My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3037 Kindness and simplicity

Chapter 3037 Kindness and simplicity
The moonlight deflected and gradually fell.

When the sky dawned, Young Master Liu couldn't hold on anymore.

Involuntarily closed his eyes.

The next day.

When Dongfang saw Bai, Qi Yun, who was nestled in Young Master Liu's arms, opened her sleepy eyes lazily.

Qi Yun instinctively wanted to stretch, but when he saw her husband who was still sleeping with his eyes closed, he quickly relaxed his movements.

She gently pulled out the corner of the clothes that was under Young Master Liu's body, and stepped down carefully, for fear of waking up her sleeping husband.

However, as soon as Qi Yun landed, Young Master Liu who was sleeping suddenly opened his eyes.

"Oh~ Yun'er, you're up."

Hearing her husband's question behind her, Qi Yun paused slightly while wearing her shoes, and looked sideways at her husband with a pretty face of guilt.

"Husband, when I woke up, I was always careful and careful, but unexpectedly I woke you up.

If I had known earlier, the concubine would not have gotten up first. "

Qi Yun looked at Young Master Liu who had already sat up, and said in a tone of self-reproach.

Listening to Qi Yun's remorseful words, First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and shook his head, reaching out to comb Qi Yun's somewhat messy hair on her back.

"My lady, what are you talking about.

The reason why I woke up for my husband was that I woke up naturally after a night of sleep, and it had nothing to do with your movements when you woke up. "

Liu Mingzhi knew in his heart that the reason why Qi Yun rushed to him was because he was worried that he would not be able to rest well.

So, he made an excuse at will.

Seeing that Qi Yun seemed to want to say something, Young Master Liu spoke again to suppress what she wanted to say.

"Miss, let's not talk about this, the sky is already bright, we should get up and wash up.

After tidying up the clothes on your body, go tell the maids to prepare warm water for washing. "

Qi Yun nodded slightly, turned around and put on her shoes.

"Okay, I'll go to Yu'er and the others after finishing my clothes."

Qi Yun got up and looked at Young Master Liu with a chuckle and nodded his head. While arranging his clothes, he walked towards the outside of the study.

"Husband, the concubine will go first."

"Okay, let's go."

Young Master Liu waved his hand and said with a light smile.

Watching the beautiful woman's shadow leave the study, Young Master Liu stretched out his hand to rub some sore eye sockets, yawned and lay down on his back.

After a while, Young Master Liu's even breathing sounded in the study.

Young Master Liu, who had quietly fallen asleep, did not know that the beautiful woman who had just left had turned back after he fell asleep.

Qi Yun's steps were light, and she stopped outside the door cautiously. She stretched out her hand to hold the door, leaned her willow waist, and looked into the room quietly.

Looking at her husband who had fallen into a deep sleep above the soft collapse, the distress in her eyes was self-evident.

Qi Yun stared at Young Master Liu quietly for a long time, and sighed inwardly.

"Silly husband, take a good rest."

Qi Yun murmured to herself, and gradually left the courtyard of the study with light steps.

There are about three poles in the sun.

First Young Master Liu opened his eyes silently, sat up straight with his palms propped up, rubbed the filth in the corners of his eyes with his fingers, looked up and scanned the room.

Looking at the quiet study room, he frowned slightly and thought for a while.

I already understood what was going on.

Young Master Liu smacked his lips lightly, put on his shoes, got up and twisted his waist a few times.

"Oh, this sleep is the real enough sleep!"

"Come on."

The voice fell, and there was no response from outside the room.

Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, he straightened his clothes and walked straight out of the study.

"Come on."

The voice fell, but there was still no response.

First Young Master Liu looked around in the courtyard, looking at the empty courtyard, he couldn't help but wryly smiled a few times.

"Good lady, as for what!"

He muttered softly, closed the door casually, moved his waist and walked towards the courtyard where Qi Yun lived.

"Yun'er, are you in the room?"

As soon as Young Master Liu passed through the arch, he yelled at Qi Yun's boudoir.

Hearing First Young Master Liu's voice, a figure immediately walked out of the room.

However, it was not Qi Yun, but her personal maid, Yu'er.

Seeing Young Master Liu coming towards him, Yu'er immediately went up to greet him and gave him a blessing.

"Slaves see uncle."

"Yu'er, excuse me."

"Thank you, uncle."

"Yu'er, where's Yun'er?"

"Go back to uncle, miss, she is in the hall, and she hasn't come back yet!

