Chapter 3007 My man
Young Master Liu carried the beauty on his back and walked away at a leisurely pace for about half an hour.

Ren Qingrui was lying on Young Master Liu's shoulder, waving the branch in her hand in boredom, she suddenly straightened her waist, raised the branch in her hand and pointed forward with a pretty face.

"Da Guoguo, we're almost there, the herb my sister mentioned is on the cliff ahead."

Liu Mingzhi heard the beautiful woman's joyful words, put his hands on the beautiful woman's slender legs, gently lifted his back, and looked in the direction of her fingers.

"Girl, is that the cliff in front?"

Ren Qingrui nodded without hesitation, and pointed to the cliff in front of her.

"Hmm, that's the cliff in front.

Da Guoguo, the herb on the cliff is also a wild ginseng, but the environment where the ginseng grows is a bit hidden, and my sister can only see the general idea with a binoculars.

Therefore, Mei'er couldn't tell whether that ginseng was aged or not. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, embraced the beauty's slender legs, and hurried towards the cliff fifty steps ahead.


"Huh? What happened?"

"I said, why do all the precious herbs you remember grow on such a steep cliff?"

Ren Qingrui put her hands on Young Master Liu's shoulders, her pretty face wrinkled her nose helplessly a few times, she straightened her waist and rested her tender chin on his left shoulder.

"Sister, I don't want to scatter like this, but the herbs that grow in other places, sister, I can pick and scatter by myself.

Where it is a little troublesome, my sister, I can use my brain to take those herbs with a little effort.

But the herbs on the cliff are different.

My sister has no ability to go up, and she dare not go up.

The steep cliff is different from other places. If you are a little careless, you may lose your life.

Sister, I am young, I haven't lived enough yet!
Of course I dare not climb up to collect herbs.

Otherwise, if I have the ability to gather all the herbs, how can I leave them to Da Guoguo today for you to spread them for me?
Say it yourself, is this the truth? "

First Young Master Liu looked embarrassed, and nodded with a strange expression.

"Hehehe, that's true."

Liu Mingzhi stopped at the foot of the cliff, looked up at the steep cliff.

Compared with the two previous cliffs, this cliff stands taller.

Ren Qingrui put down the medicine basket in her hand, and gently patted Young Master Liu on the shoulder.

"Da Guoguo, put me down, sister, you can go up and collect medicine."

"Well, okay, girl, come down."

After Ren Qingrui landed, she leaned over and picked up the small hoe from the medicine basket and stuffed it into Young Master Liu's hand.

"Da Guoguo, be careful yourself, and be careful when picking herbs, try not to hurt the dishes.

Otherwise, the value of the herbs will be greatly reduced. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, stretched out his hand to take the little hoe handed over by the beauty, and put it behind his back.

"Where does the wild ginseng grow?"

Ren Qingrui put her right hand in front of her eyes, stood on her lotus feet and looked at the steep cliff in front of her.

"About twelve or thirty feet away, there is a big protruding rock, and wild ginseng grows on the corner between that big rock and the cliff."

"Okay, brother, I know, I'll go up now."

"Da Guoguo, my sister still said the same thing, you must be careful."

"Understood, stay away."


Young Master Liu glanced back at the beautiful woman who had retreated more than ten steps away, and jumped straight up, and within a few ups and downs, his figure had already appeared on the cliff five or six feet away.

"Big fruit, be careful when you sprinkle it."

When Liu Mingzhi heard the yelling of the beautiful lady below, he didn't get bored with her repeated exhortations, but responded cheerfully.

"Brother, I know, girl, don't forget to pay attention to the falling rocks above."

Ren Qingrui stared at the flexible figure of her sweetheart gradually shrinking on the cliff, Yifang couldn't help feeling nervous.

Even if she knew very well in her heart, with the height of the cliff in front of her, it was nothing more than a piece of cake for her sweetheart.

But she still couldn't help being nervous, and couldn't help worrying about Young Master Liu.

Caring for each other, comforting each other.

This may be the best interpretation of feelings.

Just as Ren Qingrui was watching her sweetheart's every move on the cliff, suddenly there were several barking sounds from the narrow and long mountain path next to her.

"Wang Wang Wang... Wang Wang Wang..."

When Ren Qingrui heard the sound of a dog barking in the distance, her pretty face suddenly beamed with joy, and subconsciously turned sideways to look at the source of the sound.

"Da Hei! Er Hei! Little Hei!"

