Chapter 3032 Nine out of ten
Hearing Qi Ya and Huang Lingyi's words between the two sisters, Young Master Liu's face suddenly became curious.

"Good show? What good show?"

Huang Lingyi gently tugged Qi Ya's sleeve, and touched her husband's arm with her elbow with a smile on her face.

"Oh, my husband, don't ask any more questions.

If the sisters who are concubines tell you everything, the good show after two days will not be exciting.

Since it's a good show, you have to keep some mystery, right? "

Young Master Liu saw the flash of cunning in Huang Lingyi's beautiful eyes, and the curiosity on his face gradually returned to calm.

Pursing his lips and thinking for a moment, First Young Master Liu raised his hand and pulled Huang Lingyi's black hair scattered around his ear, and gently wrapped it around his fingertips a few times.

"Lingyi, as a husband, I don't need to continue to ask what happened.

However, Lingyi, you must at least explain the general situation to my husband, so that I can be mentally prepared for my husband. "

Huang Lingyi turned her waist lightly, and hugged her husband's arm in her warm and fragrant arms with her backhand.

"Good husband, of course I can explain the general situation to you.

It's just that! "

"Huh? Just what?"

Huang Lingyi tiptoed slightly, and leaned towards Young Master Liu's ear with a smile on her face.

"Stinky husband, I miss you."

The beauty only said that she missed you, and Young Master Liu understood her thoughts.

Young Master Liu patted the beauty's buttocks with a smile, nodded and looked into the beauty's watery eyes.

Huang Lingyi's delicate body trembled slightly, a hint of shame appeared in her beautiful eyes, and she quickly glared at First Young Master Liu.

"Bad husband, be careful, the sisters are still here!"

Under the shy and timid eyes of the beautiful woman, Young Master Liu whispered against the beautiful woman's earlobe: "Little fairy Lingyi, when you finish busying with the trivial things in your hands, there will be a time when you beg for mercy."

Huang Lingyi glanced back at the group of sisters behind her, seeing their teasing eyes looking at him with a half-smile, her jade cheeks were immediately stained with a layer of blush.

The beauty withdrew her gaze, and hastily raised her lotus feet and stomped on Young Master Liu's instep.

"Stinky husband, who of us is afraid of the other? It's not certain who will beg for mercy when the time comes!"

"Hehe, you are courageous, then let's see the real chapter in a few days."

Young Master Liu glanced back at Huang Lingyi without backing down, and patted the beauty's shoulders with a smile.

"Good Lingyi, can you tell my husband the general situation now?"

Huang Lingyi immediately stood up straight, with a spring-like smile on her pretty face, and coughed a few times with her hands behind her back again.

"Husband, before that girl left, she said a cruel word to our Chenggan child.

She told Cheng Qian that she could give Cheng Qian another five days to think about it.

Five days later, she will come to Cheng Gan again to ask for the result.

Two days have passed now, and in two more days, that girl should visit again.

At that time, what kind of good show will be staged in our family, husband, you will know after watching it.

I can assure you that it is absolutely wonderful.

if not……"


"The concubine is at your disposal, and at that time husband, you can do whatever you want.

I, Huang Lingyi, agree to everything. "

Young Master Liu's heart felt hot, he exhaled pretending to be calm, and raised his right hand in front of the beautiful woman.

"Lingyi, it's a deal."

Huang Lingyi raised her jade neck with a pretty face and arrogantly, raised her hand and slapped Young Master Liu's palm heavily.

"Okay, it's a word."

Young Master Liu put his hands on his back with a smile, and turned to look at Qi Yun next to him.


"Hey, husband?"

"There should be nothing else going on now, right?"

Qi Yun nodded with a faint smile, looked at Young Master Liu and said softly, "Back to husband, the concubines and sisters have finished all the business and private matters that should be said, and there is nothing else to do."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and looked up at the blue sky.


"The concubine is here."

"It's too early for the weather, and it's not too late.

It won't be long before it's time for dinner.

For my husband, go to Jie'er first, and report to Shu'er and the sisters that they are safe.

After your husband leaves, don't forget to go to the backyard to say hello to the kitchen and let them prepare a good banquet.

Almost all of our family came back and had a good family dinner. "

"Hey, I understand now."

"By the way, don't forget to send someone to inform Cheng Zhi and Jing Yao about their young couple."

"Okay, I know."


"The concubine is here."

