Chapter 3002
"Stick what you want."

Liu Mingzhi happily replied, and took the beautiful woman's wrist with his fingers, and was about to walk out of the room.

"Da Guoguo, wait a minute."

"Huh? What's the matter? Don't you want to go again?"

Ren Qingrui rolled her eyes angrily when she saw the puzzled expression on Young Master Liu's face.

The beautiful woman slapped Young Master Liu's palms holding her wrists away, raised a pair of slender lotus root arms and turned them around in front of him.

"Silly Guoguo, you won't let my sister accompany you out to enjoy the moon like this?

Although it is now the dead of night, no one will come to my sister's house.

However, what if someone came?
In front of you, she looked disheveled, but my sister, I didn't mind it.

As long as you are not afraid of being seen by others what your sister looks like now, then let's go out together now. "

As soon as Ren Qingrui finished speaking, she gracefully turned around in front of First Young Master Liu a few times again.

When Ren Qingrui gently turned around with an elegant manner, the robe lightened up, directly revealing the delicate and delicate clavicle above the fragrant shoulders on both sides of the beauty's jade neck.

And that half-open gauze nightgown even more vaguely outlines the beauty's curvaceous figure, directly showing her graceful and enchanting figure to the fullest.

When Liu Mingzhi saw the beautiful and poetic scroll in front of him, his mood that had finally calmed down made waves again.

This girl is simply a goblin sent by the heavens to torture her.


Liu Mingzhi let out a muffled cough, blushed a little, and flicked the beauty's fair and tender forehead.

"Smelly girl, why don't you hurry up and put on your clothes."

Seeing Young Master Liu's blushing face, Ren Qingrui approached him with a smile, raised her jade arms lazily and coquettishly.

"Da Guoguo, my sister is tired, help me get dressed."

As soon as the beauty approached, Liu Mingzhi immediately smelled the refreshing fragrance of the beauty's body, and his heart beat uncontrollably.

First Young Master Liu immediately took a deep breath, silently calming down the turmoil in his heart.

"Smelly girl, wear it yourself."

"Da Guoguo, what do you want to say?

You kissed my sister, I hugged her, I touched her.

Except for the last step, you have taken advantage of everything that should be taken advantage of.

Sister, even if I haven't become your real woman, at least I can be considered your half-mother-in-law.

In this way, why don't you help me put on my clothes?

No, my sister has put on the clothes now, you just need to help me tidy up for a while. "

Young Master Liu heard Ren Qingrui's coquettish words, and seeing the 'dissatisfaction' on the beauty's pretty face, his already flushed face turned a little red again.

Ren Qingrui, Ren Qingrui, you little goblin, just torture this young master on purpose.

Is this fucking just a matter of arranging clothes?
You must have underestimated your own allure to a man, right?
I can see that the so-called tidying up clothes are just excuses.

This little fairy is deliberately torturing herself.

When Ren Qingrui saw Young Master Liu, he clearly wanted to see him very much, but he didn't dare to look directly at his embarrassed expression.

Pursing her cherry lips, she snickered a few times, her vivid bright eyes full of teasing intent.

Gua Wazi, you make my sister and I feel bad, and my sister makes you feel bad too.

Ren Qingrui muttered to herself, and the little bird clung directly to Young Master Liu's body.

"Da Guoguo, can you help me?

If you don't help, sister, I can just accompany you out to enjoy the moon like this! "

When Young Master Liu heard Jiaren's teasing words, he waved his hands hastily.

"Don't don't don't, I'll wear it for you brother, can't I wear it for you?
You stinky girl, just torture yourself as a brother. "

Ren Qingrui snorted coquettishly, and grinningly leaned against First Young Master Liu, gracefully raising her pair of jade arms that were as frosty as snow.

"De Xing, look at your reluctance, as if my sister and I are deliberately embarrassing you.

Da Guoguo, you are secretly happy to spread.

This is how you have this opportunity. Others dream of helping my sister to tidy up my clothes, but I am not happy with my sister!

Believe it or not, my sister, I go out during the day and yell at men who want to help me tidy up my clothes. From my door to the north gate of Chengzhou. "

With trembling arms, Liu Mingzhi grabbed the skirts of Ren Qingrui's clavicles on both sides, and quickly adjusted the thin gauze nightgown on the beautiful woman's graceful body.

Hearing Ren Qingrui's words, she nodded hurriedly.

"Xinxinxin, girl, I believe everything you say as a brother."

"That's about the same, besides, you were the one who took off the clothes on my sister's body one by one.

