Chapter 3003 Dependency
Ren Qingrui grabbed Young Master Liu's wrist and pressed it to her chest, leaning over to watch her sweetheart shake her head a few times.

"Silly Guoguo, don't say that.

Between the two of us, no one has ever felt guilty about the other, and everything has been done by my sister and I voluntarily. "

Ren Qingrui leaned lightly on Liu Mingzhi's shoulder, stretched out her hand and tore off a fluffy weed beside her, held it in mid-air and shook it gently.

"Hey, it would be great if I could meet Da Guoguo as soon as possible, sister.

If I could meet you sooner, maybe the two of us are now married and have our own children. "

Liu Mingzhi sneered a few times with a strange expression when he heard the beautiful woman's emotional words.

"Hehehe, girl, what if the two of us met sooner?
Given the age gap between the two of us, as a brother, I have already reached the age of starting a family, getting married and having children.

And Ni is just a little yellow-haired girl who doesn't understand the world.

You can't let me, a 20-year-old man, marry a young girl who is only a few years old, right?
Even if you marry a child bride, there is no child bride at such a young age, right? "

Seeing Young Master Liu's teasing expression, Ren Qingrui wrinkled her upturned nose angrily.

"Oh, sister, I was just making a metaphor.

Metaphors, metaphors, do you know how to spread? "

"Yes, yes, girl, everything you say is right."

"Hmph, I know how to make me happy by saying nice things."

"It's better to make you happy than to make you angry."

"Well! That's true.

Da Guoguo, you said that if the two of us have children in the future, will we be like you?Still like my sister? "

"It must be like you. Just because of my elder brother's appearance, it would be terrible if I look like me."

Liu Mingzhi heard Ren Qingrui's beautiful vision for the future, and praised the beauty's appearance without hesitation.

What I said was not deliberately flattering the beauty and catering to her thoughts, but speaking the truth.

With Ren Qingrui's beautiful appearance, if the two of them really have children in the future.

Whether it is a son or a daughter.

The appearance is conveniently similar to her, and the looks are absolutely indistinguishable.

Ren Qingrui immediately raised her hand to prop up her cheeks, and carefully stared at Young Master Liu's face.

After a long time, Jiaren twitched First Young Master Liu's eyebrows a few times with her fingers, and shook her head with a sweet smile.

"What are you talking about, you won't!
Although my sister has never seen your appearance when you were a teenager, but from your current appearance, my sister can imagine that when you were young, Da Guoguo, you must have been very handsome.

Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Chengqian, Zhenghao and the others, the one who looks most like you is Chengfeng.

From Chengfeng, Meier knows how handsome you were when you were young, Da Guoguo.

My sister thinks that if we have a son, you will look better like Da Guoguo.

If I gave birth to a daughter, it would be like my younger sister, my appearance is better. "

Liu Mingzhi laughed cheerfully, pinched the beauty's nose with his fingers and shook it gently a few times.

"Hehehe, as you said.

Girl, let's not talk about these illusory things, let's continue to enjoy the moon.

The moonlight tonight is so beautiful, it would be a pity if I failed. "

"Okay, let's continue to watch the moon."

Ren Qingrui responded softly, leaning sideways on Young Master Liu's arm, looking longingly at the moonlight in the sky.

The moonlight gradually moved, and time passed quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, Ren Qingrui heard her sweetheart's breathing gradually become even.

Ren Qingrui raised her arms cautiously, leaned over to look at her sweetheart who had fallen asleep at some point, with a faint smile on her lips involuntarily.

"Da Guoguo, don't forget the promise you made to my sister.

In the future, you must come and marry me. "

Ren Qingrui looked at her sweetheart and murmured softly, and gently adjusted the loose skirts of Young Master Liu a few times.

After quietly staring at the face of her sweetheart for a long time, the beautiful woman gently nestled into Young Master Liu's arms, and slowly closed her red eyes.

The bright moon deflects, and the east sees white.

The first ray of sunlight rising in the east gradually shone on a pair of lovers who were sleeping soundly.

Liu Mingzhi groaned a few times, and opened his sleepy eyes lazily.

Looking at the dazzling sunlight in the east, Liu Mingzhi subconsciously shook his neck a few times.

Young Master Liu's actions awakened the beautiful lady who was sleeping soundly on top of him.

Ren Qingrui moaned softly with a pretty face lazily, and looked around in a daze.