Young Master, if you are in a hurry, Yu'er will go and call the young lady back immediately. "

"No, no, no, my young master has nothing urgent, you don't need to go find Yun'er and come back."

"Yes, the servant knows."


"The servant is here."

"In Yun'er's room, is there clean water for bathing and washing?"

"Going back to uncle, there is clean water for washing in Miss's room, but there is no clean water for bathing.

Young Master, before you came, the servants were preparing to clean up the water used by Miss for bathing.

Young Master, if you want to take a bath, Yu'er will immediately replace the water in the tub with clean water. "

Liu Mingzhi patted Yue'er's fragrant shoulder with a light smile, and walked towards Qi Yun's boudoir at a leisurely pace.

"No need, the one my young master used with Yun'er will do."


"Ah, what? Yun'er is my young master's wife, how can I dislike the dirty water she used?"

"OK then."

Yu'er responded softly, and immediately trotted towards Young Master Liu to catch up.

"Uncle, Yu'er takes care of you to take a bath."

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, then nodded with a light smile.

"it is good."

About two quarters of an hour or so.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, Young Master Liu left the courtyard where Qi Yun lived, shaking the carved jade fan in his hand.

All the way to the main hall, Young Master Liu saw Yun Qingshi's busy figure at a glance.

"Qing poetry."

"Ah, husband, you are up."

Young Master Liu glanced at the fruit plate in Yun Qingshi's hand, smiled and nodded.

"Well, wake up, where is your sister Yun?"

Yun Qingshi put down the fruit plate in her hand, and pouted towards the backyard with a smile on her face.

"Isn't it time for lunch? Sister Yun and Sister Shan'er are going to the kitchen in the backyard."

Young Master Liu closed the folding fan and pinned it to his waist, walked to the table and sat down.

"Qing poetry."

"Hey, husband, say it."

"My husband didn't eat in the morning, and I'm a little hungry now, let me eat some of the pastries and melons you prepared first."

Yun Qingshi immediately pushed a few dishes next to him in front of First Young Master Liu, and then poured a cup of herbal tea from the pot.

"Husband, let's eat."

Young Master Liu took the herbal tea from the beauty's hand, pinched a piece of walnut cake and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

"Well, it's delicious."

Yun Qingshi saw Young Master Liu gobbling it up, hurriedly walked behind him, reached out and patted his back lightly.

"Husband, eat slowly, don't choke."

"Don't worry about Qing Shi, you won't choke on your husband.

Husband has to hurry up and pad his stomach, and he has to go out to do errands in a while. "

"Husband, it's time to have lunch in about half an hour. It's not too late for you to go out after lunch."

Young Master Liu gulped down a few pieces of pastry, raised his head and drank the tea in the cup, and then took a deep breath.

"Phew, it's almost enough for my husband to eat."

"Husband, you have only eaten so much, and eating more will not delay much effort."

Young Master Liu waved his hand, put the teacup on the table, picked up a bunch of grapes from the saucer, and walked towards the outside of the main hall with high strides.

"Qing Shi, don't forget to tell your sister Yun and the others later, so you don't have to wait for your husband for lunch."

Seeing this, Yun Qing raised her skirt and ran after her.

"Husband, husband."

Young Master Liu looked back at the beautiful woman who was chasing him, and waved his hand directly.

"Qing Shi, that's all I said, I'm going out first for my husband."

Yun Qingshi stopped in her tracks and nodded helplessly.

"Okay, my wife knows.

By the way, husband, if you see something delicious on the street, don't forget to buy some. "

"I know, I know, go and do your own business."

Young Master Liu ate the grapes in his hand and walked all the way to the gate of Liu Mansion.

"Liu Song, what the hell are you doing?"

Liu Song, who was dozing on the recliner, suddenly sat up when he heard his young master's greeting.

"Master, the little one is here."

"Come here, the young master has something to tell you."

"Hey, come here, little one."

Liu Song hurriedly ran in front of First Young Master Liu, and bowed respectfully.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Young Master Liu turned his head and spat out the grape skins in his mouth, and whispered softly into Liu Song's ear.

After a while, Young Master Liu patted Liu Song's shoulder, gently tore off a grape, and walked towards the gate of the mansion in a leisurely manner.

"Yes, the little one will send you off to the young master."

After leaving the house, Young Master Liu walked up and down the street, and finally came to the Penglai restaurant run by sisters Xue Bizhu and Huang Lingyi.

