Chapter 3043

as predicted.

Just as Young Master Liu was taking a sip of his wine and feasting on his meat, the people in the cell would sneak a sneaky look at him from time to time.

A group of people peeked at Young Master Liu who was feasting.

Some people subconsciously swallowed their saliva, and some people's eyes flashed with thought.

Compared to those who silently swallowed their saliva, those who were thinking secretly had a strong desire to survive in the depths of their eyes.

These people were either twisting the hay in their hands, or tugging at their cuffs, all with erratic eyes thinking about something secretly.

First Major Liu threw the remaining half of the roasted lamb leg on the tray, picked up the wine glass and drank it straight up.

"Hi, it's comfortable! It's so fucking comfortable!"

Seeing that First Young Master Liu seemed to have had enough to eat and drink, some people's eyes suddenly flashed a look of excitement.

Seeing the flickering look in his eyes, they seemed to want to go over and make friends with Young Master Liu.

It's just that they seem to be just a little emotional, and they don't seem to have made up their minds completely.

For a while, the atmosphere in the cell gradually became more subtle.

First Young Master Liu casually grabbed a handful of weeds, wiped off the oil on his hands, and then gently pulled out the dry tobacco pouch pinned to his waist.

Bear with it, I'm not in a hurry anyway.

With the strength of his innate realm, he has already reached the point where he can see all directions and listen to all directions.

Although I didn't go to see them, I already knew every move of those people.

The smile in Young Master Liu's eyes flashed away, he lit the shredded tobacco with a torch, and lay on the straw mat with his head half sideways, puffing out the clouds with a contented expression.

Seeing that First Young Master Liu actually smoked the pipe leisurely and contentedly, the expressions of the group of people changed a little again.

In their hearts, the same thought popped up at the same time.

Could it be that this person is really not worried about what will happen to him?

Could it be that what he just told the cell boss was true?He is really the cousin of Qiansui, King Wuyi of the current dynasty.

Looking at Young Master Liu's unrestrained and carefree appearance, he thought about the situation where he would be taken to the execution ground tomorrow and be executed.

Some people's hearts suddenly felt a little sad.

Thinking of their completely different situations from First Young Master Liu, the desire to survive deep in the eyes of some people became even stronger.

No, I can't die.

I am now in my prime, and I have a great future ahead of me.

How could I just die like this?
Died like this, I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled!
Some people roared secretly in their hearts unwillingly, and the look in their eyes suddenly became fanatical.

The unwilling people looked at each other at the same time, and from each other's eyes, it seemed that they had understood each other's true thoughts.

However, still no one made a move.

It seems that they are all waiting.

Wait for a leader and take the lead in setting an example.

Young Master Liu gently exhaled the light smoke from his mouth, and through the smoke in front of him, his eyes swept over the group of people one by one.

Seeing the obviously agitated but hesitant expressions on their faces, they narrowed their eyes and glanced outside the prison door.

No rush, no rush.

The main event is coming soon.
When the shredded tobacco in Young Master Liu's smoking pot was about to burn out, footsteps sounded outside the cell again.

Compared with the footsteps not long ago, the footsteps this time seem to be a little noisier.

First Young Master Liu raised his brows, and secretly laughed from the bottom of his heart,
Here comes the main event.

In the eyes of First Young Master Liu and the group of people, a dozen jailers each carried a tray and walked towards the cell with a gloomy expression.

A jailer opened the cell door with a key, and the remaining guards walked into the cell one by one.

"let it go."


All the jailers put the trays in their hands on the ground, and all retreated to the side.

Everyone subconsciously looked at the tray on the ground, and saw that there were two meat and two vegetarian dishes and a jug of wine in the tray.

The jailer holding the key calmly glanced around the cell, and sighed with regret.

"Everyone, let's eat.

After eating and drinking enough, we can go on the road tomorrow.

Our brothers are also following orders, when you are on the road, don't resent us. "

As soon as the jailer's words fell, the faces of a group of prisoners suddenly panicked, and their bodies trembled.

