My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3019 That's it

Chapter 3019 That's it
"Li Ye?"

Qi Yun looked at her husband's slightly wrinkled brows, and nodded with a complicated expression.

"Yes, it's Ye'er."

Hearing the beautiful woman's answer, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and took out the pipe from his waist again in silence.

"Yun'er, about the matter between your husband and girl Ren, why do you think about Ye'er?"

"Husband, I don't want to think about this child Ye'er.

However, what happened in the palace back then was not a secret.

Even if the concubine didn't try to find out anything, just relying on some rumors and gossips from hearsay, it was enough to know about seven or eight out of ten.

The concubine sees her husband, you have been procrastinating about the relationship between you and Qingrui's sister, so it is inevitable that I will think of Ye'er.

Therefore, sometimes I can't help but think, husband, you and Qingrui's sister have not reached a positive result for a long time.

Is it because of Qingrui's original identity.

Or in other words, it was the identity that Qingrui's sister carried on her body.

As for the identity of Qingrui's sister, the person most involved with Qingrui's sister is Ye'er. "

As Qi Yun spoke, she turned her head gently to look at her husband, who was puffing away, her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

"That's why the concubine asked this question."
Liu Mingzhi exhaled light smoke from his mouth, and nodded with a clear expression.

"So that's it. Indeed, those things that happened in the palace that year are indeed no secret."

Qi Yun raised her hand and combed the hairy wife next to her ear, and asked curiously: "Then, what's your husband's answer?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, was silent for a moment, and sighed softly.


Qi Yun raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard her husband's sigh, and approached Young Master Liu with curiosity on her pretty face.

"Sir, isn't it?
Is it really because of Ye'er that the relationship between you and Qingrui's sister has been delayed until now? "

"Yun'er, why do you think so?"

Qi Yun nodded her red lips with her fingers, and pondered thoughtfully for a long time.

"When I saw my husband, you didn't answer my question directly, but sighed with a complicated expression, subconsciously thinking so.

how?Is not it? "

Liu Mingzhi took down the tobacco in his mouth, looked at the puzzled expression of the beauty, first nodded, then shook his head.

Seeing her husband's actions like this, Qi Yun's doubts on her delicate face intensified.

Raising her hand to tuck her delicate willow eyebrows, the beauty shrugged her shoulders a few times with a strange expression.

"Husband, I am almost confused by you.

You are nodding and shaking your head again. I really can't understand what your answer is. "

Young Master Liu felt that his throat was a little dry, so he directly handed the pipe in front of the beautiful woman.

"Yun'er, knock out the remaining shredded tobacco, my throat is a bit bitter from smoking for my husband."

"Hey, I already know."

Qi Yun took the dry pipe, raised her lotus feet and walked towards the flower bed a few steps away, while turning her head angrily to stare at Young Master Liu and rolled her eyes.

"My concubine told you to smoke less tobacco, but you just didn't listen.

My throat is uncomfortable now. "

Listening to the beautiful woman's angry complaints, First Young Master Liu took off the wine bag from his waist with a smile.

After taking a sip of apricot flower dew to moisturize his throat, he walked slowly towards the pavilion not far away.

Qi Yun rolled the dry pipe in his hand, and walked into the pavilion after him.

Qi Yun put the pipe in her hand on the stone table, raised her hand and pushed the two trays in front of Young Master Liu.

"After lunch, Yue'er brought grapes and longan to my concubine.

Husband, what do you want to eat, I will peel it off for you. "

Liu Mingzhi swallowed the fine wine in his mouth, and casually pointed to the longan on the tray.

"Peel some longan for Weifu."


Qi Yun grabbed a handful of longan, peeled off the shell carefully, and sent it directly to Young Master Liu's mouth.

"Husband, you haven't answered my concubine's question yet."

Liu Mingzhi spat out the fruit core in his mouth, and calmly looked at the curious beauty opposite.

"Yun'er, to tell you the truth, for my husband and girl Ren to come to this point, there is indeed a part of the reason for this child Li Ye."

Qi Yun raised her eyebrows, and when she was about to ask, Liu Mingzhi spoke again.


Qi Yun sent the longan peeled off in her hand to her husband's mouth, her beautiful eyes were full of kindness.

"But what?"

