Chapter 3038

"Okay, then you can tidy up your husband."

Xue Bizhu put Young Master Liu's carved jade fan into his cuffs, smiled and walked out of the room.

"Husband, please wait a moment, I will go back when I go."

"Bi Zhu, what are you going to do?"

Young Master Liu looked at Xue Bizhu's leaving figure and asked in confusion.

"Husband, you will know when the concubine comes back, just wait a moment."

Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze, looked at his clothes in surprise, and started to walk to the beauty's dressing table and stopped.

Quietly looking at myself in the vanity mirror, Young Master Liu showed a trace of doubt in his eyes.

I have already dressed like this, don't I look like an ordinary scholar scholar?
Just as Young Master Liu was staring at himself in the mirror and muttering to himself, Xue Bizhu's soft voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Husband, my concubine is back."

"Hey, my husband knows."

First Young Master Liu responded, and looked towards the beautiful woman, seeing the tray in her hand, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Bi Zhu, what is this?"

Xue Bizhu put the tray on the table, and pulled Young Master Liu's sleeve with a smile.

"Husband, you will know if you look for yourself."

First Young Master Liu walked up to Xue Bizhu's side, looked down at the earthen pots on the tray, and couldn't help but feel weird.

"Bizhu, look at the contents of this earthen jar for my husband, why do they look so muddy?"

Xue Bizhu heard her husband's uncertain tone, and held one of the earthen jars in her hand with a slight upturn of her mouth.

"Husband, you are not mistaken, what is contained in the earthen jar is clay."

Young Master Liu frowned, pinched some soil with his fingers and rubbed it a few times on his fingertips.

"Bizhu, you didn't plan to get this dirt on Weifu's face or body, did you?"

Seeing her husband's surprised face, Xue Bizhu narrowed her beautiful eyes, and nodded a few times without hesitation.

"Husband really has sharp eyesight, and he guessed my concubine's plan in no time."

Hearing the beautiful woman's reply, First Young Master Liu's face froze slightly, and he looked hesitantly at the earthen pot in her hand.

"No, you really plan to do this with Bizhu."

Xue Bizhu put the crock on the table, reached out and grabbed a handful of soil, and kneaded it gently a few times in the palm of his hand.


"Huh? Bizhu, what do you think?"

"Husband, I don't want to treat you like this.

But don't forget who you are.

Living in a high position for a long time, he is not angry and prestige.

This sentence, you used to say it to my concubine sisters!

The majestic aura that you exude intentionally or unintentionally can't be changed just by putting on a piece of ordinary clothes.

Husband, if you just walked into the backyard like this, it would only be based on your temperament and the aura of not being angry and self-imposing.

Having seen some people in the world a little bit, you can tell from this point that you, my husband, are by no means ordinary people.

This point, husband, you should know. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and nodded, looking down at my soil in the beauty's hand, he already understood the beauty's intention.

"Indeed, Bi Zhu, you are right."

"Husband, you need to know that not all the people living in the backyard are ordinary people.

Some of them were former court officials!

Although those officials were temporarily removed from their posts because they were imprisoned unjustly, their eyesight is still there.

Husband, if you just go in like this, those people may have some unnecessary misunderstandings without knowing your real identity.

As for what kind of misunderstanding it will be, husband, you also know it in your heart, so I will stop talking about it.

In this way, husband, do you think you can still hear the sincere words from the heart of those people?

Forget about hearing what you really want to hear.

It is even possible that those people dare not even speak.

In this way, husband, how can you find out what the people really think? "

Seeing the serious expression on Jiaren's pretty face, Young Master Liu stretched out his hand to hold the earthen pot in his hand.

"My lady, you are right.

However, it seems impossible to make Weifu look like an ordinary person just by using some soil, right?

After all, staying in a high position for a long time, not being angry and arrogant, this sentence is more than just talking. "

Hearing her husband's question, Xue Bizhu nodded without hesitation: "Of course, I don't have the ability to help my husband completely change his appearance.

Being a concubine is just to help you tidy up your clothes, and for other situations, it depends on you, your husband. "

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, turned around, walked to the dressing table next to him and sat down.