You help me get dressed again, shouldn't it be right? "

"Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Girl, the clothes have been tidied up for you, now we can go out to enjoy the moon. "

"and many more."

"Eh! Miss Ren, how are you doing?"

Young Master Liu looked at Ren Qingrui helplessly, and was forced to say a sentence in the Shu dialect.

Ren Qingrui stood on tiptoe and quickly kissed Young Master Liu on the lips.

"Silly Guoguo, my sister rewards you for spreading."

Ren Qingrui tilted her head with a smile, and pulled Young Master Liu into her arms with a smile on her face.

"Da Guoguo, my sister rewards you for spreading.

Let's go, let's go to watch the moon. "

Liu Mingzhi let the beauty drag him out of the room, shaking the girl with a helpless expression.

I figured it out, when my relationship with this girl got closer.

This little goblin is sure to eat himself.

"Da Guoguo, where shall we go to enjoy the moon?"

"You are the master, you should know better than Brother Wei where it is more convenient to watch the moon."

"Well~ Da Guoguo, let's go to the half-hillside behind the yard.

The terrain there is open, and the cool breeze is blowing tonight.

Where do we watch the moon, the atmosphere will hardly be disturbed by annoying mosquitoes. "

"Okay, listen to you, and go to the place you said to enjoy the moon."

"carried me."


"Do you want to carry Sarah?"

"Hehe, come up."

Ren Qingrui smiled sweetly, raised her hands and rolled up the sleeves on her arms, and ran directly towards Young Master Liu's back.




"Girl, at this time, you don't care about your brother being the king of a country?"

"That was before, after you took advantage of my sister, I became your wife.

When the mother-in-law is with her own man, there are not so many rules.

In the worst case, you can punish me.

Anyway, sister, I am already your half-mother-in-law, and I will accept everything you want to punish me. "

Liu Mingzhi gently embraced the beauty's round and delicate slender legs, and walked steadily towards the half-hillside of the backyard.

"Da Guoguo, there is that flat rock in front."

"Okay, brother, I know."

Liu Mingzhi put Ren Qingrui down, and as soon as he sat down on the flat rock, the beautiful lady immediately sat beside him in a tactful manner.

Ren Qingrui tightly held her sweetheart's arm in her plump bosom, how could she happily stick her face on Young Master Liu's shoulder, and raised her jade neck to look at the bright moon in the night sky.

"Da Guoguo, the moonlight today is so beautiful!"

Liu Mingzhi listened to the beauty's exclamation, and took advantage of the situation to look at the bright moon above his head.

"Indeed, it's quite beautiful."

"Da Guoguo, do you know?"

"Huh? Know what?"

"Sister, every time I think of you, I come here to admire the moon by myself every now and then.

Every time my sister comes, the moonlight in the night sky is very beautiful.

However, my sister has watched so many moons, but she only feels that today's moonlight is the most beautiful.

Because today you are by my side. "

Liu Mingzhi remained silent for a long time with a complex expression, sat up cross-legged, and stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the delicate and boneless willow waist of the beauty.

Ren Qingrui felt the movement of her sweetheart embracing her waist, her cherry lips slightly raised, and she immediately snuggled into Young Master Liu's arms.

"Da Guoguo, today is September [-]th."

"Yes, it's September [-]th."

Ren Qingrui twisted her waist slightly, turned over and lay on Young Master Liu's legs.

Looking at the resolute face of the sweetheart, the beautiful woman's eyes are not only obsessed, but also obsessed.

It seemed that, apart from the sweetheart in front of him, there was no room for anything else.

"It's September [-]th, and in about a month, it will snow in northern Xinjiang.

The snow scene in northern Xinjiang is so beautiful.

My sister has not seen the snow scene in northern Xinjiang for many years.

Mei'er vaguely remembers that after she moved into Beijiang's side-by-side palace, it was you, Da Guoguo, sister Yun, and sister Yan'er who enjoyed the snow together.

That was the first time my sister saw such a beautiful snow scene.

Although many years have passed, my sister will never forget the scene of that day.

Da Guoguo, if there is a chance in the future, Sister Yun, Sister Lianer, let’s go to Northern Xinjiang to enjoy the snow, okay? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the anticipation in the beauty's beautiful eyes, and nodded without hesitation.

"No problem, if there is a chance, let's go back to northern Xinjiang to enjoy the snow together.

To be honest, not only you girl, but also brother, I haven't seen the snow scene in northern Xinjiang for many years. "

With a pretty face, Ren Qingrui lifted her lotus root arms to support Young Master Liu's knees.

"Da Guoguo, I will firmly remember what you said, sister, so don't miss the appointment when the time comes."