They were all court officials in the past, so they naturally knew what this sumptuous meal meant.

Regardless of the reaction of the prisoners, the jailer turned around and looked at First Young Master Liu, and punched him cheerfully.

"Master Yang, have you eaten yet?
If you have eaten and drank enough, brothers, take the rest back home. "

First Young Master Liu exhaled a breath of smoke, and waved his hands casually.

"Take it away, take it away."

"Come on, Master Yang, you need to rest first."

"and many more."

"Master Yang, what other orders do you have?"

"I'll tell you to let go when I get back, and don't forget to ask him to carry the supper on my back for young master.

Regardless of whether the young master can eat it tonight, let's prepare it in advance. "

After Young Master Liu finished speaking, he took out a hundred-liang silver note from his cuff, and handed it to the jailer without hesitation.

"This is the tea money that my young master gave to you brothers. Please tell me something."

The jailer put the banknote into his cuff with a smile on his face, and punched First Young Master Liu cheerfully.

"Master Yang, you're welcome, brother, thank you Master Yang for the tea money."

"Thank you, Master Yang, for the tea money."

"Alright, go get busy."

"Master Yang, rest first."

The jailer beckoned and walked out of the cell first.

When the footsteps of the guards gradually faded away, First Young Master Liu pushed aside the weeds around him with his hands, revealing an open space, and knocked out the ashes in the smoke pot with his backhand.

First Young Master Liu rolled up the pipe and put it on his waist, and cheerfully waved to a group of prisoners with panic-stricken faces.

"Hehe, all you young and old, the jailer is able to prepare so much food and wine for you.

It seems that you are all people with heads and faces!

This young master was disrespectful in his dissolute words earlier. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, a group of distraught officials came to their senses in an instant.

After they came back to their senses, they all looked at Young Master Liu in unison.

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he immediately sat up cross-legged.

"Everyone, young and old, what do you mean? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Seeing the puzzled expression on Young Master Liu's face, a younger official in the southwest corner took a few deep breaths with trembling teeth.

"This...this Yang Ye, don't you know what this meal is called?"

Young Master Liu frowned slightly and scratched his head, looked at the young official and shook his head gently.

"Brother, Master Ben, I have lived for so many years, and today is the first time in my life that I have entered a place like a cell.

I really don't know much about the rules of the cell. "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he pulled out the carved jade fan from his waist.

He just threw away the folding fan, as if thinking of something, he suddenly raised his head and glanced at a group of officials in the cell.

"Wait, you guys won't tell Master Ben, what kind of meal is this meal?"

Young Master Liu's astonished expression made it impossible to see that he was acting at this time.

Seeing the astonished expression on Young Master Liu's face, a group of people looked at each other and sighed deeply.

"No, it's really that kind of food!"

Young Master Liu uttered a sharp curse, and immediately shrank towards the corner of the cell.

"Bad luck, really fucking bad luck.

This young master warns you, you should eat what you eat, and no one is allowed to approach this young master.

My young master still has a long life ahead, so I don't want to get the bad luck from you guys. "

As Young Master Liu was talking, he stretched out his right leg with a gloomy expression, and drew a long line vigorously on the weeds in front of him.

"If any of you dare to cross this long line, don't blame me for being rude to you.

Bad luck, really fucking bad luck. "

Everyone looked at First Young Master Liu's disgusted expression, and their expressions suddenly became even more frightened.

Their only hope now seemed to be gone.

"Yang...Master Yang."

"Master Yang, I don't know you very well, so you should get close to me."

Young Master Liu looked at the official who was talking to him diagonally, and responded cursingly.

The attitude of that dude is vividly displayed.

Just when the young official was about to say something, the sound of steady and powerful footsteps suddenly sounded outside the cell.

The footsteps were getting closer and clearer.

It wasn't until a burly figure wearing a four-claw dragon robe and holding a sword around his waist stopped outside the cell that the sound of footsteps disappeared.

Such a well-dressed person was undoubtedly Song Qing.

