My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3021 Where did it come from?

Chapter 3021 Where did it come from?


Liu Mingzhi put the folding fan on the desk, turned his head and pouted at the windows next to him.

"Good girl, go and open all the windows for ventilation."

"Hey, Yaoyao knows."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the beauties who were taking their seats one after another, raised his legs casually, and leaned on the chair with a tired expression.

After Qi Yun and the other sisters sat down one by one, Young Master Liu looked at Liu Chengzhi who was standing beside him and waved.

"Chengzhi, don't stand still, sit down."


"Tell me, what's the business?"

Hearing his father's question, Liu Chengzhi turned his head to look at his mother and all the aunts.

"Mother, all aunts, should you speak first, or should the child speak first?"

Qi Yun and the other sisters looked at each other, and then set their eyes on Liu Chengzhi, all shaking their heads with smiles.

Qi Yun tidied up her sleeves, looked at her son with a light smile and said, "Chengzhi, what you want to talk about is the official business of the court, what my mother and your aunts want to talk about is a private matter.

The most important thing is business, so you should talk about it first. "

"Hey, the child knows."

Hearing what the mother and son said, Liu Mingzhi directly shifted his gaze to the second brother Liu Chengzhi.

"Chengzhi, what major events have happened in the court during the period when your father is no longer in the capital?"

Liu Chengzhi directly took out a document from his cuff, got up and walked towards his father.

"Father, six days ago, Ganzhou sent a letter to the imperial court.

The [-] elite soldiers and horses of the Second Route West Expeditionary Army have already left Yumen Pass to the west and officially embarked on the journey of the Thousand Li Expedition. "

Liu Mingzhi's expression suddenly became agitated, he raised his hand and patted the desk in front of him, his face was filled with uncontrollable joy.

"Great, great, it's finally an expedition.

Duan Dingbang didn't disappoint this young master! "

Young Master Liu praised without hesitation, got up and walked out of the desk, and wandered around in the study with his hands on his waist.

After wandering around with joy on his face for a long time, the excitement on Young Master Liu's face gradually calmed down. .


First Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief, stopped and looked at his son.

"Aside from the official departure of the army for an expedition, what did the letter say?
One hundred thousand soldiers, have they been damaged due to unacceptable conditions? "

Liu Chengzhi nodded regretfully when he heard his father's question.

Sighing softly, Liu Chengzhi said in a low tone: "My boy is preparing to report this matter to you!"

Seeing his son's regretful expression, First Young Master Liu couldn't help frowning, knowing something in his heart.

Raising his hand and rubbing it on his face for a long time, First Young Master Liu let out a long and complicated sigh.

"Hey, let's just say, how many soldiers were lost in total."

"Returning to my father, during the march of the 620 Western Expedition soldiers, a total of [-] soldiers suffered from malaria... and other diseases due to the unaccustomed environment.

Under the treatment of the doctors accompanying the army, most of the soldiers recovered.

However, there are 67 soldiers because of severe symptoms.


In the end, he died. "

Hearing the number his son said, Young Master Liu was shocked, and his face instantly became serious.

"What? 67 soldiers were actually lost? How could there be so many?"

Seeing the solemn expression on his father's face, Liu Chengzhi handed over the document in his hand with low eyes.

"Father, I don't want to say so much, but the truth is like this.

The specific situation in the letter has already been described one by one in the document, please read it. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned in silence for a long time, and took the document from his son with a stiff arm.

Holding the document and tapping it in the palm of his hand a few times, Liu Mingzhi walked to the table next to Qi Yun, and reached out to pick up the dry pipe on it.

Seeing her husband's movements, Qi Yun frowned slightly, and quickly stretched out her hand to press the back of Young Master Liu's hand.

"Husband, your throat was dry just now.

Stop smoking. "

Liu Mingzhi sighed with a melancholy expression, and shook his head gently looking at Qi Yun who looked worried.

"Oh, Yun'er."

Feeling her husband's melancholy mood, Qi Yun pursed her cherry lips and remained silent for a moment, then slowly let go of the slender hand that was holding the back of his hand.

"Husband, then you should smoke less."

