My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3035 Winning is the rule

Chapter 3035 Winning is the rule
"Father, what did you ask Yue'er to do in the study?"
Little Cutie followed Young Master Liu, and asked directly as soon as she walked into the study.

First Young Master Liu didn't answer the cutie's question, he gently took out the fire pocket from his cuff, leaned over and lit the candle on the desk.

He glanced at the thick stack of files on the desk, turned around and sat on the chair, and looked up at the little cutie who was standing opposite the desk with a puzzled face.


Hearing this, the little cutie suddenly tightened her willow waist, and instinctively took a few steps back.

"Gudu, stinky daddy... no, no, good daddy."

The little cutie suddenly remembered something, hurriedly raised a pair of slender hands and waved them a few times, looked at the old man with a smile on his face, and blinked his smart eyes a few times with a smile.

"Good father, you don't mean to settle accounts with Yue'er Qiu Hou."

Young Master Liu saw the vigilance on the cute and beautiful face, shook his head angrily, and pointed to the chair opposite the desk as a signal.

"As a father, I'm not as boring as you think, please sit down first."

The little cutie looked at First Young Master Liu suspiciously, and walked slowly towards the chair a few steps away.

The closer the little cutie got to the chair, the slower her movements became, especially the vigilant look on her pretty face, which didn't decrease but increased.

"Smelly old man, did I really sit down?
You can keep your word, but you are not allowed to settle accounts with Yue'er Qiuhou! "

First Young Master Liu looked at the suspicious look on Little Cutie's face, and rolled his eyes angrily.

I was speechless at the little cutie's reaction.

Could it be that there is not even this most basic trust between my father and daughter?

Young Master Liu sighed helplessly, bent his fingers and tapped vigorously on the table a few times.

"Smelly girl, do you want to sit? If you really don't want to sit, then just keep standing."

Seeing the sulky expression on Young Master Liu's face, Little Cutie can finally be sure that her father really won't settle accounts with Qiu Hou.

She rubbed her hands together with a smile, and nodded hurriedly.

"Hee hee hee, sit down, sit down, Yue'er will sit down now."

The little cutie quickly nodded in response to First Young Master Liu, and sat down on the chair behind her carelessly.

"Daddy, what are you doing with Yue'er?"

First Young Master Liu glanced at the curious little cutie, frowned slightly, picked up the scissors on the table, raised his hand and fiddled with the flickering candlelight a few times.

"Yue'er, please tell my father in detail about the situation that your Aunt Hoshino is going to take Sakura Zhi away from our Dalong and return to their native country of Japan."

The little cutie frowned slightly, and subconsciously asked: "What? About Aunt Hoshino?"

First Young Master Liu looked at the little cutie in surprise, put down the scissors in his hand, and nodded with a complicated expression.


The little cutie frowned slightly, put her fingers behind her ears and began to scratch them.

"Father, didn't Aunt Yun and Aunt Yan'er tell you about Aunt Hoshino's leaving?"

"Of course I told you, but what they said was not very clear.

During the days when Hoshino lived in Honglu Temple, the two of you had a lot of dealings in private.

Therefore, you should know quite a lot about her.

Let me tell you about the father, what is the specific situation? "

The little cutie nodded knowingly, and rested her white chin on the desk with both hands.

"So that's it. Well, then Yue'er will tell Dad about some of the things I know."

"Go ahead."

"About the general situation of Aunt Hoshino's departure, this matter will have to start after you go to Sichuan..."

Little Cutie rested her chin on both hands, and softly told First Young Master Liu some of the things she knew.

The candlelight on the desk kept flickering and crackling from time to time.

At some point in time, Young Master Liu had already lit a pipe with curling smoke in his hand.

He quietly listened to the little cutie's narration, while silently swallowing his clouds.

After a long time, the little cutie straightened her willow waist slightly, looked at the old man who was sitting across from him, who was puffing, and spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders casually.

"Father, that's about it.

A few days ago, Yue'er had already told her mother and Aunt Yun everything that should be told to them. "

Young Master Liu leaned over to knock the soot in the copper basin under the table, and looked at the little cutie with a complicated expression.

"Is that all you know? Is there nothing else?"

