Chapter 3017
After going back and forth for many days, Liu Mingzhi finally rushed back to the capital from Shu.


Fengxing neighed rhythmically, and gradually slowed down his speed.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the passers-by coming in and out of the city gate, got off his horse with a whip in his hand, raised his hand and stroked Fengxing's mane a few times.

"Brother, we are finally back."

Feng Xing sneezed, and rubbed his horse's head on Young Master Liu's arm.

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile, casually took off the wine bag on his waist, poured the wine into the palm of his hand, and brought it to Fengxing's mouth.

"Don't worry, I won't forget you."

Seeing Feng Xing licking the wine, First Young Master Liu also raised his wine bag and drank freely.


Young Master Liu hiccupped lightly, took the reins of the horse and went straight to the city gate.

On the Qinglong Main Street in the inner city, Liu Mingzhi looked at the fork in front of him leading to the Liu Mansion and the Honglu Temple Government Office respectively, with a hesitant look on his face.

Should I go home first and report to Qi Yun and her sisters that they are safe?Or go to Honglu Temple first to meet Sakai Hoshino?

Young Master Liu pondered for a moment with a hesitant expression, and finally chose the street to go home.

After I go home and report to Yun'er and the other sisters that they are safe, it is not too late to go to Honglu Temple to find Sakai Hoshino, a silly woman.

Young Master Liu made up his mind, and led Fengxing to walk directly towards the street leading to his home.

Liu Mingzhi had just entered the gate of the mansion, and Liu Song, who was dozing on the recliner, hurriedly got up to greet him.

"Little Liu Song, see the young master."

Liu Mingzhi casually threw the reins to Liu Song, held up the wine bag and stretched his waist.

"Excuse me."

"Thank you sir."


"The little one is here."

"Yun'er, Sister Ya, Wanyan, Weier, how many days have you been back?"

"Back to the young master, the young one and all the young wives returned home two days ago."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, raised his wine bag and took a sip.

"Okay, Master Ben knows, Yun'er and the others are all at home, right?"

"Except for Mrs. Bizhu and Mrs. Lingyi, the other young ladies are all in the inner courtyard now!
As for the two sisters, Mrs. Qinglian and Mrs. Yunshu, they did not come back to the capital together, you know, young master. "

"Okay, my young master knows, I'll go back to the inner courtyard first, you can take Feng Xing to the stable."

"Yes, my little one understands, and I will send you off to the young master."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands casually, put away his wine bag, and walked straight to the inner courtyard with high strides.

Walking through the corridor and back to the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion, Liu Mingzhi turned his head and scanned the garden.

Except for some maidservants who were playing around in the garden, Qi Yun and the other sisters were not seen.

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, and set off again towards the main hall of the inner courtyard.

As soon as Liu Mingzhi walked into the hall, several maids who were clearing the tables saw him coming in, and hurriedly greeted him with a blessing.

"Sister servant girl, see the young master."

"Well, no gift."

"Thank you, Master."

"Yu'er, how many sisters are Yun'er?"

"Back to the young master, after the young ladies had lunch, they went back separately."

"Got it, go ahead and pack your things."

"Yes, the servant sisters obey."

Young Master Liu walked out of the hall door and turned back, beckoning to Qi Yun's personal maid, Yu'er.

"Yu'er, come here."

"The slaves obey."

Yu'er jogged and stopped in front of First Young Master Liu, and gave a respectful blessing.

"Master, do you have any orders?"

"Yu'er, go to the back kitchen and tell them to make me two dishes to fill my stomach right away."

"Hey, I understand, young master, where do you want to eat?"

"Master Ben, go to Yun'er's room first. After the food is ready, you can send it to Yun'er's room."

"Hey, the servant girl knows."

"Keep busy, young master, I'm going to Yun'er first."

"Congratulations, young master."

After Young Master Liu gradually left, Yu'er turned to look at the other sisters.

"Sister Huan'er."

"Sister Yu'er?"

"You guys clean up first, I'll go to the back kitchen and explain."

"Hey, we got it, Sister Yu'er, go over quickly."

After Liu Mingzhi left the main hall, he rushed all the way to the courtyard where Qi Yun lived.

Before reaching the door, First Young Master Liu yelled at the top of his voice.

"Yun'er, I'm back for my husband."

As soon as Young Master Liu's words fell, Qi Yun's voice full of surprise came from the room.

"Husband? You are back."

"Yeah, I'm back."

