My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3027 It's time to change 1

Chapter 3027 It's time to change
The empress had also been the ruler of a country for nearly 20 years, and after a little thought, she understood the deep meaning of Young Master Liu's words.

The empress raised her slender hands to signal to the sisters, and walked lightly to Eldest Young Master Liu and stopped.

Slightly turning her head to glance at Young Master Liu, who was quietly looking at the flower garden in front of her, with a complicated look on her face, the empress squatted down holding the hem of Yun Yanshang's skirt.


Hearing the queen calling him, First Young Master Liu came back to his senses, and lowered his head to look at the queen squatting beside the flower garden.


"Without conscience, it is inevitable that this kind of thing will happen.

It is not just the current Dalong New Dynasty that such a thing will happen.

The same is true for the former Dalong, the Kingdom of Jin, and the Turkic Royal Court.

There are more than a hundred people, all kinds of people.

There is white and there is black in the world, how could they all be good people?

You were the one who told Wanyan about this principle back then.

How come now, but you have forgotten it? "

Hearing the Queen's words of persuasion, Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes and remained silent for a long time, then heaved a long and heavy sigh.

"Yeah, I told Wanyan you this truth back then, how come I've forgotten it now?

Perhaps, this is the so-called obsession of the authorities, let the bystanders know. "

The queen raised her head and glanced at First Young Master Liu, seeing that his face had improved, she smiled and stretched out her hands.

Under Young Master Liu's surprised gaze, the queen leaned her waist, first tore a withered flower from the flowerbed, then got up and walked to the side, and tore off a branch and leaf of perennial green.

The empress raised her hands with a smile, casually compared the two plants in her hands, raised her lotus feet and walked in front of First Young Master Liu.

"Heartless, nah!"

Sensing the empress's meaningful eyes, First Young Master Liu took a sip of the tobacco in his hand, and silently looked at the two flowers and plants in her hand.

After silently staring at the two plants in the queen's hands for a long time, Liu Mingzhi vaguely understood the deep meaning of the queen's move.

Seeing Young Master Liu's expression of enlightenment, the empress suddenly showed a smile of a more charming face on her stunning face.

"Without conscience, it seems that you have already understood what Wanyan wants to express."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and exhaled light smoke from his mouth, looked at the queen and nodded gently.

"I understand, but I understand. However, in my husband's heart, it is still somewhat difficult to calm down.

Since my husband established the new dynasty, six years have passed in the blink of an eye.

For more than six years, as my husband, I have always advocated the implementation of benevolent government, and I have never committed any act of tyranny.

As for the officials of the imperial court, how tolerant a husband can be, try to be as tolerant as possible.

The husband can feel his conscience and say, I am not mean to them!
However, such a thing still happened.

If only corruption and bribery happened.

Although my husband was angry, he would not be so angry.

However, they actually did the hateful act of bending the law for personal gain and disregarding human life.

Such evil deeds have completely touched the bottom line in Wei's heart.

Such evil deeds, not killing are not enough to anger the people, not killing people is not enough to calm people's hearts.

If you don't kill, the anger in your husband's heart cannot be dispelled. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's murderous tone, the empress pursed her cherry lips and shook her head a few times, and sighed with her black eyebrows tightly frowned.

"Yeah, you who have no conscience have indeed treated them well.

It's a pity that people's hearts are as deep as the sea, and the gully is hard to level! "

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry tobacco vigorously, leaned over and knocked out the burnt ash on the soles of his feet.

Young Master Liu straightened his body, raised his head and looked in the direction of the Imperial Palace with deep eyes.

"The officials in the state capital below have disappointed my husband.

I just don't know if among the civil and military officials above the court, there are any people who let my husband down! "

The empress followed Young Master Liu's gaze and looked in the direction of the palace. She squinted her bright eyes for a long time before handing the two flowers and plants in front of him with a light smile.

"Whether there is or not is not important.

Today's flowers are withered, and next year there will be new flowers blooming.

As long as there are four seasons of evergreen four seasons in the garden.

A garden is still a garden.

The flowers that wither year after year, no matter how bright they are, no matter how pleasing to the eye.

However, as long as the owner of the garden does not like it, they will become worthless in an instant.

