Chapter 3020
One after another, soft and gentle voices interrupted Young Master Liu's movement of rushing towards Qi Yun.

Qi Yun glanced at a group of sisters who were walking towards the gazebo not far away, raised her snow-white jade neck slightly, and glanced slyly at her husband with a stiff face.

The beauty's delicate face pretended to be charming and softly groaned, she opened her lotus arms with a smile like a flower, and stretched her graceful figure gracefully.

"Oh, my husband, you just told my concubine what you want to do."

Qi Yun looked at her husband with a full smile, her beautiful watery eyes were full of provocation.

First Young Master Liu looked at the beautiful woman's provocative eyes on purpose, and heard the approaching footsteps behind him, gave Qi Yun a 'serious' look, and happily raised his hand to wipe the beautiful woman's cherry lips. A few times.

Young Master Liu gently wiped the water from the corner of the beauty's mouth, and said with a smile: "Hehehe, what a charm, Sister Ya and the others can save you for a while, but they can't save you for the rest of your life.

Today's account is written down for you first, and when we have time in the future, the two of us will settle it slowly.

When the time comes, just stop crying and begging for mercy. "

Before Qi Yun could react, Young Master Liu withdrew his hands, stretched with a smile, and deliberately increased his voice.

"Yun'er, you have to be more careful when you eat next time.

You're such an adult, and I have to wipe the corners of your mouth for your husband, so I don't know how to be ashamed. "

Qi Yun reacted, and immediately glared at First Young Master Liu angrily.

"Stinky husband, you...I..."

Seeing Qi Yun's aggrieved face, First Young Master Liu raised his brows a few times with a smile.

It is self-evident what I want to express to the beautiful woman.

Good lady, if you want to fight for your husband, you are still far behind.

Qi Yun and Liu Mingzhi have been sharing the same bed for many years, and the couple has already reached a state where their hearts are connected.

Almost only one look and one movement is needed to guess what the other party wants to express.

Qi Yun looked at her husband's smug expression, frowned her crescent eyebrows depressedly, cast a resentful glance at Young Master Liu, and spat softly.

"Bah, stinky husband, you know how to bully my concubine."

Young Master Liu directly ignored Qi Yun's resentful gaze, patted the beauties' shoulders softly, and looked at the beauties who were about to walk into the pavilion with a smile on his lips.

Qi Ya and the other sisters stopped outside the gazebo and saluted Young Master Liu in unison.

"Concubine sisters, see husband."

First Young Master Liu shook off the folding fan in his hand, raised his feet to meet him, and clapped his hands with a light smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my husband has told you many times that you don't need to care about these common etiquettes when no outsiders are present.

All free. "

"Thank you husband."

"Sister Ya, Sister Shan, Wanyan, Rongrong, Xiaoxi... why are you all sisters here?"

"Husband, what you said, the concubines, sisters and others know that you have returned home, so how dare they not come to greet you, my husband?"

"Yes, yes, husband, you are the head of our family.

The concubine sisters know that you are back, if you don't come to greet you, what will you do if your husband wears shoes for the concubine sisters in the future? "

The youngest, Huang Lingyi, ran to Young Master Liu with a smile on her face, stood on tiptoe, and pecked lightly on her husband's lips without hesitation.

"Hehehe, good husband, the reason for my concubine's coming here is different from that of the sisters.

It's because I miss you that I can't wait to come over to see you. "

As soon as Huang Lingyi finished speaking, she raised her jade neck again and lightly pecked Young Master Liu's lips.

"Good husband, are you happy to have such a good lady who misses you so much?"

Young Master Liu looked at Huang Lingyi, whose pretty face was full of joy, and nodded with a smile on his face. He raised his hand and squeezed the beauty's upturned nose and twisted it a few times.

"Does it need to be said? Of course my husband is happy.

Still baby Lingyi, you are the most honest.

It's not like some silly women who rushed over impatiently after hearing the news that my husband was coming back.

It was obvious that he missed Wei Fu very much and wished to see him right away, but he still had to find an excuse. "

"Hehehe, good husband, I am so sensible, do you want to reward me with something?"

Young Master Liu glanced perfectly at the beauties with pretty faces who were embarrassed, picked up Huang Lingyi's fair and tender pretty face, and kissed her like no one else was there.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Young Master Liu looked at Huang Lingyi with beautiful eyes and watery eyes, and slapped the beautiful woman's buttocks viciously.

"Baby Lingyi, how about this reward for your husband?"