Young Master Liu replied softly, raised his hand and pushed towards the door.

However, he pushed several times in a row, but the door still didn't open.

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, then poked his head to look into the crack of the door, and immediately saw the bolt behind the door.

"Yun'er, it's broad daylight, what are you doing with the deadbolt?"

"Husband, today's weather is a bit stuffy, and I'm taking a shower right now!

Just wait a moment, the concubine will open the door for you immediately. "

When Young Master Liu heard Qi Yun's reply, his tiger's body shook violently, and his heart instantly became hot.

I have been tortured by Ren Yatou for several days in a row, and today I finally don't have to be aggrieved anymore.

"Yun'er, don't worry.

You take a shower first, it doesn't matter if you wait outside for a while for your husband. "

Young Master Liu responded to the beauty with a seemingly calm tone, but in fact he couldn't wait to untie the Heavenly Sword from his waist.

"Husband, I've already taken a shower, I'll come out and open the door for you."

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry about your husband."

While responding to the beauty, Liu Mingzhi pulled out the Heavenly Sword with a light movement, inserted it into the crack of the door like a thief, and gently moved it while holding the door bolt.

Three times, five times and two times solved the door bolt that blocked his footsteps, Young Master Liu put away the Heavenly Sword with a smile, and groped into the beauty's boudoir lightly.

"Husband, my concubine is wearing obscene clothes, I will open the door for you right now."

This time, Liu Mingzhi didn't answer the beauty's words, he carefully placed the Heavenly Sword on the table, and walked quickly behind the screen.

"Husband... ah!

Husband, you... how did you get in here? "

"Yun'er, I'm hungry for my husband."

"Hungry? What do you want to eat, husband? I will prepare it for you right away."

"My husband wants to eat you."

"What... um...

You stinky husband, you know how to bully... oh..."

In an instant, the notes of spring reverberated in the beauty's boudoir.

After a long time, the clouds cleared and the rain stopped.

Inside the beauty's boudoir, there was still an ambiguous atmosphere.

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the beautiful woman with blurred eyes and bright red face in his arms, and leaned against the pillow behind him with a smile on his lips.

"Good lady, is your husband good?"

Qi Yun rolled her eyes coquettishly, pinched a strand of hair and moved it under Young Master Liu's nose.

"Stinky husband, you know how to bully my concubine."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to push away the beautiful woman's jade hands holding a lock of beautiful hair, and smiled lightly as he embraced the beautiful woman's fat-skinned fragrant shoulders.

"Yun'er, what you said is that you are the wife of your husband. If your husband doesn't bully you, who else can you bully?"

"Bah, don't be ashamed."

"Hehehe, good rhyme, have you missed your husband these days?"

"What do you say?"

"My husband doesn't know, I want you to answer me yourself."

"I don't want to say it myself, you stinky husband guess it yourself."

"Okay, Yun'er, you are openly opposing your husband!
It seems that my husband must punish you well today. "

"Stinky husband, oh..."

When Liu Mingzhi was about to whip the beauty again, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

Qi Yun's delicate body trembled, and she immediately wrapped her curvaceous jade body with a thin silk quilt.

Liu Mingzhi exhaled lightly, frowned slightly and looked towards the door beyond the bead curtain.


"Uncle, Yu'er has brought you food."

Hearing the voice of her personal servant girl coming from outside the door, Qi Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Husband, haven't you had lunch yet?"

When Young Master Liu heard the beauty's question, he smiled wryly and nodded.

"I'm hurrying all the way for my husband, how can I have time for lunch?

Alas, Yu'er, this stinky girl, came here at a really bad time. "

Seeing the helpless look on her husband's face, Qi Yun pursed her cherry lips and laughed a few times, then grabbed the bedside lining and threw it over.

"Virtue, stinky husband, what are you talking about?

Yu'er was afraid that you would be hungry, so she brought you the food in a hurry, but you are still not satisfied? "

Young Master Liu got up and put on his inner lining, then walked out of the bedroom with a gloomy expression.

"Good rhyme, you are not full even if I eat for your husband, how can you have time to eat?"

When Qi Yun heard her husband's teasing words, she spit secretly with a pretty face.

"Bah, it's true that dogs can't spit ivory out of their mouths."

Liu Mingzhi walked to the door and opened the door.

"Sister servant girl, see the young master."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Yu'er and the two little maids behind her, smiled and nodded.

"Well, come in."

"Yes, slaves obey."

