Chapter 2997
Liu Mingzhi placed the bowls and dishes in his hand on the table sideways, and looked at the two jars of wine on the table in surprise.

"Girl, did you brew these drinks yourself?"

Ren Qingrui tapped Zhenshou heavily a few times, raised her jade neck triumphantly, and looked like a big fruit, please hurry up and praise me.

"Yeah, right Sarah?"

"You can still make wine? Why didn't I hear you mention it before?"

"Sister, I didn't know how to speak before, but I learned it from Sister Ya later."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the smug expression on Ren Qingrui's pretty face, shook his head angrily, reached out to pick up a jug of wine and looked at it.

"Almond dew."

Liu Mingzhi softly repeated the name of the drink in his hand, then turned his head and looked out of the window of the room.

Looking quietly at the apricot trees on the hillside outside the room, Liu Mingzhi nodded imperceptibly.

It seems to have understood what these drinks are made of.

Ren Qingrui followed Young Master Liu's gaze and looked out the window, then raised her slender hand and waved it in front of him a few times.

"Da Guoguo, you should know what this wine is made of, right?"

Liu Mingzhi closed his gaze, smiled lightly and sat down on the bamboo chair next to him.

"Apricot trees are planted outside the yard, and the wine you brew is also called Apricot Blossom Dew.

After thinking about it for a while, I know what raw materials you use to make wine, girl. "
"Hehehe, as expected of Da Guoguo, she is still so smart."

Ren Qingrui praised Young Master Liu with a smile, raised her lotus feet, walked across to Young Master Liu and sat down.

"Da Guoguo, I brewed these wines specially for you, sister, please open them and taste how they taste."

"Okay, brother, how about you have a good taste of your wine making skills today?"

Liu Mingzhi put the wine jar on the table, and gently patted the mud off the wine jar.

When the sealing mud fell, a strong aroma of wine instantly emanated from the wine jar.

The smell of wine with the fragrance of apricot blossoms came directly towards the two of them.

In just a short breath, the rich aroma of wine permeated the surroundings.

Liu Mingzhi is a person who loves wine. After smelling the aroma of wine, he immediately took a few deep breaths, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Good wine, really good wine."

Ren Qingrui also slightly moved Qiong's nose a few times, and immediately picked up the wine glasses and placed them in front of each other.

Looking at Young Master Liu's intoxicated expression, there was undisguised tenderness in her beautiful eyes.

"Da Guoguo, you haven't tasted the taste yet, so you're sure it's a good wine?"

Liu Mingzhi opened his aggressive eyes, and nodded without hesitation.

"Of course, brother, I know it's a good wine just because of the strong aroma of the wine."

"That's not necessarily true, let's taste how it tastes first.

To tell you the truth, this is the first time my sister has taken out these wines since they entered the wine cellar. I don't even know if this Xie Xinghualu is good or not now! "

"How did these almond blossoms taste before they were exposed to the wine cellar?"

"Da Guoguo, this wine and apricot flower dew is my sister's brewed by myself, if you ask me to say it myself, of course I say it's delicious.

After all, who's to say your hard work isn't getting a good result?

The point is, my sister, I am personally satisfied. It’s useless, only if you think Da Guo Guo tastes good, my sister, I will be considered successful.

Let's not talk about this first, let's taste it.

My sister, I also want to know what the taste of apricot flower dew that has been cellared for more than a year is now.

Da Guoguo, pour the wine quickly, pour the wine quickly. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui's slightly nervous pretty face, and immediately filled two glasses of wine.

"Da Guoguo, sister, I won't be polite to you, let me have some food first."

Ren Qingrui said hello, picked up a piece of braised rabbit meat with chopsticks and blew it vigorously a few times, opened her mouth and bit off half of it.

Ren Qingrui chewed the delicacy in her mouth carefully, and stretched out her clove tongue with a smile on her face to lick the grease on her lips.

"Yeah, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's still the same as before.

Sister, I have missed this taste for a long time, and I finally tasted it again today. "

Seeing Ren Qingrui's pretty face full of smiles, Young Master Liu put down the wine jar in his hand with a strange expression, and couldn't help but sneered a few times.

"Hehehe, girl, is that an exaggeration?"

Ren Qingrui stuffed the remaining half of the delicious food into her mouth, and raised her hand to give Young Master Liu a thumbs up.

"What's the matter, sister, I'm not exaggerating, but the food you cook, Da Guoguo, is really delicious."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the chopsticks, picked up a rabbit leg and put it in Ren Qingrui's bowl.

