Chapter 3039 Who dares?
Young Master Liu looked at Zhu Zhu with a simple and honest face in front of him, smiled lightly and let out light smoke from his mouth.

"I don't respect my name, my brother, if you don't mind, just call me third brother."

"Okay, then the little brother will call you third brother from now on."

"Okay, brother, just look at the title."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, holding a pipe with a curl of smoke in his hand, and looked down at the book in his hand again.

The group of people who were sitting around First Young Master Liu, who were puffing away, immediately suppressed their voices when they saw him like this, and retreated towards their original positions at the same time.

Although Young Master Liu didn't raise his head, he clearly felt the movement of a group of people.

He took a puff of tobacco lightly, and turned over a page of the book in his hand with a calm expression.

Young Master Liu seemed to be concentrating on the book of sages in the hands of the reader, but in fact he was always paying attention to the people around him.

"Brother Yang, what do you think about that scholar?"

"It's hard to say, judging from his appearance, he should be just a down-and-out scholar who has tried and failed."

"Brother Yang, this old man has a different opinion."

"Oh? This old man would like to give a high opinion to Brother Zheng."

"Brother Yang, although this person looks like a down-and-out scholar, his style of doing things is completely different from that of a down-and-out scholar.

Not to mention anything else, just say that his behavior of distributing those shredded tobacco indifferently just now is not the behavior style that ordinary scholars can have.

Let alone just a down-and-out scholar who has tried and failed.

Shredded tobacco is really not a good thing.

But let's not forget what kind of situation we are in now.

In order not to cause trouble for Shopkeeper Xue and Shopkeeper Huang, or because he didn't want to leave any excuses for some caring people.

Many people who are used to smoking dry tobacco would rather endure it than go out to buy shredded tobacco.

Brother Yang, we are all dry tobacco smokers, we should know how tormenting the days when the shreds of tobacco are cut off, right?

But this person is different, he doesn't seem to care about the shredded tobacco at all, and distributes it to others without caring
Think about it for yourself, under what circumstances can he distribute those shredded tobacco to others without caring? "

"This...of course he can go out and buy shredded tobacco at any time."

"Brother Zhang, under what circumstances can he go out and buy shredded tobacco anytime and anywhere?"

"That goes without saying. Of course, I am not afraid of causing trouble to the two sisters, Shopkeeper Xue and Shopkeeper Huang, and I am not worried that people who are interested will make a big fuss about it."

"Colleagues, should I let the old man say the rest?"

"Brother Zheng, do you mean that this person is one of those bastards?"

"Impossible, right? The day we entered Beijing together, those dogs were escorted by the imperial guards and sent to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

They are in prison, how could they arrange for people to come to our place to spy on the situation? "

"Brother Zheng, Brother Yang is right, the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice is Zhao Prison!

Although it is not as strict as the sky prison, it is not a place where many people can intervene.

No matter how deep those people's backgrounds are, they would not dare to extend their hands to places like Zhao Prison at will. "

"Brother Fang is right. In a place like Zhao Prison, even if the adults of the Sanju Division want to have a trial, they have to report it to the cabinet first, and then submit it to His Majesty for approval before proceeding."

"The old man seconded, brothers, don't forget the news we heard from the old man Luo a few nights ago.

The two imperial envoys who came down this time to review the matter of Qiu Hou's beheading list are the two royal highnesses of our dynasty, the prince and princess.

Although we don't know, which prince and princess are the two of them.

However, as long as those two imperial envoys are really His Royal Highness Prince and Princess Highness, it means that our grievances have reached the point where Heaven can hear them.

His Majesty personally investigated our grievances, what else should we worry about? "

"Brother Yang, that's what you said, but who can guarantee whether this matter is true or not?
Those two imperial envoys are about His Highness the Prince and His Highness the Princess, and we just heard about it by chance from the old man Luo.

Who can prove that what the old man Luo said is true? "

"Oh, that's true. After all, it's just hearsay."

"Brother Yang, your Hezhou is the first place where one of the imperial envoys reviewed the case.

After the review of your case, did the imperial envoy who reviewed the case in your state capital ever reveal his true identity to you? "


"Brother Zhang, where are you?"

"To put it bluntly, in the lobby of Yuezhou Governor's Yamen, the imperial envoy didn't ask anything other than some questions related to the case.

From the first meeting to the rush to the capital, the old man and the imperial envoy exchanged words in private, and I can count the number of times on my fingers.

