My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3026 Gradually wither 0

Chapter 3026 Fading Gradually
as predicted.

Just like Qi Yun, Qi Ya and the other sisters thought in their hearts.

At this moment, the anger in Young Master Liu's heart was vaguely on the verge of erupting.

Under the eyes of the empress, the sisters, and brother Liu Chengzhi holding their breaths, and their hearts tense, Young Master Liu slowly closed the document in his hand.

The two thin documents in Young Master Liu's hands seemed to weigh as much as a thousand weights at this moment.

His complexion was a bit gloomy, and his heavy hands holding the paperwork were trembling slightly.

Liu Yaoyao, Liu Chengqian, sister and brother glanced lightly at their father's extremely gloomy face, looked at each other in unison, and quickly shifted their eyes to other places.

Seeing Young Master Liu's expression like this, Qi Ya was both nervous and worried.

In my own memory, my husband has not been so angry for many years.

Even two years ago, during the few days when the film master brought a group of spies and spies to meet his husband in the imperial mausoleum on the outskirts of Beijing to fight to the death.

Husband, he just has complicated eyes and a slightly dignified expression.

He has never been so angry.

Oh, what happened?

What exactly did Yaoyao and Chengqian report on the paperwork of their siblings that would make the husband so angry?

Liu Mingzhi gripped the two documents in his hands vigorously, and the joints of his hands were faintly turning white.

He stood up silently, walked to the edge of the gazebo and stopped, raised his head slightly and looked towards the sky with the sun slanting to the west.

In the eyes of everyone, Young Master Liu looked at the hazy sky without moving, his eyes seemed calm, but extremely restless.

It seemed that he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

Qi Ya pursed her cherry lips and thought for a moment, then she walked towards First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, what happened? You didn't..."
However, just halfway through Qi Ya's words, an angry curse interrupted what she wanted to say next.

"Bastards! A bunch of bastards!"

The anger in Young Master Liu's heart, which had already reached the verge of eruption, could not hold back after all, and erupted instantly.

Under Qi Ya's astonished gaze, First Young Master Liu suddenly turned around, and slammed the two documents in his hand towards the stone table next to him.

This move didn't seem to be enough to vent the anger in his heart.

Liu Mingzhi gritted his teeth and panted heavily, then directly raised his hand and waved vigorously on the stone table.

In an instant, all the things on the stone table were scattered on the ground in the gazebo.

Plates of pastries, plates of melons, and a set of exquisite porcelain all fell to the ground with a clanging sound.
All kinds of exquisite porcelain shattered and scattered, and all kinds of exquisite candied melons and fruits rolled non-stop.

The clean gazebo has become a mess in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Young Master Liu's reaction like this, although everyone in the gazebo was nervous, they still hurriedly stood up and began to persuade.

"Husband, calm down."

"Husband, calm down."

"Husband, no matter what happens, you must stay calm."


"Daddy, calm down."

Qi Ya walked lightly behind First Young Master Liu, raised her slender hand to gently stroke his back.

"Husband, I said something I shouldn't have said.

No matter what happens in the court, you have to stay calm.

The concubine's words are not because the concubine does not pay attention to the important affairs of the family and the country, but that the concubine is more aware of one thing in her heart.

That is, the more you get to this time, you should be more calm.

Husband, only when you calm down can you properly deal with what happened.

On the contrary, not only can't solve the problem.

You'll also wreak havoc on your body.

Family and state affairs in the imperial court are important, but your body is even more important. "

Qi Ya's voice was soft, and just as she persuaded First Young Master Liu with reason and evidence, the queen got up and walked over.

"Without conscience, Sister Ya is right.

Like you, my old lady has also been the king of a country.

It is precisely because of this that I am very clear in my heart.

Sometimes, certain things in the court, or some things in the world, can make people confused and angry.

However, no matter how angry you are, don't you still have to continue to deal with the matter?

As the king of a country, anger affected his emotions and his ability to judge.

This situation is a taboo for the king of a country.

You have also been sitting on that chair for many years, and the two of us are very clear about certain aspects of things.

Including the little goblin... Sister Yunyao was also very clear in her heart.

The three of us, my husband and I, have all been in the same position.

Therefore, the old lady wants to persuade you something, and you understand it in your heart.

