My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3034 escaped another disaster

Chapter 3034 escaped another catastrophe

As soon as the little cutie finished speaking, she once again gave First Young Master Liu a provocative look.

Chen Jie didn't understand, so she looked at the little cutie nestled on her shoulder, smiled wryly and shook her head.

"Yue'er, what are you talking about? Why does Auntie become more and more confused the more she listens?"

First Young Master Liu looked at Xiao Ke's pretty face, I just gave Xiao Ke a displeased and provocative expression, and gave Xiao Ke an angry look.

"Smelly girl, you really want to go to heaven."
The cutie snorted arrogantly, then turned her head and looked away.

Seeing this situation, Master Liu directly raised his palm and walked towards the little cutie.

"Okay, you stinky girl, if I don't give you a hard beating for my father today, you really don't know what family law is!"

Seeing that her stinky father seemed to be planning to get serious, the little cutie screamed, and hurriedly dodged behind Chen Jie.

"Oh, the stinky old man has turned his face and denied anyone, Auntie, save me quickly."

When Chen Jie saw the scene where the father and daughter were about to fight if they disagreed, she suddenly became helpless.

"Husband, you..."

"Jie'er, get out of the way, because my husband has to give this stinky girl a hard lesson today."

"Auntie, help me, help me stop the stinky old man."

"Help my aunt? It's no use saving your aunt's life, brat, stop me."

The little cutie saw the stinky old man holding up the folding fan, and kept avoiding around Chen Jie.

"Smelly old man, am I stupid to treat you like a girl?"

"Jie'er, you hide..."

Young Master Liu had just finished speaking halfway to tell Chen Jie to avoid her, when the soft voice of the third princess Li Yan suddenly came from outside the main hall.

"Husband, my concubine has returned from the palace."

The third princess walked into the main hall while talking.

She saw the scene of the little cutie walking around Chen Jie in front of her, and her pretty face suddenly froze.

"Husband, Yue'er, you...

What's the situation? "

When Young Master Liu heard the soft and gentle voice of the third princess, he immediately lowered his raised arms.

After calming down, Major General Liu put the folding fan in his hand on his waist, and happily walked towards the third princess who had a pretty weird face.

Seeing that First Young Master Liu stopped chasing him, but walked towards Aunt Yan'er, the little cutie immediately let out a long sigh of relief.

"Huh, I escaped another catastrophe."

Hearing the little cutie's emotional words, Chen Jie smiled wryly, bent her slender fingers and tapped the little cutie's forehead.

"Smelly girl, you, you, let my aunt tell me what you want."

"Good aunt."

Young Master Liu stopped in front of the third princess, and looked behind her with a faint smile.

"Yan'er, you're back."

"Well, the concubine is back."

Seeing that there was no other figure behind the third princess except a maidservant, Liu Mingzhi sighed with a low expression.

"Yan'er, is the queen mother still unwilling to come?"

Seeing the gloomy expression on her husband's face, the third princess frowned slightly, and Jiaoyan tapped her head a few times helplessly.


The third princess responded with a voice like a mosquito, and then walked out of the hall holding Young Master Liu's wrist.

Young Master Liu was stunned for a moment, and let the third princess lead him towards the door.

"Yan'er, what's wrong?"
"Husband, although the queen mother did not come to the banquet, she asked my concubine to bring you a word."

Young Master Liu's heart tightened, and he frowned slightly for a moment, looking at the third princess, a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Yan'er, my mother, her old lady, what did you tell my husband?"

Seeing her husband's curious expression, the third princess glanced vaguely at Chen Jie in the living room, tiptoed her lotus feet, and whispered softly into Liuda's ear.

After a short breath, the third princess gently landed on her toes, and let out a worried expression.

"Husband, that's all the old lady has said about the queen mother."

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at the worried expression on the pretty face of the third princess, smiled lightly and patted the lady's fragrant shoulder.


"The concubine is here."

"Next time when your sisters go to the palace to pay respects to the queen mother and her elderly, you can reply to the queen mother, and your husband will not let her down."

With just this sentence, the third princess already understood what her husband meant.

Looking at First Young Master Liu with a faint smile on his face, the third princess nodded vigorously.