"It tastes delicious, girl, you can eat more."

"Thank you, Da Guoguo, you can eat too, let's eat something to fill our stomachs first, and then have a drink to our heart's content."

"Girl, you eat yours. For my brother, let me taste the wine you brewed by yourself first."

"Okay, then tell my sister what you want to eat, and my sister will bring you food."


Liu Mingzhi picked up the wine glass with his fingers, first handed it down to the tip of his nose, and raised his nose to take a few deep sniffs of the fine wine exuding the fragrance of apricot blossoms.

"The aroma of the wine is overflowing. Just by smelling it, this young master can feel his mouth watering. What a good wine!"

First Young Master Liu sighed in admiration, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

After drinking the fine wine, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, patting his cheeks to savor the delicious taste.

Swallowing the drink in his mouth, Liu Mingzhi smacked his lips a few times with an admiring expression.

"Smooth in the mouth, pungent with sweetness, the wine is mixed with a strong aroma of apricot blossoms, and it is mouth watering as soon as it enters the throat.

Really rare wine. "

Ren Qingrui swallowed the delicious food in a hurry, and looked excitedly at Young Master Liu, who was silently savoring the delicious wine.

"Daguoguo, is it really that delicious?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded without hesitation, lifted the wine jar and filled himself a glass of wine again.

"Well, it's really delicious.

Girl, I have to say that the apricot blossom dew you brew is comparable to the peach blossom brew made by sister Ya.

The taste of the two drinks can be said to be different.

It's been a long time since my brother has had such a delicious wine. "

"Da Guoguo, you didn't mean to praise me, did you?"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the wine glass, smiled lightly and gestured to Ren Qingrui.

"Try it yourself, and you'll know if what I said, brother, is deliberately praising you."

Ren Qingrui quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, and raised her hand to pick up the wine glass in front of her.

"Okay, my sister will have a taste for herself.

Da Guoguo, my sister proposes a toast to you. "

"Whoever respects you or not, let's drink together."

"Yeah, that girl is impolite."

Seeing that First Young Master Liu had already started drinking, Ren Qingrui also brought the drink to her mouth.

Ren Qingrui's eyes lit up as she drank the wine, obviously she was very satisfied with the taste of the wine.

After savoring carefully for a while, the beauty frowned slightly.

Ren Qingrui swallowed the wine in her mouth, pursed her cherry lips and lifted the altar to fill herself a glass of wine.

Holding up the wine glass to Qiong's nose for a few deep sniffs, the beautiful woman drank the wine in the glass again with her mouth slightly opened.

Seeing Ren Qingrui's satisfied expression, Young Master Liu had a strange expression of slightly frowning eyebrows, and put down the wine glass in his hand with a puzzled expression.

He really didn't understand what Ren Qingrui's contradictory reactions meant.


"Huh? What happened?"

"Girl, what's your expression? Why, aren't you satisfied with the wine you brewed yourself?"

Ren Qingrui smacked her lips a few times, frowning slightly, turning the wine glass in her hand.

"Da Guoguo, I am very satisfied with the taste of the wine, my sister.

However, my sister just feels that when I drink the apricot blossom dew I brewed, the taste is not as mellow as elder sister Ya's peach blossom brew. "

After hearing Ren Qingrui's doubtful words, First Young Master Liu rolled his eyes angrily.

The Anxie Peach Blossom Wine we drank is at least ten years old. How long has your apricot blossom dew been in cellar?

Drinks that have been brewed for more than a year must not taste as full-bodied as drinks that have been brewed for more than ten years, or even more than 20 years.


"Huh? Da Guoguo, tell me."

"Girl, when we were at our house, the peach blossom brewed by Sister Ya was at least ten years old.

After your apricot flower dew is brewed, it will only take a year and a half to fully calculate.

Drinks that are more than a year old must have a different taste from drinks that have been around ten years.

It would be really strange if there was no difference. "

After Ren Qingrui heard First Young Master Liu's explanation, she suddenly realized and nodded her head.

She raised her hand and patted her forehead a few times, and the beauty laughed twice in embarrassment.

"Oh, my sister's brain is really getting more and more mediocre.

Just now I was only thinking about whether the method of brewing my own wine was wrong, but I ignored such a simple question. "

"It's normal, sometimes it's like this, the simpler the problem, the easier it is to ignore.

