My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3030 I really don't know

Chapter 3030 I really don't know
Liu Chengzhi, brother and sister walked up to Young Master Liu one after another, and bowed in unison.

"Daddy, Yaoyao will leave first."

"Father, brother Hai'er will leave first."

"Well, let's all go back."

After the three brothers and sisters left hand in hand and their figures gradually disappeared into the garden, the third princess pulled Young Master Liu's sleeve with a pretty face.

"Where is your husband!"

Hearing the third princess's soft tone, Liu Mingzhi raised the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, and turned his head to look at her playfully.

"Well, what happened?"

The third princess rolled her eyes angrily when she saw Young Master Liu's slightly teasing expression.

"What's the matter, can't you treat this kid Cheng Zhi better?

You just came back, why did he make you angry?

Open your mouth and get out, shut up and get out, is there a father like you? "

After hearing the somewhat reproachful words of the third princess, Yun Xiaoxi immediately walked up to First Young Master Liu, stretched out her hand to look at the third princess' lotus arm, and tapped Zhen's head vigorously a few times.

"Sister Yan'er is right, my concubine seconded the proposal.

Husband, you and Chengzhi were standing beside the flower bed just now, talking and laughing all the time, this is what the concubine sisters saw with their own eyes.

Obviously, during the conversation between the two of you, Cheng Zhi didn't say anything that made you unhappy.

You are so kind and amiable to Yaoyao and Chenggan, but you suddenly change your face when you treat Cheng Zhi.

Smelly husband, you treat the three brothers and sisters so differently, aren't you afraid that Chengzhi will feel uncomfortable? "

"That's right, the concubine also seconded."

"Husband, if Cheng Zhi did something wrong, you can say so.

However, Cheng Zhi did not make a mistake. "

"Smelly husband, did you get angry with sister Qingrui?"

"Sister Bizhu, stinky husband, what happened to him being angry with sister Qingrui?
That's his own bad relationship with flirting with others. If he doesn't get angry, he will get angry.

However, no matter how angry you are, you can't vent your anger on the children below. "

"Sister Shan'er's words are well-founded, and my sister seconded."

Hearing what all the beauties said against him, First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at Qi Yun who was standing aside and trying to hold back his smile, and clicked his tongue a few times with narrow eyes.

"Tut tut, Yun'er, what about you? What do you think?"

When Qi Yun heard her husband's question, she straightened her expression immediately, coughed softly twice, and shrugged her fragrant shoulders a few times at Young Master Liu with her beautiful eyes.

"Husband, concubines, sisters, aunts, all feel unfair because of Chengzhi.

As a concubine, I am the mother of our son, so I can't stand on the opposite side of him, can I? "

Young Master Liu frowned, raised his hand to caress the stubble on his chin, and laughed happily.

"Hehehe, that's true.

Sister Ya, Yan'er and the other aunts have all helped Chengzhi speak, and you, mother, naturally have no reason not to help your son. "

"That's right, husband, you just need to understand this truth."
Young Master Liu smacked his lips a few times, with a helpless expression on his face, he shook his head and sighed.

"Yun'er, Wanyan, Yan'er, seeing that you sisters can live in such harmony and unite as one, I'm very happy to be your husband.


"But what?"

"Stinky husband, what do you want to say?"

"Stinky husband, you are playing tricks again."

All the beauties echoed each other's words, rolling their eyes coquettishly.

Young Master Liu saw Qi Yun and the other sisters looking cheerful, and frowned a few times with his fingers.

"Heh heh, ladies.

You sisters and others, shouldn't you explain to your husband about Cheng doing this kid's lifelong event? "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, the expressions on the pretty faces of Qi Yun and the other sisters were stunned.

After a while, all the beauties reacted one after another, and their faces became weird.

The third princess pursed her cherry lips, coughed a few times with a strangely pretty face.

"Husband, do you know everything?"

Young Master Liu saw the weird expressions on the pretty faces of all the beauties, and he tore off the wine bag from his waist.

Unplugging the wine cork and taking a gulp of the wine, First Young Master Liu rolled his eyes whimpering, and snorted softly as he grabbed the third princess's round and jade-like earlobe.

"Hmph! What do I know about being a husband? I know shit, I know."

"Hiss, sting, sting.

Smelly husband, quickly let go of my ears. "

"Hey, Yan'er, you know it hurts too!"

The third princess struggled while grabbing Young Master Liu's wrist, and let out a coquettish snort with a pretty face.