Huang Lingyi's delicate body trembled, and she moaned softly with spring in her brows. With her beautiful eyes, she raised her hand and grabbed Young Master Liu's palm, shaking it a few times.

"Hmm, good husband, I will wait for you tonight."

Under the weird eyes of all the beauties, Young Master Liu and Huang Lingyi showed off their affection.

"Chou Lingyi, you're going too far, that's not what our sisters said before we came to Sister Yun's place."

"Sister Lingyi, you little goblin who sees her husband and forgets her sister. When you are free in the future, see how my sister will deal with you."

"Oh, Xiao Lingyi, Xiao Lingyi, you really want to eat alone!"

"Sister Lingyi, you know what your husband is capable of.

When you are on your own, don't cry and beg your sisters to help you. "

Huang Lingyi listened to the mocking remarks of all the good sisters who pretended to be angry, smiled and stuck out her lilac tongue, threw herself into the arms of her husband, and twisted her willow waist a few times with a pretty face.

"Oh, good man, take a quick look.

A group of sisters actually banded together to bully the concubine alone. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the beauties who were deliberately teasing Huang Lingyi, and pulled Huang Lingyi into his arms with a slightly raised mouth.

"Good Lingyi, don't be afraid, there is a husband to back you up!"

Huang Lingyi bent her brows, smiled and made faces at the beauties.

"Sisters, have you heard that my husband will support me, my little sister."

"Chou Lingyi, just be proud of yourself, sooner or later you will beg for mercy."

Just when Qi Ya and her sisters wanted to continue making fun of the imperial tomb, several words of greeting suddenly sounded in the courtyard.

"Baby Liu Chengzhi, I greet my father and all my aunts."

"Baby Liu Yaoyao, I pay my respects to my father and all my aunts."

"Baby Liu Chengqian..."

Liu Mingzhi let go of the palm of the beautiful woman's waist, and looked towards the arch with a surprised expression.

"All free."

"Thank you, Daddy."

"You brothers and sisters and others, come here."

"Yes, my child obeys."

First Young Master Liu closed his folding fan, looked at Qi Ya and the other sisters and nodded as a gesture.

"Sister Ya, Yan'er, please sit down in the gazebo first."

"Yes, my concubine sister obeys."

"Baby see daddy."

"All free."

"Thank you, Daddy."

Liu Mingzhi took a look at Liu Yaoyao and Liu Chengqian, and then looked at Qi Yun who was sitting on the stone bench with a slight frown.


"Hey, husband."

"Yaoyao and Chenggan, why didn't you tell my husband about the return of their siblings?"

Seeing her husband's frown, Qi Yun quickly got up and walked towards First Young Master Liu. She stopped beside her husband with lotus steps, and the beauty rolled her eyes angrily.

Qi Yun leaned close to First Young Master Liu's ear, and twisted on the soft flesh around his waist in a subtle way.

"My lord, what do you mean by that?"

Young Master Liu frowned and grunted involuntarily.

"Yun'er, what are you doing as a husband?"

"The concubine still wants to ask you, what do you mean when you look like you want to question the concubine?"

Young Master Liu slapped Qi Yun's slender fingers away from her soft waist, and took a deep breath with a wry smile.

"Good rhyme, my husband admits that my tone just now was a bit important.

As a husband, I know I was wrong, can't I?But you don't need to punish your husband like this, right?

Good rhyme, this is the soft meat around the waist! "

Qi Yun rolled her eyes angrily, and seeing Liu Yao grinning, immediately raised her hand to stroke his waist.

"Stupid, it's fine if you know you're wrong, does it still hurt?"

First Young Master Liu glanced at the group of children with strange faces, pretending to be calm, he untied the wine bag from his waist, and took a sip of the wine with a smile.

"Oh, my husband has already gotten used to it."

"Stinky husband, I didn't mean to be a concubine, I knew I was wrong.

In the evening, it's okay for the concubine to compensate you for the head office. "

As Qi Yun spoke, she elbowed First Young Master Liu's arm with her pretty face in embarrassment.

"Great pervert, my concubine and sister Lingyi will compensate you together."

When Young Master Liu heard the beauty's shy words, he was shocked.

There was an unconcealable smile on his face, and he slapped Qi Yun's hand a few times with a smile.

"Oh, good rhyme, won't you be offended if you say this?
Not necessary, really necessary. "

"Bah, there's no need, you big-headed ghost, there's no need.