It's not just you girl, everyone is the same. "

Ren Qingrui let out a sigh of relief, reached out and patted her proud chest a few times.

"As long as my sister's brewing method is not wrong, then I can rest assured."

Ren Qingrui put down the wine glass, raised the wine jar and refilled the drinks for the two of them.

Putting down the wine jar, Ren Qingrui looked at First Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Da Guoguo, if you put it this way, you should be satisfied with the apricot blossom dew that my sister and I brewed with my own hands?"

"It's more than satisfied, it's very satisfying.

For so many years, apart from the peach blossom wine brewed by Sister Ya, brother, today I encountered a very delicious wine that I like very much.

It is the apricot blossom dew brewed by you, girl.

Sometimes things like wine don't have to be famous wines in the world in order to have a good taste.

Everyone's preferences are always different.

Come and drink. "

After hearing First Young Master Liu's evaluation, Ren Qingrui's bright eyes were full of clearly visible joy.

This apricot flower dew was originally brewed by myself for my sweetheart.

Satisfying your sweetheart is the greatest affirmation of your hard work.

Ren Qingrui saw Young Master Liu holding up the wine glass again, with clearly visible tenderness in his bright eyes.

A heart filled with a sense of accomplishment.

This fine wine was originally brewed by myself for the people in front of me.

As long as he is satisfied, he is also satisfied.

No amount of hard work, no amount of hard work.

Hearing his words, I didn't feel anything.

Feelings should be so simple.

Ren Qingrui picked up the wine glass and gestured to First Young Master Liu who was drinking by himself, and drank the wine in the glass full of joy.

"Da Guoguo, no matter how satisfied you are with the wine made by your sister, you can't just drink and drink.

Drinking water alone will hurt your body, so eat some food quickly. "

Ren Qingrui put down the wine glass, and quickly picked up a piece of fish for Young Master Liu.

"Da Guoguo, this Yayu is a specialty of our Sichuan region, and it is rarely available in other places.

Quickly taste how it tastes, if you like it, my sister will buy some more for you tomorrow. "

Liu Mingzhi and Ren Qingrui nodded with a gentle smile.

Although I have already eaten Yayu at the homes of my father-in-law and mother-in-law, I can only pretend to be curious and pick up the fish in the plate.

Because, I don't want to disappoint the beautiful woman's kindness.

Some words, I can only hide in the depths of my heart.

Don't dare to say, and can't say.

What she wants, I may not be able to give her in this life.

Now I can only do my best to give her some short-term happiness.

It's just that after this brief...

"It's delicious, girl, you can eat it too."

"Yeah, as long as you like the big fruit, it's fine. My sister will go and buy some more tomorrow."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. For me, as a brother, as long as it can fill my stomach, it doesn't matter what kind of food I eat."

Ren Qingrui looked at Young Master Liu's sighing expression, nodded her head with a smile on her face.

Although she didn't say anything, she had secretly made up her mind.

"Da Guoguo, eat quickly, we'll start drinking when you're done eating.

When you were in the capital before, you always said that the most important thing to do after old friends reunite is to sit together and have a drink.

It is rare for us two old friends to meet again today, according to what you said

The two of us have to get drunk today before we can drink.

However, you know my sister's drinking capacity.

When you drink to your heart's content later, you have to let me have a little bit. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded cheerfully, and stretched out his hand to fill half a bowl of delicious fish soup.

"No problem, you have one drink and two for brother, it's all right."

Ren Qingrui chewed the bamboo shoots in her mouth gently, and shook her head with a pretty face.

"No, Da Guoguo, I know exactly how much you drink, my sister, and you know exactly how much I drink, my sister.

My sister, I have a drink, but you only drink two, are you embarrassed? "

While talking, Ren Qingrui stretched out her slender fingers to First Young Master Liu with sly eyes.

"Five cups."

"Girl, isn't this too unfair to you?
How about this, I will let you take another step, three cups.

You drink one cup, three cups for my brother and me, right? "

Ren Qingrui shook her head without hesitation, held up her slender hands and insisted, "Umm, no, five cups."

"Four cups, four cups is the head office, right? You should give in a little bit!"

"No, five cups, just five cups.

Da Guoguo, you are the guest, my sister, I am the host.

You want the guests to sprinkle as they please. "

"Okay, five cups is five cups."

Ren Qingrui's charming face immediately turned into a smile, and she immediately got up to fill up the wine for Young Master Liu.

"Da Guoguo, my sister knows you are the best."


(End of this chapter)

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