Therefore, with some words, the old lady will stop wasting her tongue endlessly.

Just be clear in your own mind. "

It was rare for Huyan Yunyao not to quarrel with the queen, she reached out to pick up the only remaining pot of tea on the table, and leaned over to pick up a cup on the ground.

Seeing this, Liu Yaoyao hurriedly reached out to take the teapot and cup from Huyan Yunyao's hand.

"Auntie, Yaoyao is here to pour tea for Daddy."


Huyan Junyao transferred the tea to Liu Yaoyao's hand, and gently tugged Young Master Liu's sleeve with her knuckles.

"My lord, you sisters are right.

No matter what happens, you have to calm down.

Husband, you are the son of today, the king of a country.

If you are distracted.

Then the whole world may also cause a big turmoil because of your mood. "

Hearing the persuasive words from all the beauties, Liu Mingzhi stretched his neck and took a few deep breaths, and the gloomy expression on his face gradually calmed down.



Liu Mingzhi calmed down slowly, stretched out his fingers and pointed to the two documents that he had dragged to the corner of the gazebo just now, raised his eyes and glanced at the third son Liu Chengqian who stood opposite him with a nodding and lowered brow, looking nervous.

"Come on."

When Liu Chengqian heard his father calling him, he stood up suddenly, and looked at First Young Master Liu respectfully.

"The child is here."

"Pick up the document and show it to your mother and all the aunts."

"Yes, my child obeys."

Liu Chengqian responded without hesitation, and quickly walked aside to pick up the two books in the corner of the gazebo.

He quickly returned the two documents to their original positions, and handed them to Qi Yun first.

"Aunt Yun, please take a look."

Qi Yun reached out to take the document in Liu Chengqian's hand, smiled and nodded.

"it is good."

After a long time, Qi Yun closed the document in her hand with a gloomy expression, and looked sideways at her husband.

"Husband, why is this happening?"

Young Master Liu carefully drank the tea offered by his daughter, and waved his hands gently when he heard Qi Yun's somewhat suppressed words.

"Yun'er, for Yan'er, sister Ya, tell them to pass it on to each other."

"Hey, I already know."

Qi Yun nodded slightly, raised her hand and handed the document in her hand to the third princess next to her.

"Sister Yan'er, you should take a look too."

"Hey, sister, just watch."
As time passed quietly, the two documents of Liu Yaoyao and Liu Chenggan's siblings were passed down among the beauties one by one.

In the end, the two documents fell into the hands of the girl Huang Lingyi.

Seeing the changed expressions of the group of sisters, Huang Lingyi curiously flipped through the documents in his hand, and began to read them meticulously.

After a few cups of tea time, the two documents returned to First Young Master Liu's hands.

All the beauties looked at the frowning husband with different expressions on their faces.

At this time, the sisters finally understood.

Why did my husband change his expression after reading all the content on the document just now?

Liu Mingzhi casually threw the two documents on the stone table, raised his head and drank the little herbal tea left in the cup.

Gently turning the teacup in his hand, First Young Master Liu sneered bitterly.

"Hehehe, corruption and bribery!"

"Bringing the law for personal gain!"

"Human life is ignored!"

When First Young Master Liu said that people's lives were ignored, he suddenly raised his right hand, which was gently turning the teacup, and slammed it down on the table.

With a muffled sound, the teacup in Young Master Liu's hand was shattered into a pile of fragments on the stone table.

"Human life is disregarded, human life is disregarded!"


"Husband, be careful with your palms."

"Husband, quickly get your palms away."

"Daddy, watch out for the pieces of the teacup.

Quickly let Yaoyao see if your palms are injured, I have the golden sore medicine I prepared myself in my purse. "



"Father is fine, this little fragment can't hurt Daddy."



"Okay, Yaoyao just listen to you."

Liu Mingzhi looked at his daughter Liu Yaoyao's well-behaved appearance, and reached out to pick up the dry pipe on the stone table, which he should not have touched again today.

He tore open the cigarette pouch, filled it with shredded tobacco, and ignited the torch he took out from his cuff.

After a short rest, Young Master Liu took a puff of tobacco.

The pungent feeling in my heart gradually stabilized my emotions.

