Chapter 3018

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun's pretty face full of grievances, and put down the wine glass in his hand with a thoughtful expression.

After pondering for a while, Young Master Liu glanced at the beautiful woman with a sense of understanding.


Qi Yun glanced at the wine glass her husband put on the table, and subconsciously thought that her husband wanted to pour wine for him.

"Hey, this concubine will pour you some wine right away."

Qi Yun filled two glasses of wine one after another, sat down with a smile on her face.

"Husband, the drink is ready."

Liu Mingzhi ate a piece of cold beef, picked up the wine glass and swirled it lightly.

"Yun'er, it's not that you sisters and others mentioned to your husband about taking concubines for me before.

However, no matter how much you sisters and others discussed this matter with your husband in the past, it would not be as long-winded as you are now!

Especially about the girl Yu'er, you never talked about it in such detail before.

Hmm~ Why do you think that what you mentioned today about concubinage for your husband is too deliberate?
It seems, it seems to be knocking something on the sidelines. "

Qi Yun's delicate body trembled, her beautiful eyes picked up her wine glass, and slowly sent it to her cherry lips for a sip.

"Is there... is there? Is the concubine too deliberate?"

Seeing Qi Yun's reaction like this, Liu Mingzhi confirmed his guess in his heart.

As expected, Qi Yun suddenly mentioned to herself about taking a concubine for herself today, and she did it deliberately.

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of wine, smiled lightly and shook his head, got up and moved towards Qi Yun.

"Good rhyme."

Seeing the half-smile expression on her husband's face, Qi Yun involuntarily shrank back.

"Husband, why are you looking at me like that?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and lifted the beautiful woman's smooth and tender chin with his fingers and moved it a few times.

"Good Yun'er, if it's not what my husband expected, it should be Shu'er who told you something in the letter, right?
For example, Wei Fu and Ren Yatou reunited by chance on the official road outside Chengzhou City.

Another example is that my husband stayed at Ren Yatou's house for a few days.

Yun'er, I don't know if my husband's guess is right? "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he sat down on the chair slowly, and filled a glass of wine for himself with the pot.

Qi Yun rolled her eyes helplessly when she saw the proud expression on Young Master Liu's face that as a husband, I had seen through your sisters' little tricks a long time ago.

Raising her jade neck to drink the wine in the cup, Qi Yun looked at Young Master Liu and sighed dejectedly, and nodded her head reluctantly.

"Sigh, stinky husband, I really want to know how many minds you have.

Taking advantage of the way you were staring at Yu'er's back in a daze just now, the concubine mentioned this matter casually, and you related it to sister Yun Shu.

You are like this, so that the concubine sisters are full of frustration. "

Liu Mingzhi put down the bowl and chopsticks, reached out and picked up the dry tobacco pouch on the side, and filled the shredded tobacco deftly.

"Yun'er, it's not because your husband is too smart, but because you are too anxious.

It's unreasonable to be anxious, that's why I have doubts about my husband. "

"The concubine knows, but the reason why the concubine is so anxious, isn't it because of the things between you, my husband, and sister Qingrui?

As for your husband, the matter between you and sister Qingrui has dragged on for several years.

Procrastinating and procrastinating, procrastinating and procrastinating, and procrastinating like this, when will it be the end?

Now, the concubine sisters finally saw a turning point.

How can you not care about it?
What the concubine said just now is of course meant to be sidestepping you, husband.

However, I can assure you that what I just said are all from the bottom of my heart. "

As Qi Yun spoke, she picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in one gulp, got up and walked towards Young Master Liu.

Putting the chair beside the husband, the lady sat down gracefully.


Liu Mingzhi turned his head and exhaled a light smoke, and looked at the beautiful woman sitting next to him with a slight frown.

"Yun'er, what do you want to say?"

Qi Yun reached out and grabbed her husband's big hand, and gently placed it on her pretty face.


Qi Yun sighed faintly, turned her head slightly, and pressed her pretty face tightly against her husband's somewhat rough palm.

"Husband, what did you see on my concubine's face?"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, carefully staring at the beautiful woman's pretty face for a moment.

"A beautiful woman with a beautiful face and a beautiful face."

Qi Yun's pretty face froze, she rolled her eyes coquettishly, and flung Young Master Liu's hand away.

