Chapter 3023
"After the world is unified, our family will return to the capital.

Not half a month has passed since the stable life, and with tens of thousands of taels of silver bills in her waist purse, Yue'er took Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and Chenggan to Tianxianglou to have fun.

Is this my old lady who let her go? "


The empress looked at Young Master Liu's embarrassed expression, speechless embarrassment, took the tea next to her and moistened her throat.

She swallowed the tea in her mouth, fiddled with the tea lid in her hand teasingly, and shrugged her shoulders twice with a sneer.

"Hehehe, not only that, Yue'er and the others... also booked out the entire Tianxiang Tower that day.

Good guy, brothers and sisters spent thousands of taels of silver in one day!

Tsk tsk tsk, I'm really willing to spend money!
Then again, who made Yue'er, a stinky girl, have the confidence?
Heartless, don't you think? "

"Uh, cough, cough, cough."

"Oh, you have no conscience, tell me yourself, where did Yue'er get the bank notes ranging from a few hundred taels to as many as several thousand taels in her purse?
The tens of thousands of taels of silver notes on her body, is that my old lady who I gave her?
I want to give her money, but the key point is that my mother must have so much pocket money for her!
Yes, when it comes to this, my mother has to say.

Tens of thousands of taels of silver bills, that's just pocket money on weekdays!

Pocket money, pocket money!

Tens of thousands of taels of silver bills are just pocket money! "

The queen said, she looked at First Young Master Liu with a smile, and her eyes rolled around him teasingly.

"Without conscience, tell me, where did Yue'er get the pocket money of tens of thousands of taels of silver?

Anyway, I don't have that much pocket money for my old lady.

You are Yue'er's biological father, so you can't give her the bank note, right? "

Young Master Liu felt the teasing meaning in the empress's light and bright eyes, and leaned against the window sill with a whimper.

"My young master wants to give her so much pocket money, so I have to have it too!

In the past, when my husband and I had nothing to do, I still wanted to cheat a few thousand taels of silver from Yue'er, a stinky girl.

It's a pity, this stinky girl is too shrewd, despite my husband's hype, this girl just won'"

While Young Master Liu was speaking, he suddenly noticed that the eyes of Qi Yun and the other sisters gradually became a little weird.

Realizing that he seemed to have said something he shouldn't have said, Young Master Liu's words came to an abrupt end, he turned around and looked out the window, and coughed a few times at the top of his throat.

"Hmm, cough, cough, cough...

What, the meaning of being a husband is that the girl Yue'er was still young in the past, and it was not safe to carry so much money on her body.

My husband was afraid that she would lose it, so he thought of saving it for her first. "

The more Young Master Liu explained, the more strange the eyes of the queen and the other sisters became.

The weird gazes of all the beauties made Young Master Liu feel like a light was on his back.

All over the body, nowhere is comfortable.

Young Master Liu also knew in his heart that the nonsense words he uttered just now were not convincing at all.

"Then what...then what..."

First Young Master Liu groaned for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Sliding his fingers on the window sill for a long time, Young Master Liu turned around with a resentful expression, looked at the beauties with strange expressions, and laughed sarcastically.

"Hehe, hehe."

Got it.

Husband and wife have shared the same bed for many years, and who doesn't know who else's character.

That being the case, why not explain it, explain it, just break the jar and smash it.

"Girls, don't look at me like that.

It’s not enough for my husband to tell you clearly, but it’s okay for me to tell you clearly? "

Young Master Liu scratched his brow with his fingers, and spread his hands helplessly.

"To put it bluntly, at that time, as my husband, I just wanted to coax some money from Yue'er, a stinky girl."

A group of beauties looked at Young Master Liu's depressed face, looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing.

"Pfft, hahaha..."

"Hmph, hee hee..."

"Hmph, hehehe..."


In the blink of an eye, the soft laughter of Qi Yun and her sisters echoed in the study.

Laughter came and went, one after another.

After about a cup of tea, the laughter in the room gradually subsided.

"Stinky husband, you really have the face to say it."

"As a father, it's fine if you don't give your daughter money, but you actually want to cheat money from your own daughter.

Husband, husband, I am really curious, how did you have the nerve to do it. "

"Fortunately, Yue'er is clever enough, otherwise, she would have been fooled."

"Looking at the world, there are probably not many people who cheat on my daughter, except for your unscrupulous father, the stinky husband."

