My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3024 Responsibilities

Chapter 3024 Responsibilities
Young Master Liu defended himself a lot, and seemed to have finally found the root of the problem.

Swallowing the sweet-scented osmanthus crisps in his mouth forcefully, First Young Master Liu glanced at the beauties who were stunned, nodded vigorously a few times, then raised his hand again and patted the table next to him heavily.

"That's right, that's the way it is, the reason why this stinky girl, Yue'er, became what she is now.

All of them are used to by our family. "

Qi Ya was the first to react. Seeing that her husband was filled with righteous indignation and seemed to want to say something more, she quickly stood up, picked up a watery grape and stuffed it directly into his mouth.


First Young Master Liu snorted softly, bit the grape in his mouth, and looked at Qi Ya standing in front of him suspiciously.

"Sister Ya, what are you doing?"

Qi Yun looked at Young Master Liu's bewildered expression, and shook her head a few times in reproach.

I picked up another grape with my knuckles and handed it to Young Master Liu, the beautiful lady opened her mouth slightly, her tone extremely soft.

"Where is your husband!"

When Young Master Liu saw Qi Ya's appearance like this, all the depression in his heart disappeared in an instant.

Taking the grapes from the beauty's hand backhanded, he quickly responded with a smile and nodded.

"Hey, sister Ya, tell me."
Seeing her husband's face full of smiles, Qi Ya rolled up the sleeves of the cloud gauze with smiling eyes, and tapped Young Master Liu's forehead with her fingers.

"You, you are already in your decades, why are you still acting like a child?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at the expressions of the beauties who were already familiar with it, reached out and grabbed Qi Ya's wrist, and nodded with a wry smile.

"Good sister Ya, how can I have it!
I have said so much for my husband, but I am just talking about the facts! "

Qi Ya frowned slightly, her peach-blossom eyes were fixed on First Young Master Liu, and she replied with a nasal voice with her charming face.


The couple loved each other and slept together in the same bed for many years, so Liu Mingzhi naturally understood Qi Ya's character very well.

As soon as he saw such an expression on the beautiful woman's pretty face, he knew that Qi Ya had become serious.

First Young Master Liu felt guilty, and hurriedly nodded his head and laughed.

"Hehehe, yes, yes, my husband knew that he was wrong.

Good sister Ya, I know I was wrong as a husband. "

Seeing Liu Da's lack of integrity, Qi Ya sighed coquettishly with her beautiful eyes.

"Hey, the older you get, the more you look like a child."
"How wonderful that is, it shows that we are still young!"

"Virtue, what about my husband?"

"Hey, Sister Ya, go ahead and listen, my husband."

"If you follow what you said just now, there is no one who can continue to talk nonsense, let alone the old man and mother of our family.

Even the ancestors of our family must have made mistakes.

Besides, the key question now is to discuss whether Yue'er is spoiled by anyone?

Husband, don't you think that Sister Hoshino intends to take Yazhi Yingzhi to leave Dalong and return to their homeland of Japan.

Is it the question that our husband and wife and others should discuss carefully?

Sister Hoshino might leave someday, and she's leaving now.

There is no telling when we will meet again in the future.

Perhaps, it is possible that we will never meet again.

With such an important matter in front of you, my husband, you still have the heart to play jokes with your concubines and sisters.

I really don't know, what are you thinking? "

As soon as Qi Ya's words of reminder fell, all the beauties came to their senses one after another, got up and walked towards their husband.

"Yes, yes, sister Ya is right.

The most important thing for the few of us right now is to discuss about Sister Hoshino first. "

"If Sister Ya didn't say anything, the concubine almost ignored the matter of Sister Hoshino."

"Husband, please tell my concubine sisters, what are you thinking in your heart?

Sister Hoshino, should I stay or not? "

"Does it need to be said? I must keep Sister Hoshino!

Husband and sister Hoshino, if they are still the same as before, they are just old friends who are relatively close.

That Hoshino sister left, and she also left.

However, isn't it different now?
Husband and Hoshino Meier, the two of them already have a physical relationship, a real relationship between husband and wife.

At this time, if we let her leave Dalong and return to the mainland of Japan, what is the matter? "

Murong Shan frowned slightly, taking advantage of Yun Qingshi's words.