How could the imperial envoy reveal his true identity to the old man without even talking a few times? "

"That is to say, apart from the old man Luo from Pingzhou, none of us has heard of the real identities of the two imperial envoys?"

"The old man has never heard of it."

"Several brothers, my younger brother has never heard of it."

"Brother Zheng, what chance do you have of winning the guess you just made?"

"Hard to say?"

"Are you not sure either?"

"Colleagues, the old man just meant that the scholar's status may be unusual.

It's just that he may be unusual, and it's not accurate to say that he must be those bastards.

He might really just think that he is a down-and-out scholar.

The old man said those words just now, just to remind his colleagues.

No matter what his identity is, when we deal with tone, we must pay attention to our wording.

Of course, if he doesn't come to deal with us, we'll just pretend nothing happened and do whatever we want.

Before the case is truly vindicated, we are still guilty.

For the sake of family life, wife and children, you and I have to be more careful! "

"Brother Zheng is right."

"Brother Zheng is right, no matter what kind of status that scholar is, if he comes to deal with us, we must pay attention to our words and deeds.

It's not important to tell the truth, because I'm afraid that someone with a heart will make a fuss out of our words! "

"Brother Yang, Brother Zheng, why don't we take the initiative to deal with them?

If he is really just a down-and-out scholar, we don't have to be so worried. "

"No, it's not necessarily a good thing for us to rush to deal with people who have never met before.

After all, we are now wearing the body of guilt.

Under such circumstances, if the words between us are a little careless, our lives may be in danger! "

"Yes, yes, the most correct choice for us now is to honestly wait for the imperial court to avenge our grievances."

"That's right, little brother seconded."

"Oh, I hope that what that old brother Luo said is true, the two imperial envoys are really our royal highness the prince and princess.

In this way, we can really sit back and relax. "

"I hope so."

"My emperor is holy, let's avenge the grievances of my ministers and others as soon as possible."

Liu Mingzhi listened to the murmurs of the people in the gazebo, glanced calmly at the group of people in the backyard, and casually knocked out the ashes from the smoking pot on the soles of his shoes.

Silently pinning the pipe on his waist, Young Master Liu closed the book in his hand, leaned on the steps of the gazebo, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Brother Leizi, do you have anything to eat? I'm a little hungry."

"There are still two steamed buns, you put one first..."

First Young Master Liu listened to those whispers in his ear, and his mind turned to filter out the content that was useful to him.

Especially when he heard the topics related to those dossiers, First Young Master Liu paid extra attention.

When the sun was slanting westward, there was a burst of shouting in the backyard.

"Guests, it's getting late, it's time for lunch.

The business in the store is relatively busy today, so you have been waiting for a long time. "

"It's okay, it's okay, thank you two shopkeepers."

"Second Brother, I'm sorry for your trouble."

Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes slightly, and quietly looked at the more than 100 people who spontaneously lined up not far away, walking slowly towards a dozen or so second brothers, and let out a long breath with his brows slightly condensed.

After observing the surrounding situation sideways, and making sure that no one was paying attention to him, First Young Master Liu got up and left the backyard of the restaurant.

As soon as First Young Master Liu walked into the lobby, Xue Bizhu and Huang Lingyi hurried up to greet her.



First Young Master Liu glanced at the few dozen guests left in the restaurant, and gave Xue Bizhu and sisters a wink with a light smile.

"Bizhu, Lingyi, let's go upstairs and talk."

"Hey, I understand now."

"Husband, sister, please."

As soon as Young Master Liu walked into the boudoir where the sisters were resting temporarily, he stretched lazily.

"Huh, Lingyi, quickly pour me a cup of herbal tea for my husband."

"Okay, I know."

Huang Lingyi responded with a sweet voice, and quickly walked towards the table in the main hall.

Young Master Liu had just sat down on the chair when Huang Lingyi handed him the poured herbal tea.

"Husband, cold tea."

Xue Bizhu sat gracefully on the chair next to her, looking straight at her husband who was gulping down tea, with a trace of curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

"Husband, how is it? Have you heard any useful news?"

Young Master Liu nodded with a light smile, and handed the teacup to the beauty standing aside.

"Lingyi, bring me another cup for my husband."

"Hey, this concubine will pour you tea."

First Young Master Liu casually threw the book in his hand on the table, and raised his hand to signal Xue Bizhu.

