Chapter 3004

"Da Guoguo, hurry up and follow, the spring is just ahead."

Ren Qingrui stopped in her tracks, and waved excitedly at First Young Master Liu who was following behind her.

"I'm coming."

Young Master Liu heard the beauty's yelling, and after responding, he immediately quickened his pace to follow.

As soon as he walked to Ren Qingrui's side, Liu Mingzhi heard the sound of running water not far ahead.

Ren Qingrui pulled the medicine basket on her back, grabbed Young Master Liu's palm, and trotted forward with a smile on her face.

"Hey, look quickly, Da Guoguo, this is the spring that my sister told you about."

As soon as the beauty finished speaking, she let go of First Young Master Liu's wrist, took off the water bag on her waist, and trotted forward first.

"Da Guoguo, my sister is going to fetch water first, so you can follow."

Liu Mingzhi looked curiously at the three springs that were bubbling clear spring water in front of him, and followed behind the beautiful woman in a leisurely manner.

Ren Qingrui stretched out her hand and lifted the hem of her skirt, leaned over gently and squatted beside the pool under the spring, took a handful of spring water and brushed it directly towards her pretty face.

"Wow, it's so comfortable."

"Girl, be careful, she was slipped into the pool."

"Da Guoguo, don't worry, I'm not that stupid.

Besides, it doesn't matter if it slides down, this pool is not deep at all.

In the past, when the weather was hot, sister Ning'er and I took advantage of the dead of night to bathe together in this pool! "

Ren Qingrui quietly picked up a handful of spring water while speaking, and looked at Young Master Liu who was standing beside him with a smile.

"Da Guoguo, look over to my sister."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Ren Qingrui saw Young Master Liu leaning over to look at him, and splashed the spring water in his hand towards him.

"Gua Wazi, look at the trick."

Young Master Liu did not expect that Ren Qingrui would make such a move on himself, and was caught off guard, and was immediately splashed with a handful of clear water.

Wiping the spring water off his face with a strange expression, Young Master Liu dashed to the side of the pool, took a handful of clear spring water and shot at the beautiful woman.

"Smelly girl, you also look at the trick."


Ren Qingrui screamed violently, not caring about arranging the clothes on her delicate body that were wet by the spring water, she moved the water surface with both hands and quickly launched a counterattack at Young Master Liu.

"You stinky bastard, I will fight you, my girl."

First Young Master Liu immediately turned his body sideways, and fought back at Jiaren without hesitation.

The two sides poured spring water a dozen times back and forth, and Young Master Liu suddenly stepped back with a strange expression, and waved his hands again and again as he watched Ren Qingrui who was still splashing water on him.

"Girl, stop, stop, stop splashing."

Young Master Liu reacted like this, not because he was not a match for this girl Ren Qingrui.

Rather, he didn't know since when, the thin clothes on the beautiful woman's graceful and delicate body had already been wet by the spring water he poured over.

After being wet by the spring water, the thin clothes on Ren Qingrui's body were now tightly attached to her creamy skin.

Under this appearance, if the two of them continue to throw each other down.

She had to look happy and happy.

When Ren Qingrui heard Young Master Liu's words, she let go of the spring water in her hand, pinched her slender waist with both hands, and raised her jade neck with a pretty face triumphantly.

"What's the matter, bastard, are you admitting defeat?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui's smug expression, raised his hand and scratched his forehead, winked and pouted at the light clothes on her body.

"Girl, if the two of us keep playing, you should cry."

Ren Qingrui's pretty face froze, and she looked at her clothes suspiciously.

Ren Qingrui couldn't help but screamed when she saw that her clothes were mostly wet by the spring water and were tightly attached to her crystal clear and jade-like skin.


Ren Qingrui screamed tenderly, and hastily raised her hands to protect her chest. Ren Qiao glared at Young Master Liu angrily, and turned her body aside.

"Smelly... stinky bastard, close your eyes quickly, you are not allowed to look."

However, just as she turned around, Ren Qingrui suddenly realized, no, why did she avoid it?
Isn't this situation exactly what you want?

Besides, last night, my sweetheart had already seen what he should see on his body.

Now that he has seen it all, what else can he do to avoid?

At this time, instead of avoiding him, I should take the initiative to seize the opportunity and boldly open my heart to my sweetheart.

Ren Qingrui figured out the key point, took a light breath, turned around straight away, walked towards Liu Mingzhi swaggeringly without avoiding it.

"Da Guoguo, do I look good, sister?"

Ren Qingrui stopped in her tracks with a smile on her face, put her hands behind Liu's waist lightly, and approached Young Master Liu with her head held high.