"Sister Qing Shi, it's only a matter of husband and wife, this is only a secondary issue.

The most important question is that sister Hoshino is still young.

Being young means that sister Hoshino may still be pregnant.

The number of lingering love between the husband and the two of them is only the number of times we sisters know, no less than five times.

The two of them were in love with each other, and after performing the ceremony of the Duke of Zhou, only Sister Hoshino did not drink saffron and other medicines.

It means that sister Hoshino has a high possibility that she will be pregnant with her husband's heir.

In this way, if she is allowed to leave our Dalong again.

Then...then...what if...what if..."

Although Murong Shan didn't finish what she said, it was what she wanted to express.

But it is already self-evident.

As soon as Murong Shan hesitated to speak, the expressions of the other beauties became solemn.

Obviously, they also understood the deep meaning of Murong Shan's words.

Qi Ya and the other sisters looked at each other in dismay, and finally fixed their eyes on Qi Yun, the wife of Liu's family.

"Sister Yun'er, you are the eldest wife of our Liu family, so it's up to you to decide what to do about it."

"Sister seconded."

"My sister seconded."

"Little sister also seconded."

After listening to the echoing words of all the sisters one by one, Qi Yun turned her head to look at her husband who was silent, and tugged at his sleeve with her fingers.

"Husband, the sisters are right.

Regarding sister Hoshino, we have to think carefully about it.

If Sister Hoshino is not pregnant, that's all.

However, if she is lucky enough to conceive your husband's heir.

Then, as the eldest wife of the Liu family, I only have one sentence.

That is the heir of our Liu family, no matter what, he absolutely cannot be left outside. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at all the beauties who talked to each other and explained their thoughts to each other with complicated eyes, and finally shifted his eyes to Qi Yun, the wife of Liu's family.

Seeing the determination in Qi Yun's beautiful eyes, Young Master Liu frowned for a long time.

It seemed that he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it for a long time.

Qi Yun and the other beauties, seeing their husband's reaction like this, gradually felt something was wrong.

The husband's reaction seems to be.

It seems that there is, is there something unspeakable hidden!
A pair of soft or light eyes looked at First Young Master Liu.

In the end, all eyes fixed on him one after another.

There seemed to be doubts and surprises in the eyes, and there was a faint sense of confusion.

"Husband, you..."

"Husband, are you alright?"

"Husband, did the concubine say something wrong?"

"Husband, don't be like this, I'm a little nervous."

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, looked at the beauties, waved his hands with a smile, turned around and walked towards the desk.

"it's okay no problem.

Regarding the question of Hoshino and Sakuraori's mother and daughter going to stay, let's not talk about it for the time being.

After my husband meets Hoshino, let's discuss it again. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's seemingly weak words, Qi Ya hurriedly raised her eyes to look at his back.

Seeing his seemingly lonely back, Qi Ya pursed her cherry lips and muttered for a while, her heart trembled suddenly.

She thought about the previous scenes carefully, and gradually came to her senses.



I seem to have asked my husband a question that should not be mentioned.

Qi Ya took a deep breath, carefully recalling what Liu Mingzhi said earlier.

Mu Ran, the beauty's delicate body trembled suddenly, looking at Young Master Liu sitting on the chair.

In those soft peach blossom eyes, lingering full of guilt.

I really mentioned a topic that shouldn't be mentioned.

At this moment, Qi Ya gradually recalled it.

Husband, he didn't know the priorities, deliberately made some jokes, and made jokes with his sisters?
He clearly changed the subject on purpose, and he didn't want to continue talking about Sister Hoshino in depth.

I kindly want to help my husband and sister Hoshino achieve something beautiful.

It's just that my own good intentions seem to have done something bad.

The rest of the beauties are naturally not fools.

From the expressions between Liu Mingzhi and Qi Ya, they gradually understood something.

Qi Ya stared guiltily in silence for a moment, then walked towards the desk lightly with lotus steps.

Walking to the opposite side of the desk and stopping, Jiaren put her hands together with a pretty face.

"Husband, concubine, concubine."

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and looked at Qi Ya, seeing the awkward reaction on the beauty's pretty face, chuckled cheerfully twice, and waved his hands indifferently.

