My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3022 Who is used to it

Chapter 3022 Who is used to it

"My child obeys, and my child must remember it in my heart."




"When your elder sister and elder brother come back from Miaojiang, don't forget to tell the three of them what my father told you just now.

Don't forget Yue'er, the stinky girl, when she comes back. "

The three Liu Chengzhi brothers and sisters nodded without hesitation when they heard their father's explanation.

"Yes, the child knows."

After teaching the three children, Liu Mingzhi casually put Yun Qingshi's teacup on the table.

"Yaoer, Qingshi, Bizhu..."

"The concubine is here."

"If you sisters are thirsty later, just let Yaoyao and the others pour tea."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

Young Master Liu directly pulled out the paperwork from his waist, turned around, walked behind the desk, and sat down on the chair.

After sitting down, Liu Mingzhi opened the document in his hand, raised his eyes to glance at the three brothers and sisters Liu Yaoyao, and pointed to the chairs next to him.

"Chengzhi, the three of you don't stand still, sit down."

"Hey, the child knows."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, held the document in his hand, and read the contents of the document attentively.

Seeing Young Master Liu's engrossing appearance, everyone in the study relaxed their every move.

Either sip the tea in the cup lightly, or caress the folds of the clothes lightly, trying not to disturb Liu Mingzhi's thoughts.

Liu Mingzhi flipped through the documents with a calm expression, flipping through page after page.

Examining the contents of the document, sometimes frowning, sometimes thinking, and sometimes showing a look of relief.

After a long time, First Young Master Liu raised his head and let out a sigh of relief. He closed the document in his hand and placed it on the desk.


"The child is here."

"Has the Ministry of War already started dealing with the pension of the 67 expeditionary soldiers?"

"Go back to Dad, haven't you yet?"

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Father, the detailed roster of more than 60 soldiers of the Western Expedition that was lost is still on the way to the capital...

The Ministry of War does not have a list of soldiers, so the Ministry of War naturally cannot draw up a detailed charter. "

"I see."

"However, please don't worry.

During the court meeting the day before yesterday, after the court was over, the boy had already explained to the elders of the cabinet.

Once the roster of soldiers is damaged and sent to the imperial court, someone will be sent to notify the boy immediately.

Now, since Dad has returned to Beijing, the boy doesn't have to supervise this matter anymore. "

Hearing Er Zi's relaxed words, First Young Master Liu raised his hand and waved it lightly twice.

"Do not."


"It's up to you to supervise this matter. After the result comes out, you can draw up a document and hand it over to your father for review."

"Father, you and mother and all the aunts have been away from the capital these days.

Boy, while I have to deal with the affairs of the Ten Kings Palace, I also have to supervise the affairs of the cabinet. I am busy for two or three days.

These days, the boy is so busy that he almost doesn't even have time to accompany his wife.

Now that you are back, let the child rest for a while.

Even if it's just three or five days off! "

First Young Master Liu glanced at his son who was looking depressed, and picked up the herbal tea that his daughter Liu Yaoyao had just poured for him to moisten his throat.

"After you're done with this work, let's rest."

"Father, no, you can't treat the child like this!
Even a donkey needs to rest for a day or two..."

"That `s a deal."

"Father, we don't bring people around like this!"

Liu Mingzhi opened his arms and stretched his body, and swallowed the tea in his mouth with a slightly raised brow.

"Furthermore, the follow-up matters of the Second Route West Expedition Army are also yours."

"I...I...I am your own son!
In this world, how can a father treat his son like this?
Are you my real father? "

Young Master Liu smacked his lips a few times, and looked at Qi Yun who was sitting on the chair strangely.

"Yun'er, this kid seems to mean something by saying this!

Or, explain to him, is he the husband's biological son? "

Qi Yun's pretty face was slightly taken aback when she heard Young Master Liu's teasing words.

After reacting, he stared at First Young Master Liu and rolled his eyes.

"Pah, a dog can't spit ivory out of his mouth."

Liu Chengzhi also never expected that his father would bring the topic to his mother.

He trembled his lips a few times, and hurriedly looked at Qi Yun who was sitting diagonally opposite.

"Mother, baby, I just say that at any time, there is absolutely no other meaning.

Mother, you have a sweet heart and a heart, you must not listen to my father's nonsense. "

When Qi Yun heard her son's busy and generous explanation, her pretty face suddenly changed, and she rolled her eyes angrily again.

"Stinky boy, you are an idiot for being an old lady!"

Seeing his mother's angry face, Liu Chengzhi waved his hands hastily.

"Mother, the child is definitely not like this.