"Of course not. Others don't know about brother's character, but girl, you still know a little bit about it!"

"Well, that's true."

"Don't worry, when I have time in the future, my brother will definitely bring you back to northern Xinjiang to enjoy the snow."

"Big fruit."


"It's no fun for us to watch the moon like this all the time. You can sing a song for my sister."

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he grabbed Ren Qingrui's delicate earlobe with his fingers and twisted it a few times.

"Girl, if you ask me to recite a poem for my brother, it's no problem to be right.

But you let me sing for you as a brother, you are really embarrassing me.

How can I sing for my brother! "

Ren Qingrui changed into a comfortable posture, and greeted her sweetheart with her fingers on the soft flesh of her waist.

"Hmph, you're lying!"

"Hiss—girl, lightly lightly.

Brother, when did I ever lie to you? I really don't know how to sing. "

Ren Qingrui straightened her willow waist, rolled her eyes angrily on her pretty face.

"You are lying."

"Then how can I lie to you as a brother?"

"When my sister and I lived in your house, Yue'er would hum a ditty when she was free.

My sister asked Yue'er where she learned those ditties.

Yue'er told her sister clearly that the ditties she hummed were all taught to her by Da Guoguo before.

You taught Yue'er to sing ditties, and you also said that you can't sing ditties yourself.

You said, you are not lying to me so what? "

After hearing the beauty's explanation, First Young Master Liu finally understood what was going on.

"Hey, Brother Wei thought you were talking about those ditties, so you were talking about those"

"Hmph, why didn't you say Sarah?

You continue to quibble, but my sister wants to see what flowers you can come up with! "

Leaving her name on her neck, she stretched her arms around the beautiful woman's willow slender waist and lay flat on the flat rock.

"No, no, brother, I'm just kidding you.

Look at you, why are you so careless?

Isn't it just singing?Can't I sing to you for my brother? "

Ren Qingrui snuggled up to Young Master Liu's arm, grabbed her black hair with her fingers, and gently stroked her sweetheart's cheek.

"Then you can sing, sister, I'll listen to you."

Liu Mingzhi put his hands behind his head, smiled and looked at the beautiful woman who was leaning over her arms and pretending to be angry.

"Girl, what song do you want to hear?"

Ren Qingrui nodded her cherry lips and pondered for a while, then shook her head with a pretty face.

"Da Guoguo, when my sister and I were living in the Liu Mansion, every little song that Yue'er sang was very pleasant to me.

The little songs that Yue'er hummed were completely different from those that Yue Meier was familiar with, but they had a special charm.

For a while, Mei'er didn't know which ditty to choose better.

How about this, Da Guoguo, you can just sing a song for your sister at will.

As long as it is sung by you, my sister, I like to listen to it. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, and raised his hand to comb the blue hair scattered on his cheeks by the beautiful woman.


"Of course it's true."

Ren Qingrui was speechless, turned over and threw herself into Young Master Liu's arms, and quickly pecked lightly on the lips of her sweetheart.

"Girl, if you do this again, I'm afraid that I can't help but eat you."

The corners of Ren Qingrui's lips raised slightly, instead of flinching, she leaned forward and moved closer.

Staring intently at Young Master Liu's flushed face, Jiaren slowly pressed Zhenshou in front of her sweetheart.

Ren Qingrui let out a breath, and slowly closed her eyes.

"Then Daguoguo, come here, sister, I can't wait for it!

Da Guoguo, my sister still said that, I don't regret it.

I don't care if I have a title or not, I just want to be your woman. "

Liu Mingzhi's heart trembled, and he stretched out his hand to caress the beauty's pretty face.



"Before Brother Wei sorts out his mood, don't tempt Brother Wei anymore, okay?"

Ren Qingrui opened her eyes suddenly, turned over and lay on Young Master Liu's shoulders, and snorted softly with resentful eyes.

"Hmph! My sister knew it and it's like this again."

"Girl, sing, let's continue talking about singing."

"Then you sing the song, my sister listens to the song."

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the bright moon in the night sky, and gently arranged the clothes on the beauty.

"Girl, I can sing."

"Sing, sister, I'm listening."

"If I meet you, and you are young, exchange your true heart with your true love.

If you meet me, and I am still young, I also believe in eternity, which is the same past.

If you let me leave you, and you..."

"Da Guoguo, it seems that you haven't finished singing this ditty."

"Sometimes, there are some ditties that don't need to be sung."

"What's the name of this little song?"

"Have a name, but don't have a name.

If you insist on hearing a name, girl.

Just treat it as my brother's guilt towards you. "

(End of this chapter)

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