My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2998 Can't get into your eyes

Chapter 2998 Can't get into your eyes

"Hehehe, girl, you don't want to get my brother drunk, do you?"

Young Master Liu took the drink from Ren Qingrui, looked at the delighted beauty with complicated eyes, and made a small joke with a smile.

As for this sentence, is it Young Master Liu's joke, or his sincere words in a joke.

Only in his own heart is the clearest.

Ren Qingrui looked at Young Master Liu's smiling eyes that seemed to be able to read people's hearts, and her delicate body trembled slightly imperceptibly.

Scratching Qiong's nose a few times with her fingers, the beauty shook her head without hesitation, feeling a little guilty involuntarily.

" could it be possible.

Da Guoguo, you are a massive drinker, how could you possibly want to get you drunk with my little sister's meager drinking capacity? That's not playing tricks in front of Guan Gong.

Are you overwhelmed! "

Ren Qingrui's beautiful eyes erratically refuted to First Young Master Liu, picked up her wine glass and brought it to Sakura's lips for a sip.

It's just that she didn't seem to realize that she didn't seem to have much confidence in her rebuttal to First Young Master Liu.

Ren Qingrui silently swallowed the drink in her mouth, and gradually realized that her rebuttal just now didn't seem to be convincing.

Ren Qingrui stretched out her clove tongue to lick the wine on her cherry lips a few times, and placed the wine glass heavily on the table.

"Da Guoguo, what do you mean? You are a big man!
What about my sister?Just a weak woman.

Even a weak woman like me is not afraid that when I get drunk, Da Guoguo, you will make a fool of me, a big girl with a yellow flower who has not yet left the cabinet.

What do you have to be afraid of, a big man?Could it be that my sister, what else can I do to you? "

Seeing the feigned displeasure on Ren Qingrui's pretty face, First Young Master Liu sighed with a tangled expression.

The more this girl explained, the more it gave people the feeling that she was trying to cover up.

If it was as expected, this girl really wanted to get herself drunk.

It's a pity that this silly girl is just an innocent little girl after all.

She may know that wine is a matchmaker for sex.

But she didn't know that if a man was really drunk, he wouldn't have any abilities at all.

"Girl, brother, I'm just making a joke for you. Why do you explain so much?"

Ren Qingrui's pretty face froze, and she peeked at First Young Master Liu's face and muttered to herself.

After a while, Ren Qingrui also gradually understood that the more she explained, the more she showed that she was guilty.


Oh, sister, I am just joking like you, Da Guoguo.

The reason why Meier said those words just now is mainly because she is afraid that Da Guoguo will make fun of you.

Since you're joking, I won't be as knowledgeable as you, sister.

Drink a bar.

Don't forget what you said just now, sister, if I drink one cup, you will only drink five cups. "

Ren Qingrui knows that the more she talks, the easier it is to make mistakes.

So, after making some random sophistry, she continued to persuade First Young Master Liu to drink.

Liu Mingzhi drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, picked up chopsticks and ate a piece of cold bamboo shoots.

"Girl, what did you agree to say after my brother and I are full?
If you drink, you can drink, but you have to let me pad my stomach first.

After all, you said it yourself, drinking on an empty stomach is bad for your health. "

Ren Qingrui slightly curled her cherry lips, and wrinkled her nose a few times full of regret.

Broken mouth, bad mouth, will do bad things, what are you doing talking about it.

No, I ate a few mouthfuls of rabbit meat just now, and my stomach is still empty!

If you drink on an empty stomach, you will definitely suffer.

If he eats, this girl has to eat too.

Ren Qingrui refilled the drink for First Young Master Liu with a smile on her face, and with her slender hands, she secretly pulled the food on the table to her side.

"Okay, it happens that my sister and I are not full yet, let's eat together."

First Young Master Liu glanced narrowly at the food that had been moved a little on the table, and cheerfully picked up the chopsticks on the side.

"Okay, let's eat together."

"Da Guoguo, sister, I won't be polite to you, just pick whatever you want."

Ren Qingrui directly grabbed a delicious chicken leg and put it in her mouth, and stood up with a smile.

"Hehehe, Da Guoguo, there are only these two jars of wine on the table, not enough for my sister and me to drink alone!
You eat and drink well first, sister, I will go to the wine cellar to get some jars. "

Before Young Master Liu could respond, Ren Qingrui trotted out of the room biting the drumstick.

Young Master Liu stared blankly at the beautiful woman's figure blending into the moonlight, and shook his head with a strange expression.