"Da Guoguo, didn't you see Sarah clearly just now?
Now, now you can look carefully, look any way you want. "

While Ren Qingrui spoke, she put her fingers on the light gauze clothes that were wet by the spring water on her fragrant shoulders, and moved a little closer to Young Master Liu again, smilingly pressing the clothes that were tightly attached to her icy skin and snow skin. A corner of the shirt was uncovered.

"Da Guoguo, if you still can't see clearly, my sister, I'll take off the outer clothes."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui's playful eyes, coughed softly, and pressed on the back of the beautiful woman's white and tender hand which was lightly untying Luo Shang.

"Smelly girl, are you crazy?

Do you think we are in your home now?Hurry up and tidy up your clothes.

Are you not afraid that if an outsider comes over later and sees your current appearance? "

Ren Qingrui was slightly taken aback when she heard Young Master Liu's angry words, and looked around quickly after realizing it.

Although no outsiders were seen, Ren Qingrui hurriedly pulled up Young Master Liu's loose clothes and wrapped them around her delicate body that was wet by the spring water.

Ren Qingrui curled up under her clothes with a pretty face nervously, looked up at Young Master Liu's face with a pitiful pretty face, her heart was filled with tension.

It is only natural that the sweetheart sees his current appearance.

However, if someone else sees his current appearance, what should he do?

"Da Guoguo, my sister is wrong, my sister is wrong.

My sister didn't do it on purpose, don't be angry, okay? "

Liu Mingzhi sensed the tension in the beauty's eyes, and lightly smiled for her to comb the jet-black hair that was wet by the spring water on her pretty face.

"Stupid, how could Brother Wei be angry with you?"

"Really not angry?"

"Of course it's true."

Ren Qingrui immediately smiled and nodded her head, and with a cute face, she grabbed Young Master Liu's arm and shook it gently.

"Well... My sister already knows that you are the best, Da Guoguo."

"The sun is so good today, the clothes on us probably won't take long to dry.

Let's go, brother, go and taste how delicious the spring water you mentioned is. "

Ren Qingrui looked around for a week, and tugged on Young Master Liu's sleeve with a pretty face.

"Da Guoguo, why don't we go to the nearby hillside to dry our clothes first?

There will be hunters and herb pickers passing by here every now and then, sister, I don't want outsiders to see my current appearance.

It's fine if it's a woman passing by, but it's bad if it's a man. "

Seeing the tangled expression on Jiaren's pretty face, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and waved his hands.

"Girl, don't worry, within a hundred steps, no footsteps will be able to hide from my brother's ears.

If there are outsiders around, Brother Wei would have taken you to hide.

After all, Brother Wei doesn't want outsiders to see what you look like, girl.

Don't worry, come here quickly. "

Ren Qingrui nodded hurriedly, and chased after First Young Master Liu with a smile on her face.

"Oh, wait for my sister, Hasa."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at the beautiful woman with a pretty face, and rolled up the sleeves above his arms with a smile.

"It's just a few steps away, do I still need to wait for you?"

"What's the matter, my sister just wants to walk with you."

Liu Mingzhi stopped, looked at the three springs in front of him, bent his waist, put his hands together and reached under the spring in the middle where the clear spring was flowing.

After receiving a handful of clear spring water, Liu Mingzhi sent it to his mouth without hesitation.

At the entrance of the spring water, Young Master Liu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stretched out his hand again.

Ren Qingrui unplugged the water bag in her hand, looked at her sweetheart who was gulping down the spring water one after another, leaned down slightly, and approached with a smile.

"Da Guoguo, how are you doing? My sister didn't lie to you, didn't the spring water taste good?"

First Young Master Liu burped softly, and wiped the water from the corner of his mouth with a smile.

"Clear and delicious, cold and sweet, good spring water, really rare good spring water!

No wonder girl you keep telling Brother Wei how delicious the spring water here is.

Really the world is big, full of surprises.

Unexpectedly, there is such delicious spring water in this little-known hill. "

When Ren Qingrui heard Young Master Liu's praise, she smiled and handed over the water bag in her hand.

"Da Guoguo, you can drink as long as you like.

Hey, let me put the spring water in for my sister first. "

"Got it."

After a few breaths, Liu Mingzhi handed the water bag filled with mountain spring water to the beauty.

"Girl, it's full."


Ren Qingrui took the water bag, covered it with a stopper, and hung it on her waist.

"Da Guoguo, if you haven't had enough, keep drinking.

After you are full, let's go up the mountain to collect herbs. "

"Drink well, drink well."

Ren Qingrui reached out and untied the medicine basket behind her, and stuffed it directly into Young Master Liu's hand.

