My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3013 It's So Good

Chapter 3013 It's So Good

Ren Qingrui suddenly changed the subject, which made Wenren Yunshu's heart curious.

Wenren Yun Shu glanced at the father and two standing on the street quietly waiting for the two of them, and pulled Ren Qingrui's sleeves a few times with his knuckles.

"Sister Yun Shu, what's going on?"

"Good sister."

"Huh? Sister Yun Shu, tell me."

Wenren Yun Shu let go of the fingers that were pulling Ren Qingrui's sleeve, and turned her head to Young Master Liu and his son with pouty lips.

"Good sister, you said just now that you know what your husband is worried about.

You were just talking, why did you suddenly change the subject?
Tell your sister quickly, what is your husband worrying about? "

Ren Qingrui looked away unnaturally when she heard Wenren Yunshu's curious question.

" there? Why doesn't my sister remember?"

Wenren Yunshu stood next to Ren Qingrui, and glanced at the father and son standing in the distance from time to time.

For a while, she didn't see any unnatural expression on Ren Qingrui's pretty face.

Hearing Ren Qingrui's pretending to be confused, she replied softly without hesitation: "Of course, my sister has heard what you said."

Ren Qingrui panicked, her eyes erratically twisted her slender hands.

"Maybe, maybe it's sister Yun Shu, you got it wrong."

"Oh, how is it possible, our sisters are so close, how could I have misheard what you said, sister!"

"Sister Yun Shu, maybe my sister and I accidentally said the wrong thing because of my bad mood."

Seeing Ren Qingrui's repeated denials, Ren Qingrui stopped watching her husband and son, but shifted her gaze to Ren Qingrui's pretty face.

Just now when she set her eyes on Ren Qingrui's pretty face, Wenren Yunshu didn't notice anything wrong with her expression.

"Good sister, what you said just now is so..."

However, when Wenren Yun Shu finished speaking halfway, she gradually noticed that there was an unnatural expression on Ren Qingrui's stunningly pretty face.

Wenren Yunshu's words stopped abruptly, and he didn't continue to ask any more questions.

Seeing Ren Qingrui's eyes dodge, she seemed to react in a bewildered manner.

She vaguely understood something, and she seemed to have asked a question that was inconvenient to continue the conversation.

Ren Qingrui couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that Wenren Yun Shu wasn't asking her any more questions.

She was really worried, worried that sister Yun Shu would continue to question her.

Wenren Yun Shu lightly tugged on Ren Qingrui's sleeve, looked at her apologetically, and smiled awkwardly.

"Hee hee, good sister, it seems that it is indeed my sister, I misheard."

Seeing the apologetic look on Wenren Yun Shuqiao's face, Ren Qingrui held her hand behind her back and shook her head with a sweet smile.

"Sister Yun Shu, thank you."

The Wenren Yunshu sisters looked at each other in unison, looked at each other tacitly and laughed.

Some things don't need to be said too clearly.

It is enough to know each other's hearts.

Just as the two sisters looked at each other and smiled tacitly, the voice of Young Master Liu suddenly came from their ears.

"Shu'er, girl, it's been so long, the whispers between you two sisters should be finished."

"I'm coming."

"Come here, come here."

Wenren Yunshu and sisters responded, they both swayed with lotus steps, and walked towards Young Master Liu and his son gracefully.

"Husband, how long has this concubine chatted with sister Qingrui? Are you so anxious?"

Seeing the pretended anger expression on the beautiful woman's pretty face, Liu Mingzhi shook his head angrily.

"Shu'er, take a look for yourself, are you worried about your husband?"

As Young Master Liu spoke, he raised his finger and pointed to both sides of the street and turned around.

"If you two sisters continue to reminisce endlessly, for dinner today, you can only eat some leftover vegetable leaves picked by others."

Wenren Yunshu and sister Ren Qingrui looked around the surrounding stalls following Young Master Liu's actions. Seeing that the vegetables and fruits in the stalls were gradually decreasing, they immediately understood what Young Master Liu meant.

Indeed, if the two of my sisters continue to chat, they will only be able to buy some fruits and vegetables left over from other people's picks.

Wenren Yunshu glanced down at the bamboo basket in his hand, a hint of embarrassment flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Husband, I know I was wrong."

"Da Guoguo, sister and sister Yun Shu, we sisters haven't seen each other for a long time.