The empress casually put down the teacup in her hand, stared at Young Master Liu with a smile on her face and asked coquettishly, "You have no conscience, the banknote on Yue'er was neither given to her by my mother nor you.

That being the case, where did the pocket money of tens of thousands of taels of silver come from? "

Listening to the empress' words that seemed to point to something, First Young Master Liu lowered his head with a smirk.

"For my husband, how can I know for my husband, maybe she picked it up on the street?"

The empress frowned slightly, and rolled her eyes angrily.

"Hey, you can actually make up such absurd nonsense.

Tens of thousands of taels of silver, picked up from the street.

Oops, I really admire you.

If you say that, then you should go to the street and pick one up for my old lady to have a look!

I don't want you to pick up tens of thousands of taels of silver notes, my mother will believe your words as long as you can pick up three to five thousand taels of silver notes. "

"Me! Me! To put it bluntly, isn't it difficult for you to force others?"

The queen rolled her eyes angrily, raised her lotus arms and stretched her waist.

"Stop talking nonsense now? Stop making up nonsense?

It's a pity, I thought you could make me a flower! "

"No way, what I just said about my husband may have been picked up on the street.

I didn't say categorically that the silver on Yue'er must have been picked up from the street. "

"Yes, you can continue to quibble."

"There is no sophistry, there is really no sophistry for my husband."

The queen snorted a few times, and walked towards the window sill lightly with lotus steps.

"Without conscience, don't tell me about my old lady.

Tens of thousands of taels of pocket money, except for our wealthy old man, who else can take out tens of thousands of taels of silver as pocket money at once. "

Young Master Liu looked at the empress's sulky face, raised his hand and scratched his ear, and smiled bitterly.

"Hehehe, oops, to put it bluntly.

There's no need to say this kind of thing so bluntly, right? "

The queen turned and leaned against the window sill, her arms folded on her chest, and she laughed.

"A teenage child with tens of thousands of taels of pocket money in his pocket.

Not to mention the girl Yue'er, even when my mother was the same age as her, she probably wasn't much better than her.

With so many banknotes on his body, he is naturally confident!

In this way, I can't help but spend a lot of money nonchalantly, and spend money like water without caring. "

As the queen spoke, she raised her head and swept over the bodies of the sisters one by one.

"Sisters, when you were teenagers and you had tens of thousands of taels of pocket money in your purse, would you still save money?"

Qi Yun and the other beauties heard the Queen's question, looked at each other strangely, and shook their heads a few times with a smile.

"Husband, the concubine can't handle the question of politely speaking about my sister."

"Tens of thousands of taels of silver, not to mention just pocket money, even if you have so much in your entire net worth.

Occasionally, the concubine can't help but spend a lot of money. "

Murong Shan pursed her cherry lips and remained silent for a moment, then looked up at her husband and smiled softly.

"Hehehe, since I married you as my husband, concubines with gold, silver and jewelry are not uncommon.

Not only is it not uncommon, there are many valuable gold and silver jewelry, emerald pearls and other accessories in the room of the concubine.

However, even so, there is no money on this concubine... no..."

"So is the concubine."

"So is the concubine."

"Husband, although I really want to help you talk, but I can't ignore the facts!"


Listening to the words of the beauties, Young Master Liu glanced at the beauties with a gloomy expression, and raised his hand to pat the window sill vigorously a few times.

"Oh, Yuner, Sister Ya, Qingshi, sisters, please stop adding to the chaos."

The queen raised her foot and kicked Young Master Liu's calf lightly, and let out a coquettish snort.

"Huh, what's the matter? Are we sisters not even telling the truth now?"

First Young Master Liu grinned and rubbed his own fading, and rushed to the back of Qi Ya's chair with a stride, heaving a sigh of aggrieved expression.

"Good guy, you sisters have discussed this, right?"

Young Master Liu put his hand on Qi Ya's fragrant shoulder, picked up a piece of pastry with his fingers and threw it into his mouth.

"Sister Ya, you know your husband's character best.

Don't just sit still, you should help Weifu to say something. "

Qi Ya picked up the tea and took a sip, raised her jade neck to look at her husband standing behind her, and shrugged her shoulders a few times with a smile on her face.

"Husband, I also want to talk to you.

It's a pity that there are only you and my sisters in the study.

Help you, it's not appropriate.