Even, it will completely disappear in the entire garden.

But Sijiqing is different. They are evergreen trees that adorn the whole garden.

It is also the backbone supporting the garden.

How bright are the flowers?It's just more beautiful skin and flesh.

As long as the backbone of the garden is still there, the garden will not fall.


Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze from looking at the palace, and looked at the empress standing beside him with a calm expression.

"But what?"

The queen turned her willow waist and scanned the flower garden for a week, she let out a sigh with her crescent eyebrows slightly frowned, and casually stuffed the four seasons green branches and leaves into Young Master Liu's palm.

"However, the Four Seasons Greens in our garden seem to be getting old after so many years.

Wan Yan felt that after another year or two, it was time to replace them. "

While the queen was speaking, she looked at the four seasons green branches and leaves in Young Master Liu's hand with a smile, and gestured with her cherry lips.

"Unconscionable, it's been too long.

The branches and leaves of Sijiqing are not as lush as before.

What do you think is the reason? "

After listening to the empress's words, Liu Mingzhi looked down at the branches and leaves of Sijiqing in his hand, and then turned his head to glance at the flowerbed a few steps away.

After a long time, Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze and looked at the branches and leaves in his hand, and turned them around a few times with a chuckle.

"The deeper the roots are, the denser they become.

The branches and leaves seem not as lush as before, but they are also stronger. "

"So, to change or not to change?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned and remained silent for a long time, and flicked the branches and leaves in his hand to the flowerbed a few steps away.

"After all, it's been raised for so many years, so I have some feelings.

Husband hastily replaced with a new batch of flowers and plants, somewhat uncomfortable in my husband's heart. "

"The euphemistic heart can be said to have the same feeling in my heart. I have raised the flowers and plants for so many years, so I naturally have feelings.

However, no matter how emotional they are, there is one thing that has to be considered.

That is, there are only so many nutrients in the garden in total.

As time goes by, their roots become denser and denser.

If things go on like this, it will be difficult for other flowers to absorb nutrients.

Without enough nutrients, how can the new flowers grow into evergreen trees that are evergreen all year round? "

Liu Mingzhi glanced sideways at the worried expression on the queen's pretty face, pondered for a long time thoughtfully, and suddenly turned to look at Qi Yun.


"Hey, husband?"

"In our garden, what kind of flowers do you prefer?"

Hearing her husband's inexplicable question, Qi Yun couldn't help being stunned.

"Huh? Flower? What kind of flower?"

"Yun'er, for my husband, what kind of flowers do you like most in our garden?"

When Qi Yun heard her husband ask this question again, a strange look flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Husband, we have been married for many years, don't you know what kind of flowers and plants I like?"

"Of course my husband is clear, but now my husband wants to hear from you."

Although Qi Yun didn't know her husband's intentions, she still raised her delicate jade and pointed to the withered peonies in the flower garden.

"Husband, I like peonies better."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, then shifted his gaze to his second son Liu Chengzhi.


"The child is here."

"What kind of flowers and plants do you prefer?"

With his mother in front of him, Liu Chengzhi naturally wouldn't have any doubts.

Liu Chengzhi looked up at his father, and replied without hesitation: "Returning to my father, my child prefers the orchids in the Four Gentlemen of Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum."

"Okay, what would you do if the flowers and plants planted in the garden are all flowers and plants that you don't like?"


"What? Just answer the question of being a father directly."

Seeing his father's meaningful eyes, Liu Chengzhi didn't answer the question directly this time, but scratched his forehead with his fingers and began to think.

After a while, Liu Chengzhi looked at his father again.

"Father, if we plant all the flowers and plants that I don't like in our garden.

Then, the child will find a way to replace the flowers and plants he likes. "

Young Master Liu gently rolled up the pipe in his hand, and sneered with his eyebrows slightly raised.

"Hehehe, try to replace it with your favorite flowers and plants?"



"The child is here."

"This is a plant that has been raised for a long time for your husband, your mother, and your aunts.

If you don't like it, just replace it.

This is an act of unfilial piety! "


"Ah, what? Tell me what's in your heart."

Liu Chengzhi's expression tightened, and he looked at his father hesitantly, hesitating to say something.

"Father, I...I..."

