My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3040 is not listed here

Chapter 3040 is not listed here
As soon as Song Qing and Liu Song's words fell, the faces of Liu Chengzhi and his brothers and sisters instantly became stiff.

Liu Chengzhi and his brothers and sisters first followed the direction of Song Qing's fingers with stiff faces, turned their heads and glanced at the set of shackles in the corner, and then looked at Song Qing with twitching corners of their mouths.

When Young Master Liu didn't come, they were a little curious before. Uncle Song and Uncle Song sent someone to call their brothers and sisters over for what they were doing.
No wonder just now when I waited for someone and asked them what they were looking for with their brothers and sisters, the two of them hesitated and couldn't speak!

Now that I heard what the two of them said, I finally understood what was going on.

Good guy, these are really two big pitfalls.

What is that thing in the corner?Those are the shackles for prisoners!
You two don't dare to put that thing on our old man, why don't you dare to put it on him when you are with us?
That is our dear father!

How much courage must we brothers and sisters have?How courageous are you?Dare to put the shackles used by prisoners on your own father?

The four brothers and sisters Liu Chengzhi, Liu Yaoyao, Xiao Kei, and Liu Chengqian figured out what was going on, looked at each other silently, and glanced unkindly at Song and Qing.

"Oh, I'll go, Uncle, Uncle Song, you two should be one person."

"Uncle, Uncle Song, you two are too foolish."

As soon as the two brothers Liu Chengzhi complained, Liu Yaoyao, who had always been gentle and kind, also snorted with her beautiful eyes and anger.

"Hmph, Uncle, Uncle Song, you two are too bullying."

Compared to Song Qing, Liu Song and the others who complained endlessly about Liu Chengzhi and the three brothers, Xiao Kei didn't say anything dissatisfied.

Cutie looked at First Young Master Liu who was standing beside her, and then glanced at the shackles in the corner.

Instead of saying anything dissatisfied, there was a gleam of eagerness in her exquisite beautiful eyes.

Putting shackles on the stinky old man with his own hands.

Such an exciting thing can be described as quite challenging!

Gee tut.

Will the chain be put on first?Or go to the shackles first?
Song Qing and Liu Song pretended not to hear the complaints of Liu Chengzhi, Liu Yaoyao, and Liu Chenggan, and looked away again and again.

Or look up at the blue sky above your head, or look around at the dragon banners flying in the wind on the palace wall.

The two looked at the things that should be seen around them, except Liu Chengzhi and his brothers and sisters.

In short, one sentence.

You brothers and sisters can say whatever you want, anyway, neither of us heard anything.

Young Master Liu looked at the crowd with different expressions, and shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, okay, you guys don't complain to each other."

"Third brother."



"Daddy, Uncle and Uncle Song are clearly cheating us brothers and sisters."

Young Master Liu gently closed the Wanli Jiangshan Louyu Fan in his hand, raised his hand and tapped the cutie's shoulder with the fan bone.

"Stinky girl, go get the shackles."

The little cutie straightened her face, and looked at the stinky old man pretending to be embarrassed.

"Daddy, this is not good."

First Young Master Liu rolled his eyes angrily when he saw Xiaocuti's pretty face forced to put on a serious look.

"Smelly girl, it's almost enough.

It's a bit hypocritical to pretend anymore. "

The little cutie blinked her big and exquisite eyes immediately when she heard her father's annoyed nursing home.

"Good daddy, what are you talking about, what is Yue'er pretending to be?"

Young Master Liu looked at the little cutie who was still pretending, then turned to look at Liu Song, and pointed to the shackles in the corner.


"The little one is here."

"Go, get the shackles."

"Little obedience."

Liu Song hurriedly walked towards the corner, picked up the shackles in front of him and turned back.

"Master, the shackles are here."

First Young Master Liu reached out to take the shackles from Liu Song, weighed them in his hands, and nodded with satisfaction.


Liu Chengzhi's face froze, and he bowed bitterly to First Young Master Liu.

"Father, I really don't dare to put this thing on for you.

Either, or you'd better give me a meal. "

Seeing Er Zi's depressed face, First Young Master Liu directly threw the shackles in his hand.

"I didn't ask you to put it on for my father, take it first."

Liu Chengzhi's face brightened, and he accepted the shackles thrown by his father without hesitation.

"Yes, yes, my child obeys."

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the sky, then glanced at Liu Song with a slight frown.

"Liu Song, have you prepared all the other things my young master asked you to prepare?"

Hearing the young master's question, Liu Song immediately nodded without hesitation: "Back to young master, everything you ordered me to prepare is already ready.