"Oh, you're still young after all!"

Muttering to himself, First Young Master Liu picked up his chopsticks and quietly enjoyed today's dinner.

Ren Qingrui stood in the courtyard full of bright moonlight, looked back at Young Master Liu who was pouring himself a drink in the room, her pretty face was full of regret.

She first hummed softly, and then stomped her lotus feet vigorously a few times.

"Hmph, what's the matter, if I had known that I would meet him today, I would have prepared some of that medicine in advance."

As soon as Ren Qingrui finished speaking, she shook her graceful body a few times with a depressed expression.

"What's the matter, even if I knew it earlier, I don't seem to be able to use it, my girl, I don't even know where to buy that kind of medicine!

Whoops, this girl is such a brain, I actually forgot to invite Sister Ning'er to my house as a guest today.

She is a doctor in the hospital, so she must know how to prepare that kind of medicine.

If you go to her now, you should..."

Ren Qingrui raised her jade neck and glanced at the bright moon rising in the night sky, she twitched her cherry lips regretfully on her pretty face.

"The sun is setting on the west mountain, and the moon is rising at the beginning of the month. It should be too late to go find Sister Ning'er by now.

What to do, if this girl can't drink Daguoguo, then she won't have a chance to do anything.

How to do it?How to do it?

Besides that kind of medicine, is there anything else that can make the big fruit wolf go crazy and eat me? "

While muttering to herself, Ren Qingrui walked towards the wine cellar next to the side room with lotus steps.

When the beautiful woman walked to the front of the wine cellar, a pair of bright eyes suddenly lit up, and she raised a pair of slender hands and patted it gently.

Oh my girl, I thought of that.

Before he left the capital a year ago, Wan Yan's sister seemed to have given him a ginseng king.

For more than a year, I have not been sick, and I have not had disasters, so I have never used this precious medicinal material that hangs my life.

Since I settled here, the ginseng king is still stored in the mezzanine under the wardrobe!
Ordinary ginseng can greatly tonic, not to mention rare medicinal materials such as Ginseng King.

When I was living in the Liu Mansion, Wanyan's sister joked with me more than once about the love between men and women.

According to what Wanyan's sister joked to herself at the time, Da Guoguo seemed to treat such precious medicinal herbs as King Shen...

It seems... I can't resist it at all!
Ren Qingrui recalled the jokes that she said her sister had made to herself before, but she didn't know if she thought of something or because she drank alcohol.

Under the bright and clear moon, her stunningly beautiful face was involuntarily stained with a layer of red glow.

Ren Qingrui gritted her silver teeth, glanced back at the room where the candles were flickering, and walked into the wine cellar with a pretty face in embarrassment.

After the beautiful woman entered the wine cellar, she didn't go to get the wine immediately, but sat down on a small wooden stool next to her.

"Da Guoguo, drink well, you drink more, and I will drink less, sister."

After about half a stick of incense, Ren Qingrui held a wine jar in one hand and walked towards the flickering lights with smiling eyes.

"Da Guoguo, my sister is back."

First Young Master Liu put down the wine glass in his hand, and glanced strangely at the beautiful woman who was holding a wine jar in one hand and had a pretty face full of smiles.

"Girl, it's just to get a drink. Why have you been there for so long?"

Ren Qingrui's heart tightened, and she snorted with a pretty face.

"Hmph, Da Guoguo, what do you mean by that? Do you think I'm holding you back from drinking?"

"Girl, where did you say that? As a brother, I am obviously concerned about you, okay?"


"Of course it's true."

Ren Qingrui nodded happily with a pretty face, and walked towards First Young Master Liu with a lotus step.

"That's about the same, you still have a little conscience."

Ren Qingrui replied in a coquettish tone, and then said softly and coquettishly: "Da Guoguo, don't you look at what time it is outside.

The moon is already at the tip of the willow, and the wine cellar is even darker.

Sister, in order to bring the wine back safely, I had to go to the kitchen to find candles.

In order to let Da Guoguo drink to your heart's content, is it easy for me, sister? "

Young Master Liu saw the resentful expression on the beautiful woman's pretty face, and quickly said with a smile: "It's all right, it's because of my brother, I'm wrong, is it okay for me to know that I'm wrong?"

Ren Qingrui turned her bright eyes a few times, and walked straight towards her bedroom with two wine jars in her arms.

"That's about the same, I will forgive you, sister.

Da Guoguo, please wait a moment.