"Hmm~ Da Guoguo, it's dawn?"

"Yeah, it's dawn, we should get up."

Ren Qingrui shook her head lazily with a pretty face, buried her head in Young Master Liu's arms, and closed her eyes again.

"No, my sister hasn't slept enough yet!"

"Then go back to the room and sleep, otherwise, after the sun is dazzling, you won't be able to sleep even if you want to sleep."

"Okay, but sister, I don't want to move, you carry me back."

"It's kind, the big beauty Ren is my brother."

Liu Mingzhi responded to the beauty, stretched his arms high, bent over to hold her in his arms, and rushed towards the courtyard halfway down the hill with steady steps.

Back in the beauty's yard, Liu Mingzhi opened the door with his toes, and went straight to the bedroom of the beauty's boudoir.

First Young Master Liu lightly placed the beautiful woman on the bed, hesitated for a moment, and gently removed the dew-wet robe for her on top of her curvaceous and delicate body.

Putting a thin silk quilt on for Ren Qingrui, Liu Mingzhi was about to stand up and leave, but the beautiful woman hugged her waist from behind.

"Da Guoguo, my sister doesn't want you to leave, so stay with me.

The sky has just dawned, and you don't have much time to get up, why don't you take a rest with me. "

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment, then nodded lightly.

"Okay, you lean in."

Ren Qingrui pursed her lips and shook her head, clutching Young Master Liu's robe tightly, unwilling to let it go.

"Don't tell me, sister, I'm going to sleep next to you."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman's pretty face with reluctance, and sat on the bed with a wry smile.

"Okay, okay, can't you do everything according to you as a brother?
However, you should at least loosen your brother's sleeves first, and let me take off the dew-soaked robe. "

"Oh, then hurry up and spread it."

Liu Mingzhi took off his outer robe, and lay down beside the beauty with a helpless expression.

Ren Qingrui hugged First Young Master Liu's arm, curled her delicate body into her sweetheart's arms as usual, and fell asleep again with her eyes closed.

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at the beautiful woman in his arms who was breathing evenly, and sighed softly with a melancholy expression.

The relationship between her and this girl had just improved, and she was so clinging to herself.

This girl is too dependent on herself.

Liu Mingzhi was thinking about certain things in a flustered state of mind, and unconsciously fell asleep again.

There are about three poles in the sun.

As soon as Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes, he saw the beautiful woman beside him holding his cheeks, looking at him with a smiling face.

"Girl, when did you wake up?"

"Your sister just woke up and you didn't have half a stick of incense, but you woke up, Da Guoguo."

"What time is it?"

"My sister got up just now and looked at the sky outside the room. I guess it should be about three poles in the sun."

Liu Mingzhi moved his neck a few times, got up and sat up.

"Brother Wei feels like I've been squatting for a while, but it's already here.

Girl, let's get up and wash up. "

"Yeah, my sister listens to you."

Ren Qingrui raised her hands and stretched her waist coquettishly, turned over and got off the bed, put on her embroidered shoes, and walked towards the closet next to her with lotus steps.

Under Young Master Liu's stunned gaze, Ren Qingrui flaunted the flimsy gauze nightgown on her graceful and delicate body.

In an instant, the soul-stirring and mouth-drying spring scenery was directly displayed in front of Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu couldn't help swallowing a few times, wanting to look away immediately.

But he couldn't bear to look away.

Ren Qingrui stretched out her curvaceous body gracefully, did not shy away from the eyes of her sweetheart, and picked out her clothes in the closet unhurriedly.

With a flushed face, Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, quickly put on his shoes, grabbed the robe next to him and ran out of the room.

"Girl, you continue to dress up, Brother Wei, go to the wing room to change your clothes."

Ren Qingrui looked at Young Master Liu's running back, angrily put on the underwear in her hand, and let out a soft snort with a resentful expression.

"Hmph, what an incomprehensible melon boy!"

The beauty muttered reproachfully, leaned over to look at her soft and proud figure, raised her lotus feet and stomped lightly a few times.

Compared with Sister Yun, her sisters and others, her figure is not bad!

Why is this heartless bad guy so unmoved when he sees his naked appearance?

It can't be said that he is not tempted, after all, he was crazy about himself last night...


Ren Qingrui muttered sullenly for a long time, but couldn't think of a reason, so she continued to wear her own clothes.

