Chapter 3006 Dowry ([-])

Young Master Liu looked at the beautiful woman's angry pretty face, but didn't react for a while.

"What? Saving a dowry? What do you save for a dowry?"

"Da Guoguo, you are such a sweet melon."

"No, brother, why am I being melon again?"

"My sister asks you, am I going to marry someone out of the cabinet in the future?"

"Yes, the girl is in her prime, so she is definitely going to marry."

"Isn't that just a joke, my sister, since I'm going out of the court to marry someone, is there any problem with me saving a dowry for myself?"

"No, being a brother doesn't mean that.

Hey, you're confusing my brother and me. "

Seeing the puzzled expression on Young Master Liu's face, Ren Qingrui nodded with a sour gaze.

"That's right, my sister is saving dowry money for herself."

She bent down and took out another piece of silk cloth from the medicine basket, and gently wrapped the wild ginseng in her hand.

Putting the wild ginseng back into the medicine basket, Ren Qingrui reached for the wine bag in Young Master Liu's hand, pulled out the cork and took a sip of the wine.

"Da Guoguo, you are very clear about your sister's background.

And the girl is very clear in her heart, because of what happened before, Da Guoguo, you don't have much affection for my old man.

Perhaps not only did he not have much liking for him, but he even felt a little disgusted.

In order not to affect the friendship between the two of us because of my old man.

Therefore, the younger sister had to support herself. "

Ren Qingrui breathed a sigh of relief, nodded again and took another sip of the drink.

"In the beginning, before you reunited with Da Guoguo on the official road, Mei'er was earning her living by herself.

It's different now, Da Guoguo, you have already promised to marry me as a wife.

Sister, I naturally want to save a dowry for myself. "

Liu Mingzhi felt the loneliness emanating from the beauty's body from the inside out, frowning tightly and silent for a long time, he let out a long sigh with a complicated expression.

"Girl, about your father Ren Wenyue, for my brother..."

Before Young Master Liu could finish his sentence, Ren Qingrui interrupted him.

"Da Guoguo, my sister knows what you're going to say.

Some things you don't say, my sister understands in my heart.

Regarding those things that happened that year, no matter who is right or who is wrong, it is already a thing of the past.

Now that it has passed, there is no need to mention it again.

It doesn't even make sense.

My sister didn't want to mention it, didn't want to hear it, and didn't care.

As long as there is no gap between the two of us, I will be satisfied, sister. "

Ren Qingrui grasped Liu Mingzhi's wrist tenderly, and spoke out all the words in her heart softly.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beauty's pretty face with a complicated look, and nodded with a sigh.

"Okay, since you've said that, girl, then I won't say anything more.

However, regarding your father's matter, Brother Wei has something to tell you, I wonder if you would like to listen?
Girl, if you want to hear it, Brother Wei will tell you. If you don't want to hear it, forget it, and pretend that Brother Wei didn't say it. "

Ren Qingrui's pretty face froze for a moment, her bright eyes stared blankly at First Young Master Liu's face, she bit her cherry lips lightly with her white teeth and fell silent.


Ren Qingrui looked at First Young Master Liu hesitantly, and for a moment didn't know how to answer this question.

Do you want to hear it yourself?
To be honest, I really want to hear what my sweetheart will say.

However, what should I do if all the words my sweetheart wants to say are his criticisms of my old man?

For a while, Ren Qingrui was caught in a difficult decision about whether to listen or not.

Liu Mingzhi silently looked at the beauty's pretty face with a hesitant expression, and didn't say anything to urge him, but casually took off the pipe from his waist.

Ren Qingrui groaned for a long time with a hesitant expression on her face, then raised the wine bag in her hand and took a swig.

After a while, the beautiful woman put down the wine bag in her hand, burped lightly, and nodded her head a few times heavily to Young Master Liu who had lit the dry tobacco.

"Hurp! Da Guoguo, tell me."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and exhaled light smoke from his mouth, frowning with a complex expression.

"Girl, let me tell you the truth, your father is not a good person."

Ren Qingrui's delicate body trembled suddenly, Fang's heart couldn't help becoming tense.

The sweetheart's first words made her heart beat uncontrollably.