"However, the reason for this is completely negligible."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Yun'er, just like what you said just now, in the incident that happened back then, the person who was most involved with girl Ren was Ye'er.

Li Ye was the king of a country back then, and the demon queen's calamity to the country was naturally inseparable from him.

but! "

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, with the fruit core in his mouth, his expression suddenly became tangled.

"But what? Husband, go ahead."

Liu Mingzhi spit out the fruit core, and looked quietly at the clear blue sky outside the gazebo.

"However, whether the so-called Demon Empress is a girl or not is still a matter of debate.

As for the true identity of that 'Demon Empress Ren Qingrui', let alone someone who doesn't know.

Even my husband, an insider who was personally involved in the demon queen's calamity to the country, has not found anything until now. "

Qi Yun's movement of peeling the core suddenly stopped, and she looked at Young Master Liu with a pretty face in astonishment.

"What? You don't even know your husband?"

Liu Mingzhi picked up a grape and threw it into his mouth, and looked at Qi Yun with a sigh.

"Why, Yun'er, are you so surprised by the rain?"

Qi Yun breathed a sigh of relief, raised her hand and sent the peeled longan to her husband's mouth, shaking her head with a strange pretty face.

"My husband, of course I was surprised.

To tell you the truth, the concubine thought that you, my husband, had already found out the ins and outs of that incident!

The concubine understands after listening to you today.

After co-authoring for so many years, even you, husband, didn't investigate clearly what happened back then. "

Liu Mingzhi sighed with a melancholy expression, and instinctively reached out to touch the pipe on the stone table.

However, the coquettish words of a certain beauty echoed in his ears.

Da Guoguo, dry tobacco is not a good thing, you should smoke less.

Liu Mingzhi frowned, stopped his movements hastily, picked up a grape with his backhand and stuffed it into his mouth.

Chewing the sweet and sour grapes lightly, Young Master Liu raised the wine bag and took a sip of the wine.


"Hey, husband, say it."

"What happened back then was too confusing.

It is not so easy to find out the specific truth. "

Qi Yun'e frowned slightly and fell silent for a moment, poured two cups of herbal tea from the pot with one hand, and handed over the peeled longan with the other.

"Husband, I dare to ask, what do you think?

Could it be that this matter has been shelved like this, and the investigation will not continue? "

Liu Mingzhi took the longan handed by the beauty, and stuffed it into his mouth with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Good rhyme, it's not that my husband doesn't want to investigate further.

Rather... but..."

Qi Yun couldn't help frowning when she saw her husband hesitated to speak.

"But what?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at the curious beauty, frowning and silent for a moment, then sighed with struggling eyes.

"Oh, Yun'er!

There are some things, not because my husband doesn't want to continue investigating.

Instead, my husband didn't dare to continue the investigation. "

"This... this... where did you start with this?"

"Yun'er, let this matter go, don't ask any more."

Qi Yun also felt that her husband seemed to have some unspeakable eyes, her cherry lips frowned for a moment, and she nodded her head with a friendly smile.

"Hey, I listen to you.

Since husband, you don't want to talk about it, then the concubine will not continue to ask further questions.

However, I still have some doubts in my heart, I wonder if you, my husband, can continue to answer one or two questions for my concubine? "
"Huh? Yun'er, do you have any questions?"

"Husband, since you don't want to go into details about what happened to Qingrui's sister back then, I naturally won't ask any further.

However, husband, you also said it just now.

The reason why you and sister Qingrui have come to this point is that the relationship with this child Ye'er is negligible.

In this way, husband, you and sister Qingrui, why did you come to this point today?

Could it be, husband, you don't like Qingrui sister? "

Feeling the curious eyes of the beautiful woman, Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly and shook his head.


"Why is that?"

"Yun'er, what do you think of Ren girl's appearance?"

"The beauty of the country is heavenly, the beauty is regrettable.

It's not that concubine sisters and others are self-deprecating. In terms of appearance, except for the euphemistic sister.

No one among us sisters can compare to sister Qingrui. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, picked up a grape and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Yun'er, my husband really can't refute what you said.

In terms of single round appearance, Ren Yatou's appearance can be said to be outstanding.

Looking at the whole world, it is also rare to see. "

"In that case, husband, aren't you tempted?"

"Yun'er, girl Ren's appearance is indeed rare in the world, rare in the world.