Cutie picked up the herbal tea next to her and moistened her throat, looked up at Young Master Liu and shook her head gently.

"No, Yue'er has already told everything she knows."

"Yue'er, is there no more specific situation? You should think about it carefully."

"Father, Yue'er, I'm not the roundworm in Aunt Hoshino's stomach, how could I know all the thoughts in her heart?"

First Young Master Liu put the pipe in his hand aside, and sighed softly with a complex expression.

"Oh, yes, I know it for my father."

"Father, can Yueer ask you a presumptuous question?"

"Huh? What's the problem?"

"Yue'er wants to ask you, do you want to keep Aunt Hoshino?"

"What if you want to keep her? So what if you don't want to?"

"Does that matter? If you want to keep Aunt Hoshino, then keep her.

If you don't want to keep her, then forget it, as if I didn't ask anything. "

First Young Master Liu frowned slightly when he heard the words of the cutie, and fell silent.

After a long time, he got up and walked towards the window sill a few steps away.

Looking up at the moonlight on the willow shoots in the sky, First Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.



"Some things are not as simple as you think."


"Forget it, let Weifu think about it carefully."

"Oh, well, Yue'er knows, Dad, you should think about it carefully."


"Hey, what's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi turned around and walked to the desk, directly opened the left drawer, took out two boxes of chess pieces from the drawer, and walked towards the desk next to him.

"Girl, come, come and play chess with my father."

The little cutie was stunned, and when she came back to her senses, she followed her father reluctantly.

"Stinky old man, what kind of chess are you playing at night?"

"Smelly girl, I'm interested, don't care what time it is!"

First Major Liu put the two boxes of chess pieces on the chessboard, and looked at the depressed little cutie with a light smile.

"Girl, do you want to guess first? Or do you want me to let you go first as a father?"

The little cutie sat carelessly opposite Young Master Liu, and brought the black chess on the chessboard in front of her.

"Daddy, you are my girl's good father, do you have the nerve to guess with me first?

We played chess between father and daughter, of course it was my girl who took the lead. "

Cutie picked up a chess piece, looked up at Young Master Liu and said angrily.

Young Master Liu nodded with a smile, shook off the carved jade fan in his hand and fanned it gently.

"Okay, you go first and you go first.

Smelly girl, let's go. "

The little cutie frowned slightly, and gently turned the chess piece between her fingers, her beautiful eyes stared at the chessboard in front of her and began to think.

After a long time, the little cutie slightly opened her mouth and dropped the chess pieces on the chessboard with her fingers.

There was a light ding dong.

The chess piece in the cutie's hand landed on the Tianyuan position on the chessboard.

"Father, this girl has settled down, it's your turn."

Young Master Liu stared intently at the chess piece on the chessboard at the position of Tian Yuan, turning a deaf ear to the little cutie's reminder.

He rubbed the pieces on his fingertips vigorously, and couldn't help recalling some scenes that had passed many years in his mind.

"Boy, it's a big taboo in chess to start the game with Zi Tianyuan."

"This statement is wrong, playing chess..."

Young Master Liu had just recalled certain images in his mind when cutie's dissatisfied voice was interrupted.

"Father, why are you so dazed? It's your turn."


"Father, my girl, I said, it's your turn to settle."

Young Master Liu came back to his senses, looked at the chess piece on the chessboard quietly again, and cast a gloomy glance at the cutie who puffed out his cheeks angrily.

"Girl, it's a big taboo to take Tianyuan first.

You already learned how to play chess when you were four or five years old. You must not understand such a simple truth. "

The cutie waved her hand nonchalantly, and pinched another chess piece between her fingers.

"Oh, it's a big taboo, but a small taboo.

For this girl, as long as she can win, that's fine. "
"Huh? As long as you win?"

"That's right, isn't the purpose of playing chess just to win?

As the saying goes, a chess game is like a battlefield.

Whether it is a chess game or a battlefield, the ultimate goal is to win.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

No matter what the rules or not

What are the rules?What is unruly?
Here with this girl, there is only one rule.

That is, only by winning.

That's the rule.

Others, whatever you say.

This girl, I only need to listen to one word, and I will lose.