In Ren Qingrui's eyes, three pastoral dogs are leading two tigers and two tuanzi, and they are galloping towards him along the mountain path.

"Wang Wang Wang..."


A group of pets also seemed to see their owners, and immediately roared excitedly.

Within a dozen or so breaths, a group of pets surrounded Ren Qingrui excitedly, having fun, spinning around, and acting coquettishly.

Between each other, so happy.

Ren Qingrui lifted the hem of her skirt, and with a smile on her face, she tapped on the heads of a group of pets one by one.

"Dahei, you stinky bastards, you disappeared as soon as you entered the mountain. Did you go to cause trouble again?"

When a group of pets surrounded First Young Master Liu and acted like a baby, there were a few surprise voices not far away.

"Ah, it's the youngest sister of the Ren family.

You are so comfortable today, and you actually went up the mountain to collect herbs. "

"Oh, it's really the Ren family's younger sister, no wonder Dahei and the others rushed forward suddenly desperately.

It turns out that you are the younger sister of the Ren family, and you also went up the mountain to collect herbs. "
"That's needless to say, except for Yaomei from the Ren family who went up the mountain together.

Otherwise, how could Dahei and the others be so excited. "

"Young sister of the Ren family, how are you doing, how are you going to spread today's harvest?

Have you picked any more expensive medicinal materials? "

Ren Qingrui stood up and looked at the mountain path not far away with a smile on her face. Four or five women carrying bamboo baskets were walking towards her with smiles on their faces.

"Sisters-in-law, you also went up the mountain today."

"No way, my man hunted a pheasant yesterday.

Several children in the family were clamoring for the stewed mushrooms with pheasants, and it was not worthwhile to go to the city to buy them, so my sister-in-law had to go to the mountains to pick them herself. "

"Yaomeier, our family's man is not as good as my sister-in-law's elder brother. We went up to the mountain to pick mushrooms and planned to send them to the city to exchange for money."

"Young sister of the Ren family, you know about my sister-in-law's situation.

I went up the mountain with a few sister-in-laws in order to collect herbs in exchange for money to subsidize the family's sprinkles. "

"Young sister of the Ren family, when we passed by your house a few mornings, we saw a strong and energetic horse tied to your door.

What's the matter, you have a guest at your house today? "

Ren Qingrui heard a group of women's inquiries, looked up at the top of the cliff, and walked in front of several women with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, you guessed right, my sister Yao did indeed have a visitor today."

"What kind of guest?"

Ren Qingrui frowned slightly, and let out a coquettish snort pretending to be coquettish.

"Hmph, little sister-in-law!"

"Sister-in-law knows she's wrong, don't ask Sarah, don't ask Sarah."
Ren Qingrui smiled lightly, and walked towards the two women in the middle with light steps.

"Third sister-in-law, fourth sister-in-law, how many mushrooms have you picked?"

Seeing Ren Qingrui stand on tiptoe, the two women took off the bamboo basket behind them and put it on the ground.

"Yaomeier, there was an autumn rain two days ago, sister-in-law had a bumper harvest today."

"Yaomeier, my sister-in-law is also doing well today, she guessed most of the basket of fresh mushrooms."

"Two sisters-in-law, can I have a look at my sister?"

"Of course it's nothing. Let's see."

"Yaomeier, my sister-in-law picked a lot of mushrooms today.

If you want to eat any mushrooms, feel free to pick them out and take them home, don't tell your sister-in-law politely. "

Ren Qingrui bent down with a chuckle, and casually lifted the coarse cloth on the bamboo baskets of the two young women.

Stretching out her hand to fiddle with the bamboo basket a few times, Ren Qingrui slapped her hands with a smile and straightened up.

"Two sisters-in-law."


"What happened?"

"Two sister-in-laws, my sister wants to buy the fresh mushrooms in your bamboo baskets.

If you send it to the city and sell it, it’s also for sale, and if you sell it to your sister, how about selling it directly to your sister? "

"Hey, sister of the Ren family, what kind of nonsense are you talking about.

Yaomeier, if you want to eat mushrooms, you can just take them home. You can tell me whether they are sold or not. "

"Yes, yes, Yaomeier, if you want to eat, just take it home.

These mushrooms also look a lot, not worth much. "

Seeing the sincere expressions on the faces of the two young women, Ren Qingrui shook her head without hesitation.

"Then what's the matter, you two sisters-in-law, you went up the mountain early in the morning, it must not be easy to pick these mushrooms.

You have worked so hard, sister, how dare I take advantage of you for nothing!

