My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3014 The taste of home

Chapter 3014 The taste of home
Young Master Liu noticed the secret joy inadvertently revealed in the beauty's beautiful eyes, and exhaled the smoke from his mouth with a bit of a sigh.

The breeze blows past, letting out the curl of smoke lingering in front of First Young Master Liu.


When Ren Qingrui heard Young Master Liu's greeting, she immediately suppressed the excitement in her heart.

With a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he pretended to be puzzled and turned his head to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Hey, what happened?"

"Girl, why do you feel like you really hope that there will be a downpour tonight?"

Listening to Young Master Liu's strange words, Ren Qingrui, like a kitten whose tail had been stepped on, grabbed Liu's waist with both hands, and frowned angrily.

Lifting her feet and turning in front of First Young Master Liu, the beauty's pretty face showed a look of 'angry' at being wronged, and she glared at him fiercely.

"Da Guoguo, how can you spread the innocence out of thin air?

Sister, when did I hope that there would be a downpour tonight?
You have to know, sister, I usually live on the mountains.

If there is a downpour tonight, the mountain road will definitely become muddy and slippery tomorrow.

Under such circumstances, sister, I have no choice but to go up the mountain to gather herbs, or to pick wild mushrooms.

If you can't collect herbs, you can't sell them for money.

If she can't earn money, the younger sister has no way to prepare a dowry for herself.

If she can't earn the dowry money, the younger sister can't get out of the court to marry.

Let me tell you, how much this has affected my sister and me!
In this way, my sister, how can I possibly hope that there will be a downpour tonight?
Da Guoguo, think about it for yourself, is there any truth to what my sister said? "

Ren Qingrui glared angrily at First Young Master Liu who was puffing out the clouds, and broke off her ten slender fingers, talking at length.

He made a reasonable and well-founded rebuttal to Liu Dashao's actions of wronging himself out of thin air.

Young Master Liu glanced at the beautiful lady with a slightly raised brow, bent down and knocked out the soot on the sole of his shoe, twisted his waist and stretched his body.

"Well, that seems to be the truth."

"What does it mean? It seems to be the truth. It's the truth, okay?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a half-smile, raised his hand and gave Ren Qingrui a thumbs up.


Ren Qingrui's pretty face froze, and she asked suspiciously, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, I'm praising you for my brother!"

Ren Qingrui looked at First Young Master Liu suspiciously, puffed her cheeks and muttered for a while, but couldn't think of anything wrong.

"Really or not? Sister, why do I not believe in Sarah so much?"

"Of course it's true, why should I lie to you, brother?"

Ren Qingrui wanted to say something else, Young Master Liu casually carried the pipe on his waist, turned around and walked towards the kitchen not far away.

"In about half an hour, the sun will be setting.

Don't delay, hurry up and prepare our dinner. "

"Oh, I see."

Ren Qingrui responded sweetly, bit her lips lightly, stood on tiptoes and looked up at the picturesque haze in the sky.

She stared at the sunset in the sky for a long time, closed her eyes with a puzzled expression, and walked towards the stove with a murmur like a mosquito.

"With such a beautiful sunset, is it really possible that it will rain heavily tonight?"

Naturally, the beauty was very happy about the previous conjectures made by her sweetheart.

As long as there will be a heavy rain tonight, it means that my sweetheart can stay with me for an extra day or two.

But when she saw the beautiful sunset glow in the sky like a scroll, the beauty couldn't help feeling a little suspicious.

With such a good weather, it should be a sunny day with few moon stars at night, and the chance of rain should be very small.

However, the weather does seem to be getting a bit muggy now.

Ren Qingrui stopped outside the kitchen door with light steps, turned around and looked at Young Master Liu, who was squatting beside the water tank, skillfully cleaning fish scales.

The beautiful woman hesitated for a moment with a hesitant expression, but in the end she couldn't hold back her curiosity.

She leaned her willow waist and took off the apron behind the door. While wearing the apron, she pretended to be casually looking at First Young Master Liu.

"Big fruit."

Young Master Liu paused, and turned sideways to look at the beautiful woman who was wearing an apron.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Is it really going to rain tonight?"

Although Ren Qingrui put on a flat expression on purpose, how could she hide her inner thoughts from Young Master Liu's eyes?
Regarding her little thoughts, I don't need to guess, I know what this girl is up to.

Smiling and shaking his head, First Young Master Liu continued to clean the Yayu in his hand.

