Chapter 3031
"Hey, my husband's curiosity has been completely aroused by you sisters."

"Husband, don't say that you are curious now, why aren't concubine sisters like this!"

"Yes, yes, yes, my concubine sisters are not only as curious as you, but have been curious for several days."

Young Master Liu exhaled the smoke in his mouth, coughed a few times with a disgusted throat, drank his drink and looked at Qi Yun, the third princess and their sisters.

"Yun'er, Yan'er."

"Hey, my husband said."

"As for the girl your sister mentioned just now, didn't the two of you send someone to investigate her origin?"

Qi Yun, the three princesses and their sisters looked at each other with a tacit understanding, and shook their heads gently at Young Master Liu.

"Husband, it's not my concubine and sister Yan'er who don't want to investigate the girl's background and identity.

However, we have to poke out the kung fu.

The concubine sisters had just returned from Sichuan for a few days, and soon after they came back, they learned from Yue'er that Sister Hoshino was going to leave Dalong and return to their home country of Wa.

Before we had time to take a good rest, we immediately got together to discuss things about Sister Hoshino.

Unexpectedly, we haven't discussed the matter of Hoshino sister yet to reach a result.

It's time to do this kind of thing again.

This is one of the reasons why the concubine and sister Yan'er have no time to investigate this matter.

Secondly, the concubine sisters don't know what is going on in the mind of this kid.

Therefore, the concubine discussed with sister Yan'er, before she could figure out what Cheng Qian was thinking in the child's mind.

It's better for us not to investigate the origin of this girl rashly, lest it will be self-defeating in the end. "

The three princesses echoed and nodded Zhenshou a few times, taking advantage of Qi Yun's words.

"Husband, the general situation is exactly what Sister Yun said.

If Cheng Zhi didn't have this girl in his heart, it would indeed be inappropriate for us to rashly send someone to investigate her identity.

And judging from the dress and temperament of the concubine sister, she doesn't look like a girl from an ordinary family.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, that girl's family should still have some strength.

If the things we investigated are known to others, they will definitely feel uncomfortable.

If there is a big trouble at that time, wouldn't it ruin the girl's reputation? "

Liu Mingzhi rolled the pipe in his hand, and let out a long breath with a sigh.

"You two sisters are very comprehensive. It's really inappropriate to rush to investigate the origin of other girls."

"Yeah, it's good that my husband can understand."

"My concubine knows it, husband, you will definitely understand our sister's painstaking efforts."

"Then why don't you ask Cheng Qian, what's on his mind?"

Seeing her husband's puzzled face, the third princess shrugged her shoulders a few times with a gloomy face.

"Why don't the concubine sisters want to ask, but we have to catch him.

After Yaoyao and his siblings came back, they were either busy handing over the officials who had violated the laws of the Great Dragon, or they were busy sorting out the files and documents.

The matter was finally dealt with, and the concubine was about to ask him about the specific situation.

He evaded the concubine with vague words and said a few words, and then went to the Hall of Ten Kings to deal with government affairs.

In addition, the concubine sisters and others had to discuss the departure of Sister Hoshino from time to time.

With the addition of trivial matters, big and small, there is too little free time that can be spared.

Furthermore, Cheng Qian, the child, was obviously deliberately avoiding the sisters who were concubines.

He didn't want to say, what can I do as a concubine?
I can't be by his side all day long and keep asking him about this matter, can I? "

As soon as the third princess finished speaking, she stomped her lotus feet angrily, and continued in a slightly angry tone: "I'm really mad at me, Cheng Qian, the older the child, the more disobedient he is."

Listening to the helpless tone of the third princess, Young Master Liu smiled lightly and patted the beauty's fragrant shoulder.

"Okay, don't be angry.

As the saying goes, children can't help their mothers.

The child grows up and has a mind of his own.

Those of us who are parents, there are some things that should be intervened and should not be meddled, so let him go. "

"Husband, you are right, there are some things we should intervene in, and let him do what we should not meddle with.

So regarding the matter of Cheng doing his family and starting a business, this is always something we parents should ask, right?
As for your husband, Cheng Qian is already 19 years old this year, and he will be 20 in a few months.