I'm just... I'm just..."

"Shut up you."

"Ah! Hey."
Qi Yun rolled her eyes at her aggrieved son, picked up a peanut from the tray on the desk, and threw it at First Young Master Liu.

"Stupid virtue, what does my son mean, I don't know.

The concubine wants to know, husband, what do you mean by saying this? "

Young Master Liu waved his backhand and grabbed the peanut that Qi Yun had thrown in his hand. Seeing the beauty's feigned anger expression, he peeled off the peanut with a smile.

"Yun'er, you're overthinking this, aren't you?

My husband is just following what Cheng Zhi said, and I just want you to explain it to him. "

Seeing her husband's playful smile, Qi Yun made a gesture to grab the peanuts on the tray again.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi waved his hands generously.

"Hey, hey, my husband knew it was wrong, my husband knew it was wrong.

No kidding, no kidding. "
Qi Yun snorted with a pretty face of anger, peeled off the peanut in her hand and put it into the sandalwood mouth.




"Asshole, let's see what kind of stupid question you asked, and how angry your mother is."

"Father, we have to speak with conscience, it's obviously you who..."

Young Master Liu raised his eyes and glanced at Liu Chengzhi, and gently moved the tea lid in his hand.


The corner of Liu Chengzhi's mouth twitched, and he nodded helplessly.

"The child knew it was wrong."

"Can you do what my father just said?"


"That's right, wouldn't it be fine if we agreed earlier?"

Liu Chengzhi turned his head and glanced at the side. Liu Yaoyao and Liu Chenggan, who were suppressing their smiles, nodded in addition to nodding.

"Yes, what Dad said is right, the child knows that he is wrong."

Liu Mingzhi stood up, stretched, walked to the window next to him and stopped.


"The child is here."

"You supervised the second batch of food and grass for the Second Route West Expedition Army, right?"

"Go back to Dad, it's true."

Hearing his son's reply, First Young Master Liu leaned over and put his arms on the window sill, narrowed his eyes slightly, and glanced at the fallen leaves in the courtyard.

"Is it your full authority to supervise, or the cabinet..."

Young Master Liu had just finished speaking halfway, when he suddenly stopped.

"It's all right, do you have any other business to report?"

"Tell Dad, it's gone."


"Hey, my concubine is here."

"Chengzhi has finished talking about the business in the court, now you sisters can talk about your affairs."

When Qi Yun heard Young Master Liu's words, she pursed her cherry lips and looked at each other with the sisters.

After a while, Qi Yun looked at the other sisters, nodded her head slightly, and walked towards her husband standing by the window sill with light steps.

Having not heard the reply from Qi Yun and the beauties for a long time, Young Master Liu kowtowed his brows and looked back with a puzzled expression.

"What's the matter? Don't you sisters have something to tell my husband? Why don't you speak?"

Qi Yun gracefully stopped beside First Young Master Liu, raised her slender hand, and waved to the three siblings Liu Chengzhi who were sitting not far away.

"Chengzhi, Yaoyao, Chengqian."

"The child is here."

"It's so boring in the study, the three of you should go to the yard first."
Liu Chengzhi, Liu Yaoyao, and Liu Chengqian brothers and sisters were stunned for a moment, but after realizing something, they seemed to understand something, and hurriedly got up and saluted.

"Hey, the child knows."

Liu Mingzhi waited until the three children left the study room, turned around with a slight frown, folded his hands in front of him and leaned against the window sill, his eyes swept over the beauties one by one with doubts.

"No, what's the matter?

Yun'er, what do you sisters want to say to your husband? You actually need to pay Chengzhi, Yaoyao, and Chenggan to their brothers and sisters. "

Seeing the puzzled expression on her husband's face, Qi Yun walked to the window and stopped, leaning her waist and looking around the courtyard.

Seeing the three sons and daughters sitting in the gazebo in the courtyard and talking softly, Qi Yun straightened up, just like her husband, casually wrapped her arms around her undulating chest, and leaned gently on the window sill. the other side.


"Listen for my husband, Yun'er, tell me."

Qi Yun pondered for a while, looked at Young Master Liu and said softly, "Husband, sister Hoshino, may be returning to the Wa country."

Young Master Liu trembled, his brows were slightly frowned, and he narrowed his eyes to look at the complex-looking beauty opposite.

"Yun'er, who did you hear about this?

Hoshino told you personally?Or did she tell any of your sisters? "

Qi Yun looked at her husband's slightly nervous expression, sighed silently, and shook Zhen's head gently at Young Master Liu a few times.