"My lord, what are you talking about.

The concubine's ears were not pinched with mud, of course she knew it hurt.

Let go, let go. "

"Ouyou, Yan'er, your ears are not made of mud, but I am made of mud as a husband?"

The third princess stood on her tiptoes frequently, and kept leaning towards Young Master Liu's arms, so as to reduce the strength of him grabbing her earlobe.

"Stinky husband, why did the concubine of what you said become more and more confused the more I listened to it?"


"Hey, my husband, tell me."

"Does the question Wei Fu asked just now make it so difficult for you to understand?"

The third princess tightly grasped First Young Master Liu's wrist, and walked lightly along with his movements.

"Hiss hiss, lightly lightly.

Smelly husband, you should remind this concubine!
Also, stinky husband, if you grab my ear again, I will really get angry.

My concubine is already a few dozen years old now, do you still think I am a teenage girl? "

When Young Master Liu heard the third princess's coquettish words, he quickly let go of the two fingers that were holding the beauty's earlobe.

After letting go of the fingers holding the earlobe of the third princess, Young Master Liu immediately nodded and pecked lightly on her delicate cherry lips.

"Good Yan'er, in my husband's heart, you will always be your age.

Always at a young age, always so young and beautiful. "

The third princess originally had an expression of endless reproach, but when she heard the sweet words from Young Master Liu, she suddenly became ashamed.

She glanced sideways at the sisters around her, raised her hand with a blushing face, and beat First Young Master Liu's wrist.

"Virtue, you know how to make my concubine happy."

Seeing the shy look of the third princess, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to embrace the beautiful lady's fragrant shoulders with a smile.

"Good Yaner."


Young Master Liu held the third princess's shoulders tightly, and looked at Qi Yun and the other sisters with a slight brow.

"Yan'er, ladies and gentlemen.

Regarding Chengqian's lifelong event, what is the situation? "

"Ah? Husband, don't you know?"

"Husband, Chengzhi, didn't he tell you about Cheng doing me?"

"Oh, my wife thought you were deliberately joking with my sisters, but you really don't know."

Young Master Liu gently wrapped the strands of hair on the forehead of the third princess that were scattered on Xiang's shoulders, and he let out a bad breath as he glanced at the beauties.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if my husband knows what happened, why should I ask you this?"

Qi Yun and the other sisters looked at the third princess Li Yan together when they saw Young Master Liu's depressed expression.

"Sister Yan'er?"

"Sister Yan'er, it seems that my husband really doesn't know what happened at home, please explain to him carefully."

The third princess heard a kind of sister's words, pursed her cherry lips and pondered for a moment, looked up at her husband who was holding her, and sighed strangely with a pretty face.


"Hey, Yan'er, tell me."

"About our son's lifelong event, did Chengzhi tell you nothing?"

"Yan'er, you just said that your husband shouldn't treat Cheng Zhi like that.

Do you think, if he told me everything, would my husband still treat him that way? "

"Ah? It turns out that Cheng Zhi didn't tell you anything!"

Young Master Liu put away his wine pouch, and casually untied the pipe from his waist.

"Cheng Zhi told Wei Fu that not only he knows about Cheng Qian's lifelong event, but you sisters and others also know about it.

As for what your sisters know about the situation, he doesn't know. "

Liu Mingzhi lit the shredded tobacco with a torch, and walked out of the garden at a leisurely pace.

"Let's go, let's talk as we go."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."


"The concubine is here."

"As for the question of becoming a lifelong event, Wei Fu actually doesn't have much curiosity.

I have also seen the expressions on your sisters just now. If it is not what I expected, there should be a lot of misgivings between you sisters, right? "


"Husband, sisters who are concubines have doubts in their hearts.

The doubts in our sister's heart may not be a little less than yours. "

"Husband, it's a bit complicated to be a major event in this child's life.

It's not that the sisters who are concubines don't want to tell you, but that the sisters who are concubines don't know much about the specific situation. "

"Husband, before you came back home, the concubine sisters discussed this matter several times."

Liu Mingzhi took down the dry tobacco from his mouth, and looked at Qi Yun who was following him with a puzzled expression.

"Negotiating what?"

"Husband, sisters who are concubines are naturally discussing how to tell you what to do."

Seeing Qi Yun's hesitant expression, Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly.Silently recalled what the second son Liu Chengzhi said earlier.