After Young Master Liu walked into the restaurant, he casually glanced at the guests in the restaurant, and walked towards the counter in a leisurely manner.

Looking at Xue Bizhu who was sitting on the stool and was concentrating on flipping through the ledger, Young Master Liu tapped lightly on the counter a few times with his fingers.


Xue Bizhu subconsciously looked up when she heard the familiar voice.


"Why, am I so surprised to see my husband?"

Xue Bizhu picked up the pen and made a mark on the account book, got up and walked out of the counter.

"Husband, why are you here as a concubine at this time?"

The beauty walked up to First Young Master Liu, and asked softly with a puzzled expression.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xue Bizhu's puzzled expression, gave her a wink, and walked towards the second floor of the restaurant, shaking the folding fan in his hand.


"The shopkeeper?"

"Look at the counter first, I'll be back in a while."

"Understood, shopkeeper, you are busy first."

Xue Bizhu casually explained to the second brother next to him, and quickly followed Young Master Liu.

First Young Master Liu entered the boudoir where Xue Bizhu and his sisters lived, walked to the table and sat down.

Xue Bizhu closed the door, went to Young Master Liu and poured a cup of herbal tea from the pot.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

"Bizhu, didn't Yaoyao and Chenggan say that they put those people who were imprisoned unjustly in the restaurant?

Where are those people now? "

First Young Master Liu took a sip of the tea offered by the beauty, looked up at her and asked softly.

Xue Bizhu breathed a sigh of relief when she heard her husband's question.

"Hey, so husband, you want to ask these questions, I thought something big happened!"

"Bi Zhu, you have to know that people's livelihood and government are no small matter."

"Yes, yes, I know I was wrong.

Husband, they are all in the backyard of the restaurant now! "

Liu Mingzhi put down his teacup, got up and walked towards the back window of the room.

"Is everyone there?"

"A total of 120 people, all living in the backyard!"

Young Master Liu opened the window, leaned forward and looked downstairs.

"What, they all live in the backyard?
Bizhu, there are more than 100 people, can the backyard of the restaurant accommodate them? "

Xue Bizhu walked up to Eldest Young Master Liu and stopped, leaning her waist and leaning out of the window, with a pretty face and a helpless sigh.

"Husband, there are only so many rooms in the backyard, how can it accommodate more than 100 people.

Ever since Yaoyao and Chenggan settled these people here, Qie Shen and sister Lingyi have mentioned more than once that they should set aside some people to live in the guest rooms on the third and fourth floors for the time being.

However, no matter what the concubines and sisters say, they just don't want to. "

"What's going on? Are they worried that the restaurant will charge them room money?"

Xue Bizhu shook her head and sighed softly when she heard her husband's surprised tone.

"Oh, no, it has nothing to do with the rent.

The reason why they don't want to live on the third or fourth floor is that they are afraid of affecting the business in the concubine's sister restaurant.

The young and strong men among the people gave up all the rooms in the backyard to the old and weak women and children inside.

As for themselves, they would rather rest in the yard than in the guest room.

The concubine sisters persuaded her several times, but they still disagreed.

In the end, there was nothing left to do.

I have to say that the people of Dalong are very kind and honest! "

After listening to the beautiful woman's explanation, Liu Mingzhi leaned over and looked at the more than 100 common people who gathered in groups in the courtyard, discussing something in a low voice, and let out a deep breath.

"Yes, what kind and honest people.

It's a pity that some bastards who deserve death are just relying on the simplicity and kindness of the people to oppress and oppress them wantonly.

Not only did they go to prison unjustly, but even

He also planned to take the lives of these people.

Like this kind of beast that deserves to die, as a husband, I can't wait to... Huh..."

Liu Mingzhi took a few breaths, closed the folding fan and handed it to Xue Bizhu.

Xue Bizhu took the carved jade fan from her husband, and a look of doubt flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Husband, are you?"

"It's nothing, I'm planning to go down and have a look."

"Husband, are you planning to go and listen to what the people are talking about?"
Young Master Liu nodded with a faint smile, raised his hand to caress Fu Jiaren's pretty face, turned around and walked behind the screen.

After half a cup of tea, Young Master Liu changed into an ordinary Confucian scholar's robe, and walked out from behind the screen with a look on his face.

"Bizhu, is your husband like an ordinary scholar now?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's clothes, Xue Bizhu pondered for a moment while holding her cheeks.

"It's still close, I will tidy it up for you."

(End of this chapter)

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