"Since it's a family feast, it's naturally inappropriate without my mother and her mother.

You rush to the palace yourself, and invite the empress mother and the old man to come and sit at the mansion.

It would be great if her old man is willing to come. .

If you don't want to come, you don't have to force anything. "

"The concubine knows, and I will rush to the palace after meeting."


"The concubine is here."

"There's nothing else, you sisters can do whatever you need to do. Husband first go to Jie'er and Shu'er to report to the sisters that they are safe."

"Sisters who are concubines, send off your husband respectfully."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and waved his hands, shaking the carved jade fan in his hand, and strode out of the garden with high strides.

"Go and do your own business."

After Young Master Liu left the Liu Mansion, his figure gradually blended into the crowd on the street.

Along the way, he came to the gate of the Prince's old mansion without haste, Young Master Liu looked around a few times.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual around him, First Young Master Liu casually closed the folding fan in his hand, walked to the door of the mansion with a light smile and knocked on it a few times.


"Liu Mingzhi."

"Wait a minute, sir."

The door of the mansion was wide open, Lao Gao hurried out and made a big gift.

"Old slave sees sir."

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you, sir."

Liu Mingzhi walked into the gate of the mansion, turned his eyes to look at Lao Gao who was closing the gate, and sighed with emotion.

"Old Gao!"

"Your Majesty, the old slave is here."

"Long time no see, you look old again."
Hearing Young Master Liu's sighing tone, Lao Gao folded his hands inside his cuffs and let out a long sigh.

"Oh, time is not forgiving."

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment, then walked straight towards the inner courtyard.

"Go ahead and rest, I'll go to Jie'er first."

"Yes, the old slave won't be with you anymore."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands casually, and went straight to the inner courtyard of the Prince's old mansion.

Young Master Liu had just walked into the courtyard where Chen Jie lived, when a pleasant surprise sounded in the courtyard.


First Young Master Liu followed the trend, and saw his good daughter Liu Lianiang standing in the gazebo in the courtyard, with a small face waving her little hand to him excitedly.

"Daddy, Daddy, when did you come back?"

As soon as Liu Lianiang's voice fell, Young Master Liu had not had time to reply to her words.

In the main room next to it, a beautiful figure hurried out.

Young Master Liu's eyes skipped over Liu Lianiang, and looked straight at the elegant and dignified figure standing outside the door.

Looking closely at the beautiful woman standing outside the door with joy on her pretty face, Young Master Liu waved his hand with a smile.

"Jie'er, I'm back for my husband."

Seeing First Young Master Liu waving her palm at her, Chen Jie immediately lifted up her skirt and hurriedly greeted her husband standing under the corridor.

Chen Jie slowly stopped in front of First Young Master Liu, pursed her red lips a few times with a sweet smile.

"came back."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and stroked the beauty's cheeks a few times, smiled lightly and nodded as a gesture.

"Well, I'm back."

Chen Jie seemed to have forgotten about her daughter standing in the gazebo, and directly put her hand on the back of First Young Master Liu's.

"Husband, mother, how is the situation?"

Feeling the worried eyes of the beautiful woman, First Young Master Liu lowered his head and sighed with a sigh.

"Hey, life is a lifetime, grass and trees are autumn.

Things like birth, old age, sickness and death are beyond human intervention.

After arriving in Shu, I have done my best for my husband.

It's a pity, after all, it's still...or..."

Although Young Master Liu wanted to say something, although he only said half of it and didn't continue, the meaning in it was already self-evident.

Chen Jie has shared the bed with Young Master Liu for many years, so she naturally knows his character quite well.

Seeing the complicated look of frustration on his face, Chen Jie held First Young Master Liu's wrist and patted it lightly a few times.

"My lord, it's just as you said.

Things like birth, old age, sickness and death are beyond human intervention after all.

As a son-in-law, you have done everything you should do.

If Grandma and her old man were alive in heaven, she would definitely not blame you or anything.

Husband! "


"Life is unsatisfactory, nine out of ten.

This is the end of the matter, let's mourn and let it change. "

Seeing the worry in the beauty's beautiful eyes, Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly and nodded.

"Jie'er, your husband knows everything about your heart.

In this half of his life as a husband, he has gone through too many lives and deaths.

I think back then when I was the husband and I commanded the three armies, conquering east and west, fighting south and north.

One robe Ze, one brother...

Hey, talking and talking, why did you talk about the past many years ago! "

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, raised his hands and pulled Chen Jie into his arms.