After a long time, Young Master Liu nodded lightly, and thoughtfully glanced at the pretty faces of the beauties.


"Hey, my concubine is here."

"After seeing the reactions of you sisters and others, my husband seems to understand something.

It seems that the question of becoming a major event in this kid's life is not so simple. "

The third princess frowned slightly in silence for a long time, then raised her hand and rubbed her forehead.

"Husband, it's not that the sisters who are concubines are embarrassing.

Rather... but..."

"But what?"

"It's the sisters who are concubines who don't know what this kid is thinking, so they dare not make rash judgments."

Hearing the helpless tone of the third princess, Young Master Liu subconsciously drank lightly.

"Hey, even you sisters don't dare to make a judgment, it seems that this girl's status is not ordinary.

Tell Wei Fu, what is the origin of this girl? "

The third princess and the other sisters looked at each other in unison upon hearing her husband's inquiry.

Under Young Master Liu's surprised gaze, all the beauties looked at Young Master Liu together, and shook their heads without hesitation.

"do not know."

"what do you not know?"

"Husband, do the concubine sisters really not know?"

"What is her last name, you sisters should know?"

All the beauties frowned slightly, and said in unison: "I don't know."

" don't know?"

"Husband, sisters who are concubines really don't know."

"What is her approximate age?"

"Well, about seventeen or eighteen years old."

"No, no, I think it should be eighteen or nineteen years old."

"Sister Ya, Sister Shan'er, you are all wrong. My sister thinks that girl should be over twenty years old now."

"Husband, my concubine agrees with Sister Qing Shi's evaluation, that girl should have passed her [-]th birthday.

Otherwise, she should not be so courageous. "

Young Master Liu exhaled the smoke from his mouth and looked directly at Xue Bizhu.

"Bizhu, the girl you mentioned shouldn't be so courageous, what do you mean?"

"This this……"

"Why? Is it difficult to answer this question for your husband?"

Xue Bizhu pondered for a moment with a tangled expression on her pretty face, looked sideways at her husband's surprised expression, and nodded her head a few times.

"Husband, I really don't know how to answer your question."

"Okay, okay, you don't have to ask about these husbands.

But about the general situation of our future daughter-in-law, you sisters should know something, right? "

Qi Yun and the other sisters looked at each other and nodded their heads in unison.

Young master Liu saw this situation, held the pipe in one hand, untied the wine bag from his waist with the other, flicked off the cork with his fingers, raised his head and took a sip of the wine.

First Young Master Liu raised his hand to wipe the wine from the corner of his mouth, and shook his head with a gloomy expression.

"Since that's the case, then you sisters say it."


"A hero among women."

"Silly girl."

"It's not ordinary tough."

"My mother has been in charge of the country for so many years, this is the first time I have seen such a daughter's family."

"Husband, you don't know how much that girl..."


Hearing the excited tone of the crowd, First Young Master Liu quickly waved his hands a few times.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop."

The empress and the others stopped what they had just said when they heard First Young Master Liu's words.

Liu Mingzhi leaned over to knock out the ashes in the smoke pot, raised his head in astonishment, and took a big gulp of the apricot blossom dew in the wine bag.

"Yun'er, Wanyan, Sister Ya, Sister Shan, Rongrong..."


"You sisters don't talk about it, listen to Yan'er for my husband.

Yan'er is Cheng Gan's mother, she should know more than your sisters. "

The empress and the sisters all froze, and all their eyes fell on the third princess.

"Sister Yan'er, it's not that the sisters don't want to help you, you understand.

"Sister Yan'er, since your husband already knows, you can say what you have to say."

Hearing the words of the beauties, First Young Master Liu looked at the third princess with a smile.

"Yan'er, please tell your husband about Chengqian's lifelong event."

The third princess directly curled her cherry lips a few times, and looked up at Young Master Liu's pretty face, stomping her lotus feet angrily a few times.

"Stinky husband, I don't know anything, what do you want me to say?"

"Ah? Yan'er, you don't know either."

"Oh, stinky husband, we have been in love with each other for so many years, don't you understand the character of my concubine?

The concubine really doesn't know! "

Seeing Young Master Liu's surprised reaction, the third princess stretched out her hand and twisted the soft flesh around his waist.

"Stinky husband, are you suspicious of my concubine?

I also want to tell you about our son.

It's just that the concubine really doesn't know anything.

What do you want me to say? "

(End of this chapter)

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