Liu Mingzhi hurried all the way back to his room, raised his neck and wiped the blood under his nostrils with a handkerchief a few times.

"'s terrible, it's really terrible!"

First Young Master Liu took a few deep breaths, and with a helpless expression, he untied the bundle next to him.

Fortunately, Shu'er squeezed herself hard the night before yesterday because she couldn't bear to part with her.

Otherwise, today I will definitely fall into the hands of Ren Yatou, a tortured little goblin.

First Young Master Liu let out a long breath, controlled himself not to recall some dreamy scenes, and gritted his teeth to rummage through the baggage.

After a while, Young Master Liu put on a light blue robe, opened the door and walked to the side room opposite where he used to wash.

Liu Mingzhi was rinsing the salt water in his mouth, when he saw the beautiful woman walk into the room lightly, he immediately pointed to the water glass on the table next to him.

"Girl, all the things you wash up are ready for you, hurry up and wash up."

"Hmph, I see."


Liu Mingzhi swallowed the fried egg in his mouth, and looked up at the beautiful woman who was silently drinking tea.

"Girl, you only ate so much, can you be full?"


"It's good to eat, it's good to eat.

So what are we going to do next?You can't be bored at home all the time, can you? "

Ren Qingrui stood up, reached out to pick up the dishes of the two of them and walked out of the room.

"Just come with your sister."


"Da Guoguo, my sister is going to wash the dishes, you can take them to play around the yard first."

"Or I'll cut and do the dishes."

"No, this is our women's business, how can I let you do it!

You take Dahei, Dahu and the others to have fun first, and my sister will go to you in a while after tidying up the kitchen. "

"Okay, if you need help with anything, call me brother."

"Hey, my sister understands."


"Huh? What else is there?"

"Don't forget to feed the chickens, ducks and geese outside the yard.

There are chopped wild vegetables and coarse grains in the bamboo basket outside the fence, you just sprinkle them in the wooden trough! "

"Got it, brother, I'll go and feed the chickens, ducks and geese in the fence first."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman who walked into the kitchen, and walked cheerfully towards the tile house in the courtyard, yelling loudly.

"Dahei, Dapang, you guys are out to have fun."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi walked out of the corner of the kitchen, a large group of pets raised by Ren Qingrui rushed out of the washroom.

"Wang Wang Wang... Wang Wang Wang..."

First Young Master Liu picked up the whip next to him, and loosened the chains on a group of pets one by one.

"Let's go, let's go out and have fun."

A group of pets circled First Young Master Liu, and immediately ran out of the courtyard chasing each other.

After about half a cup of tea.

After Liu Mingzhi finished feeding a group of poultry in the fence, he was holding up a whip in his hand to mess with a group of pets in front of him.

Ren Qingrui was carrying the bamboo basket used for collecting herbs on her back, and greeted Young Master Liu with a smiling face.

"Big fruit."

Liu Mingzhi straightened up, looking at the medicine basket behind the beauty with a puzzled expression.

"Girl, are you?"

"Da Guoguo, as you said, the two of us can't stay at home all the time.

Today's weather is so good, let's go to the mountains to collect herbs together. "

"Go up the mountain to collect medicine?"

"That's right, Da Guoguo, don't you want to go?"

"That's not true, I'm just a little curious."

"Then let's go up the mountain."

"Okay, girl, what do you say, then do."

Ren Qingrui reached out to take the long whip in Young Master Liu's hand, and swung it vigorously.

"Dahei, Dahu, go up the mountain."

A group of pets around First Young Master Liu rushed towards the mountains and forests immediately after hearing the owner's yell.

"Girl, brother's mount will be fine."

"Don't worry, my sister has already brought the horse home, and prepared good fodder for it before coming out, so there will be no problem."

"Then you can rest assured, brother."

"Da Guoguo, on our way up the mountain to collect herbs, we happened to pass by those three springs.

It was a bit late yesterday, my sister didn't have time to take you there, so let's go over to have a look today. "

"Okay, listen to you."

"Da Guoguo, although the water for washing, cooking and bathing is all picked from there, but the spring water that just gushed out of the spring is the best water.

When my sister used to go to the mountains to collect herbs, every time she had to go there first to fill a gourd of spring water! "

"Is it really that delicious?"

"Oh, you'll know it when you drink it. Hurry up and come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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