Now that we meet again suddenly, it is inevitable to chat a few more words. "

Young Master Liu looked at the embarrassed expressions of the two sisters, and directly handed the bamboo basket in Ren Qingrui's hand.

"Hurry up and go shopping."

"Hey, here we go."

"got it."

Wenren Yunshu and the sisters walked a few steps, as if they had thought of something, they waved at Young Master Liu and his son at the same time.

"Husband, my concubine and sister Qingrui went shopping for vegetables, you and your son can't just wait like this.

Come on quickly, let's go grocery shopping together. "

Ren Qingrui nodded without hesitation, and said in a coquettish voice: "Yes, yes, sister Yun Shu is right. The two of us sisters are going to buy vegetables, and you two are waiting for nothing."


"Text, followed up."


"Da Guoguo, if you see something you want to eat, just tell me."


Wenren Yunshu and sisters walked towards a stall talking and laughing, while Liu Dashao, father and son, were just like the two little followers, hanging behind the two sisters in a leisurely manner.

"Sister Qingrui, these celery looks good, buy some.

After I go back, I will make you Da Guoguo a stir-fried pork with celery. "

"Yeah, my sister understands."

"These lotus roots are also good. You, Da Guoguo, prefer cold lotus roots."

"Okay, then come a little too."

"Green beans are also fine, you can stir-fry them."

"Then come a little too."

Under the guidance of Wenren Yunshu, Ren Qingrui put the selected vegetables one by one in front of the stall owner.

"Brother, weigh it."

"got it."

"Da Guoguo, besides these vegetables, what else do you want to eat?"

Liu Mingzhi looked sideways at the vegetables on the scale, and at the bamboo basket in Ren Qingrui's hand.

"Girl, as long as there are two of us, eat as much as you want.

If you buy too much, it will be wasted if you can't eat it. "

"Oh, sister knows."

Ren Qingrui responded, took off her purse and walked towards the stall owner.

As the sun was setting, young master Liu and his party appeared on the official road outside the city gate.

Ren Qingrui lifted the bamboo basket in her hand, and looked at Wenren Yunshu with reluctance.

"Sister Yun Shu, don't you really go to my sister's house as a guest without the text?

The two of us sisters haven't seen each other for more than a year, and we are about to part in a hurry as soon as we meet again. My sister really feels a little uncomfortable. "

Wenren Yun Shu glanced sideways at her husband with a strange look, and moved towards Ren Qingrui with a teasing gaze.

"Good sister, my sister won't disturb the good things of the two of you.

The future will be long, as long as the good things between the two of you, husband, are completed, we sisters will have plenty of opportunities to catch up on the old days.

This is a rare opportunity, you have to seize it. "

When Ren Qingrui heard Wenren Yunshu's teasing words, a blush rose on her pretty face.

"Oh, sister Yun Shu, what are you talking about!"

"My good sister, my sister is not talking nonsense, what my sister said is based on experience.

It must be known that when a man and a widow live together in the same room, it is most likely to have some sex between men and women..."

Wenren Yunshu had just finished speaking halfway, when Ren Qingrui raised her hand to cover her cherry lips.

Ren Qingrui glanced at First Young Master Liu with a shy expression, and tugged at the sleeve of Wenren Yun Shu shyly and timidly.

"Good sister, don't talk anymore, this stinky guy won't touch me."


Ren Qingrui was stunned for a moment, and hastily let go of her slender hands covering Wenren Yunshu's delicate red lips.

"Oh, my sister forgot to let go of her hands."

Wenren Yun Shu took a few deep breaths, and rolled his eyes helplessly.

"My dear sister, you almost suffocated to death without your sister."

"Sister Yun Shu, my sister didn't do it on purpose."

"Forget it, my sister won't care about these things with you.

In short, good sister, you just have to seize the opportunity. "

As soon as Wenren Yunshu finished speaking, he took his son Liu Zhengwen's little hand and walked towards First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, it's getting late. You and sister Qingrui go back first, and it's time for the concubine and Zhengwen to go back to the city."

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the setting sun in the sky, and stretched out his hands to comb Wenren Yunshu's black hair.

"Shu'er, are you really not going to sit at Ren Yatou's house?"

Wenren Yunshu glanced back at Ren Qingrui, who was nodding his head and eyebrows a few steps away, and gave First Young Master Liu a white look with a smile.

"Silly husband, are you really confused or fake.

