My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3016 Waiting for you

Chapter 3016 Waiting for You to Come Back
Two days later.

It rained and it was fine.

The road is no longer muddy.

Young Master Liu untied the horse's rein from the horse post, looked at the beautiful woman who was walking towards the wine cellar, and led the horse's rein to the courtyard gate with a melancholy expression.

One person and one horse stopped outside the small fenced courtyard, Young Master Liu looked at the fenced courtyard where he had lived for three days and the pleasant scenery around the courtyard with a lot of emotions.

The look on his face was both nostalgic and emotional.

There is also a bit of indescribable melancholy.

Get along with the beautiful woman in just three days.

Really, get together in a hurry, and leave in a hurry.

After meeting by chance, the life they spend together day and night is so happy and sweet.

When reluctantly parting, the feeling of parting is so heart-wrenching.

Liu Mingzhi stroked Feng Xing's mane a few times, and stretched out his hand to untie the dry cigarette from his waist.

"Oh, dear brother, it's time for the two of us to set off again."

Feng Xing seemed to sense the depression of his master, Xi Lulv sneezed and rubbed his head on his arm a few times.


Liu Mingzhi sighed softly, filled the tobacco silently, and turned to look at the wine cellar in the courtyard.

The taste of waiting is not good.

Waiting for the taste of parting is even more uncomfortable.

Liu Mingzhi lit the shredded tobacco, gazed quietly at the distant mountains, and took a puff of tobacco.

Looking through the light smoke curling and dissipating in front of his eyes, his eyes gradually became deeper.

If you can get along with a beautiful woman day and night, why should you choose to part?
However, the identity of Ren Yatou is too complicated.

It's not a big deal to bring her back to the capital, but if you want her to show her face in the capital, it will be a bit difficult.

All the important court officials who held great power in the court hall had seen Ren Yatou's appearance.

If I let her accompany me in a fair and honest manner, after the important officials in the court know about this, there will definitely be a disturbance.

It doesn't seem feasible if she is not allowed to show her face.

After all, I had already promised this girl the day before yesterday that one day I would use eight palanquins to marry her into the family of the Liu family.

If it was an ordinary family of dignitaries and dignitaries, they would keep it secret.

But, who made his identity unusual?

Even if this kind of thing is not a major event for the country, it is not a trivial matter for the current emperor to accept a new concubine.

It is almost impossible to keep this matter secret.

If I want Ren Qingrui to be by my side in an open and honest way, I can only wait until all the important officials in the court who have seen her face all retire and return to their hometowns and leave the temple.

In the future, when those important court officials who have seen her look have retired and returned to their hometowns one after another, that is when he will pick her up and return to Beijing.

This girl's identity was involved in the disaster of the demon empress of the previous dynasty, and the relationship was too great.

Now that he brought her back to Beijing, he could only let her stay by his side as before without any status.

In this case, it is better to let her live a clean life here first.

While Liu Mingzhi was thinking secretly, Ren Qingrui walked out of the courtyard with lotus steps.

"Big fruit."

Young Master Liu came back to his senses, adjusted the look on his face, and looked towards the fenced courtyard with a faint smile.

I saw that the beautiful woman was holding her own wine bag in her hand, walking towards her with reddish eyes.

Ren Qingrui stopped in front of First Young Master Liu with lotus steps, blinked her red eyes a few times, and held up the wine bag in her hand with a forced smile as a gesture.

"Da Guoguo, my sister has packed the apricot flower dew for you."

Liu Mingzhi leaned over and knocked out the soot on the soles of his feet, and casually pinned the pipe to his waist.


"Big fruit."

Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui looked at each other silently for a while, took a deep breath, raised his hand and stroked the beauty's delicate cheeks a few times.

"Girl, it's getting late.

For brother, for brother, it's time to set off! "

Ren Qingrui's delicate body trembled slightly, she pursed her cherry lips and remained silent for a long time, then tapped her head a few times with reluctance.

"Da Guoguo, my sister is going to see you off."

"Okay, it's also good to send it off."

"Then wait for my sister first, and I'll go and lock the door."

"Go, wait for me for brother."

Ren Qingrui took a deep breath, turned around and trotted towards the yard.

Liu Mingzhi watched the beautiful woman enter the boudoir, blinked his sour eyes, looked at the distant scenery, and waited quietly.

About a cup of tea time.

Ren Qingrui turned back with the wine bag in her arms.

"Da Guoguo, my sister is back, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"It's okay, no matter how urgent you are, don't rush this moment."
Ren Qingrui locked the courtyard door, and walked to Young Master Liu's side without haste.

"Da Guoguo, let's go."

"Okay, let's go."