"No, Sister Hoshino, she neither told the concubine nor any of the concubine's sisters."

"Then how did you know about this, Yun'er?"

"It was Yue'er who told my concubine sister."

"What, Yue'er told you sisters?"

Qi Yun looked at her husband's stunned expression, turned her head to the Queen Wanyan who was sitting not far away and nodded politely.

"Sister Wanyan, it's up to you to tell the story."

The queen smiled slightly at Zhenshou, got up and walked towards First Young Master Liu.


"Just say it politely."

The queen stopped, and Haomu sighed regretfully.

"If you have no conscience, I will tell you the general situation.

As soon as our sisters rushed home from Sichuan, the girl Yue'er hurried over to see us.

After Yue'er saw us, she directly told our sisters and the others that Sister Hoshino was leaving the capital and returning to Japan. "

Liu Mingzhi collected his thoughts and let out a long breath silently.

"How did Yue'er know?"

The queen sat sideways on the chair, sighing with regret.

"Yue'er said that she heard the news from the girl Yingzhi.

Ever since Yingzhi got acquainted with Yue'er, Lingyun, Zhenghao, Yunxin, Lianiang and their brothers and sisters, it can be said that she came to our house every other day as a guest.

How much this girl Yingzhi likes Yueer, Yunxin, Lianiang and the other sisters, you know it in your heart.

After getting along for a long time, these little sisters have already reached the point where they can talk about everything.

Yueer told our sisters that about ten days ago, Yingzhi, Lianiang, and Yunxin, the little sisters, met to release paper kites outside the city.

It's just that the girl Yingzhi's mood that day was completely different from before.

So, the girl Lianiang asked Yingzhi why she suddenly became unhappy.

Later, Yingzhi told Lianiang that they might never see each other again.

After they came back from releasing the kites outside the city, Lianiang immediately went to Yue'er and told about it.

Under Yue'er's intentional insinuation, the girl Yingzhi revealed the truth afterwards.

The girl Yingzhi told Yue'er.

Her mother is Hoshino sister.

He planned to take her back to the mainland of Japan with her in a few days. "

After hearing the queen's explanation, Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes silently.

After a long time, First Young Master Liu suddenly opened his eyes, walked to the chair with a complicated expression and sat down.

"Be polite."


"Girl Yue'er, did you tell you exactly when Hoshino will leave the capital?"

"Well, the girl Yue'er didn't say anything.

It's not that Yue'er didn't find out, but Yingzhi, the girl herself, doesn't know when Sister Hoshino will take her to leave Beijing and return home. "

Young Master Liu nodded lightly, and subconsciously picked up the pipe on the desk.

Just as he tore open the cigarette pouch, he seemed to think of something again, and threw the dry tobacco pouch on the table.

"Yun'er, has the Japanese diplomatic mission left Beijing now?"

"Husband, after I found out about this, I immediately notified Liu Song to send someone to Honglu Temple to investigate.

According to the news from Lord Qing Wang of Honglu Temple, the Japanese diplomatic mission will leave Beijing within a few days. "

Hearing Qi Yun's answer, Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief.

"That's fine, that's fine."

"Be polite."

"Unconscionable, you say."

"Where's that stinky girl, Yue'er?"

The queen raised her hand and scratched her snow-white jade neck, and shrugged her shoulders a few times with a strange expression.

"I went out early in the morning and haven't come back yet."

"Oh, you spoiled this stinky girl!"

The queen frowned immediately, raised her slender hands and patted the table heavily.

"Liu Mingzhi, do you have a conscience when you say this?
Yue'er has become what she is now, is it because I am used to it?Or are you used to it?

Feel your conscience and ask, is the reason why Yue'er became what she is now, is it because I am used to it?

As a girl, she turned out to be a frequent visitor to the Land of Fireworks?

Without your father, without you, without the second brother, and the third brother set a good example, would Yue'er do this?
Is this what my old lady is used to? "


"Entering the capital at the age of four and a half, from a noble little princess, to a person who spends all day fishing and fishing in the river.

Bringing his own group of brothers and sisters to swagger through the streets and fight.

Beat this one today, and beat that one tomorrow.

Who supported her?Who gave her confidence?
Is it the old capital of the Kingdom of Jin thousands of miles away, an old lady who is busy with government affairs all day long? "


"Let's talk about when she was eight or nine, after the Three Kingdoms War ended, Yue'er came to the capital alone.

The eight or nine-year-old child, armed with a double-eyed firecracker, shot and killed a seventh-rank master who was in the third rank on the spot on the temple.

Where did her firearms come from?Did I give it to my wife? "


(End of this chapter)

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