Liu Mingzhi nodded to the beautiful woman, gently tore open the cigarette pouch, squeezed out a pinch of shredded tobacco from the inside, and stuffed it into the smoke pot.

Lighting the shredded tobacco with a torch, Young Master Liu took a puff of tobacco vigorously, holding the pipe in one hand and the document in the other, and slowly walked towards the huge map hanging beside the bookshelf.

First Young Master Liu stopped in his tracks, frowned slightly and examined the map in front of him, his gaze fell silent.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi exhaled light smoke, walked gently on the map with the documents in his hand.

"One hundred thousand elite soldiers have just left for an expedition, and before they actually set foot on the battlefield, 67 of them have already been lost.

All of them are good sons of my Dalong, I am Liu Mingzhi.

Ashamed of their wives and children! "

Qi Yun and the other sisters looked at each other with complicated eyes when they heard their husband's words full of self-blame and guilt.

All the beauties frowned for a long time, and finally sighed silently.

The youngest Liu Chengqian poured a cup of herbal tea for his mother and all the aunts one after another, walked gently to the side of the second brother Liu Chengzhi, and coughed under his throat.

"Hmm, second brother."

Liu Chengzhi withdrew his gaze, and looked at his third brother standing beside him with a puzzled expression.

"Third, what's the matter?"

Liu Chenggan poured a cup of herbal tea from the pot, raised his head and gestured to his father's back.

"Send it to Dad."

"Why don't you go?"

Liu Chenggan stuffed the teacup in his second brother's hand and shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

"Second brother, sister Yaoyao and I have gone to investigate the list of Qiuhou Wenqiu, and I don't know what happened to the letter from Ganzhou.

Brother, I don't know anything. I'll bring tea to dad. What do you want me to say? "

Liu Chengzhi's expression froze, and he nodded with a wry smile.

"That's true, come on, I'll go as I go."

Liu Chengzhi replied softly, picked up the teacup and walked towards the old man standing in front of the map.



"Have a cup of tea to quench your thirst."

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, pinned the document in his hand to his waist, took a sip of the herbal tea in his son's hand.

"You have a heart."

"That's what kids should do."

Liu Chengzhi pulled out the folding fan at his waist and flicked it lightly, raised his hand to his father's back and fanned it gently.


"Huh? What are you trying to say?"

"Father, no one wants this to happen.

You don't want it, and neither do the civil and military officials of the court.

Marshal Duan Dingbang also didn't want this kind of thing to happen.

However, such a thing is inevitable.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers come from all over the world, and each of them has lived in a different place since childhood.

After leaving the territory of my Dalong, it is inevitable that the symptoms of acclimatization will appear.

Dad, you were also a leader of the army back then, so you should be more aware of this than Haier.

So, my boy, I hope you can take it easy, Daddy. "

Listening to his son's comforting words, Liu Mingzhi raised his head and drank the herbal tea in the cup in one gulp, and took a puff of tobacco with a sigh.


"The child is here."

"Although that is the case, in the heart of being a father, I still have some regrets after all!
Because of acclimatization, most of the 67 young soldiers who died were children of your age.

Some of these soldiers are even two or three years younger than you.

All of them are young men in their prime.

Did not die on the battlefield, but died on the way to the expedition.

How could such an ending not embarrass the father? "

"The child understands, the child understands."

Liu Mingzhi handed Chaobei to Liu Chengzhi's hand, raised his hand and slid his fingers on the map.

"Son, take a good look, take a good look."

When Liu Chengzhi heard his father's words, he immediately turned his attention to the map.


"For the names on this map, hundreds of thousands of my soldiers rushed to the battlefield one after another.

In just a few years, my Dalong has more than [-] sons, who have died in battle and buried their bones in other lands.

Every territory on this map is written with the word "Dalong".

It means that hundreds of soldiers, and even more soldiers, will sacrifice their blood and sacrifice their precious lives.

Each name, each territory.

All of them are piled up with the blood of our great dragon soldiers!
Cheng Zhi. "

"The child is here."

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of cigarette, turned around and looked at the group of children standing beside the desk.


"The child is here."

"Come on."

"The child is here."

"Both of you, come here."

"Yes, my child obeys."