This time, Ren Qingrui did not take the initiative to ride the horse, but stretched out her hand to hold Liu Mingzhi's palm.

Obviously, the beautiful lady also knew in her heart that if she chose to walk, she could spend more time with her sweetheart.

Liu Mingzhi also seemed to understand the beauty's thoughts, he didn't point out anything, and let her lead him, walking slowly with the slowest pace.

"Big fruit."


"In the future, when I'm not by your side, sister, you must remember to miss me."

Liu Mingzhi nodded heavily, and grabbed the beauty's jade hand into his own with his backhand.

"Don't worry, even if you don't say it, I will miss you as a brother."

"Don't lie to me."

"Never lie."

"Since you are so serious about what you stinky bastard said, I believe you, sister.

But sister, I have a small request, you must agree to me. "

"any request?"

"My sister's request is, Da Guoguo, you must miss me every day."

"no problem."

"Can it really be done?"

"If you don't believe me, I will make an oath to you, brother."

"Don't, don't, my sister believes that you are the one.

Da Guoguo, do you know why I ask you like this, sister? "


Ren Qingrui turned sideways slightly, and walked backwards, looking straight at First Young Master Liu with bright eyes.

"Because, my sister also misses you every day."

Hearing the beauty's affectionate confession, Young Master Liu frowned slightly.

In the face of the beauty's deep affection, instead of feeling the joy, he felt a lot of pressure.


"Hey, what happened to Sarah?"

"When you go to the mountains to collect herbs in the future, you must not be brave when you encounter herbs that you can't reach.

No matter how precious herbs are, they are not as important as your safety.

Promise to be brother, don't take any risks, okay? "

Hearing her sweetheart's confession, Ren Qingrui's eyes bent into crescents for a moment.

Holding Young Master Liu's arm in her arms, Jiaren smiled and looked towards him.

"Da Guoguo, are you worried about my sister?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Jiaren quietly, then nodded with a light smile.


"Oh, Da Guoguo, you have already said that, how dare the girl stop?

Don't worry, Da Guoguo, my sister will definitely remember your explanation firmly, and I will never go to the mountains to collect herbs in the future, and I will never take risks. "

Liu Mingzhi let go of the rein, smiled lightly and wiped the fine sweat off his forehead for the beauty.

"With your guarantee, I feel relieved as a brother."

A short way.

Liu Mingzhi and Ren Qingrui walked for half an hour in a daze before reaching the official road.

Unfortunately, no matter how long the road is, it will eventually come to an end.

Ren Qingrui looked at the endless official road in front of her, and her pretty face, which was originally smiling, suddenly became silent.

She tightly clenched the wine bag in her hand, her cherry lips pursed non-stop.

There are thousands of words in my heart that I want to say, but I can't say anything.

When Liu Mingzhi saw the heavy expression on the beauty's face, he felt as if a huge rock was pressing down on his heart.

Parting words, no matter when, are sad.

I have lived most of my life, and I am no stranger to parting.

However, he still couldn't let go easily.

That's it.

When it comes to parting, there must always be someone who speaks first.

In that case, let yourself come.

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, and stared at the beautiful woman's pretty face for a long time with reluctant eyes.


Ren Qingrui's delicate body trembled, and she looked at her sweetheart pretending to be calm.


Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and patted the beauty's fragrant shoulders, then leaned over and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

"Girl, to send you off for thousands of miles, we must say goodbye at last.

Just send it here. "

Ren Qingrui looked at First Young Master Liu quietly, a faint mist formed in the reddish eye sockets.

"Okay... okay."

"Girl, take care."

"Da Guoguo, all the way... have a smooth journey."

As soon as Ren Qingrui finished speaking, she handed the wine bag in front of Young Master Liu with difficulty.

"Da Guoguo, the apricot flower dew my sister prepared for you."
Liu Mingzhi nodded with a bitter expression, and took the wine bag from the beauty's hand with trembling arms.


Seeing her sweetheart who was about to get on the horse, Ren Qingrui couldn't help but stretched out her jade hand and grabbed Young Master Liu's sleeve.

"Big fruit."

Liu Mingzhi paused, and looked at the beauty pretending to laugh.

"Girl, do you have anything else to say to your brother?"

Ren Qingrui turned her head and looked around, and saw that there were no passers-by on the official road, and Ruyan threw herself into the arms of her sweetheart as if returning to her nest.

The beauty directly raised her hands, and naturally embraced Young Master Liu's neck, tiptoed slightly, and kissed my sweetheart on the lips without hesitation.

Ren Qingrui closed her eyes silently, opened her white teeth and bit down lightly just like a year ago.

Young Master Liu snorted, and tightly hugged the beauty's waist without struggling.

a long time.

Lip points.