It's not appropriate to help Wanyan's sister, either.

In this way, the concubine had thought about it for a long time just now, and finally thought of a more reasonable solution.

That is, to help the manager not to help the relatives.

Sister Wanyan is right, my concubine wants to help you talk, but I really can't think of any reason to refute sister Wanyan.

It's not that I don't love you, or that I don't want to help you.

Rather, the concubine has a heart but is powerless. "

The queen heard Qi Ya's words, put her hands behind Liu's waist, and approached Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Would she be so presumptuous without the confidence of a father like Yue'er like you?
Without the support of our old man, Yue'er would unscrupulously take Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and the three of them to rent a place in Tianxianglou together.

And go to the various fireworks places in the capital and spend a lot of money? "

Seeing Young Master Liu dodging towards Murong Shan, the Empress patted the table next to her with her silver teeth.

"My old lady, I was also a majestic king of a country back then, and when it comes to spending money, I'm not as lavish or generous as this girl, Yue'er.

After you know this girl's brilliant deeds, don't say that you want to cheat some money from her.

Why don't I envy my mother who is my mother?
Unfortunately, what's the use of being envious?
There is no way, who told us not to have a rich and powerful grandpa to back us up?

Unconscionable, you say it yourself, is what the old lady said right or wrong? "

Looking at the Empress' angry and reproachful eyes, First Young Master Liu once again felt a little speechless.

Grabbing a strand of Murong Shan's beautiful hair with her fingers and twisting it around her fingertips, First Young Master Liu looked out the window with erratic eyes.



"Ah! To put it bluntly.

How many years have passed, why bother to mention it again? "

The queen sneered twice, picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake from the tray on the table next to Qi Ya with her fingers, and ate half of it with her mouth slightly open.

"So, this stinky girl, Yue'er, has become what she is now.

You feel your conscience and say, is it because my mother and I are used to it? "

Liu Mingzhi let go of the hair on his fingertips, licked and smiled and walked towards the queen.

"Be polite."

The queen looked at First Young Master Liu with a smirk on her face, chewing the pastry in her mouth carefully, and rolled her eyes with a sneer.


Young Master Liu raised his hand to shake the empress's pretty face a few times, took the remaining half of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in her hand with a smile, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

"If you are used to your husband, you are used to it for your husband."

Young Master Liu was talking, when he suddenly raised his hands and patted him heavily.

"Wrong, my husband made a mistake.

The reason why Yue'er, a stinky girl, became what she is now, is neither because she is used to her husband, nor because she is used to politely saying that you are used to it.

It's because our old man is used to it.

When Yue'er lived in our house, every time she got into trouble outside, my husband prepared to give her a good education!

Not only the girl Yue'er herself, but every one of their brothers and sisters.

As long as I cause trouble outside, my husband plans to give them a hard lesson.

But, behind these little bastards, there is our old man backing them up!
Husband, I just invited out the training stick, and these little bastards saw that the situation was not good, so they immediately invited our old man out to support us.

Good guy, my husband hasn't had time to teach these little bastards a lesson.

Without saying a word, our old man snatched the training stick from my husband's hand, but he taught me a lesson first.

He is the father, and I am the son for the husband.

What can I do?

He whipped me with a training stick, and I had no choice but to run away.

In this way, where do I have the time to teach them these little bastards who know how to cause trouble for their husbands?

The old man and the old man are fine, especially our mother.

If you don't help your husband out of the siege, then..."

While Young Master Liu was eloquently explaining, he seemed to recall some unbearable past events, so he suddenly raised his hand and slapped heavily on the table next to him.

His sudden suddenness without warning startled all the beauties who were watching the theater with smiling faces.

Even the empress trembled in fright. Seeing Young Master Liu's suddenly gloomy expression, she subconsciously slid her jade neck and silently swallowed her saliva.

Young Master Liu let out a long breath, picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus puff pastry, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it.

"Especially our mother, if you don't help my husband, it's fine.

When I saw our old man protecting the calf, he was still helping him to block my way.

what is this?
ah?what is this?
This is helping the evildoers!
With the support of their two elders, if the husband wants to discipline him.

But, am I... disciplined?
Alas, the family is unlucky.

No, it's the misfortune of the family where my husband was born!

Yes, that's right.

Thousands of mistakes are all the fault of our old man. "

(End of this chapter)

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