Chapter 3029 Recognized

When Liu Song's figure disappeared into the garden, Young Master Liu cleared his throat, turned around and looked at Qi Yun and the others not far away.

"Chengzhi, come here."

"Hey, here we come."

Liu Chengzhi responded, and trotted all the way to his father's side with a puzzled look on his face.

"Father, what's wrong?"

"Jingyao's delivery is approaching day by day, how is her body doing now?"

"Going back to my father, Jingyao is pregnant after all, so compared to normal people, there must be some difference in physical convenience.

Especially in terms of energy and spirit, it is somewhat worse than before.

However, fortunately, there is no serious problem when taking the anti-fetal medicine regularly prescribed by the imperial doctor. "

Hearing his son's answer, he immediately felt relieved, smiled and nodded.

"As long as there is nothing serious, you can rest assured as a father.

As for the problem of poor energy, this is an inevitable thing.

When your mother and your aunts were pregnant with your brothers, sisters and others, their bodies more or less had these symptoms.

You don't have to worry too much about anything, just wait and be a father with peace of mind. "

"Hey, baby understands.

Mother and all the aunts had just returned home, when the boy came back with Jingyao to say hello to them.

When Haier and Jingyao asked Mother and the others for advice, they also told Haier the same way.

Therefore, although the boy feels sorry for the lady, he doesn't worry too much about it. "

Young Master Liu closed the carved jade fan, and started beating it lightly in his hand.

"Well, that's right.

Your mother and aunts, after all, they are from here.

If there is anything you don't understand, you must ask them for advice.

This girl Jingyao is pregnant with her father's grandson or granddaughter, if because of your negligence, something will happen to Jingyao's body.

I directly peeled off your skin. "

When Liu Chengzhi heard his father's 'threat' words, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, and he nodded his head generously and laughed.

"Dad, don't worry.

Even if you don't say these things, baby, I will definitely not ignore things about Jingyao.

She is my first wife, Hai'er, and Hai'er can't wait to be by her side every day to care about her and take care of her, so why would he neglect something! "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly as a signal, and walked towards Qi Yun and the others.

"Come on, with your words, I won't say anything more as a father."

Young Master Liu had just taken two or three steps, and suddenly stopped, as if thinking of something.

When Liu Chengzhi saw his father's reaction, a nervous look flashed across his face, not knowing what happened to his father.

"Father, are you alright?"

First Young Master Liu smacked his lips a few times, and looked curiously at the second son who looked slightly nervous.


"Hey, Dad, tell me."

"After the father came back, he finished all the official business that should be said.

I am planning to go to your Aunt Chen Jie, Aunt He Shu and their sisters.

But then I suddenly thought of another personal matter about you. "
"Ah? About, about the child's private matter?
What, what's private? "

Seeing the puzzled expression of the second son, First Young Master Liu put the folding fan on his waist, and took off the wine bag on his waist.

Pulling out the wine cork, taking a sip of the wine, Young Master Liu stared at the second son with a half-smile.

Feeling his father's strange eyes, Liu Chengzhi suddenly became uncomfortable, and subconsciously lowered his head to observe his body a few times.

After a while, Liu Chengzhi looked nervous and looked at his father with confused eyes.

I took a closer look at it myself, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Father, is there anything wrong with the child?"

"No, it's quite normal, and there is almost no big difference from before."

"In this case, why do you stare at the child with such eyes?

Dad, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. I feel a little uncomfortable when you stare at the baby like this. "

Young Master Liu raised his head and took a sip of the wine, with his hands behind his back, he let out a sigh with his brows raised slightly.


"Father, tell me."

"Father, I remember that before I left the capital to visit your grandmother in Sichuan, you seem to have mentioned to me about Jingyao girl, planning to take a side concubine for you.

If my father remembers correctly, there should be such a thing, right? "

Hearing his father's question, Liu Chengzhi sneered a few times in embarrassment, and nodded with a light smile.

"Hehehe, tell Dad, it's true."
Seeing his son's embarrassing reaction, Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly and recalled.