When my sister and I were picking up wine in the wine cellar, I accidentally touched my robe.

Sister, I'm going to change into a robe in the bedroom, and I'll be right back to accompany me to get drunk. "

Ren Qingrui didn't care whether Liu Da agreed or not, and walked towards the bedroom behind the bead curtain.

Young Master Liu watched Ren Qingrui walk into the bedroom with lotus steps, smiled helplessly, picked up the drink at the side and drank it down in one gulp.

What kind of tricks is this girl doing!

Liu Mingzhi didn't know exactly what Ren Qingrui was thinking, but he could feel one thing.

That's the girl who wanted to get herself drunk today.

As for what you want to do after getting drunk.

I'm not a fool, I don't even need to think about it, I know what's going on, okay?

Liu Mingzhi poured a glass of wine with the pot, raised his eyes and looked at the still shaking bead curtain and said softly: "Girl, I'm almost done eating, come out soon after I'm ready with my coat, I'm still waiting for you drinking."

"Got it, got it, my sister will come out soon."

Ren Qingrui responded to Young Master Liu, and walked towards the closet next to the bed with a pretty face nervously.

Gently put the two wine jars on the ground, and the beauty opened the wardrobe in front of her with a pair of lotus root arms trembling.

Ren Qingrui glanced sideways at the bead curtain that was still shaking a few steps away, and groped under the wardrobe with her waist bent.

After a while, Ren Qingrui took out the Ginseng King that had been stored for a long time from the brocade box under the closet.

Ren Qingrui looked nervously at the King Ginseng in her hand, with a look of embarrassment on her pretty face.

I just heard from Wanyan's sister that Da Guoguo can't resist the effect of the ginseng king, but I don't know how much ginseng king should be put in the drink to be more appropriate.

If you put too much, and accidentally hurt Da Guoguo's body, I will never be able to forgive myself for the rest of my life.

But if it doesn't work, what should I do?

"What's the matter? Sister Wanyan, Sister Wanyan, when you are joking with me, can't you make it clear?

This ginseng king, how should I use it? "

"Girl, have you changed your outer shirt yet?"

Ren Qingrui's expression suddenly tightened when he heard First Young Master Liu shouting, and his tender body trembled uncontrollably.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Ren Qingrui stared nervously at the King Ginseng in her hand, and fell silent hesitantly.

After a long time, Ren Qingrui put the King Ginseng in his hand back to its original place.

"No, I don't know the efficacy of these drugs, and I must not use them indiscriminately.

No matter what, I can't do anything to hurt Da Guoguo. "

Ren Qingrui murmured softly, got up straight and took out a plain white shirt from the closet and changed it.

"Girl, haven't you changed yet?"

"I'm coming."

Ren Qingrui tied the ribbon around her waist, leaned over and picked up the two jars of wine at her feet, with a smile on her face again, and walked out of the bedroom at a leisurely pace.

"Da Guoguo, why are you urging me?
Sister, I just change clothes, how long can I delay?
You can't let your sister take off her outer shirt and only wear the underwear underneath to drink with you.

But what?If you want to see Da Guoguo, I don’t mind telling you my sister.

As long as you look at it first, sister, I can do whatever you want. "

Ren Qingrui put the wine jar on the table, and without hesitation ripped the ribbon on Yang Liu's slender waist, as if she was about to take off the plain white silk shirt on her graceful and delicate body.

"Hey, Da Guoguo, sister, the ribbon around my waist has been untied, do you want to see Sarah?

If you want to see it, my sister will immediately take off the coat on her body, and let you see it all at once. "

Between Ren Qingrui's words, she raised a pair of slender hands without any hesitation, as if she wanted to take off the plain white silk shirt on her delicate body.

When Young Master Liu saw Ren Qingrui's actions, his heart trembled suddenly.

He stood up abruptly, and pressed Ren Qingrui's delicate and slender hands with the corners of his eyes twitching.

"Don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't, I don't mean that for my brother, I don't mean that for my brother."

Ren Qingrui looked down at Young Master Liu's big hand that was pressing on top of her slender hand, her pretty face seemed to be resentful, and she sat down with a sad face.

"Big fruit."

"Ah? What's wrong?"

"Da Guoguo, sister, I... am I so out of your sight?"

Liu Mingzhi felt the resentment in the beauty's beautiful eyes, and sat down on the bamboo chair with some powerlessness.

"Girl, I... I...

drink wine!drink wine! "

(End of this chapter)

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