Chapter 2992
"go home?"

When Ren Qingrui heard Young Master Liu's question, she gently spread her pale hands.

"Otherwise? You can't just wander around the street like this forever?

You don't feel tired, sister, I am tired.

You must know that before I met you, Da Guoguo, I spent half a day picking herbs in the mountains and forests!
Then he came to the city to sell herbal medicine and traveled for so long, and now the herbal medicine has been sold to Sister Ning'er.

If I don't go home and rest, what else can I do? "

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, and casually tied the wine bag in his hand around his waist.

"That's true."

Ren Qingrui raised her hand and took off the medicine basket on her body, and put it directly into Young Master Liu's hands.

"Da Guoguo, my sister, I have lived in your house for so long, and today you are going to my sister's house as a guest.

Let's go, sister, I will lead the way for you. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the medicine basket in his hand, frowned slightly and looked at Ren Qingrui who motioned for him to follow, but did not move to follow.

Ren Yatou is going home, should I go back with her?

If he went to her house with her, he would definitely meet her parents.

Because of what happened back then, I didn't have much affection for Ren Wenyue.

If possible, I really don't want to meet him.

However, if he doesn't go back with her, it means that he and Ren Yatou have just met again, and they will have to part again in a hurry.

In this case, I don't know what this girl should think about.

On the one hand, he wanted to meet Ren Wenyue, a person he didn't like very much, and on the other hand, he had just reunited with Ren Yatou, and was about to say goodbye in a hurry.

With these two roads in front of me, it is really difficult to choose!

How to do?To go or not to go?

"Da Guoguo, why are you in a daze, hurry up and follow me."

Liu Mingzhi came to his senses amidst Ren Qingrui's shouts, and walked towards Ren Qingrui who was waving to him, holding the medicine basket in one hand and the rein in the other.

"Girl, for my brother...then what, why don't you go home by yourself."

Ren Qingrui had just taken two steps with swaying lotus steps, when she heard Young Master Liu's words, her steps stopped suddenly, and she turned sideways to look at him.


"There's no reason, it's just inconvenient for my brother."

"That! If I go home by myself, sister, what will you do, Da Guoguo?"

"It should be returning to Beijing."

"No, the two of us have just met, and we haven't had time to catch up on the past, how can you go back to Beijing, Da Guoguo?

No, no, sister, I don't agree. "

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment, then let out a complicated expression.

"Then how about this, brother, I'll find an inn in the city to stay.

Wait until you have recovered enough energy tomorrow, girl, and then come to find me as a brother. "

"Da Guoguo, sister, I have a place to live at home, why do you need to live in an inn?

Not to mention wasting money in vain, I haven't lived comfortably at home yet.

Oh, just listen to my sister and live in my house, that's the deal. "

"However, this is really inconvenient."

When Ren Qingrui heard that First Young Master Liu had rejected her invitation again, she frowned slightly and lifted the veil in front of her.

Seeing Young Master Liu's frowning and complicated expression, Ren Qingrui turned her bright eyes a few times, as if thinking of something.

Ren Qingrui rolled her eyes angrily, put down the veil in her hand, stretched out her hand to hold Young Master Liu's wrist and walked straight forward.

"Da Guoguo, sister, I understand. Your so-called inconvenience is because you don't want to see my old man, right?"

Young Master Liu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he heard Ren Qingrui speak to his true thoughts.

"Girl, I, hi!"

Ren Qingrui dodged the pedestrians walking across and looked back at First Young Master Liu.

"Da Guoguo, don't worry, just go home with my sister.

Just put your heart in your belly, sister, I won't make things difficult for you.

Just follow my sister and me home, you will know what's going on later. "

Ren Qingrui's words made First Young Master Liu hesitate for a moment, and let her lead him forward.

At the same time, there was a hint of curiosity in my heart.

won't make it difficult for me.

What's the meaning?Could it be that girl Ren didn't live with her parents?

While Young Master Liu was secretly guessing, Ren Qingrui led Young Master Liu all the way to the north gate of Chengzhou.

After about half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi looked at the city gate ahead, and couldn't help but feel puzzled.

"Girl, don't you want to go home? Why are you here at the city gate?"