Young Master Liu put away the fire folder, turned his head and exhaled the smoke from his mouth, and looked straight at Qi Yun who was standing beside him.



"Today, what date is it?"

Although Qi Yun didn't know why her husband asked herself such a question, she still answered honestly: "Husband, today is September [-]th.

After tonight, tomorrow will be October.

Calculated according to the solar terms formulated by the Qin Tianjian in the court, today is still autumn.

However, from the moment the sun sets and the moon rises.

Tomorrow, the moment the sun rises.

It's winter too. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to fan the smoke in front of his eyes a few times, and sighed with his brows slightly condensed.

"Today, it's already September [-]th, how many days have passed?"

"That's right, today is already the last tail of autumn."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with emotion, took a puff of the dry cigarette in his hand, got up and walked out of the gazebo.

"September [-]th, it's winter."

Seeing this, the queen and her sisters, and Liu Chengzhi and his siblings immediately got up and followed.

Young Master Liu didn't seem to notice the beauties following behind him, as well as the three children under his knees, and they went straight to the garden in the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion without stopping.

"Sister Yun, is your husband okay?
Seeing his reaction and behavior, why does my sister feel that something is not right? "

"Yes, yes, sister Qingshi is right.

Sister Yun, Sister Ya, Sister Wanyan, all sisters, I think there is something wrong with your husband's expression.

Husband, he won't be stimulated by the things on the document, right? "

"Sister Yun, my husband is currently absent-minded and wandering, what should I do?"

Listening to the worried words of the sisters, Qi Ya tugged at Qi Yun's silk sleeves with her fingers.

"younger sister."

Qi Yun withdrew her gaze from staring at her husband, and hurriedly turned her head to look at her sister Qi Ya.


"Yun'er, after my husband came home from Shu, the first person I went to see was you.

Tell your sister quickly, has your husband behaved abnormally since he saw you? "

Seeing Qi Ya's nervous gaze taking the opportunity, Qi Yun shook her head without hesitation.

"Sister, don't you know my sister?

If my husband reacts in any way, how could my sister not tell you and all the sisters. "

While Qi Yun was talking, she seemed to want something, and regardless of her daughter's shyness, she directly called a group of sisters in front of her.

"Sisters, after my husband returned home from Miaojiang, he went directly to the courtyard where I live.

When my husband came back, I was taking a shower in the room.

After my husband came into the room, he rushed towards me directly.


Then we'll..."

At this time, Qi Yun didn't care about the shyness of her daughter's family at all, and immediately recounted to all the sisters the story of Liu Dashao's lingering love with her after she came back.

"Sisters, after our husband and I met, it was completely normal and lingering love afterwards.

During this period, there is nothing wrong with your husband at all? "

The queen and the other beauties, after listening to Qi Yun's narration, thought carefully for a moment.

In the end, there was nothing wrong with it.

Qi Yun looked at the worried expressions of the sisters, and the tension in the depths of her beautiful eyes flashed away.

Taking a deep breath silently, Qi Yun pretended to be calm, and her eyes swept across the sisters one by one calmly.

"Sisters, don't think about it.

Husband, his heart is not so fragile.

Now we sisters and others don't need to blindly guess something useless, just follow your husband honestly. "

"Oh, that's all there is now."

Looking at Young Master Liu's lonely figure, Qi Ya sighed silently, and lightly touched her younger sister Qi Yun's wrist.

"younger sister."


"Don't think about it, sister asks you these things, there is no other meaning.

In the final analysis, we sisters and others are all thinking of my husband. "

"Oh, sister, sister, I'm not as fragile as you think.

I'm just worried now, worried about what happened to my husband. "

While all the beauties were whispering, Liu Mingzhi gradually stopped.

Huyan Yunyao turned her head to scan the surrounding environment, and walked to Young Master Liu's side with lotus steps.

"Husband? Are we not leaving?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently, his gaze scanned the garden where the flowers were gradually withering.


"Hey, husband?"

"It's September [-]th today?"

"That's right, today is September [-]th."

"Taiping six years, September [-]th.

It has only been six years and nine months since the new dynasty was established for her husband.

Moreover, it is still less than seven years old.

It happened to be these seven years.

The general trend of the world is already like the flowers in this garden.

Gradually withered. "

(End of this chapter)

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