"Bah, I know how to make my concubine happy."

Young Master Liu silently took a puff of dry tobacco, shrugging his shoulders helplessly.

"No, how did my husband make you happy.

What Wei Fu said is the truth, from Yun'er on your face, Wei Fu really only saw beauty and beauty! "

Qi Yun was both happy and helpless as she gave Young Master Liu a look, and tapped her finger on the corner of her eye.

"Smelly husband, it's wrinkles!

Concubines, sisters and others have been living a life without worrying about food and clothing since they married you.

Our sisters have been pampered and cared for these years, and the skin is naturally well maintained.

However, we sisters and concubines, no matter how well maintained they are, no matter how good they are.

One thing, but it can never be changed.

That is, the concubine sisters are really old. "

As Qi Yun spoke, she slowly placed her slender hand on Young Master Liu's cheek, and carefully stroked the corners of his eyes.

"Silly husband, before you know it, you also have wrinkles on your face."


"Husband, listen to my concubine."

Liu Mingzhi frowned and sighed, picked up the drink next to him and drank it down in one gulp.

"Yun'er, tell me, my husband is listening."

"Husband, sisters who are concubines don't want to admit that they are old.

But the concubine sisters and the others, when they wash and dress up every morning, the people reflected in the mirror stop reminding the concubine sisters all the time that we sisters are really getting old.

The wrinkles at the corners of the eyes of our sisters and others are full of traces of time.

Silly husband, sisters who are concubines know that you love us. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the gloomy expression on the beauty's face, and quickly grabbed her jade hand.


Qi Yun'e frowned slightly, and glared at First Young Master Liu pretending to be unhappy.


Seeing the pretended anger expression on the beautiful woman's pretty face, Liu Mingzhi sighed with embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, Yun'er, you continue to talk."

"Husband, concubines and sisters, as women, want to stay young forever and look ageless more than you.

However, the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes are always a warning to our sisters, and let us understand a fact that we don't want to believe, but we have to admit.

That is, our sisters have really reached the age of aging and fading.

Husband, you have always loved our sisters consistently, so our sisters and others are naturally clear in their hearts.

It is precisely because of this that sisters who are concubines have to consider a thing or two for your husband.

Husband, the age of our sisters and others is not too old, and we can still spend a few more years with you, husband.

However, what if it takes a few more years?

The concubine said something shameless, if it was a few years later.

Concubines, sisters, etc., even the most basic bed matters between husband and wife can't satisfy you anymore.

In this way, sisters who are concubines, how can there be no pressure in my heart?
Husband, you love my concubine sisters so much, how could the concubine sisters not think about you.

Therefore, the fact that sisters who are concubines want to take a house for you, or even several concubines, is really our sisters' true thoughts from the heart. "

Qi Yun sighed softly, picked up Young Master Liu's wine glass, and drank all the wine.

"Compared to some young girls in their [-]s or [-]s, Qingrui's younger sister is indeed a bit older.

However, sister Qingrui has one thing that those young and beautiful young girls can't compare to.

As for what it is, even if I don't say it, husband, you should understand it in your heart. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the burnt shredded tobacco in the smoke pot, bent down and knocked out the ashes in the pot by his feet.

Qi Yun got up and filled two wine glasses, then picked up the wine glasses and handed them to Young Master Liu.

"Husband, I offer you a toast."

Liu Mingzhi put down the pipe, and casually took the drink from the beautiful woman.

"Yun'er, let's drink together as a couple."

Qi Yun nodded slightly, raised her head and drank the fine wine in the glass.

Putting down the wine glass, the beauty picked up the chopsticks and brought a cold dish to Liu Mingzhi's mouth.

"Husband, don't just drink, but also eat a la carte to fill your stomach."

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head slightly, and ate the appetizers brought by the beauty.


"Hey, husband, say it."

"In order to facilitate the matter between Cheng Fu and Ren Yatou, you sisters and others have gone to great lengths!"

Qi Yun filled two glasses of wine with the pot, and sighed with a sour face.

"Husband, do you want to know what my concubine is thinking?"

"For my husband, I would like to hear the details."

"Smelly husband, look at the whole world.

There is no woman in the world who wants to share her man with other women.

To be honest, the concubines and sisters didn't want to do this either.