"Just follow me, my sister."


Under Young Master Liu's increasingly puzzled expression, Ren Qingrui pulled Young Master Liu all the way out of the north city gate of Chengzhou.

Young Master Liu took a look at the endless official road, and couldn't suppress the doubt in his heart.

"No, girl, what's the matter with you?

Why are you out of town? "

Ren Qingrui let go of the slender hand holding Young Master Liu's wrist, raised her hand to caress Feng Xing's mane, and under Young Master Liu's puzzled gaze, turned on the horse and rode on the horse's back.

"Da Guoguo, you are such a smart person, can't you see it now? My sister, I don't live with my parents."

"How should I put it, just now, for my brother, I carefully considered what you told me, girl.

You said you wouldn't embarrass me, so I just guessed that you might not live with your parents.

But even if you don't live with them, you don't have to go out of town, do you? "

As Liu Mingzhi was talking, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Ren Qingrui who was riding on horseback.

"Girl, you don't want to tell me that you live outside the city?"

"Yes, congratulations on your answer."

"What? You really live out of town?"

"Of course, didn't I tell you the answer just now?"

"No, with the money you have, buying a house in the city and settling down is a trivial matter.

If you don't live in the city, why do you live outside the city? "

"Well, you don't have to worry about this, anyway, I like my sister."

"Then which village or village do you live in outside the city?"

Ren Qingrui slightly moved her hips forward a few times, and reached out to pat the horse's back.

"Don't ask so many questions, you'll know when you get to Daguoguo.

Now, get on Massa! "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui who was trying to trick him, and shook his head helplessly.

He put the medicine basket in his hand on his back first, then turned over and rode on the horse.

Liu Mingzhi took the reins from Ren Qingrui's hand, nodded and glanced at the beautiful woman nestled in his arms naturally, and lightly whipped the horsewhip.

"Tell me, where are you going?"

"Hey, just go straight on, about five and a half miles."

"About five and a half miles, right?"

"Well, my sister will tell you in advance when it's almost here."

"Sit still."

"got it."

Liu Mingzhi clamped the horse's belly, and swung the whip in his hand heavily.


Feng Xing, who was walking slowly, immediately speeded up after hearing Young Master Liu's order, and galloped on the official road with all four hooves rolling.

The distance of five and a half miles is, at best, a short while for Feng Xing.

"Da Guoguo, you can slow down a bit, just turn left at the intersection ahead."


Hearing Ren Qingrui's reminder, Liu Mingzhi immediately tugged on the horse's rein, slowing down his speed.

"Girl, is it the intersection about seventy or eighty steps away from us?"

"That's right, that's the intersection."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and manipulated Fengxing to rush towards the intersection pointed by Ren Qingrui.

When the two rushed to the intersection, Young Master Liu's expression was slightly stunned.

"Girl, why does this road look like a road leading to the mountain ahead? Are you sure you didn't take the wrong road?"

"My sister, I will take this road every three to five times. Of course, I won't admit my mistake. Just go forward."

Hearing Ren Qingrui's extremely affirmative words, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a strange expression.



Liu Mingzhi rode his horse and walked for about a mile, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes again.

"Girl, it doesn't look like a village in front of you. Are you sure you live here?"

"Okay, sure, just go ahead, and you will reach the place where my sister and I live in about a mile and a half."

Young Master Liu really didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Ren Qingrui's gourd, so he walked forward again.

No matter what, I'd better listen to what this girl has to say for now, and let's talk about it after we get to the home she mentioned.

After about a few cups of tea, Ren Qingrui straightened her waist suddenly, took off the gauze bamboo hat on her head, raised her hand and pointed forward.

"Da Guoguo, look quickly, the house in front is my sister's home."

Liu Mingzhi pulled the rein, and looked directly in the direction of Ren Qingrui's finger.

I saw a small courtyard with a fence built against the mountain on a flat land halfway up the mountain in front, and it came straight into Young Master Liu's eyes.

Except for the small fenced yard, there are no houses around.

"Ya... girl, is this your home?"

"Yes, how is it? Doesn't it look very chic?"

"It's quite unique, but you live here alone, don't you have any neighbors around?"

"Yeah, it's fine to live alone."