After a long time, Young Master Liu seemed to have thought of something, and took another sip of the wine with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"Father vaguely remembers that the girl Jingyao chose was the eldest granddaughter of Cai Yuanchao's family, a former doctor of the Ministry of Punishment.

The name is Cai Ningning.

right. "

"Go back to Dad, you remember correctly."

"Well, as long as the father remembers correctly the identity of the future daughter-in-law.

By the way, what is the situation of this girl Cai Ningning now.

Is she living in the capital now, or has she returned to her father's place? "

"Father, ever since Jing Yao and Ning Ning finalized the matter in private.

Ning Ning has been living in the capital and never left. "

Young Master Liu raised his brows, and sneered a few times with a playful expression.

"Yo, Ningning, Ningning's voice is so kind.

It seems that the two of you have a lot of private contact on weekdays! "

Hearing his father's teasing words, Liu Chengzhi's face froze, and he smiled awkwardly.

"Father, I...I..."

First Young Master Liu took a sip of his wine and shook his head angrily.

"Okay, handsome seven-foot man, there's nothing to be shy about.

As the saying goes, boys should get married when they go to college, and girls should get married when they go to college.

What's more, you have already married and established a business, and now you are just accepting a side concubine.

Such a gesture is really embarrassing. "

When Liu Chengzhi heard his father's lesson, he hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Yes, yes, that's what dad taught me."

"Since you have had a lot of contact in private, it means that you know pretty much the girl Cai Mingming.

Tell Weifu, how is this girl's virtue? "

"Gentle and generous, virtuous and virtuous. Compared with Jingyao, each has its own merits."

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes slightly for a moment, then nodded with a light smile.

"Okay, since you've fallen in love with yourself, you won't say anything as a father.

Take some time, you take Cai Ningning out for a walk, because your father and your mother will observe secretly.

Now Jingyao is satisfied, as long as your mother is also satisfied.

This daughter-in-law recognized her as her father. "

Liu Chengzhi looked happy, and scratched his neck with a silly smile.

"Hey, baby, I know.

When you are free, the boy will arrange this right away.

Thank you dad. "

"Asshole, what kindness is there to give you my father."

"Yes, yes, the child knows his mistake."

"By the way, have you told your mother and the aunts about this?"

"Father, mother and all the aunts came back, they didn't care about other things because of Aunt Hoshino's affairs.

In addition, the boy himself is also constantly dealing with the government affairs of the court.

Because, about Ningning, the baby hasn't had time to tell them. "

Young Master Liu turned his head and glanced at Qi Yun and the other sisters who were not far away, and nodded with a clear expression.

"Well, father knows.

Regarding the matter between you and Ning Ning, my father will tell your mother and all the aunts and sisters as soon as possible. "

"Okay, thank you dad."

"Being a father is still the same sentence just now, now Jingyao is satisfied, and even your mother is also satisfied.

As long as your mother doesn't have any objections, after finishing handling the trivial matters in hand for my father, I will deal with your marriage with this girl Ningning as soon as possible.

At that time, as long as there are auspicious days this year, the two of you will get married.

If it can be done this year, let's do it this year. "

"Thank you dad, thank you dad."

First Young Master Liu saw the excited expression on the second son's face, and his playful eyes gradually calmed down.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me, there is a saying that I have to warn you in advance."

"Father, tell me."

"In the future, after the two of you, Ningning and Ningning, get married, you shouldn't treat Jingyao, her sister, and her sister more favorably.

If the father heard that Jingyao had been wronged.

If I can't beat you to death, I have to take your skin off. "

"Dad, don't worry.

You can guarantee that I will never favor one person over another in the future. "

"It doesn't matter if I believe you or not, only Jingyao believes in you.

Regarding your matters, it is not convenient for me to interfere too much.

Just watch and deal with it yourself. "

"Yes, yes, the child knows."
Major Liu put the wine bag on his waist, raised his foot and walked towards Qi Yun and the other sisters.

Seeing the third son Liu Chengqian who was standing next to the third princess and chatting and laughing with his sister Liu Yaoyao, First Young Master Liu suddenly sighed with emotion.

"Oh, Chengzhi."


"So many years have passed in a blink of an eye, the boss has already married and started a business, and even has a son in his arms.