When Young Master Liu saw Song Qing standing outside the cell door, his expression immediately brightened.

He closed the carved jade fan and pinned it to his waist, and hurriedly got up and ran towards the cell door.

First Young Master Liu looked at Song Qing, grasping the cell door with excitement and shaking it vigorously.

"Cousin, cousin, you are finally here.

It's so dirty and messy, I don't want to stay in it for a quarter of an hour.

Hurry up and order those jailers to let me out immediately. "

Song Qing looked at Young Master Liu's excited expression, looked around for a while, and let out a heavy snort with a gloomy expression.

"Hmph, if you don't live up to your expectations, you know how to make trouble for me outside.

I made some minor mistakes in the past, so it's okay for my brother to take care of you.

However, you are an unlucky thing, and today I got into a life lawsuit for Lao Tzu.

Life lawsuit!
Such an important case, how can you let me take care of you. "

Hearing Song Qing's reprimand, Young Master Liu waved his hands generously.

"Cousin, don't blame me for what happened today, really don't blame me.

It was those bastard bastards who started first. I can't just stand still and let them punch and kick me.

I killed them, at best it was a momentary miss. "

Song Qing's face darkened, and he gave First Young Master Liu a hard look.

"Fart, you've already entered Zhao Prison, and you're still quibbling."

"Cousin, what my brother said is true, if you don't believe me, you can go to Tianxiang Tower and ask.

The old bustard and the girls in Tianxiang Tower can all testify for my younger brother.

Cousin, little brother really didn't want to kill them.

The blame is to blame the younger brother who drank a lot of wine at that time, the drunkenness surged up and down, and he didn't stop his fists all of a sudden.

That's why...that's why..."

Song Qing looked at Young Master Liu's aggrieved face, sighed helplessly, and took off the dry pipe from Bie's waist.

"How many people were killed?"

"Two... two."

Song Qing paused slightly when he lit the tobacco, and glared at First Young Master Liu with a frown.

"To be honest, how many people were killed?"


Song Qing took a strong puff of dry smoke, raised his hand and beat the prison door in front of him vigorously.

"Things that don't live up to expectations, you don't tell the truth anymore.

I don't care about it. "

Young Master Liu's body trembled, and he swallowed his saliva tremblingly.

"Cousin, don't, don't, younger brother, tell the truth, younger brother, tell the truth.

Killed, killed eight.

Cousin, this time I'm really telling the truth. "

Song Qing was shocked, and suddenly raised his voice.

"What? Eight lives?"

Young Master Liu looked at Song Qing's frowning, and hurriedly lowered his head.


Song Qing took a few deep breaths, and took a puff of tobacco with a gloomy expression.

"Things that don't live up to expectations, you are going to be angry to death as a brother!

Eight lives, why didn't you get killed by them directly! "

"Cousin, little brother knows that he is wrong.

You must help me this time, if you don't help me, my brother will die this time.

You are my younger brother's cousin, you can't just watch me being questioned by the court like this. "

Song Qing closed his eyes slightly, frowning and fell silent.

After a long time, Song Qing opened his eyes and sighed softly.

"Forget it, for the sake of my aunt, I will help you again as a brother."

"Thank you, cousin, thank you, cousin."


"But what? Cousin, just say it."

"Cousin, eight lives are no small matter after all.

It is not a small sum to settle things and manage relationships. "

"Cousin, don't worry, all the expenses are all the younger brother's own."

Song Qing nodded with a sigh, turned around and left with the dry pipe in his hand.

"You can wait in peace, I'll go back first."

"Cousin, when can I go out, little brother?"

"At midnight tonight, someone will come to see you in the dead of night.

When he asks you something, you just say what you want, and you are not allowed to hide a word. "

"Yes, yes, my brother understands."

Young Master Liu waved it, returned to the straw mat and sat down cross-legged, took out the carved jade fan at his waist and fanned it cheerfully.

"Young Master, I'm just saying, but I just accidentally killed a few people.