Liu Mingzhi took out the folding fan in his arms and threw it away, and gently shook the Wanli Jiangshan carved jade fan in his hand, giving Liu Chengzhi a pissed off look.

"What are you talking about? Just say what you want to say."

"Yes, yes, let's say it, baby, let's say it, baby."

Liu Chengzhi took a peek at his mother who was standing beside him, and nervously scanned the many flowerbeds in the garden.

"Talk back to daddy, my boy dares to say, I hope daddy won't take offense.

In the garden, you and your mother, as well as the flowers and plants that the aunts and daughters like, the child will naturally keep some.

It's just that the flowers and plants that should be replaced will still be replaced by the child.

The child thought that it was just some flowers and plants in the garden, which had nothing to do with the child's filial piety.

Because the meaning of the existence of the garden is originally...

It was originally..."

"What was it?"

"The child thinks that the meaning of the existence of the garden is for his master.

If the flowers and plants in the garden are all flowers and plants that its owner doesn't like, then why should he exist?
If the child changes the flowers and plants that your parents like, it is an act of unfilial piety.'s better not to have this garden.

Wouldn't it be a better choice to re-open a piece of garden you like.

However, if the child re-opens another piece of garden that he likes, it means that the garden you left for the child, father and mother, will be deserted.

The boy thought that if this result, it would be a real act of unfilial piety.

After all, he didn't even want to take care of the garden left by his parents.

So what... how can it be considered filial piety?
Father, this is the child's truest thought.

Baby, what should be said, baby, has been said. "

First Young Master Liu looked at the nervous expression on the second son Liu Chengzhi's face, and the expression on his face gradually became excited.

Young Master Liu suddenly laughed loudly for a long time in self-defense, and nodded with relief.

"Okay, well said.

That's great! "



"After so many years, Father finally heard your own thoughts.

You kid, you have grown up after all! "


"It's nothing, just continue chatting with Yaoyao and Chenggan."

"Hey, the child knows."

Liu Mingzhi turned around, reached out and took the withered flowers and plants in the empress's quarters, and scanned the garden in front of him with narrowed eyes.

"Be polite."


"Have you heard what the child said?"

The queen glanced sideways at Liu Chengzhi, smiled and nodded.

"Well, I heard all the polite words."

Liu Mingzhi pinched the withered flowers and plants between his fingers, turning them gently, first looked around the garden in front of him, then raised his head to look in the direction of the palace again.

"As Wanyan you said just now, the current flowers are withered, and next year there will be new flowers blooming.

And so is the owner of the garden.

That being the case, let the children replace the flowers and plants they like in their hearts. "

The empress looked at the slightly raised expression on Young Master Liu's mouth, she moved her lotus feet to the front of the flowerbed a few steps away, and kicked Sijiqing in front of her a few times.

"Without conscience, do you know if you should say something politely or not?"


"Your thoughts are naturally clear, but you have overlooked one point."


"The evergreen tree in our house is too deep-rooted, aren't you afraid that the new owner of the garden in the future will not be able to replace it?
As the saying goes, there are no weak soldiers under a strong general.

The old owner of the garden took care of the evergreen trees in the garden too well, the roots were too deep, and the branches and leaves were strong.

For the new owner, it may not be a good thing.

The flowers and plants that the old owner can replace may not be able to be replaced by the new owner.

The courage possessed by the old master may not necessarily be possessed by the new master.

Once the new owner of the garden, without the courage and means of the old owner of the garden.

Then this pleasing garden in front of you may become flowerless and grassless.

At that time, the new owner of the garden will repair those blooming flowers, luxuriant weeds.

Even if it takes a lot of effort, how can there be time to cultivate new evergreen trees?
Therefore, Wan Yan feels that the old owner has sorted out a garden that he is satisfied with and the new owner likes.

The final delivery is the safest way.

Heartless, what do you think?
Of course, this is just my own shallow opinion.

Exactly how, still depends on your own ideas. "

Young Master Liu trembled, and vigorously kneaded the withered flowers and plants in his hands, his eyes gradually calmed down.

"This, for my husband, think again."



"In terms of scheming, in terms of foresight, I may not be as good as you.

However, there is one thing you might as well put it bluntly. "


(End of this chapter)

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