Especially the concubine herself, she doesn't want to do this. "
Between Qi Yun's words, a trace of resentment flashed in her beautiful eyes.

This time, she didn't pick up the wine glass next to her, but directly lifted the wine jar on the table, and drank heavily.


A moment later, Qi Yun burped lightly, as if a baby swallow was returning to its nest, and threw herself directly into Young Master Liu's arms.

"Smelly husband, do you still remember what you told my concubine 20 years ago, the day our husband and wife got married?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the resentful expression of the beautiful woman in his arms, frowned slightly and fell silent for a moment, then sighed silently while hugging the beautiful woman's willow waist.

Gently stroking the beautiful woman's hair scattered around her ears, Young Master Liu hugged the beautiful woman tightly into his arms with a guilty expression.

"Hold the hand of the son, and grow old with the son.

There is a couple for life, forever and ever. "

Qi Yun raised her jade neck and pecked Young Master Liu's lips, then raised her hand and grabbed his earlobe and twisted it gently a few times.

"Then you, have you done it?"

Liu Mingzhi felt the beauty staring at him, and shook his head apologetically.

"Yun'er, I am ashamed to treat you as my husband!"

Qi Yunjiao snorted, turned over and leaned into Young Master Liu's arms.

"Hmph, you owe a lot to my concubine!
If this concubine really wants to argue with you about these things, the promise you owe to my concubine will last forever. "

When Young Master Liu heard the beautiful woman's coquettish tone, he nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, yes, my husband's debt to Yun'er will indeed last forever."

"Where is your husband!"

"Hey, Yun'er, tell me."

"The past has passed, and I don't want to nag anymore.

However, as the wife of the Liu family, even if I feel sad in my heart, I still have to think about you, my husband.

Marry and obey your husband, marry and obey your husband, who made the concubine your wife?

So, I just want to know, what do you really think about Qingrui's sister? "

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, frowned and pondered for a long time, then sighed heavily.

"Yun'er, my husband really doesn't know what to say about the girl Ren.

Some things cannot be explained in a few words.

For girl Ren, her husband's heart is not..."

As Young Master Liu was talking, Qi Yun suddenly raised his slender hand to cover Young Master Liu's lips.


Liu Mingzhi tilted his head slightly, looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms and nodded gently.

"Hey, Yun'er, tell me."

Qi Yun straightened her willow waist, picked up the drink from the side and brought it to her husband's mouth.

"Husband, drink."
"Okay, drink for my husband."

When Liu Mingzhi finished drinking the fine wine in the glass, Qi Yun changed her posture lazily.

"Husband, I just want to ask you a question, do you have sister Qingrui in your heart?"

When Liu Mingzhi heard the beauty's question, his tiger's body shook suddenly, he stared out of the window quietly and fell silent.

After a long time, Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze and nodded with a complicated expression.

"Should...there should be."

Qi Yun'e frowned, and sat up with her waist straight.

"Stinky husband, what do you mean by saying this?
Yes is yes, no is no.

What is it called, should there be? "

Liu Mingzhi frowned and remained silent for a long time, raised his hand and patted the beauty's shoulders lightly, got up and walked towards the door.

Pulling open the door, Young Master Liu walked towards the courtyard without haste.

Seeing this situation, Qi Yun immediately tidied up the flimsy clothes on her graceful body, and quickly followed Young Master Liu.

"Husband? Are you okay? Did the concubine say something wrong?"


"Hey, my concubine is here!"

"Aren't you, no, it should be said that you sisters and others, do you really hope to see your husband and girl Ren achieve a happy marriage?"

"Naturally, otherwise, why would I have to mention these things to my husband?"

"Then do you think that the relationship between Wei Husband and Ren Yatou can really achieve a positive result?"

"This... I don't dare to make a judgment.

However, the concubine has a question and wants to ask her husband, but I don't know if it should be said or not. "

Liu Mingzhi chuckled twice, turned around and grabbed the beautiful woman's wrist.

"Silly Yun'er, our husband and wife have shared the same bed for so many years, what else is it inconvenient to ask.

Yun'er, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask, no matter what the question is, my husband will answer you truthfully. "

"Then, my concubine really asked."


"Husband, you have been unwilling to accept the reason for Qingrui's sister.

Is it, is it because of Ye'er? "

(End of this chapter)

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