While talking, Ren Qingrui reached out and grabbed Young Master Liu's arm, rolled over and jumped off the horse's back.

"Da Guoguo, let's go, let's take a look at my sister's house."

Liu Mingzhi nodded in a daze, got off his horse, took the bridle and followed.

"Girl, how long have you lived here alone?"

"It's been more than a year. After returning to Sichuan from the capital, I moved here about two months ago, my sister."

"What? Have you lived for so long?"

"That's right, I've lived here for more than a year before I knew it."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a strange expression, and looked around the surrounding environment.

"Brother, I thought you girl lived in a village outside the city? I didn't expect you to live at the foot of the mountain."

"The name of this mountain is Sanquan Mountain, so named because there are three springs at the foot of the mountain that gushing sweet spring water all the year round.

The spring water gushing out of the three springs tastes particularly sweet and delicious.

Four miles away from the southeast of the foot of the mountain, there is a village of Chenjia. The people in the village will come here to fetch spring water every now and then.

Sister, I also rely on those springs for washing and cooking on weekdays.

Those three springs are more than a hundred paces ahead. After we have a rest, sister, I will take you to have a look.

Let Da Guoguo taste the sweet spring water. "

"it is good."

"Da Guoguo, my sister, the air here is not only fresh, but the environment is also very quiet.

It makes people far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Listening to the crisp and melodious birdsong in the forest every morning is the greatest joy of living here. "

"Girl, no matter how good the environment here is, how comfortable your life will be.

However, it is too dangerous for you, a girl, to live here alone.

If you encounter some villain with evil intentions on weekdays, how can you protect yourself as a girl?
Furthermore, there are many ferocious beasts in the mountains and forests. How can you, a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, be the opponent of those ferocious beasts.

Saying these things for my brother is not to curse you, but to consider your safety.

Girl, you are too courageous. "

"Da Guoguo, there are so many wicked people in the world, there are still more good people."

"Yes, girl, you are right, there are indeed more good people in the world.

However, no matter how many good people there are, there will always be evil people.

As long as you meet a villain, it's too late to regret it.

Listen to my brother, don't stay here, it's too dangerous for you to be here alone. "

Knowing that Ren Qingrui lived here alone, Liu Mingzhi was naturally worried.

Ren Qingrui smiled when she heard First Young Master Liu's advice.

"Da Guoguo, I know all the girls you mentioned.

But, sister, I am a little girl, since I dare to live here alone, I must have my own confidence.

You, don't worry, sister, I will be fine! "

"You have the confidence to fart. The two of us have known each other for so long. Don't I understand what you look like?"

Ren Qingrui rolled her eyes coquettishly when she heard Young Master Liu's angry words.

"Da Guoguo, after three days of farewell, you should treat each other with admiration. Don't you keep watching through the crack of the door to see if someone is okay with you?"

"Brother, I don't mean to look down on you, what I said is the truth."

"Not always."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui's confident expression, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Judging by the girl's serious expression, it doesn't look like she's joking.

Could it be that this girl really has some confidence that she doesn't know about?
Liu Mingzhi discussed secretly in his heart, then turned to look at Ren Qingrui and asked very curiously: "Okay, then girl, tell me, what confidence do you have."

"Okay, then sister, I'll let Da Guoguo open your eyes."

Ren Qingrui narrowed her eyes, and took out a strange-looking bamboo flute from her bosom with a smiling face.

Young Master Liu frowned when he saw the weird bamboo flute in Ren Qingrui's hand.

Why is this bamboo flute a bit like the bamboo flute on Lian'er's body?
Ren Qingrui nimbly turned the bamboo flute in her hand with her ten pale jade fingers, and handed it to Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Hey, Da Guoguo, you can see for yourself."

Liu Mingzhi took the bamboo flute from Ren Qingrui's hand, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

I read it right, the appearance of this bamboo flute is indeed similar to the bamboo flute on Lian Er.

Although there is a slight difference, it is not too big.

Lian'er's bamboo flute is used to control Gu insects.

And this girl's bamboo flute is so similar to the bamboo flute in Lian'er's hand.

Could it be?

"Girl, have you learned the art of Gu poison from Lian'er?"

(End of this chapter)

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