Ren Qingrui tightly clenched the ten scallion-white jade fingers, bit her cherry lips and nodded silently.


"Girl, your father is not a good person, but at the same time, he is a poor person.

A poor man who was blinded by power and didn't know how much he was. "
Ren Qingrui frowned slightly with her delicate crescent eyebrows, quietly looking at First Young Master Liu, waiting for his next words.

"In other words, he is just a pawn caught in a power struggle.

A pawn that even he himself didn't know why he was involved in this turmoil.

In the end, the reason why he fell to such a situation.

It is because of his chess piece that he did not realize his awareness as a chess piece.

Corruption and perversion of the law, disasters and chaos.

Forming cliques for personal gain and suppressing dissidents.

For the sake of self-interest, he disregarded the safety of the people in the world and the stability of the country and the country.

He did all the things that he should not have done as a pawn. "

Liu Mingzhi's tone gradually became a little harsh, and Ren Qingrui's expression became more and more tense.

At the same time, Ren Qingrui felt a little regretful in her heart.

Maybe, I shouldn't have chosen to listen to my sweetheart's opinion of my old man in the first place.

Liu Mingzhi exhaled the smoke from his mouth, reached for the wine bag in the beauty's hand, and took a sip.

"Maybe girl, you should think about it in your heart. Among those things back then, your father was just a victim involved in the power struggle.

Mr. Li from the East China Sea was just a victim of his elder brother, who had held a heavy army and shouldered the power of the king, for the sake of restraint.

However, is the fact really just what you think?

I can tell you frankly, no.

Back then, when your father was serving as the acting secretary of the household department, he did those sleazy behaviors.

Thirty percent of it is because of the craftsmanship of Mr. Li, and seventy percent of it is for his self-interest.

I won’t repeat the other things for you girl, but I will tell you the simplest thing.

That is your father and he secretly united with a group of important officials in the court to embezzle money and food for the repair of Emperor Ruizong's mausoleum.

Girl, he dares to embezzle the money for repairing the mausoleum of the late emperor!

You said, what else is he afraid to do?

Later, after I proclaimed myself emperor as my elder brother, I also roughly told you about your father.

There is one thing that really has nothing to do with your father, that is, he was ordered to repair the imperial tomb, and it was indeed the order of that Mr. Li.

In order to prevent his brother from succeeding in the Northern Expedition, Mr. Li made great achievements.

With the excuse of repairing the imperial mausoleum, they concealed the fact that the army of the Northern Expedition was unable to sustain them for food and grass.

However, Mr. Li asked your father to supervise the renovation of the imperial tomb, but he didn't ask him to unite with a group of important officials in the court to embezzle the money and food for the renovation of the imperial tomb!

Girl, do you know how much money your father embezzled when he served as the Minister of the Account Department? "

"Ah? My sister... I don't know, I really don't know."

Young Master Liu looked at Ren Qingrui's stunned expression, and took a deep puff of tobacco.

"Brother, let me tell you, your father embezzled about 1407 million taels of silver in just half a year during his reign.

In half a year, about 1407 million taels of silver!

And where did the more than 100 million silver he embezzled come from?

On the surface, he embezzled the money from the imperial treasury to repair the imperial mausoleum.

The truth is, it was he who united with a group of important officials who were also corrupt and perverted the law, and embezzled so much money by embezzling the salaries of craftsmen who repaired the imperial mausoleum and tens of thousands of civilian husbands.

Of course, the more than 100 million taels of silver were not all taels embezzled by him by embezzling the money he owed to repair the imperial mausoleum.

Among them, after he became the head of the former dynasty, he received gifts, accepted bribes, etc., totaling more than 100 million taels of silver.

Girl, although you are not in the court, you still know something about the court situation at that time.

At that time, when the world was unified, the three kingdoms of Dalong, Jin, and Turkic were at war with each other for many years.

My dragon can be said to have battles every year.

Although the life of the common people is not extremely difficult, it is also quite difficult.

In such a situation that concerns the country and the country, your father can actually embezzle tens of thousands of civilians..."

Liu Mingzhi paused for words, bent down and knocked out the shredded tobacco in the smoking pot on the stone at his feet.

"Girl, you should understand now why I said that your father is not a good man."