In other words, only those who have won are qualified to talk about the so-called rules. "

Young Master Liu stared straight at the little cutie who was gently turning the chess piece between his fingers, and leaned on the chair with deep eyes.

"What about the loser?"

The little cutie frowned, squeezed the chess piece in her hand and shrugged her shoulders a few times, looked at Young Master Liu and sneered softly.

"Ha ha!"

Little Cutie just sneered at First Young Master Liu's question. .

It seems that nothing has been said, and it seems that all the questions have been answered.

Seeing that Young Master Liu didn't respond for a long time, Little Cutie urged her helplessly.

"Oh, stinky old man, are you in trouble or not?"

First Young Master Liu raised his eyes and glanced at the pretty face of the little cutie, who was angry and pretty, and threw the chess piece between his fingers onto the chessboard with a smile.

"soy Mujer."

"Huh? Dad?"

"I'm a little tired for my father, you should go back and rest first.

Let's continue playing this game of chess when we have free time in the future. "


"I said, I'm tired of my father.

Of course, if you don't want to go back and rest, there's no harm in staying.

For the files on the desk, my father was worried that no one would help me deal with them.

If you are willing to stay, girl, to help share the pressure on your father, that would be great..."

Little cutie didn't wait for Young Master Liu to say the following words, and rushed towards the door of the room like a gust of wind.

"Good daddy, see you later."

Although the little cutie's voice was still echoing in the study, her figure had already disappeared in the room.

Young Master Liu watched the little cute figure disappear in the courtyard, and shook his head helplessly.

"Oh, you stinky girl!"

Mumbling to himself, First Young Master Liu glanced at the chess piece on the chessboard with deep eyes, got up and walked towards the desk.

First Young Master Liu sat on the chair, then picked up a file on the desk, leaned over to the candlelight and silently flipped through the contents.

First Young Master Liu's fingertips turned page after page, and the expression on his face became more and more gloomy.

The third day of June in the sixth year of Dalong Taiping.

Fengzhou Sima and his subordinate Yingxian county magistrate colluded together, causing...

The second day of March in the sixth year of Dalong Taiping.

The governor of Yezhou and the merchants under the rule...

When the moon was in the middle of the sky, the candles in the study were still flickering brightly.

Young Master Liu was concentrating on flipping through the file in his hand when a knock on the door suddenly woke him up.


First Young Master Liu suppressed the file in his hand, and looked towards the door with a slight brow.

"Is it Yun'er?"

"It's the concubine, my husband, the concubine has brought you supper."

"come in."


Qi Yun responded sweetly, and walked in with a tray in her hand, smiling sweetly.

"Husband, I cooked you a bowl of lotus seed porridge, drink it while it's hot."

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes to glance at the beautiful woman, then moved his gaze to the file in his hand again.

"Yun'er, sit down first, I will read the files in my hand first."

"Okay, I know."

Qi Yun carefully placed the tray on the table, looked at the frowning of her husband opposite, and sat down gently.


Young Master Liu stared at the contents of the file, and without raising his head, he replied with a nasal voice.


"Husband, the night is getting dark, why don't you rest for a while, wait until you drink the lotus seed porridge that my concubine sent you, and then continue to process the files in your hand?
After a while, the lotus seed porridge will not taste good when it is cold. "

Young Master Liu casually turned over a page of the dossier in his hand, and raised his hand to gesture to Qi Yun.

"Okay, my husband knows, I will drink for a while, and I will drink for a while."

Qi Yun heard her husband's slightly perfunctory tone, and originally wanted to speak out to persuade her again.

But when she saw First Young Master Liu staring closely at the file in her hand with a concentrated look, she silently swallowed the words that were on the verge of her lips.

"Okay, my concubine is here waiting for you."

First Young Master Liu subconsciously nodded, reached out and picked up the vermilion pen beside him, and circled the file in his hand.

Seeing this situation, Qi Yun felt worried besides worry in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

It's been a long time, I haven't seen my husband so seriously.

Qi Yun sighed silently, took out her handkerchief and covered the porridge bowl.

It seems that the recent events around me have put a lot of pressure on my husband!

(End of this chapter)

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