"Sister Ya, you don't need to explain anything, your husband understands it in his heart."

"But, concubine..."

"Sister Ya."


"Sister Ya, as a husband, I will be dissatisfied with you because of what you said earlier.

For my husband and me, it really became something that I don't know what is good or bad.

Sister Ya, how considerate you are to your husband is not only clear in your own heart, but also in the hearts of Yun'er, Wanyan and their sisters.

Sister Ya, you are doing it for my own good, how can you not understand as a husband.

In this way, if I feel dissatisfied with you again.

Then wouldn't I become a wolf-hearted bastard? "

After listening to her husband's explanation, Qi Ya was about to speak, but Liu Mingzhi suddenly raised his hand as a signal.

"Sister Ya, sit down."


"Sister Ya, if you do this again, you will really feel bad for your husband."

Qi Ya's pretty face panicked, and she quickly sat down on the chair behind her.

"Husband, I will obey you."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, turned his head to look at Qi Yun, their sisters and others, and nodded with a smile.

"Yun'er, Wanyan, all sit down too."

"Hey, my concubine sisters will take their seats now."

After the queen and the other sisters sat down again, First Young Master Liu lit the tobacco in his hand with a torch.

After all the beauties sat down, they quietly looked at the husband who was silently puffing.

This time, the sisters did not speak to persuade them.

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and exhaled the smoke out of the window, then looked back at Qi Ya who was sitting opposite him.

"Sister Ya."

"Hey, husband, say it."

"Half a month ago, we hadn't rushed to Miaojiang in Shu to see off my mother and her elderly.

My husband is at the dining table in the main hall of our house, it seems that I have already talked with you about Hoshino.

Wei Fu vaguely remembers that I told you the answer to your sisters' inquiries at that time.

That is, everything goes with the flow.

You should all remember this matter, right? "

"Return to husband, I will remember."

"My concubine also remembers."

Huang Lingyi straightened her sitting posture, and waved gently to First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, I remember this incident most clearly.

Because the topic at that time was brought up by me as a concubine! "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the lingering smoke in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly, got up again, walked to the window sill and stopped.

"Oh, ladies.

To tell you the truth, regarding Hoshino's issue, don't tell me you don't know what your husband is thinking.

Even as a husband myself, I haven't come up with a reasonable solution so far.

Just like what your sisters said just now, between us, Weifu and Hoshino, we not only have a physical relationship, but also have the reality of husband and wife.

However, Hoshino, her and your sisters and others.


As for what is different, I just thought about it carefully for my husband.

It is better not to speak than to listen to your sisters.

Regarding this topic, you sisters don't need to ask any more questions until the matter is really resolved. "

Qi Yun frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly got up and walked towards First Young Master Liu.



"There are some issues that I know should not be brought up now.

However, as the eldest wife of the Liu family, I know that I shouldn't mention it, but I have no choice but to ask my husband what you think.

Even if it's just your thoughts. "

Hearing Qi Yun's words, Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked at her.

"Yun'er, my husband knows what you want to ask.

If it's not as expected by your husband, the question you want to ask should be the most fundamental question.

That is, how does the husband want to deal with the problem about this girl Hoshino. "

Qi Yun looked at Young Master Liu quietly, and nodded Zhen's head a few times without hesitation.

"That's right, this is exactly the question I want to ask.

Whether your husband is happy or not, the concubine's identity is still the same as the previous sentence.

No matter what happens, as long as it is my Liu family's heir, it must not be left outside.

This is my duty as a concubine and the wife of the Liu family. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly in silence for a long time, took a puff of dry tobacco, and looked at Qi Yun struggling.


Qi Yun seemed to know what her husband wanted to say, and she walked up to him with lotus steps and gently swaying, her beautiful eyes looked straight at First Young Master Liu without dodging.

"Husband, I know what you want to say.

However, the concubine's identity is still the same as the previous sentence, the heirs of my Liu family must not be left outside.

If Sister Hoshino is not pregnant with you, whether she will stay or stay in the future is entirely up to you, husband.

The concubine completely obeys your opinion and will never interfere in the slightest.


Sister Hoshino, if she is lucky enough to conceive your husband's heir now.

So! "

(End of this chapter)

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