the embers in the smoke pot.

This stuff is not good for your health, so smoke less.


This thing is really not good for the body, so you should really smoke less.

When no one reminds me, I smoke it myself.

But when the beauty reminded me, I really should restrain myself a little bit.

Young Master Liu rolled the pipe in his hand, looked at Ren Qingrui, who was still holding up the wine bag and gulping down the wine, and sighed with guilt.

"If it's possible, Brother Wei hopes that you don't ask any further.

It's a pity, Brother Wei knows in his heart that I can't seem to stop you. "

"Hehehe, Da Guoguo is Da Guoguo, and he is still so smart.

My sister's question hasn't been uttered yet, Da Guoguo, you already know what I want to ask my sister.

Now that Da Guoguo is clear to you, I don't have anything to say about my sister. "

Ren Qingrui held up the wine bag that seemed to never be drunk, put it in her mouth and took a sip.

"Da Guoguo, I asked you the same question back then, sister, and I will ask you again today, sister.

Why should I bear the mistakes made by others, why should I bear them.

In front of you, Da Guoguo, I have never denied that my old man committed an unforgivable crime because he was blinded by power.

It is precisely because of the crimes committed by my old man that even 'Ren Qingrui' has been stigmatized as the demon queen who has brought disaster on the country.

I don't know what others think of 'Ren Qingrui', and I don't want to know, let alone know.

Because of those things about that 'Ren Qingrui', I don't have half a copper coin relationship with my sister.

So I don't want to bother, let alone bother.

However, others don't know certain things, but you, Da Guoguo, do!

My sister wanted to know.

When you impose the faults of some people on me, my sister.

Have you ever felt heartache?Did I feel unfair because of my sister?
Yes, sister, my name is Ren Qingrui, and my sister is also Ren Qingrui.

But, sister, where did I go wrong?
Da Guoguo, tell me, sister, where did I go wrong? "

Seeing Ren Qingrui's movement of drinking again, Liu Mingzhi quickly snatched the wine bag from her hand.

"Oh, you are not wrong."

Ren Qingrui glanced at Liu Mingzhi who had snatched the wine bag away, a bitter smile could not help but appear on the corners of his lips,

"Da Guoguo, you are always like this.

Always think about treating everyone around you fairly, and always think about taking care of everyone you care about.

Unfortunately, until the end.

You seem to be not taking care of everyone.

You always think about everyone from your own perspective, but you ignore one point, that is, whether the things you consider for others from your own perspective are what that person needs. "

Hearing Ren Qingrui's pointed words, Liu Mingzhi nodded and glanced at the wine, which was only half of the wine bag left, before sending it to his mouth.

"Yes, girl, you are right, it is true that no one has taken good care of my brother.

I owe too many people, but, I have too many burdens on me.

I have kept some words in my heart for a long time, and I feel a little tired after pressing them down.

But I never told anyone, whether it was my parents, or my friends, or my brother.

Even Yun'er, their sisters, and others, as well as Sister Ya who knows how to be considerate of me, understand me, and care about me.

I never told her.

Girl, you and Sister Ya have known each other for many years, so you should know her character well.

Among the many wives who are brothers and sisters, who is the one who understands and understands me the most.

Brother, I can tell you frankly that this person is none other than Sister Ya.

Whether it's Yun'er, Sister Shan, or Wanyan and Yao'er and their sisters.

Among their many sisters, the only one who can suppress the hostility in Brother Wei's heart is Sister Ya.

The only person who can make me calm down and think is only Sister Ya.

Saying this for my brother is not because of my brother's preference for her.

Rather, she gave her the feeling that no one else could give her brother.

I didn't even say a lot of things to Sister Ya.

Other people, brother, let alone open my heart to them.

By saying this for my brother, it's not that I don't trust them.

Rather, as a brother, I don't want to bring my pressure on them.

As you said just now, I always want to treat everyone around me fairly and take care of everyone who cares about me.

But in the end, it seemed that everyone was not taken care of.

However, since the two of us have talked to this point today, as a brother, I will make an exception and tell you. "

Holding the wine bag, Liu Mingzhi remained silent for a long time with a heavy expression, then raised his head and drank the rest of the wine in the bag.

"Girl, the burden on me for my brother---

too heavy!
On the eve of the death of my brother's father, Emperor Ruizong Daxing, my brother once recited a piece of music for him.

You know, what is it? "

"Huh? What song is it?"

"Borrow another 500 years from the sky."

"Huh? What song?"

"Borrow another 500 years from the sky."

"Borrow another 500 years from the sky, and if you spend another 500 years, wouldn't you want to live like a tortoise...cough cough cough...

Da Guoguo, 500 years, that's too long to live. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Ren Qingrui's pretty face that seemed a bit embarrassed, and sighed deeply,

"If there is a if, brother, why don't you hope that God will give him another 500 years for the old man.

Because in this case, I don't have to be so tired as a brother. "

Ren Qingrui frowned slightly, and snatched the wine bag from Young Master Liu's hand.

"Da Guoguo, you have led my sister astray again.

Sister, I remember, the topic between the two of us at the beginning seems to have nothing to do with the current topic, right? "

Ren Qingrui put the wine bag to her mouth as she spoke.

But when she wanted to drink, she realized that the wine in the wine bag had already bottomed out.

"Da Guoguo, sister, I just want to know where I went wrong.

Is this so easy to answer question so difficult for you? "

When Ren Qingrui's question was answered, she suddenly realized that the two of them had walked out of an alley where there were not many passers-by before they knew it.

Ren Qingrui shook the empty wine bag in her hand, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a complicated expression.

"Da Guoguo, I'll return this bag of wine to you, sister."

While Ren Qingrui spoke, she raised her eyes and looked around the main street in Chengzhou City.

After a short breath, she carried the wine bag and walked directly towards a wine shop with a flag flying.

"Da Guoguo, sister, let me tell you first.

I can keep my drink girl full, but if it suits your taste, then I don't care. "

"Girl, no need."

"Why don't you use it? Don't you like to owe others the least?

Just right, sister, I have been influenced by you these years, and I also don't like to owe others.

Since I drank your wine, sister, I should give you back a wine bag.

But, sister, I only have a few taels of silver, what kind of wine can I get, Da Guoguo, you can drink whatever kind of wine. "


Ren Qingrui turned a deaf ear to Young Master Liu's yelling, and walked straight towards the wine shop on the street.

A moment later, Ren Qingrui walked towards First Young Master Liu with a wine bag in his hand and a smile on his face.

After putting the stopper on, Ren Qingrui directly handed the wine bag in front of Young Master Liu.

"Hey, my sister, I've filled up the wine for you. I spent all the money I earned from selling herbs today."

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at Ren Qingrui's pretty face with a forced smile, and reached out to take the wine bag she handed over.

"Girl, you also sold the herbs you picked on the mountain today,

Where are you going next? "

"Hehe, what's the point? Of course I'm going home!"

(End of this chapter)

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