"Hey, my concubine knows.

Husband, thank you. "

Liu Mingzhi put his hand on the beauty's fragrant shoulders, smiled and looked in the direction of the palace.

"Good Yan'er, our husband and wife will see each other when we say these words.

Secondly, it should be the husband who thanked the queen mother and her old man. "

"Husband, I heard you so..."


The third princess trembled, and looked straight at First Young Master Liu.


Young Master Liu gently combed the loose hair for the third princess, and pointed to the main hall behind them with a light smile.

"What happened in the past, let it pass.

Today is the day for our family to have a reunion dinner. Some past events that have passed for many years should not be mentioned again. "

The third princess held Young Master Liu's palm with her backhand, and tapped Zhenshou vigorously a few times.

"Yeah, I know."

Just as Young Master Liu was about to say something, Qi Yun's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Husband, sister Yan'er, you are all back."

"Husband, sister Yan'er."



Young Master Liu took a deep breath, smiled lightly and looked at the family members who were walking towards the main hall.

"Yun'er, how are the family dinner preparations going?"

Qi Yun and the other sisters walked up to First Young Master Liu with a smile on their faces, and gestured with the tray in their hands.

"Husband, all the food and wine are ready, we can start the banquet."

"Okay, let's start the banquet."

Young Master Liu responded to Qi Yun with a smile, turned around and walked into the main hall.

Qi Yun waited until her husband walked into the hall door, and looked at the children surrounded by her with a smile like a flower.

"Children, after your father is seated, don't forget to greet him."

"Yes, the children obey."

"go in."

"Mother please, all aunts please."

Qi Yun and the other sisters walked into the main hall and nodded to Young Master Liu with light smiles.

"Husband, sit down first."

"Husband, after the concubine sisters put the food and wine in their hands, the banquet can begin."

"Okay, okay, my husband knows."

First Young Master Liu looked at the beauties who were setting out the wine and dishes, walked to the main seat with a smile and sat down.

Young Master Liu had just sat down, and a group of brothers and sisters headed by Liu Chengzhi all saluted to Young Master Liu.

"My brothers and sisters see Daddy, Daddy Wanan."

Seeing a group of sons and daughters saluting him respectfully, First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and held his hands up.

"Okay, okay, all free.

Today is just a family banquet for our family, so you don't need to be so polite, let's all sit down. "

"Yes, thank you Daddy."

When a group of sons and daughters walked towards the tables on both sides, Young Master Liu picked up the jug and filled a glass of wine.

"Yun'er, ladies, sit down too."

"Yes, thank you, husband."

After all the beauties sat down, Liu Mingzhi looked softly at He Shu who was sitting next to Chen Jie.


"The concubine is here."

"Shu'er, it's really hard for you to take care of Jingyao's body."

He Shu put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand, and rolled his eyes resentfully.

"My lord, what are you talking about?

Jingyao is the concubine's biological daughter, shouldn't the concubine take care of her? "

"Shu'er, it's true that you should, but you also have to take care of your body."

"Husband, I know it myself."

"Shu'er, don't keep taking this sentence as a perfunctory excuse.

What is your situation, you know it in your heart, and your husband also knows it in his heart.

This kid Haoran is so naughty, you have already spent a lot of time taking care of him. "

When Liu Haoran heard his father mention his name, he hurriedly turned around and waved to First Young Master Liu.

"Daddy, the baby is here!"

Young Master Liu turned his head and glanced at the chicken leg that was being held up. He smiled and waved to his youngest son Liu Haoran who was waving his little hand.

"My dear son, eat your chicken leg well, and don't delay Daddy talking to your mother."

"Oh, the child knows."

First Young Master Liu dismissed his youngest son, Liu Haoran, and looked at the beautiful woman He Shu who was sitting diagonally across from him with a smile again.

However, when First Young Master Liu was about to say something, he suddenly thought of something, and swallowed the words that were already on his lips.


"Hey, husband."

"Shu'er, we both have plenty of time to chat. Today is our family dinner, so let's not talk about other things."

"Yeah, I'm listening to you."

Young Master Liu nodded with a light smile, raised his wine glass and gestured to the beauties.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's have a drink together."