The servants of those big internal guards had all been placed on the tower half an hour ago. "

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, and raised his eyes to look at Xiao Keai.



"Smelly girl, go to the city tower and change into the clothes of the Ouchi guards."

"What? What are you doing changing the Ouchi guard's clothes?"

"Let you go."

"Okay, Yue'er knows."


"The child is here."

"After Yue'er comes down, you also go up and change into the clothes prepared for you."

With the cute example first, Liu Chengzhi nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, my child obeys."

After a while, when the little cutie came down from the palace tower wearing the costume of a big internal guard and holding a Yanling knife, Liu Chengzhi immediately went up to the palace tower.

Cutie glanced at the figure of the second elder brother Liu Chengzhi, frowned slightly, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a puzzled expression.

"Smelly old man, you have prepared the shackles again, and let Yue'er and the second brother change into the costumes of Ouchi guards. What do you want to do?"

"Wait for your second brother to come down, let's talk."
The cute little girl nodded her head sadly, and skillfully fastened the Yanling knife to the jade belt around her waist.

First Young Master Liu shifted his gaze to Song Qing's body, and casually took off the cigarette bag at his waist, and hooked his fingers while looking at the cigarette bag at Song Qing's waist.

"Brother, my younger brother is out of shredded tobacco. Bring some of your high-quality shredded tobacco to my younger brother."

Song Qing immediately untied the tobacco pouch around his waist, tore open the pouch, squeezed out a pinch of shredded tobacco from the inside, and stuffed it into the smoking pot in Young Master Liu's hand.

After Young Master Liu lit the shredded tobacco, Song Qing packed another pot of shredded tobacco for himself, and leaned over it.

The two brothers took a few puffs of smoke, and Young Master Liu said softly, "Brother, have you memorized the words that my younger brother asked Liu Song to tell you?"

"Third brother, don't worry, as a brother, I will definitely cooperate with you."

Song Qing smiled and responded to Young Master Liu, and directly handed his cigarette pouch to Liu Song.

"Brother Liu Song, come here."

Liu Song nodded cheerfully, and pulled out his pipe.

"Come on, let's have some."

Just as Liu Song ignited shredded tobacco from Song Qing's tobacco pot, Liu Chengzhi walked down from the palace tower.

"Father, the child has come down."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, holding the pipe in his hand, he took the lead to walk down the palace wall.

"Go straight to the prison of the Criminal Ministry."

Little cutie and the others looked at each other, and immediately set off to follow.

After about half a stick of incense, Young Master Liu and his group rushed to the outside of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

"Chengzhi, Yue'er."

"The child is here."

"Don't look at what my husband told you just now."

"Yes, the child knows."

"Stinky old man, don't worry, I guarantee that there will be no mistakes."

Young Master Liu and his party had not yet reached the prison door when the guards on the left and right surrounded them directly.

"Punishment Prison, whoever comes..."

The guard had just finished speaking halfway, when he saw Liu Yaoyao, Liu Chengqian and his siblings following Young Master Liu at a glance.

"I'll wait to see His Highness the Third Prince, His Highness the Third Princess, thousands of years old."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"The cell door is open."

"Honestly obey orders."

"Father, uncle, please."

Several guards had just opened the cell door, and when they heard Liu Chengqian address Young Master Liu, their bodies trembled suddenly, and they hurriedly knelt down on one knee and made a big salute.

"We see Your Majesty, long live my emperor."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Continue to be on duty."

"We will obey."

After Liu Dashao walked into Zhao Prison at a fast pace, he slightly turned his head to look at Liu Chengqian who was following him.

"Cheng Qian, where are those people locked up?"

"Returning to father, the child is not very clear.

Hai'er and Sister Yaoyao returned to our house after handing over the prisoners to the Ministry of Punishment. "

First Young Master Liu nodded lightly: "Yes, yes, my father forgot about it."

Afterwards, First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at Song Qing.

"Big brother."

"The minister is here."

"Those people are locked up there, you know?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, those criminal officials are now concentrated in the cells of the B-brand."

"That's good, by the way, are Mrs. Xia and Xiao Chengzi here?"

"Your Majesty, when Chen and Brother Liu Song were waiting for you above the palace tower, Mrs. Xia and the others had already set off and rushed over.

The two of them should be waiting for us at the resting place of the yamen servants. "

First Young Master Liu nodded calmly, then set off directly to the depths of Zhao Prison.

"Let's go first."

"Your Majesty, please."

When Young Master Liu and his group walked outside the B-brand prison, Xia Gongming, the Chief Assistant of the Cabinet, Xiao Chengzi, the Chief of Internal Affairs, and Ye Kaiyan, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, were sitting on the bench chatting and laughing. Immediately got up and greeted him.