At this age, I haven't started a family yet, so how can I not be in a hurry?

Now if he already has a marriage contract, it will be nothing if he delays it for another year or so.

Even if the concubine is in a hurry, she shouldn't be so anxious.

No matter how bad it is, even if he has a girl he likes!
The concubine asked the matchmaker to go to someone else's girl's house to propose marriage, and to finalize the marriage contract first, at least the concubine had something to look forward to, didn't she?

The point is, he has nothing now.

If you want a marriage contract, you don't have a marriage contract, if you want a girl you like, you don't have a girl you like.

Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and the three brothers are not a few years apart.

Now sister Lian'er has her grandson in her arms, and sister Yun'er is about to embrace her grandson.

Looking at the concubine's body again, there is no hope at all.

Waiting for this bastard little bastard to deal with his life's major affairs by himself, I have to wait until the year of the monkey, right?

Husband, do you think this is true? "

Seeing the helplessness and melancholy mixed with anger on the pretty face of the third princess, Young Master Liu hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Yes, yes, Yan'er, you are so right, Cheng Gan is indeed getting more and more ignorant."

Young Master Liu hung the wine bag on his waist, raised his hands to hold the third princess's tender cheeks, and kneaded them cheerfully a few times.

"Good Yan'er, don't be angry, we are not angry.

Don't worry, when Weifu catches this bastard, he has to bring him in front of you and beat him up, to vent your anger on Yan'er. "

The third princess nodded vigorously when she heard her husband's words.

"Yes, you have to beat him hard.

Let him dare to provoke this bastard little bastard again; my old lady is angry. "

The third princess, who has always been well-educated, gentle and virtuous, rarely uttered some foul language when it came to her son's life-long event.

If it was in the past, no matter how angry she was, she would never say such remarks as Young Master Liu.

It is enough to see that the third princess is really very angry when it comes to her son's life-long event.

Seeing the embarrassment in the beautiful eyes of the third princess, Young Master Liu let go of the hands holding her cheeks with a light smile.

"Alright, you can leave this matter to your husband."

"Yeah, I'm waiting for your good news."

Young Master Liu put his hands behind his back casually, and looked curiously at the courtyard where Liu Chengqian lived.

"Yan'er, you can just wait for the good news about your husband with peace of mind.

When my husband and I finished handling the trivial matters in the court, my husband personally went to ask Cheng Qian about the girl.

At that time, if this kid..."

Young Master Liu stopped speaking abruptly, and looked at the beauties standing beside him with a slight frown.

"That's not right."

The empress and the other sisters were taken aback for a moment, subconsciously looking at First Young Master Liu.
"Huh? Husband, what's wrong?"

"No? What's wrong?"

"Yes, what are you saying wrong?"

"Ladies, nothing is right.

Earlier, Chengzhi told Weifu that he didn't need to worry too much about his third younger brother's life-long event.

He also said that Cheng Gan himself has almost handled his own life-long affairs.

And he also said that Cheng Qian was even earlier than both him and Cheng Feng.

Have you told your sisters what Cheng Zhi said to my husband? "

When Qi Yun and the other beauties heard her husband's question, they nodded their heads a few times without hesitation.

"Back to my husband, Cheng Zhi has already told my concubine sister about this child."

"You sisters have also heard what Cheng Zhi said."

"Yeah, Chengzhi told our sisters the day before yesterday."

"Yes, he told me just after what Cheng did the day before yesterday happened."

Listening to the beauties' almost indistinguishable answers, First Young Master Liu put his arms around his chest with a strange expression, and glanced at Qi Yun and the group of sisters in front of him in bewilderment.

"That's the problem."

"Well, what's the problem?"

"Huh? Husband, what you said about concubines is completely confused."

"Look, after Chengzhi, Yaoyao, and Chenggan left, I asked you directly about Chenggan's lifelong events.

That's right? "

"Yes, that's right."

"Well, that's true."

"Husband, so what?"

"Husband, my concubine is just like Sister Rong Rong, and I'm a little confused."

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

Young Master Liu looked directly at Yun Qingshi and shook his head angrily.

"Is there anything wrong? The wrong place has gone too far.