If the concubine went to visit sister Qingrui's house today, wouldn't it delay your good deeds? "

Young Master Liu heard the profound meaning in Wenren Yunshu's words, and coughed a few times with twitching eyes.

"Ahem, cough, Shu'er, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Wenren Yun Shu listened to her husband's baseless words, raised her hand to cover her red lips and smiled softly.

"Virtue, what the concubine means, you know in your own heart.

how?Do you really want my concubine to point it out clearly? "

"Eh...for my husband...for my husband..."

Young Master Liu's expression turned awkward, and he hesitated to speak for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Wenren Yunshu saw the embarrassment on her husband's face, glanced back at Ren Qingrui who was standing not far away, and scratched the back of his hand a few times with her fingers.


"Hey, Shu Er, tell me."

"About the matter between you and sister Qingrui, there are some things that I don't know how to say.

However, the concubine knows how you are, husband.

The concubine knows that no matter what choice you make, husband, you will definitely have your own reasons.

Therefore, regarding the relationship between the two of you, sister Qingrui, husband, you can decide on your own. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the smiling Wenren Yunshu, glanced sideways at Ren Qingrui, and sighed with a complicated expression.

"Oh, Shu'er, you don't have to worry about the relationship between your husband and girl Ren.

There are some things that my husband knows how to deal with. "

"Hmm, I understand.

Husband, the concubine went back first with the text.

The time for the concubine and the text to come out is not short, if you don't go back, the parents and the elders should be worried. "

"Okay, then you go back first."


"Hey, Daddy?"

"Stinky boy, you must be obedient in your grandparents' house, do you understand?"

"Baby understands, baby will be obedient, and will never make my mother angry."



"See you in Beijing."

"take care of your body."

"My concubine knows."

Wenren Yunshu let go of First Young Master Liu's hand, took Liu Zhengwen's little hand and walked towards Ren Qingrui.

"Sister Qingrui."

"Sister Yun Shu."

"It's getting late, my sister should go back with the text, Husband, you two should go back quickly."

Ren Qingrui nodded reluctantly, raised her hand and flicked Liu Zhengwen's forehead.

"Sister Yun Shu, go slowly."

Wenren Yunshu nodded with a chuckle, turned around and waved to First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, my concubine and Zhengwen are going back first."

"Go back as soon as possible, don't delay on the way."

"You too."

After Wenren Yunshu's mother and son entered the city gate, Ren Qingrui walked towards First Young Master Liu with a bamboo basket.

"Da Guoguo, it's getting late, and it's time for us to go home."

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, and nodded with a sigh.

"Okay, get on the horse."

Ren Qingrui passed the bamboo basket in his hand to First Young Master Liu, and lightly turned over while holding the rein, and rode on the horse's back.

"Da Guoguo, give the bamboo basket to my sister."

"no need."

Liu Mingzhi jumped up and rode directly on the horse's back, naturally embracing the beauty's willow waist.

"Girl, Bamboo Basket."



When Young Master Liu returned to Ren Qingrui's courtyard, the sky had already turned into a setting sun like blood.

Ren Qingrui unlocked the door, looked at First Young Master Liu who was staring at the setting sun in the sky and frowning, and knocked lightly on the courtyard door a few times.

"Da Guoguo, why are you so dazed?

We're already home, hurry up and let's go. "

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, took the rein of the horse and walked into the courtyard.

After fastening the reins, Young Master Liu walked to the center of the courtyard, and continued to look towards the setting sun that was as red as blood in the sky.

Ren Qingrui put the bamboo basket in her hand next to the water tank, looked at Young Master Liu who was standing motionless in the courtyard, and walked over with a puzzled expression.

Stopping at Young Master Liu's side, the beauty raised her jade neck and followed his gaze towards the sky.

However, Ren Qingrui looked at it for a long time, but she didn't see anything wrong.

Ren Qingrui withdrew her gaze, and raised her hand to touch Young Master Liu's arm with a puzzled expression.

"Da Guoguo, what do you see?

Is there something wrong with Skyrim? "

Liu Mingzhi sighed softly, casually untied the pipe from his waist and filled it with shredded tobacco.

"Although the weather is good today, when the sun sets, the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Maybe there will be a heavy rain tonight.

At the end of autumn, it is the rainy season.

The rain might not stop tomorrow.

If this is the case, the itinerary for brother will be... oh..."

Ren Qingrui's eyes lit up when she heard Young Master Liu's words.

If so, that would be great.

It's raining, it's raining, come down quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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