"According to my experience as a brother, there should be seven or eight out of ten."

Ren Qingrui rolled her eyes a few times, tied the ribbon on her apron, and walked into the kitchen calmly with a pretty face.

"Oh, if it's really going to rain, my sister has to clean up the things in the yard early before resting at night."

As soon as she walked into the kitchen, Ren Qingrui let out a long breath, and patted her heaving chest with a pretty face excitedly.

"God, you must make it rain!
Not only do you have to download it, but you also have to download it a little bigger. "

"Girl, Brother Wei has already cleaned up the two fishes, so hurry up and start a fire."

"Hey, my sister knows, I'll start a fire right now."

"Girl, do you wash half of the vegetables in the basket, or wash them all at once?"

"I didn't buy much, Da Guoguo, you should wash them all."


"By the way, big brother."

"what happened again?"

"There are not many peppers in the kitchen, and my sister needs to use peppers for several dishes.

After you have washed the vegetables, go back to the hillside behind the yard to pick some peppers. "

"Okay, brother, I know."

"Also, there is not much water in the tank, you can go to the spring to fetch some buckets of clean water later.

Didn't you just say that it might rain at night?

Now prepare some more water, so that you can save yourself another trip against the wind and rain. "

"Good guy, you are using my brother and me to be used by others."

"Hehehe, if you don't like Da Guoguo, then you can come and cook.

Sister, I'm going to pick peppers, go to the spring to fetch water, what do you think? "

"Okay, go for brother, why not go for brother?"

"It's almost there."

Amidst the two talking and laughing, and quarreling with each other, a curl of cooking smoke rose above the stove in the small courtyard.

Liu Mingzhi put the washed vegetables into a clean wooden basin, got up and picked up the towel next to him to wipe off the sweat on his hands.

"Girl, I went to the back of the yard to pick peppers for my brother."

"got it."

First Young Master Liu walked out of the courtyard, and the beautiful woman's crisp and melodious yelling suddenly sounded from behind.

"Da Guoguo, have you gone far?"

"No, what's the matter?"

"My sister forgot to tell you just now, when you are picking peppers, by the way, feed the chickens, ducks and geese in the fence."

Young Master Liu sighed helplessly, shaking the folding fan in his hand, and rushed towards the small hill behind the yard.

"Alright, let's cook properly."

Stopping outside the fence where chickens, ducks and geese flocked, Young Master Liu reached out and wiped the fine sweat on his forehead, looked up at the gradually darkening sky, and let out a long breath.

"It seems that the rain will not be light tonight."

Muttering to himself, First Young Master Liu lifted the bamboo basket next to him, and poured the food inside into several troughs under the fence one by one.

At some point, the wind on the hillside became louder and louder.

The blowing made the flowers and plants nearby sway non-stop, and the curling smoke under the hillside quickly dissipated.

Liu Mingzhi pocketed the freshly picked chili peppers in his pocket, surveyed the surroundings, and walked down the hillside at a leisurely pace.

As soon as he walked into the courtyard, Young Master Liu smelled a mouth-watering rich fragrance.

"Girl, Brother Wei is back."

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, the beauty's response came from the kitchen.

"Ahem, cough, Da Guoguo, the wind outside is getting stronger and stronger.
The gust of wind that blew just now blew all the smoke from the chimney back.

It seems that what you said is right, nine times out of ten it will really rain heavily tonight. "

Liu Mingzhi walked into the stove, and casually put the peppers on the hem of his clothes into the bamboo basket next to him.

"Girl, the cooking skills are not bad. As soon as I entered the door, I could smell the aroma of the food."

"It's a must, if you don't have any real skills, how dare I make a big deal for you, sister."

"How many dishes have you prepared?"

"I've already made four, my sister will make two more dishes, and one soup will be enough for dinner."

First Young Master Liu glanced at the beautiful lady who was putting firewood in the stove, reached out and picked up a piece of fried meat with celery, and threw it directly into his mouth.

"Hiss...well, delicious."

"Oh, Da Guoguo, why are you acting like a child.

The roasted pork with celery has just come out of the pan, so you don't have to worry about burning your mouth. "

"It's okay, it's okay, my brother has a thick skin and is not afraid of being scalded."

"Smelly poor, hurry up and fetch water from the spring.

After you fill up the water tank, we can just eat. "

"Alright, let's go here for my brother."

The setting sun hanging in the sky finally set.

Ren Qingrui saw Young Master Liu put down the bucket, and walked out of the main room with lotus steps.