"Come on, I have more than 100 catties for my husband, and I will leave it all to you, my wife."

Xue Bizhu walked to her husband's side with a slight smile, rubbed the dirt in her hands, and gently rubbed tea on Young Master Liu's robe.

"Husband, after I tidy up your body, you are no longer the king of a country, but a down-and-out scholar who has tried and failed.

You have to remember your identity, so that you can integrate into the people in the backyard as soon as possible, and hear what you want from them. "

Hearing the beautiful lady's words, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly and fell silent.

"Okay, my husband understands.

As a husband, I am now a down-and-out scholar who has tried and failed. "

Xue Bizhu nodded with a chuckle, stretched out his hand to grab a handful of dirt, and continued to gently pat Young Master Liu's body.

After about a cup of tea, Xue Bizhu put down her slender hands that were tugging at her husband's hair, with a hint of satisfaction in her beautiful eyes.

"Husband, my concubine has packed up for you."

Young Master Liu raised his head and glanced at the beautiful woman behind him, then silently looked at himself in the vanity mirror.

At this moment, he finally realized that there was something wrong with his previous appearance.

Although my previous self was wearing an ordinary scholar's robe, my aura was too lofty.

Also, I have been with those high-ranking civil and military officials above the court for too long.

In a short period of time, it is really difficult for me to change all of a sudden.

First Young Master Liu took a few deep breaths, stood up and stretched.

"Bizhu, go ahead and do your work, I'm going to the backyard for my husband."

Xue Bizhu looked at her husband's sighing expression, and gave a blessing with a smile.

"Hey, I already know."

"Let's go downstairs together."

"My husband, please."


"Hey, husband?"

"Where did you put all the books my husband read when he was doing fortune-telling outside?"

"Husband, the books you read are all placed under the counter where the concubine settles accounts."

"Okay, okay, I'll fetch a copy for my husband later."

Xue Bizhu seemed to understand her husband's thoughts, and nodded with a smile.

"Okay, let's get it for you after we go down."

After the couple came to the first floor, Xue Bizhu walked lightly into the counter, leaned over and randomly pulled out a copy of "Mencius" from under the counter and handed it to Young Master Liu.

"Husband, is Mencius acceptable?"

Liu Mingzhi took the book from the beauty's hand, smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I'll go to the backyard first for my husband."

"Okay, let's go."

First Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief, and walked towards the backyard of the restaurant with a calm expression.

After passing through the curtain leading to the backyard, Liu Mingzhi looked at the situation in the backyard calmly, then walked towards the gazebo in the southeast corner with his head lowered.

First Young Master Liu walked to the steps of the gazebo, sat down on the floor, and opened the book in his hand with a sad face.

With the arrival of First Young Master Liu, the murmuring discussions in the backyard stopped abruptly.

More than 100 people, including men, women and children, subconsciously set their eyes on Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi noticed the gazes of the crowd, glanced nervously at the group of people around him, and leaned on the steps behind him with erratic eyes.

"Everyone, everyone, I am polite.

The next one is the quilt, who was arranged by shopkeeper Xue. "

Hearing First Young Master Liu's explanation, the expressions on the faces of the surrounding group of people immediately eased.

On Young Master Liu's left, a man in his thirties put his hands on the ground and slowly moved to Young Master Liu's side.

"Brother, do you have any grievances?"

Seeing the curious look on the face of the man in front of him, Liu Mingzhi immediately became nervous.

"My brother, I don't know what you're talking about.

I... I read the book first. "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he looked directly at the book in his hand regardless of the reaction of the man in front of him.

The man saw Young Master Liu's tense expression, as if he didn't dare to say more, shook his head, sighed, and returned to his original position.

"Brother Zhuzi, what's the situation with that big scholar?"

"Hey, I guess it's another poor man who has suffered an injustice!"

"Huh, I didn't expect that even scholars would end up like this."

Young Master Liu pretended not to hear the whispers of the few people, and looked at the books in his hand with a calm expression.

"Uncle Luo, there's another poor man over there, and I don't know which state's scholar he is from."