I remember, when my husband called the girl you mentioned earlier as our future daughter-in-law, your sisters did not refute anything.

Regarding this point, you sisters should not deny it, right? "

"Do not deny."

"The concubine does not deny it."

"Husband, neither of us sisters deny it."

"Don't deny it, just don't deny it.

First of all, you sisters also learned from Cheng Zhi that we don't need to worry about Cheng Qian's life-long events.

He's pretty much done it himself.

Later, my husband called that girl our future daughter-in-law, and your sisters didn't refute anything.

Later, each of you sisters couldn't tell clearly about that girl's background or her situation.

There is nothing wrong with this, right? "

"Yes, that's right."

"That's right, so what?"

"So what? So, you don't know the identity of that girl, nor the origin of that girl.

But the husband in the middle asked your sisters and others about the general situation of the girl, how did your sisters answer the husband?

The hero of the female middle school.

silly girl.

You said it yourself, did you answer that way? "

All the beauties looked at each other and nodded one after another.

They said in unison: "Yes!"

"Regarding the general situation of that girl, each of you sisters said clearly and logically at first, but then they didn't know anything.

Don't you think it's kind of inconsistent?
This is only second, the most important issue is that when I called that girl our future daughter-in-law as my husband, your sisters did not refute anything.

As a husband, I wonder, who gave you such confidence?

You sisters are ashamed to ask what is wrong with your husband. It is obvious that everything is wrong? "

First Young Master Liu wrung his fingers and analyzed the questions in his heart one by one.

Qi Ya and the other sisters were full of puzzled expressions, just like when First Young Master Liu asked Liu Chengqian the question, their expressions became weird again.


"Hee hee hee……"


Under Young Master Liu's astonished gaze, the laughter of all the beauties resounded like silver bells in the garden.

The laughter of all the beauties is either crisp and sweet, or soft and melodious, and it keeps ringing one after another.

After a long time, the laughter of Qi Yun and the other sisters gradually subsided.

The empress and the others held their willow waists that were limp from laughing one by one, and walked towards First Young Master Liu with different expressions.

"Oh, after a long time, it turns out that husband, you are wondering about this question."
"Husband, your analysis earlier was sound and well-founded, and I really thought something was wrong!"

"Sisters, stop teasing your husband.

We are also to blame for this matter. We actually forgot to tell my husband the important situation. "

"Sister Ya is right, our sisters were indeed negligent.

I was busy discussing what to do next, but forgot to tell my husband what happened in the past two days. "

Listening to the words of all the beauties, First Young Master Liu immediately raised his hand to signal.

"Stop, stop, stop talking.

Dude, your sisters just said I confused you.

I don't know if you are all confused or not. I am really confused.

Hurry up and tell Weifu clearly, what is going on?

Lingyi, you just said what happened two days ago, what happened two days ago? "

Huang Lingyi put a pair of tender lotus root arms behind her back, and approached Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Husband, didn't you just ask the concubine sisters, who gave the concubine sisters confidence, didn't you refute your name for that girl?"

"Yes, and then what?"

"That concubine will tell you right now, it is the girl herself who gives confidence to the concubine's sisters."

"What do you mean?"

"Two days ago at noon, the concubine sisters and the children were having lunch in the living room.

Then Liu Song came over and said that there was a girl outside the door to visit.

The concubine sisters discussed it and asked Liu Song to invite him in.

As soon as the girl walked into the main hall of our house, the concubine sister asked him about his identity and the reason for her visit.

Who would have thought that when Cheng Qian saw this girl, he suddenly howled, dropped the bowls and chopsticks in his hand and rushed out of the hall.

And that girl, seeing Cheng Gan running away, raised her skirt and chased after him without saying a word.

She ran after, yelling some harmless expletives.

Saying it is irresponsible.


"What happened afterwards? Don't listen to it."

"Oh, the situation is a bit complicated, and I don't know what to say.

Sister Ya, today is already the second day, right? "

"Yes, it's the second day."

"Husband, in two days, there will be a good show in our family.

When the time comes, you should see for yourself.

Anyway, it must be much more exciting than what the concubine said. "

(End of this chapter)

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