Ren Qingrui nodded her head with a bitter face, took a few swigs from the wine bag in Young Master Liu's hand.

"Da Guoguo, I'm sorry.

My sister apologized to you for the behavior of my old man back then. "

Liu Mingzhi pinned the rolled up pipe to his waist, raised his hand, and gently embraced the beautiful woman with a pretty face full of apology.

Gently patting Ren Qingrui's back, Young Master Liu sniffed the faint fragrance emanating from her black hair, and sighed with regret.

"Girl, there is no other meaning in saying these things for you and me today.

I didn't criticize your father on purpose, let alone want to satirize him in front of you.

My brother told you this, just to let you understand.

There has never been any so-called personal grievances between me and your father.

The reason why Brother Wei doesn't like your father is just that he doesn't like his virtues.

However, as a brother, I have always had a clear distinction between grievances and resentments.

One is one, two is two.

I won't feel dissatisfied with you girl because of your father's personal reasons.

Your father is your father, girl you are you.

You two cannot be confused.

Regarding this point, girl, you should be clear in your heart.

Otherwise, brother, I wouldn't let you live in my house for many years.

Therefore, the purpose of telling you these things is to let you understand one thing.

That is, you don't need to have any worrying thoughts because of your father's thoughts. "

Ren Qingrui leaned her head sideways on Liu Mingzhi's shoulder, and nodded slightly.

"Da Guoguo, my sister knows what you said.

But I... I still can't help but worry, worried that you will have a bad opinion of my sister because of my old man. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman's sullen pretty face, put his hands on the beautiful woman's fragrant shoulders and shook them vigorously a few times.

"Girl, Brother Wei just told you that you don't need to worry about your father.

As you said just now, some things need not be mentioned now that they are in the past.

To mention it again, it has almost no meaning except to add emotion. "

Ren Qingrui was silent for a moment, then looked nervously at First Young Master Liu.

"Da Guoguo, do you really think so?"

"Why, are you suspicious of lying to you again for your brother?"

Ren Qingrui's pretty face panicked, and she shook her head generously.

"No, no, sister, I didn't mean that!

"Girl, Brother Wei understands.

Don't talk about these unhappy topics, let's continue to collect herbs. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, Ren Qingrui suddenly reacted.

Indeed, between myself and my sweetheart, there is really no need to delve into this issue.

As long as there is no problem with the relationship between yourself and your sweetheart, nothing else matters.

Ren Qingrui nodded Zhenshou vigorously, and handed the wine bag in front of Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Da Guoguo, turn around."

"Well, what are you doing?"

"Oh, if I tell you to turn around, just turn around and scatter."

Seeing the coquettish expression on the pretty face of the beautiful woman, Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly and nodded.

"Okay, okay, whatever you say, is it okay to turn around for my brother?"

Just as Young Master Liu turned around, Ren Qingrui put both hands on his shoulders and jumped up directly.

"Da Guoguo, my sister is tired, you can carry me away."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman with a joyful and pretty face, and casually grabbed her slender legs that were pinched around his waist.

"Girl, you told Brother Wei to turn around just to carry you behind his back?"

"Well, can't you?

In my memory, sister, Da Guoguo, you have recited Sister Yun, Sister Ya, Sister Lianer, Sister Qingshi...all of them.

Even Yiyi, Yueer, Yaoyao, Lingyun and the other sisters, you have memorized too much.

The only thing I haven't carried my sister on my back yet!

My sister is now your half-mother-in-law, so what can I do if you carry me on your back? "

Liu Mingzhi sighed and nodded, holding the beauty's slender legs and looking slightly at his knees.

"That's right, it's time to carry you.

Come on, lift up the medicine basket. "

The beauty raised her brows, and her bright eyes bent into crescent moons.

Reaching out to pick up the medicine basket on the ground, she raised her hand and patted her sweetheart on the shoulder.


"Smelly girl, show me the way."

"Go forward, my sister will tell you when you get there."



"Well, what happened?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head, bit his tongue and let out the strands of hair in his mouth.

"It's windy on the mountain, hurry up and tidy brother Wei's hair back."

"Yeah, my sister understands."

(End of this chapter)

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