Liu Yaoyao and brother looked at each other nervously, and immediately trot to the father's side.



"Your eldest sister, second sister, and elder brother are currently staying in Miaojiang, accompanying your Aunt Qinglian to keep filial piety for your grandmother and the elderly."

"My child understands."

"Yue'er, that stinky girl, doesn't stay at home all day. As a father, I just rushed back from Sichuan, so I don't know what she's doing now.

Lingyun, Zhenghao, Yunxin, since their brothers and sisters are still young, some things, as a father, you can tell them.

Nor do they necessarily know what's going on.

Therefore, as a father, there is no need to call them over. "

"Yes, my child understands."

"Chengzhi, Yaoyao, Chengqian."

"The child is here."

"Remember, whether it is the millions of soldiers of the Western Expedition Army, or the [-] soldiers of the Second Western Expedition Army.

The blood they shed on the battlefield, was not for your father, nor for your mother, nor for your many aunts.

It's for your brothers and sisters.

The missions on them, besides their own merits, and the glory of expanding the territory of our Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty.

What's more, the father wants to leave the country and land to your brothers, sisters and others. "

As Young Master Liu was talking, he vigorously smoked the remaining shredded tobacco in the tobacco pot.

"In other words, if it wasn't for Father Wei who wanted to leave a world of prosperity for you brothers, sisters and others.

The one-way westward expedition army, and the two-way westward expedition army combined together have millions of soldiers, and they will not leave their hometowns for thousands of miles of expedition.

It is precisely because of these that one after another soldiers died on the battlefield one after another, and their bones were buried in a foreign country thousands of miles away.

Father, I tell you these things today, and I don't mean to reprimand you.

The reason why the father said this to you brothers and sisters is to hope that you can understand a truth.

That is, you should never think that the loss of one, two, a dozen, hundreds, or even more big dragons is just a trivial matter.

Because, the blood on their bodies was shed for your brothers, sisters and others.

It is the blood shed for the prosperous world that each of you brothers and sisters will inherit in the future.

You brothers, sisters and others are either the current princes or the current princesses.

All of them are distinguished, and all of them are in high positions.

But, but when you have nothing to do, calm down and think about it.

Your brothers and sisters and others are now.

Where did it come from!

Think about it, you brothers, sisters and others, only one can enjoy a life of glory and wealth.

Where did it come from.

There is one thing that I have to say as a father, but I have to admit it.

You brothers and sisters and others, the reason why you have your current identity, your current situation, and your current life.

A large part of the reason comes from being my father.

It originated from being my father, the son of today, the father of the king of a country. "

Before Liu Mingzhi spoke, he turned around and walked to the desk, and knocked out the ashes in the smoking pot in the sink.

"When you think about this, it's time to think deeper.

Where did the father, the king of a country, come from? "

Brother Liu Chengzhi looked at his father's serious face, and they all fell silent in a thoughtful manner.

After a long time, the three brothers and sisters looked at each other silently, and bowed to Young Master Liu in unison.

"My child is ashamed."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the three children, threw the pipe in his hand on the table, and started to walk towards Qi Yun and the other sisters.

"Yun'er, Wanyan, Xiaoxi, Qingshi...Which of your sisters hasn't had any tea yet? Let your sister-in-law drink it first."

Huyan Yunyao stood up directly, and handed her own tea to First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, let's drink from my concubine's body."

"Yao'er, aren't you thirsty?"

"I'm not thirsty. I already drank half a pot of herbal tea before I and my sisters came to see you."

Liu Mingzhi took the tea offered by the beauty, and drank it clean in one gulp.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my husband's throat is sore from smoking dry tobacco. Who else hasn't drunk it? All of them are brought to my husband."

"Husband, I am not thirsty either."

"Husband, here you are."

"Husband, I just took a sip and moistened my throat. You can drink it."

Liu Mingzhi drank several cups of tea in a row, then turned his head to look at the three brothers, Liu Chengzhi and his brother.

"Chengzhi, Yaoyao, Chengqian."

"The child is here."

"It doesn't matter whether you are ashamed or not. The important thing is to keep what you said just now in your heart."

(End of this chapter)

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