After a while, Yu'er took the two little sisters and placed the meals in the tray on the table one by one.

Holding the tray in her hand, Yu'er saluted Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Grandpa, do you have any orders?"

"No, all three of you back down."

"Yes, the maidservants and sisters will leave."

Liu Mingzhi watched the charming figure of Yu'er walking towards the door with the two little maids, and rubbed the tip of his nose with a strange expression.

I just found out today that this girl, Yu'er, is really getting more and more interesting.

Qi Yun was wearing flimsy obscene clothes, and walked gently to Young Master Liu's side with lotus steps.

Seeing her husband's strange expression looking outside the door, the beautiful woman lightly touched Young Master Liu's sleeve.


"Ah what... what's wrong?"

Qi Yun looked at Young Master Liu's absent-minded look, and glanced thoughtfully towards the door.

"Stinky husband, it's not what's wrong with my concubine, but what's wrong with you?
The concubine is a little curious, why have you been staring at Yu'er's back? "

"Ah? Is there? Has my husband been staring at Yu'er's back?"

"Is it clear in your own heart, and you still use your concubine status to say it clearly?"

Young Master Liu came back to his senses completely, and walked towards the table case with erratic eyes.

"Hao Yun'er, what are you thinking? My husband just remembered some other things."
Liu Mingzhi explained casually, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and ate the delicious food and wine on the table in big mouthfuls.

Qi Yun walked to the opposite side of Young Master Liu and sat down. She lifted a pot and filled a glass of fine wine for her husband, and then filled a glass of wine for herself.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

Qi Yun took a sip of the wine glass gracefully, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Husband, if you fall in love with this girl Yu'er, I will arrange for her to come over to sleep with you tonight."

When Young Master Liu heard the beautiful woman's words, he paused when he picked up the vegetables, and quickly waved his hands.

"Don't, don't, don't do that.

Yun'er, don't rush around. "

"Why? Don't tell me you don't like Yu'er, my husband?"

First Young Master Liu quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks, and waved his hands in embarrassment.

"No, no, I don't look down on Yu'er as a husband."

"What's the reason? Could it be that husband, you dislike Yu'er for being too old?
Husband, Yu'er has been by my concubine's side since she was a child.

Although she is a bit older now, she is still a flawless big girl.

Yu'er has entered our Liu family's family with her innocent body, and she will not do anything to your husband's reputation..."

Qi Yun had just finished speaking halfway, when Liu Mingzhi covered the beauty's cherry lips.

"No no no."

Liu Mingzhi let go of his palm, picked up the wine glass with a wry smile, and gestured to Qi Yun.

"Yun'er, that's not what it means to be a husband."

Seeing this, Qi Yun immediately raised her wine glass.

"Yun'er, drink."

"I offer you a toast."

First Young Master Liu put down his wine glass, and picked up the bowls and chopsticks with a sigh.

"Yun'er, this girl Yu'er is not suitable for a husband anymore."

Qi Yun'e frowned slightly, lifted the pot to fill a glass of wine for her husband and herself, and then sat down again.

"Husband, tell the concubine yourself, what kind of concubine's room do you want?
As long as it is a woman with a clean background, as long as you tell me, the concubine will immediately arrange for you. "

Young Master Liu's face turned awkward, and he put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand with a depressed expression.

"Hey, silly Yun'er, my husband, when did I tell you sisters that I want to take in a new concubine?"


"Huh? Yun'er, tell me."

"Husband, you really haven't told the concubines about taking concubines."

"Isn't that enough? If that's the case, why are you sisters so busy?"


"But what?"

"Whether you, husband, have mentioned this matter to the concubine sisters or not, the concubine sisters have to take care of the concubine's room for you."

"Oh, silly rhyme!

As a husband, I myself have never mentioned the matter of taking concubines to you sisters, what else do you sisters have to make a fuss about? "

"Stinky husband, if you mention it or not, the sisters who are concubines have to talk about it for you?

As for the husband, according to women's morality, concubines and sisters, etc., when we are in our early 30s, it is time for you to find a few young and beautiful concubines for you.

However, our sisters are all over the age of half-old Xu Nian now, but you, my husband, have not even taken in a house of young and beautiful concubines.

If this matter is spread, those who know the inside know that it is husband, you are considerate of our sisters and others.

Those who don't know, think that our sisters are the kind of jealous wives who can't tolerate young women!

Concubine, as the eldest wife of our family, how could I not be in a hurry? "

(End of this chapter)

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