The first time Weifu met Yatou Ren was outside the south gate of Yingzhou in northern Xinjiang.

To be honest, the first time I saw Ren Yatou's appearance, I was really amazed. "

During Liu Mingzhi's words, he raised the wine bag and took a sip, then heaved a sigh of relief.

"For my husband, after I saw her appearance, I felt a thumping feeling at that time.

At that time, my husband was thinking that besides euphemisms, there is such a stunning woman in time.

To say something that makes you laugh, Yun'er, at that time, my husband was really attracted to girl Ren.

But that kind of heartbeat has nothing to do with the so-called love affair between men and women, it's purely for sex. "

When Qi Yun heard her husband's words, she nodded her head a few times with a half-smile.

"and then?"

"Then, Yun'er, you know everything.

Not only you know Yun'er, but also Sister Ya, Lian'er, Qing Shi, Wei'er and the others.

That is, Ren Yatou broke into our house inexplicably, and forged an indissoluble bond with Weifu.

However, even at that point, Wei Fu's feelings for girl Ren are still nothing more than stunning her appearance. "

"Ah, that's it?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun's seemingly surprised expression, and nodded with a complicated expression.

"That's all."

Qi Yun raised her jade neck and pondered for a long time, then nodded her head with a strange expression.

"Husband, I thought... I thought..."

"Yun'er, that's really all there is to it.

As the saying goes, a slender lady is a gentleman.

As my husband, I am also a big man, so how can I not be indifferent to such a rare beauty like Ren Yatou.

However, no matter how much my husband was tempted by Ren Yatou, he never did anything out of the ordinary. "

Qi Yun nodded without hesitation when she heard Young Master Liu's explanation.

"This point, the concubine is naturally clear.

Otherwise, my husband, if you do something outrageous towards Qingrui's sister.

Sister Qingrui, the relationship between the two of you will not be dragged on until now, and there is still no progress. "

"The one who gave birth to me is also my parents, and the one who knows me is also Yun'er!"
Qi Yun sent the last peeled longan to Young Master Liu's mouth, and picked up a grape with her knuckles and sent it to her cherry lips.

"Stinky husband, in this way, won't the topic between us return to the original question?
In terms of appearance, except for sister Wanyan, none of us sisters and others can compare to sister Qingrui.

Let alone age.

Concubines, sisters and others, all of them have reached the age of old age.

Among our sisters, even the youngest sister, Lingyi, is already thirty and seven years old.

Besides, sister Qingrui, she has just passed the age of Huaxin.

Sister Qingrui is so young and beautiful, but you, my husband, are completely unmoved.

No matter how I think about it, I don't think it's realistic.

You know, my husband, you are a... huh..."

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he rolled his eyes in embarrassment.

"Yun'er, why did you stop?

If you want to know what being a husband is, why don't you keep talking? "

Qi Yun blinked her beautiful eyes a few times erratically, and smiled bitterly.

"Uh... Concubine... Has this concubine ever said that?"

Liu Mingzhi stared at the beautiful woman with a pretty smile on his face strangely, raised the wine bag and took a sip.

"Good lady, Yu'er, Huan'er and the other sisters are not by my side now.

If you don't tell my husband what's going on, be careful and take care of my husband! "

Qi Yun looked at the smiling expression on her husband's face, her pretty face turned bitter, and she opened her mouth slightly to eat the longan just peeled off in Xian Xianyu's hand.

Gently chewing the pulp in the sandalwood mouth, Jiaren's beautiful eyes dodged for a moment, and she muttered something indistinctly.

"Great pervert."

"Ah? What did you say, Yun'er?"

Seeing her husband's puzzled face, Qi Yun deliberately didn't swallow the fruit in her mouth, and replied vaguely again.

"My concubine said, stinky husband, you are a big pervert."

Young Master Liu forcefully spat out the fruit core in his mouth, stood up straight away, and approached the beautiful woman with a smile.

"Good rhyme, don't pretend to be crazy for your husband here.

Do you think being a husband is so easy to fool?

If you don't explain clearly to your husband today, then it's no wonder that your husband has to resort to family law. have to think clearly. "

"Ah, stinky husband, what are you doing?"

"Good Yun'er, don't you know what you want to do for your husband?

The two of us are old husband and wife, for husband..."



(End of this chapter)

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