That's how much you should charge, otherwise, these mushroom girls won't want it. "

"This... Yaomeier, are you cheating on your sisters-in-law?"

"Yaomeier, there's really no need to let it go.

Every time my man came back from hunting in the mountains, when he went to your house to ask for water, you never said anything, and just fetched water for my man to quench his thirst.

You take such good care of my man, just such an order of mushrooms, how can my sister-in-law have the nerve to ask you for money.

Yaomeier, whatever mushroom you want to eat, just take it home. "

"Sisters-in-law, if you say this, then I don't want this Mushroom Girl."



Ren Qingrui waved her hand, opened the two bamboo baskets next to her again and observed for a while.

"Two sister-in-laws, I know the price of mushrooms in the city.

How about this, sister, I will give you [-] Wen each, and that's all if there is more or less. "

"How good is this?"

"Don't sprinkle, really don't need to sprinkle."

"Two sisters-in-law, my sister, I went to the mountain to collect medicine today, but I didn't bring any money.

You guys leave the mushrooms to me first, and I will send you the money after a few days, sister. "

While talking, Ren Qingrui didn't wait for the two young ladies to say anything, picked up two bamboo baskets and poured the mushrooms inside into her own medicine basket.

"Young sister of the Ren family, you don't need that much money. You can give me ten Wen."

"That's right, it's not bad if these mushrooms are worth ten renminbi, how can they be spent so much on [-] renminbi?"

"Sisters-in-law, that's it.

If you keep bargaining, I don't want these mushroom girls. "

"I... have it, Yaomeier, you can do whatever you say."

"Yaomeier, my sister-in-law asked something that shouldn't be asked, how many guests are there in your house today?"

"On a."

"What, only one guest?"

"Yes, there is only one guest."

"Yaomeier, there is only one guest in your family today, can the two of you eat so many mushrooms?
The sister-in-law said that there is no other meaning, mainly because she is afraid that you will waste money.

It's not easy for you to go up the mountain to collect herbs every now and then to sell some money, so save some if you can. "

Ren Qingrui was no fool, so she could tell that the two young ladies were doing it for her own good.

After handing the two bamboo baskets to the hands of the two young ladies, Ren Qingrui nodded with a smile.

"Sisters-in-law, don't worry, my sister, Da Guoguo, has a big appetite.

There are just so many mushrooms, my sister, I am still worried that my big fruit is not enough to eat!

My family, Dahu, just hunted two fat pheasants yesterday. These mushrooms are just right for my family, Guoguo, to make a delicious meal of pheasant stewed with mushrooms.

As long as my Daguoguo is happy to eat, other things are important. "

Seeing Ren Qingrui's happy appearance, a group of women immediately moved over with gossip.

"What? Yaomeier, what are you talking about?"

"Yaomeier, your big fruit? Which big fruit?"

"Yaomei from the Ren family, the Da Guoguo you mentioned just now, can't it be your man?"

"Sisters, don't talk nonsense, the younger sister of the Ren family is not married yet."

Ren Qingrui looked at the gossiping expressions of a group of young women, and subconsciously glanced up at the cliff.

"Oh, sisters-in-law, what are you talking about.

What exactly is going on, my sister will explain it to you later when I have a chance. "

As soon as Ren Qingrui finished speaking, Young Master Liu's hearty words suddenly came from above the cliff.

"Girl, you're going to get rich this time. This wild ginseng plant can last at least a hundred years."

Holding the freshly picked wild ginseng in his hand, Young Master Liu dashed down the cliff with a graceful figure, and landed firmly beside Ren Qingrui.

"Girl, quickly wrap this wild ginseng with silk cloth... Er...

How many, how many are? "

When Ren Qingrui saw First Young Master Liu leaping to her side, she walked over with joy.

"Da Guoguo, you picked that wild ginseng."

Liu Mingzhi saw a few young women looking at him with weird expressions in front of him, and also handed the wild ginseng in his hand to Ren Qingrui with weird expressions.

"Girl, who are these?"

Ren Qingrui took the wild ginseng from Young Master Liu's hand, and put it in the medicine basket next to her with a pretty face full of joy.

"Da Guoguo, sister, let me introduce you.

Do you still remember the Chen Family Village that my sister told you about? These sister-in-laws came from the Chen Family Village. "

Ren Qingrui raised her waist, and without hesitation moved to Young Master Liu's side, wrapping his arms in her undulating arms.

"Sisters-in-law, this is my sister's big fruit.


This is my sister's man. "

(End of this chapter)

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