"Bizhu, where is my carved jade fan for your husband?"

Seeing her husband's movements, Xue Bizhu immediately took out Young Master Liu's folding fan from his cuff and handed it over.

"Husband, here you are."

"Husband, cold tea."

Young Master Liu took the herbal tea from the beauty, shook the folding fan in his hand vigorously, and drank a big mouthful of tea while nodding his head.

"Huh, it can be regarded as quenching your thirst."

"Husband, drink slowly, I will pour you another glass if there is not enough."

"No need, I'm almost done drinking for my husband, Lingyi, sit down too."

"Hey, my concubine sits here."

Xue Bizhu looked at Young Master Liu who put down his teacup, his beautiful eyes still showed strong curiosity.

"Husband, have you heard any useful news?"

Young Master Liu saw the curiosity in the beauty's beautiful eyes, smiled and nodded.


"Huh? What do you mean it's okay?"

"Bizhu, my husband has just heard some things, and they haven't been confirmed yet.

Therefore, I dare not make a judgment as a husband for a while.

As a husband, I have to think carefully about a lawsuit involving human life. "

"Okay, the concubine knows, then after the common people have finished their lunch, husband, will you continue to go to the backyard?"

Young Master Liu silently shook his head, picked up a piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth.

"not going."

"Huh? Don't go now?

Husband, it's only been about half a day, how many useful things can you hear! "

Seeing the surprised expression of the beautiful woman, Young Master Liu swallowed the pastry in his mouth, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Bi Zhu."


"Some things, just listen to them.

If you listen too much, it will affect your husband's thinking. "

"It's… okay."

Seeing the strange expression on the beauty's face, First Young Master Liu picked up his teacup and drank it down in one gulp, got up and walked out of the room.

"Bizhu, Lingyi, I'm going to the palace first for my husband."

"Husband, what about the people in the backyard?"

“You don’t have to do anything special, it’s just the same as before.

Having said that, I will go for a kilometer first for my husband. "

"Yes, sisters who are concubines send off their husbands respectfully."

Young Master Liu left Penglai Restaurant and headed straight for the palace.

"My minister Yang Sen sees His Majesty, long live my emperor."

"My Majesty in an instant, long live long live long live long live."

"You'll be excused."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Yang Sen, Liu Song and King Wuyi should have told you what happened when I entered the palace this time."

"Return to Your Majesty, the minister already knows."

"Well, as long as you know, what about King Wuyi and Song Qing?"

"Return to Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Wu Yi and Director Liu are waiting for you on the palace tower."

"Okay, continue to be on duty."

"Your Majesty, I respectfully send you off as ordered."

"We send you off to Your Majesty."

After Young Master Liu walked into the palace gate, he gently flapped the carved jade fan in his hand, and walked towards the palace gate in a leisurely manner.

"Brother, little brother is here."

As soon as Young Master Liu's words fell, Song Qing and Liu Song hurriedly greeted him and bowed.

The people following the two of them, as well as Liu Chengzhi, his brothers and sisters, and others.

"Chen Song Qing, see Your Majesty."

"See the young master for the little ones."

"Both of you, be free."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Master."

"Baby Liu Chengzhi."

"Liu Yaoyao."

"Liu Luoyue."

"Liu Chengqian."

"See Royal Father, Royal Father Wanan."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Father."

"Chengzhi, Yaoyao, Yueer, Chenggan, why are you brothers and sisters here?"

Little cutie and his brothers and sisters looked at each other, Qiqi set their eyes on Song Qing.



Young Master Liu's expression froze for a moment, and he followed the eyes of his sons and daughters to look at Song Qing who was standing in front left.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Why did you call Cheng Zhi and Yue'er and their brothers and sisters over?"

Song Qing felt Young Master Liu's puzzled eyes and rubbed the tip of his nose erratically.

"His Majesty."

"Brother, is there any outsider here, just call Third Brother."

Song Qing nodded quickly, turned his head and pouted at the shackles in the corner.

"Third brother, I don't want to send someone to call Chengzhi and Yaoyao over.


"Huh? But what?"

Song Qing pointed to the shackles in the corner of the wall, and smiled bitterly.

"Third brother, apart from their brothers and sisters, who would dare to put this on for you!

Even if my brother eats the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard, he wouldn't dare! "

When Liu Song heard Song Qing's words, he immediately bowed and saluted.

"Master, even the younger ones don't dare."

(End of this chapter)

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