"Da Guoguo, help my sister carry the medicine basket first. After my sister drinks a few mouthfuls of spring water, we will go up the mountain."

"Got it."

Ren Qingrui leaned on her willow waist and sipped the mountain spring water for a while, gently wiped the water from the corner of her mouth, grabbed Young Master Liu's wrist, and trotted towards the trail up the mountain with a smile on her face.

"Da Guoguo, let's go."

On the narrow path between the mountains and forests.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the surrounding environment, and casually threw the medicine basket in his hand onto his shoulder.

"Da Guoguo, what do you think? Hurry up and follow me."

While Ren Qingrui was driving, she reminded Young Master Liu to keep up with her family.

Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze, and turned his gaze to Ren Qingrui.

Seeing that Ren Qingrui was just burying his head on the road, and had no intention of looking for herbs at all, Liu Mingzhi immediately trotted after him.

"Girl, aren't we here to guess the herbs?

How could you possibly see the herbal medicine if you kept on your way? "

Ren Qingrui let out a breath with her mouth slightly open, wiped the fine sweat from her forehead, and looked back at First Young Master Liu behind her.

"Oh, Da Guoguo, you can just come here with your sister."

"Come on, girl, you can say whatever you want."

After about a cup of tea, Ren Qingrui stopped under a mountain wall with a slightly disordered breath.

When Liu Mingzhi saw the beauty who had stopped, he rushed over immediately.

"Girl, why don't you go? Are you tired?"

Ren Qingrui hurriedly shook her head, grabbed Young Master Liu's sleeve, raised her hand and pointed towards the mountain wall.

"Da Guoguo, look at the cliff above us."

"Ah? What are you looking at?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's puzzled expression, Ren Qingrui stomped his lotus feet angrily, grabbed his arm and shook it gently.

"Oh, Da Guoguo, you'll know it when you see it."

Hearing the beauty's reproachful tone, Liu Mingzhi chuckled helplessly, and followed Ren Qingrui's finger to look up the cliff.

"Yes, yes, brother, let's see it, let's see it."

First Young Master Liu scanned the steep cliff for a moment, then looked back with a strange expression.

"Girl, besides the raised stones, some weeds, and small trees growing horizontally, are there any good things on the cliff?"

"Da Guoguo, have you looked carefully?"

"Brother Wei took a closer look at the place below, and brother Wei couldn't see the place higher up even if he wanted to."

"Da Guoguo, there is a ganoderma lucidum that is about a hundred years old on the cliff, can't you see it?"

"Ah? Is there any? Is there Ganoderma lucidum on the cliff?
Girl, you can point out the approximate location for Brother Wei, and I will take a good look at it. "

Ren Qingrui nodded slightly, stood on tiptoe and pointed to a certain position on the cliff.

"The big fruit is about eight or nine feet high, and there is a two-and-a-half-foot sapling next to the Ganoderma lucidum."

"Hey, cough, cough... girl, what are you talking about?"

"My sister said that the Ganoderma lucidum is about eight or nine feet high."

"Girl, are you sure you can see things at a distance of eight or even nine feet?"

"I can't see clearly."

"Then you, how did you know that there would be a Ganoderma lucidum in that position?"

"Sister, when I used to go to the mountains to collect herbs, I always carried the telescope you gave me, Da Guoguo, with me.

The hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum on the cliff was what my sister saw with a binoculars half a year ago.

Then, I wrote down the approximate location.

When I first saw it, my sister, I wanted to pick it up directly, but I don't have the ability to spread it! "

After hearing Jiaren's explanation, First Young Master Liu raised his hand to rub his forehead a few times, and nodded with a clear expression.

"I see."

"Da Guoguo, can't you see clearly?"

"Girl, you are too overestimating my brother's eyes."
Ren Qingrui frowned slightly, and scratched her head with a puzzled face.

"Da Guoguo, you shouldn't have said it. Didn't you say that masters of innate realm like you are very powerful?"

"Girl, at the level of being a brother, no matter how sharp your eyes are, there will be a limit after all.

Brother Wei knew the approximate location of the Ganoderma lucidum grass, and when he looked intently, he could still see some traces.

But if you let my brother and I observe blindly, it will really embarrass me. "

Ren Qingrui looked at Young Master Liu's helpless expression, and laughed a few times with embarrassment.

"Hehehe, my sister forgot to ask you carefully before going out.

If I had known this, I would have brought the binoculars. "

"It's okay, you just need to remember the approximate location."

"Remember, remember, my sister remembers everything!

As long as it is those precious herbs that my sister can't pick, my sister can remember their approximate location!
But my sister doesn't know if they will be picked by other herbal pickers. "

"Brother, you will know if you go and have a look. It's about eight or nine feet away, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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