"Stinky boy, don't talk nonsense."

"Uncle Luo, do you think we can really avenge our wrongdoing this time?"

"Uncle Luo, I also want to ask the same question as Brother Shunzi, can we really get justice this time?

What if the officials in the capital, like Lord Sima and the county magistrate in our mansion, protect each other? "

"Uncle Luo, I'm also worried about this situation.

We have all lived in shopkeeper Xue's restaurant for more than ten days, but there is no movement at all.

The high officials in the capital city either come to us to record statements, or to ask us about the situation.

Leaving us here all the time, regardless of asking, made the kid have no idea at all.

In case there is another situation where officials protect each other, we will die here in the capital, but there will not even be a body collector.

If my old lady knew about this situation, she wouldn't be able to..."

The man who spoke last, his voice choked up as he spoke.

"You bastards, shut up for me.

Have you all forgotten what Mr. Muramasa told us before we were brought to the capital by the imperial guards?

The officials who came down to investigate our case this time are not those high officials in the imperial court.

It's our current royal prince and princess.

What are the identities of His Highness the Prince and His Highness the Princess? They are the biological children of our Emperor!
There are these two nobles who uphold justice for us young and old, and we have to listen to these two when we care about high and small officials. "

"Uncle Luo, that's what you say, but who knows if it's true or not?

It's been more than ten days, and no official has come to ask us what's going on. I don't have a clue in my heart. "

"Oh, just keep waiting.

As long as we can clear our grievances and give us our innocence.

Not to mention waiting for more than ten days, even two or three months, it is worth it.

Besides, since we moved into the restaurant, Shopkeeper Xue and Shopkeeper Huang, the sisters and sisters, have not taken us a single coin.

Not only did they not charge us for our accommodation, but they also took care of our three meals a day.

Great benevolent people like their sisters don't say anything to complain, so what else can we say. "

"Uncle Luo, I know what you said, but..."

"Xiwazi, shut up.

Let's not say anything now, let's listen to what those adults have to say before we rest at night. "

"Uncle Luo."

"You bastards, if you still recognize me as an uncle, then all of you are not allowed to complain anymore.

It's time to chat and talk less about those complaining words. "

"Yes, yes, can't we listen to you?"

Young Master Liu glanced lightly at the seven or eight people under the eaves in front of him, and silently turned a page of the book in his hand.

Putting the book on his knees, First Young Master Liu hesitated for a moment, then took out the pipe from his waist.

After a while, Young Master Liu had just exhaled light smoke from his mouth, when seventeen or eight people approached Young Master Liu.

"My brother, in order not to cause trouble for shopkeeper Xue, the old brother has been on hiatus for five or six days.

The old brother has the cheek to lend you some shredded tobacco, and I will return it to you when I have a chance in the future, okay? "

"Brother, brother, I've been thinking about this for a few days, you see?"

"Brother, when I recover my innocence, brother, I will double.

No no no, I'll give you some good tobacco five times over. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at the people in front of him. Seeing the look of longing in their eyes, he directly picked up the cigarette bag and poured all the shredded tobacco into his palm.

"The same people who have fallen in the end of the world, why meet each other before.

Brothers, brothers, please. "

"My brother, thank you very much."

"My brother, thank you so much, I will definitely pay you back in the future."

"Brother, thank you very much, I will say the same thing as before.

If I am lucky enough not to die this time, I will definitely return it to you twice as much. "

"You're welcome, you're welcome, everyone, young and old, come here."

The group of people in front of Young Master Liu, although they were all swallowing their saliva, none of them stepped forward to snatch him away, but pinched a pinch of shredded tobacco in his palm in an orderly manner.

After a while, waves of smog filled the surroundings of the gazebo.

"Brother, you are a good person, just as good as Shopkeeper Xue and Shopkeeper Huang."

The young Chinese character who was the first to miss coming to say hello to Young Master Liu took a deep puff of tobacco, and nodded cheerfully to Young Master Liu.

"Brother, my name is Zhuzi, from Sujia Village, Hexian County, Lingzhou.

Dare to ask big brother, your name is your name. "

(End of this chapter)

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