"Da Guoguo, my sister has brought all the meals to the main room just now, wash your hands and we can eat.

I've already led the horse to the shed next to the side house, so you don't have to take care of it anymore. "

"Okay, Brother Wei knows, you go in and wait first."

Ren Qingrui raised her hand and combed the hair on her fragrant shoulders, which was a little messed up by the strong wind, and nodded her head with a smile like a flower.

"Hey, my sister will go back and wait for you."

A moment later, Young Master Liu walked towards the beauty's boudoir with a towel in his hand.

"Boom... boom..."

As soon as Young Master Liu walked into the room, deafening thunder suddenly sounded in the dim sky.

Putting the towel aside, First Young Master Liu turned around and glanced at the increasingly gloomy sky outside the room, sighed, walked to the table and sat down.

"Oh, it seems that what brother Wei said is indeed correct.

The rain is about to come, and the wind is full of the building! "

Ren Qingrui put a pair of chopsticks in front of First Young Master Liu, and patted the wine jar on the table with a smile.

"Da Guoguo, are you still drinking today?"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the chopsticks, and casually pushed the wine glass in front of the beauty.

"Lightning dances, thunder cheers.

The rain is about to come, and the beautiful woman is by my side.

Such a rare opportunity, how can there be no wine? "

Ren Qingrui was overjoyed, nodded her head with a smile, and wiped off the sealing mud on the wine jar without hesitation.

"Yes, yes, Da Guoguo, you are so right.

Such a rare scene, how can there be no wine. "

Ren Qingrui put the wine jar in front of First Young Master Liu with a smile on her face, and pushed his wine glass back with her backhand.

"Da Guoguo, it's too troublesome to sit up and down.

The two of us are still the old rules, drinking and drinking by ourselves. "

Holding the wine jar with both hands, Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath of the rich aroma of the wine, with an intoxicated look on his face.

"Alright, brother, I will listen to you."

Ren Qingrui sat down gracefully, reached out and pushed the food on the table towards Young Master Liu.

"Da Guoguo, you can eat a la carte first, let's eat, drink, and chat."

Young Master Liu filled up the wine and picked up the bowls and chopsticks with a smile.

"Okay, then brother, let's have a good taste and see how much your craft has improved, girl."

Ren Qingrui quickly picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of braised fish and put it in Young Master Liu's bowl, her eyes were full of anticipation.

"Da Guoguo, quickly taste how it tastes."

Just as the fish was in the mouth, Young Master Liu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately raised his head to look at the beautiful woman who was looking at him with a smile.

"This... this smell.

Neither the taste of the capital nor the taste of Sichuan.

Rather, it is the taste of Jiangnan. "

Ren Qingrui looked at the surprised expression, and raised her wine glass slightly with a corner of her mouth.

"Silly Guoguo, you are wrong."

"Huh? Brother Wei, what did you say wrong? This braised fish recipe is obviously the taste of Jiangnan cuisine!"

Liu Mingzhi questioned, picked up a chopstick and put the fish meat into his mouth again, chewing and savoring it carefully.

After a while, First Young Master Liu swallowed the food in his mouth lightly, and picked up his wine glass with a complicated expression.

"Girl, brother, I can say with certainty that the materials and techniques you use to make this dish are definitely Jiangnan's method.


"And what?"

"The taste of this dish is similar to the one made by my mother.

Come and drink. "

"My sister toasts you."

Liu Mingzhi drank the wine in one gulp, and filled a glass of wine again with a melancholy expression.

"Girl, it's been almost two years since I've been a brother, and I haven't eaten any food cooked by my mother.

To be honest, the meals my mother cooks are not very delicious.

Compared with the royal chefs in the palace and the chefs in major restaurants, there is still a gap.

However, the meals my mother cooks for my brother are solid for my brother and me. "

Ren Qingrui put down the wine jar, looked at Young Master Liu with a melancholy expression and smiled, picked up a piece of fish again and put it on his plate.

"Silly Guoguo, I know why I said my sister, are you wrong?"

"Huh? Girl, what do you mean?"

"Silly Guoguo, my sister, the dish I cooked for you is not the taste of Jiangnan.

Rather, the taste of home. "


"Because this dish was made when my sister was still living in your house.

Bit by bit, I learned it from my aunt and her elders. "

First Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, and nodded with a wry smile.

"I see. No wonder the taste is so familiar."

(End of this chapter)

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