As my own cousin, how could he just watch me waiting to die here! "

First Young Master Liu muttered to himself, lay down on the straw mat calmly, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Under the eyes of all the prisoners who were struggling, time passed quietly.

As the sun set, the cell was completely dark.

After several jailers passed by, the oil lamps outside the cell flickered faintly.

At this time, First Young Master Liu had truly fallen asleep.

Under the extremely tormented waiting of a group of prisoners, the bright moonlight quietly entered the cell through the narrow window.

The moon is in the middle of the sky, and it is midnight in the middle of the night.

The sound of tapping lightly awakened Young Master Liu and a few prisoners who couldn't bear the drowsiness and fell asleep from their sleep.

Under the eyes of everyone, a man in a black cloak was standing quietly waiting outside the door.

"Young Master Yang."

"Huh? Who?"

"The one who helps you out of trouble."

Young Master Liu sat up abruptly, and hurriedly got up and walked towards the prison door.

"Under the poplar tree, I dare to ask your honorable name."

"Why, didn't King Wuyi Qiansui tell you the name of the old man?"

"Before my cousin left, he just told me to wait in peace."

"Since King Wuyi didn't say anything, it's inconvenient for me to reveal my identity.

The old man is only responsible for helping Mr. Yang solve his troubles, the rest is not important. "

"This this……"

"Why? Mr. Yang, what worries do you have?"

"Senior, what I say is disobedient, if you don't reveal your identity, how do I know if you are the person my cousin brought to help me solve my troubles.

It's about my wealth and life, so I have to be cautious! "

"Hehehe, Mr. Yang is cautious."

"It's a matter of life, and I hope the seniors will forgive me."

The cloaked man was silent for a moment, then sighed softly.

"Forget it, for King Wu Yi's sake, the old man will not hide anything.

but. "

"But what?"

"I hope that Mr. Yang can keep a secret after knowing my identity.

Otherwise, even if King Wu Yi intercedes, your life cannot be saved. "

Young Master Liu hurriedly nodded: "Senior, please don't worry, we will keep it a secret for a while.

After all, we are on the same boat. If I leaked your identity, doesn't that mean I'm calling myself out? "

"That's true."

The man in the cloak said softly, and raised his hand to remove the veil from his face.

"Old man, Xia Gongming."

"What? Xia...Xia Gongming?

You are the cabinet... Mr. Xia Gongming, the chief assistant of the cabinet? "

Young Master Liu shook his body, and looked at Xia Gongming with a smile on his face in astonishment.

The prisoners in the cell couldn't help being stunned when they heard what the two said.

After regaining consciousness, they looked at Xia Gongming who was standing outside the prison door.

"Gudu, are you really the chief minister of the cabinet, Mr. Xia Gongming?"

Xia Gongming frowned, and nodded with a faint smile.

"I think, no one in the capital dares to pretend to be an old man."

"Young Master Yang."

"Old Xia Ge?"

"Time is short, in order not to attract attention, I can't stay in Zhao Prison for a long time.

So, let's make a long story short. "

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xia Ge, you said."

"One life is worth 1000 taels of gold and 2 taels of silver. As long as Mr. Yang agrees, yours will be handled by the old man.

I don't know, what is Mr. Yang's intention? "

"No problem, no problem, as long as I can go out, it doesn't matter how much money I have."

"Then it's settled, the old man bids his farewell."

Xia Gongming put on the cloak, turned and left without hesitation.

"and many more."

"Mr. Yang, what else is there?"

"Old Xia Ge, when can I go out next time?"

"At noon tomorrow, Mr. Yang can go home for lunch."

"Thank you, Mr. Ge, thank you, Brother."

"See you."

After Xia Gongming's footsteps disappeared, a group of prisoners scrambled to surround Young Master Liu.

"Young Master Yang, no no no, Master Yang, Master Yang.

Sima Hu Tonghe in Lower Luzhou met Yang Ye. "

"Master Yang."

Young Master Liu raised his brows, and a slight smile rose from the corner of his mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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