"Husband, what do you want to say?"

"Jie'er, my husband wants to say, let him get over the past.

Continuing on, there is almost no meaning except to add to the sadness. "

"Hey, I understand now."

Liu Mingzhi let go of his hands holding the beauty's willow waist, and pretended to casually glance at Liu Lianniang who was standing under the gazebo with an angry little face.

"Jie'er, our good daughter seems to be angry, let's go there first."

"Well, husband, what you say is what you say."

Chen Jie responded tenderly, took Young Master Liu's wrist behind her back, and walked gracefully towards the pavilion not far away.

Looking at the obedient daughter standing in the gazebo with an angry face, Chen Jie coughed softly and calmly.


Hearing her mother calling her, Liu Lianiang quickly put down the book in her hand.

"Hey, mother."

"My mother, I want to ask you, have you finished all the homework assigned by Mr. Zhong of the Imperial College today?"

Liu Lianiang's face was bitter, and she lowered her head with dodge eyes.

"Mother, I...I..."

When Chen Jie saw the little girl's bitter face, she instantly knew what was going on.

"Smelly girl, what are you.

I know how to play and have fun every day, and for my studies... um..."

Chen Jie had just finished speaking halfway to teach her daughter a lesson, when Young Master Liu covered her delicate red lips.


Young Master Liu felt Chen Jie's coquettish gaze, and happily rested his chin on the beautiful woman's shoulder.

"Good Jie'er, don't be angry with this girl, just leave it to your husband."


"If you agree with what your husband said, just blink your eyes."

Chen Jie rolled her eyes at First Young Master Liu with tender resentment, and blinked her own eyes lightly a few times.

Seeing the beauty's response, First Young Master Liu smiled and let go of the hands covering the beauty's red lips.

"Jie'er, I have wronged you."

Chen Jie took a deep breath, and twisted Young Master Liu's wrist in a subtle way.

"Smelly guy, what do you mean?"

"Good Jie'er, why do you still need to explain what your husband means?

I covered your lips, of course I wanted to intercede for our daughter. "

Chen Jie glanced at her daughter Liu Lianiang, whose eyes were rolling around, and immediately used the two-finger Zen magic skill to twist the soft flesh around Young Master Liu's waist.


"Hey, Jieer, tell me."

"Husband, you can love our daughter so much, I have almost no other thoughts in my heart other than being happy."

"Jie'er, are you still not satisfied that your husband loves our good daughter so much?"

"Husband, I don't have a concubine.

Seeing that you love our daughter so much, my heart is too late to be happy.

How can you be dissatisfied?

"But what?"

"Husband, love is love, but you can't spoil this girl too much.

Our daughter is studying in the Imperial College, and it should be her task to complete the homework assigned by her husband.

The concubine educates her once and you will... you will...

This girl will take you as a backer whenever something happens to her, and she will take you as a backer whenever something happens to her.

If it goes on for a long time, this girl will get used to it, how can I educate her if you let me be a concubine. "

Young Master Liu looked at Chen Jie's resentful eyes, let go of the big hand that looked at the beauty's slender waist, and sat down on the stone bench beside him with a smile.


"Hey, Daddy."

"Today is the opposite day when you brothers, sisters and others go to the Imperial College to study."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Tell Weifu, what homework did your Mr. Zhong give you today?"

"Returning to my father, the homework assigned by the master is Zhuangzi's getaway."

"Then do you know it?"

"Daddy, my son already knows about Zhuangzi's getaway."


Liu Lianiang looked at her father's suspicious gaze, pouted her mouth and let out a coquettish snort.

"Hmph, Daddy, you don't even believe your daughter."

Young Master Liu felt his daughter's reproachful gaze, and nodded hurriedly.

"Xin Xinxin, you are my father's good daughter, how could my father not believe you.

Bring your homework. "


"Ah what, your homework."

"Yeah, Dad, please take a look."

After a while, Young Master Liu picked up a piece of rice paper and spread it on the stone table.

Picking up a pen and dipping the ink to write down the word "read", Young Master Liu took out his own seal from his waist and stamped it.

"Girl, let's play."

"Hey, thank you daddy."

"Smelly girl, stop."

"I don't, Dad asked me to play."

"Husband, you..."

"Good Jie'er, Lianiang, a stinky girl who doesn't leave, how can I spoil you as a husband."

"Then you too...well..."


(End of this chapter)

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