"Sisters who are concubines respect their husbands."


"My husband, please."

Young Master Liu's side had just been filled with wine, and Liu Chengzhi and his brothers and sisters immediately raised their wine glasses or juices, and saluted their father in unison.

"Daddy, my brothers and sisters, I would like to offer you a toast."

"Okay, let's drink together."

"Daddy, please first."

First Young Master Liu put down the wine glass in his hand, glanced at the ladies in the hall and the children on both sides, and put a chopstick of cold dish to his mouth with a smile.

"Family banquet, there is nothing to be particular about, let's eat."

As soon as First Young Master Liu's words fell, the family banquet in Liu's residence officially began.

Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief when he saw a group of sons and daughters eating happily.


When Qi Yun heard her husband calling her, she quickly stopped picking up vegetables.


"Lian'er, you also know the situation of Shu'er and the other two sisters.

The grandmother on her mother's side just passed away, and Lian'er needs to attend the funeral.

Yun Shu hasn't seen her parents for many years, so if they can reunite their family more, let them reunite for a longer period of time.

Therefore, their sisters came to Ruo to ask about the situation at home.

You just write back to the two of them, everything is safe at home, and there is no need for their sisters to worry about it.

Especially Lian'er.

Her mother just passed away, Lian'er's mood is definitely now...

Well, do you understand what being a husband means? "

After listening to her husband's explanation, Qi Yun nodded Zhenshou without hesitation.

"Husband, I understand what you mean.

If I received letters from Sister Lian'er and Sister Yun Shu, I would definitely think about it carefully before replying to them. "

"Okay, in this way, my husband won't say anything more."

"Husband, concubine sisters offer you a toast,"

"Ladies, let's drink together."

Major Liu drank the wine in his glass, and muttered with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After a long time, Young Master Liu thought it over and over again, and finally decided that he had nothing to tell Qi Yun and the other sisters.

Young Master Liu picked up the wine glass that Qi Yun had filled for himself, and yelled loudly to signal to a group of children on both sides.

"Chengzhi, Yaoyao, Yue' little bastards, let me have a drink with my husband."

The little cute brothers, sisters and others raised their wine glasses when they heard their father yelling.

"Boy respect daddy for a cup."

"Children, you don't need to worry about your father, just eat and drink yourself."

"Thank you, Daddy."

"Husband, concubine sister respects you..."

Amid bursts of laughter, the family banquet in Liu's Mansion gradually became lively.

The family banquet is full of harmonious and lively scenes.

The only fly in the ointment is that the two sisters Qinglian and Wenren Yunshu, as well as the following children, failed to participate.

The family banquet was just in the middle of it, like Liu Lianiang, Liu Zhengran...they little guys dropped the bowls and chopsticks in their hands, and ran towards them laughing and playing.

Brother Liu watched the pretty faces of the queen and the other sisters blushing after drinking the wine, and gently put the wine glass on the table.

"Yun'er, you guys continue to eat first, and went to the study for my husband."

When Qi Yun heard her husband's words, she stood up abruptly, and looked at Young Master Liu worriedly.

"Husband, you also drank a lot of wine, you should rest earlier.

It's not a big problem to deal with the matter of the study one day later. "

"Yun'er, I'm fine as a husband."


"Yun'er, your husband is really fine, so don't worry."

"This... well, my concubine will bring you tea later."

"Okay, I'll go to the study first for my husband."

"Sisters who are concubines send off their husbands respectfully."

Young Master Liu reached out and picked up the folding fan at hand, stood up and looked at the cutie on the table on the left.


The little cutie was whispering something to Liu Chengqian, when she heard her father calling her name, she sat up straight suddenly.


The little cutie swallowed lightly, stretched out her clove tongue to lick the drink at the corner of her mouth, and looked at the old man not far away with a smile.

"Daddy, what do you want to do with Yue'er?"

"Go to the study with Wei father."


"Ah what, just follow up."

Little Cutie didn't know why her father was looking for her, so she nodded bitterly in response.

"Oh fine."

Seeing the back of the old man walking towards the outside of the hall, Xiao Kei greeted the brothers and sisters next to him, and then ran after him.

"Daddy, wait for the moon."

(End of this chapter)

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