As for the second child, you have not only married and started a business, but you are about to have a child.

After a while, you will even have a side concubine.

You brothers have done everything that needs to be done.

However, your third younger brother's life-long event has not yet been settled.

He is also old, and now he is still a bachelor.

Not to mention getting married and starting a business, he hasn't even settled on a marriage contract yet.

Procrastinating like this is not an option after all.

Regarding the lifelong event of the third child, I am not only anxious for my father, but also your aunt Yan'er.

As a father, I also know that the relationship between you brothers, sisters and others is very good in private.

Therefore, as a father, I would like to ask you.

Regarding your third brother's lifelong event, do you, the second brother, have any good suggestions? "

"Father, I don't know what kind of advice you want to hear?"

"Does it need to be said? Of course it's a suggestion about the lifelong event of the youngest kid.

For example, the third boy, does he have any favorite girls in private?

For another example, which girl did she get closer to?

Anyway, as long as it is a suggestion related to the lifelong affairs of the third child, you can say whatever you want. "

Seeing the sad expression on his father's face, Liu Chengzhi couldn't help but feel weird.

"Father, there is something I want to tell you, baby."

"Huh? What?"

"Actually, you don't have to worry about getting angry about the third brother's lifelong event."

"What do you mean?"

"Uh...uh...kid didn't know what to tell you for a while.

Hai'er can only tell you that the third brother...he has already almost solved the problem of lifelong events.

It's even earlier than the eldest brother and the baby... so many years in the morning. "

Young Master Liu stopped abruptly, and hurriedly looked at his second son, Liu Chengzhi.

"Chengzhi, what do you mean by that?"

Liu Chengzhi looked at the surprised and curious expression on his father's face, and scratched his forehead strangely.

"Oh, things are a little complicated, and I don't know how to tell you for a while."

"What the hell is there to hesitate about, just say what you want."

Liu Chengzhi raised his eyes and glanced at his third brother, and smacked his lips a few times with a smile.

"Father, about this matter, it's better for the third brother to tell you himself.

After all, he is the person involved, and he must know more clearly than I do. "

Young Master Liu saw the aggrieved expression of the second son who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and subconsciously looked at the third son Liu Chengqian in front of him.

Seeing Liu Chengqian cheerfully chatting and laughing with his elder sister Liu Yaoyao, with a relaxed look, a look of doubt flashed in Liu First Young Master's eyes.

No matter how you look at it, the third child doesn't look like there is anything wrong.

"Second child."


"You can just say what you know, and you don't have to tell me what the hell you're talking about."

"Father, it's not that the boy doesn't want to tell you, but that there are some things that the boy himself doesn't know much about.

The third brother knows best. It is far more appropriate for you to ask him directly than to ask the boy. "
Seeing the appearance of the second son, Young Master Liu frowned for a long time, and did not continue to ask any more questions.

"Does your aunt Yan'er know what you said?"

Hearing his father's question, Liu Chengzhi nodded without hesitation in response.

"Not only Aunt Yan knew about this matter, but mother and all the aunts also knew what the boy said.

As for how much more the mother and the others know about the situation than the boy, the boy can't guarantee it. "

"Hehehe, you all know about this matter, so I just kept it from me."

"No, no, absolutely not.

The mother and aunts definitely didn't intend to hide it from you, it's just because you just came home.

Time is too hasty, mother and the others haven't had time to report anything to you. "

First Young Master Liu glanced at the second son with a strange face, and strode towards Qi Yun and the other sisters with high spirits.


The third princess Li Yan was discussing something softly with Qi Ya, when she heard First Young Master Liu's greeting, she hurriedly blessed her.

"Hey, my concubine is here."

First Young Master Liu stared at his third son Liu Chenggan with a gloomy gaze, and stretched his waist with his arms raised high.

"Yaoyao, Chengqian."

"The child is here."

"The business has been finished, you two should go back and rest first."

"Yes, my child obeys."


"The child is here."

"Go away too, I don't want to see you even if I take a breath."

"Father, I..."

"Fuck off."

"Ah! The boy obeys."

(End of this chapter)

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