Ren Qingrui raised her hand to wipe off the bright red blood on her cherry lips, her eyes were fixed on Young Master Liu's face, not willing to move away.

"Liu Mingzhi."


"Call me Ruier."

"Rui... Ruier."

Ren Qingrui pursed her lips, and carefully wiped away the bloodshot wound on Liu Mingzhi's lips.

"Silly Guoguo, does it hurt?"

Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips and nodded silently.

"A bit."

"Do you know why I bit you?"

"To be honest, I don't quite understand."

"Do you still remember, when my sister lived in your house before, when she opened her heart to you and told her heart, how did you answer me?"

Liu Mingzhi immediately recalled the scenes that happened on a certain night more than a year ago, when the moon and stars were thin.

"Liu Mingzhi, can you tell me what's wrong with me, Ren Qingrui?

Where did I feel sorry for you, what made you unhappy?

I almost took out my heart for you to see, is it red or still black, are you still like this?
I'm already like this, do you still want to keep me thousands of miles away? "

"Girl, if there is a next life, I will definitely..."

"Shut up, I don't want to hear these perfunctory things you've said to me over and over again.

Liu Mingzhi, if there is a next life...

You touch your own heart and ask, do you believe this sentence? "


"Liu Mingzhi, I, Ren Qingrui, will ask you a question today, do you have me in your heart?

Even if you just feel sorry for my sister, that's fine! "

"Silence again, silence again, Liu Mingzhi, how many times have you been silent to me, do you remember?

do you know?you've changed?You weren't like this before.

You have changed since you sat in that chair.

Become more and more cruel.

Sister, I just want to know if you have ever had me in your heart.

Is it that hard to answer for you? "

"Hehehe, I see.

But, Liu Mingzhi, you remember me, I will not give up.

I, Ren Qingrui, will pester you even if I die.

Even if I die, I will be willing to die in your arms.

Only then can we rest in peace.

You have already pushed me to that Mr. Li several times, and I don't want to be pushed to another man by you again.

You can kill me, once and for all.

But, don't you think about pushing me to another man.

Even if I bump into death in front of you, I will never let you manipulate me anymore.

I, Ren Qingrui, are not as cheap as you think. "


"I'm a little hairy, so I'll go back and rest first."

"Okay, walk slowly."

Liu Mingzhi reacted from the response, looked at the beautiful woman in front of him guiltily, and sighed with regret.

"Girl, for my brother..."

Ren Qingrui looked at Liu Mingzhi who wanted to explain something to him, and directly opened his mouth to interrupt him.

"Da Guoguo, I'm bringing up the old story again. I'm not complaining about you, but I want you to know something."


Ren Qingrui pursed her cherry lips, and gently stroked the wound on Young Master Liu's lips.

"Da Guoguo, I just want you to tell me this.

I hope you don't use the phrase "if there is a next life" to perfuse me anymore. "

"Girl, I..."

"Da Guoguo, are you afraid that this life is the next life you told me once in your previous life?"

Young Master Liu trembled, his hands were tightly clenched together, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Ren Qingrui threw herself into Liu Mingzhi's arms again, holding his waist tightly with both hands, unwilling to let go.

"Da Guoguo, my sister is afraid, you've been perfunctory to me again.

I may have been waiting for you for a lifetime, maybe I have been waiting for you for two lifetimes.

Even, there may be more lifetimes.

So, sister, I don't want to wait another lifetime. "

Liu Mingzhi hugged the beautiful woman's willow waist forcefully, and sighed with grief on his face.

"Girl, I'm sorry."

After a long time, Ren Qingrui let go of Liu Mingzhi's waist, and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his fingers.

"Da Guoguo, let's go."

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment, then nodded heavily.

"it is good."

Ren Qingrui took two steps back, and waved her hand with a smile.

"Daguoguo, have a nice trip."

Liu Mingzhi got on his horse, chuckled lightly and pulled the reins.

"Girl, take care."

"You are precious too."

Liu Mingzhi clamped the horse's belly and waved the rein lightly.


Fengxing sneezed, and moved the horse's hooves slowly.

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and looked at the beauty, his lips twitched non-stop, as if he wanted to say something.

Silly girl.


Tell me to take you back!

As long as you open your mouth, we can go back to Beijing together.

Ren Qingrui gently waved her lotus root arms, her cherry lips were also pursed non-stop.

Big fruit.

I do not blame you.

Sister, I'm just a little girl. I never think that me alone is more important than Dalong's [-] mountains and rivers.

"Liu Mingzhi."

"Shut up!"

Young Master Liu grabbed the reins of the horse and hurriedly looked at the beauty.


"Liu Mingzhi, every year when the apricot blossoms bloom, I'll wait for you to come back and drink."

(End of this chapter)

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