Virtue, you almost have a smile on your face. "

Young Master Liu sensed the annoyed look in the beauty's eyes, and immediately straightened his expression.

"Don't talk about this, don't talk about this, let's talk about business first.

Yun'er, Yaoyao and Chenggan, why didn't you tell your husband about the return of their siblings? "

Qi Yun side glanced at Liu Yaoyao, Liu Chenggan and his siblings rolled their eyes angrily
"Stinky husband, I want to tell you.

But, did you give the concubine a chance to tell you?
From the moment you enter the concubine's room, either let the concubine be like this, or let the concubine be like that.

Since you came to my room, until now, have you given me a chance to talk to you about other issues?
In order to make you happy, my husband, I can be said to do my best to serve you.

The results of it?You still have an opinion.

The concubine said that you are a big pervert, I really didn't wrong you at all. "

During Qi Yun's words, he couldn't help but once again performed the two-finger Zen magic on the soft flesh around Liu Dashao's waist.

"It's still the same sentence, but I want to say something to you.

But, stinky husband, have you given this concubine a chance?
Big pervert, you deserve it. "

Young Master Liu looked at the beautiful lady shooting you up angrily, and then laughed bitterly.

Rubbing his brows with his fingers, Young Master Liu pulled Qi Yun's sleeve in a subtle way.

"Good rhyme, I know my mistake for my husband, I know my mistake for my husband.

Yun'er, you have a lot of adults, don't be as knowledgeable as your husband, okay? "

When Qi Yun wanted to say something rebuttal to her heartless husband, she seemed to think of something, and immediately corrected her expression.

Qi Yun glanced at the two sisters Liu Yaoyao standing outside the gazebo, and let out a soft breath.

Looking back, Qi Yun frowned, and gently tugged Young Master Liu's sleeve.


"Hey, what's the matter? Isn't your apology for your husband not sincere enough?

If this is the case, how about a good apology to Yun'er for my husband tonight? "

Qi Yun bent her slender fingers and slid on the back of Young Master Liu's hand a few times.With a calm expression, he nodded to Liu Yaoyao and his brother.

"Husband, don't be poor, it's business."

Liu Mingzhi inadvertently glanced at the slender jade finger that the beauty was touching on the back of his hand, and immediately put away his laughing expression, and his expression instantly became serious.

Slapping the beauty's jade hand away with his backhand, First Young Master Liu lifted up the wine bag in his hand, raised his head and took a sip.

Liu Mingzhi swallowed the apricot blossom dew in his mouth, and walked out of the gazebo calmly.

After patting the shoulders or foreheads of all the children, Young Master Liu put the stopper on with a smile, and hung the wine bag on his waist.

"Zhenghao, Lingyun, Yunxin..."

"The child is here."

"I have some things to do as a father, I need to have a detailed chat with your third sister and third brother.

You brothers, sisters and others, if you don't have any important matters to discuss with Weifu in detail, then go away first.

Of course, you can also stay and have a good chat with your mother and all the aunts.

When Dad finishes his business and we have dinner at night, our family will have a good reunion. "

Liu Lingyun and her brothers and sisters bowed without hesitation after hearing what their father said.

"Yes, my child obeys."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, turned around and walked towards the stone table under the gazebo.

Grabbing the pipe next to the stone table, Young Master Liu walked towards the gazebo with high strides.

"Chengzhi, Yaoyao, Chengqian."

"The child is here."

"You follow the father to the study."

"The child obeys."

"Yun'er, Sister Ya, Yan'er, Wanyan, Yao'er, Rong Rong, if you sisters have nothing else to do, I will go to the study with my husband."

"The sisters who are concubines obey."

"Sister Shan, Qingshi, Wei'er... you sisters, go and do your own things first.

However, if you sisters have nothing to do, follow Yun'er and the others to the study with your husband. "

Yun Qingshi, Murong Shan, and Ling Wei'er sisters all looked at each other, their pretty faces were hesitant and silent for a moment, they got up one after another and bowed to Young Master Liu in unison.

"Husband, my concubine sister, I would like to follow my husband to the study."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and walked straight towards the courtyard where Qi Yun lived.

"Okay, then you sisters come together."

Around the time of cupping tea, Liu Mingzhi and his party walked into the study together.

Liu Mingzhi shook the folding fan in his hand, walked to the chair behind the desk and sat down.

"Come on."

"The child is here."

"Give tea to Wei Fu, your mother and all the aunts, as well as your second brother and elder sister Yaoyao."

"The child obeys."

(End of this chapter)

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