"Veteran Xia Gongming, see Your Majesty."

"Old minister Ye Kaiyan, see Your Majesty."

"The old slave sees His Majesty, long live Your Majesty."

First Young Master Liu casually raised his eyes, and scanned dozens of cells in the distance for a week with deep eyes.

"It's all free."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Father, uncle, please sit down and rest for a while."

Liu Mingzhi looked away, walked to the table and sat down on the bench.

"You all sit down too."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Father."

Liu Song stood obediently behind Young Master Liu, and poured a cup of herbal tea for everyone one after another with a pot.

"Master, drink tea."


Young Master Liu picked up the herbal tea and sipped it, then raised his eyes to look at Ye Kaiyan, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, who was sitting beside him.

"Department of punishment."

"His Majesty?"

"Have the remaining 12 people confessed and taken into custody?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, among the twelve chief culprits, two have confessed.

The remaining ten principal criminals, no matter how interrogated, still refused to plead guilty. "

First Young Master Liu glanced at Ye Kaiyan's nervous expression, and fiddled with the tea lid in his hand thoughtfully.

"Has a severe punishment been used?"

Ye Kaiyan hurriedly shook his head: "Return to Your Majesty, without your oral order, I dare not order the servants to use severe punishment on them."

"What about the two people who confessed?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, these two people are Ningzhou Biejia and the county magistrate of Hu County under the jurisdiction of Ningzhou.

After the two of them were imprisoned, they were frightened by the old minister with words, and they confessed everything. "

Young Master Liu put down the teacup in his hand, and gently chewed the tea in his mouth.

"North Korea and China have their backing."

"Returning to Your Majesty, after repeated interrogation by the veterans, there is no support for them in the court."

First Young Master Liu swallowed the tea in his mouth and let out a soft breath.

"I see, you should go back to the Office of the Ministry of Punishment to deal with the official affairs in hand."

"The old minister obeys, and the old minister retires."


"The old minister retire."

After Ye Kaiyan left, First Young Master Liu raised his arms and twisted his body a few times.


"The little one is here."

"Where is the mahjong that I asked you to prepare in advance?"

"Master, it's all in the baggage."

First Young Master Liu picked up the tea and took a sip, then nodded to the table as a gesture.

"Put it on."

"Little obedience."

Liu Song immediately put the bundle in his hand on the table, untied the bundle and pulled it lightly, a set of mahjong dumped on the table.

"King Wuyi, Lord Xia."

"The minister is here."

"It will be."

"Your Majesty, your skills are not bad."

"Your Majesty, in my spare time, I also dabble in one or two things."

"Okay, sit down then."

"My minister obeys."

"Your Majesty, the old minister is being rude."

Young Master Liu skillfully held the reins in his hand, raised his head and glanced at Liu Chengzhi and his brothers and sisters.

"Chengzhi, Yaoyao, Yue'er, Chenggan, how many of you brothers and sisters will join us?"

Liu Chengzhi and the others looked at each other, and the cutie took off the Yanling knife from her waist, and sat down on the bench carelessly.

"Stinky old man, Yue'er is here to help."

Young Master Liu nodded with a smile, and raised his eyes to look at Xia Gongming who was opposite him.

"My lord, start with a tael of silver, and then you are not allowed to renege on your debts."

Xia Gongming's body shook, and he looked at First Young Master Liu with a sad face.

"Your Majesty, please don't.

Veteran, I only have such a small salary a year, one tael of silver is too much.

Or it's better to play ten pennies a game, and the old minister can't afford to lose if there are more. "

"My lord, I have given you a lot of salary over the years!"

Xia Gongming sighed softly, and nodded with pain on his face.

"It's worth it, one tael of silver is one tael of silver, old minister, I will give up my salary to accompany Your Majesty."

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, and waved to Xiao Chengzi who was standing beside him.

"Xiao Chengzi."

"The old slave is here."

"Go and make an order with them."

"The old slave complies."

"Brother, you are Dongmen, let's play dice."


"Up card, up card."

"West wind."


"Restricted by the Dragon Emperor."

You and other criminal officials, deceived the superiors and concealed the truth, corrupted the law with corruption, and caused...


Tomorrow at [-]:[-] noon, he will be cut with a knife.

This is it.

"Your Majesty, can the contents of the imperial decree calm them down?"

"One life, one autumn of grass and trees.

In the face of death, how many people can keep calm?

Especially those bastards like them are not included in this list.

As long as they are afraid, the rest will be easy to handle. "

(End of this chapter)

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