My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3044 Really insidious

Chapter 3044 Really insidious

As I said to Song Qing not long ago.

Looking at the world, how many people can keep calm in the face of death!
Even if there are, they are only rare.

Young Master Liu sighed secretly in his heart, turned around directly, and stared at the group of people around him with vicious eyes.

"Go away, I don't care who you are!
All of you stay away from this young master, I don't want to be contaminated with the bad luck on your body. "

First Young Master Liu cursed viciously at a group of people, with an undisguised suspicion on his face.

Regarding Young Master Liu's disgusted expression, the group of people showed no dissatisfaction on their faces.

Not only on the face, but also in the heart,

Because it's the same for me.

Surrounded by a group of death row prisoners who are about to be taken to the execution ground, anyone will feel unlucky.

"Master Yang, don't, don't, don't!

Lv Changsheng, governor of Lower Lingzhou, has heard of Lord Yang's name for a long time, today..."

Young Master Liu didn't wait for the person in front of him to finish speaking, and directly squeezed out of the crowd.

"This old man, who you are and what your identity is, I'm not interested in this young master at all.

This young master doesn't care if you are the governor of Lingzhou or the governor of Lingzhou. "

Young Master Liu interrupted Lu Changsheng mercilessly, walked to his straw mat, and sat down cross-legged.

Seeing this, a group of people hurriedly gathered in front of First Young Master Liu again.

"Master Yang, next time..."

When Young Master Liu saw a group of people surrounding him again, an extremely impatient expression appeared on his face.

"Stop, stop, my young master has already said just now, who are you and what are your identities, I don't want to know at all, young master.

As for you, it's time to eat and sleep, and stop surrounding this young master.

It's late at night, and this young master is going to rest, so that's all I said. "

First Young Master Liu warned everyone, took out the pipe in his hand with a troubled expression, lit the shredded tobacco, lay down on the straw mat and smoked silently.

However, when Young Master Liu smoked half of the dry tobacco in his hand, none of the group of people around dispersed.

They all stood obediently in place, staring straight at Young Master Liu who was puffing.

First Young Master Liu looked at a group of people who were staring straight at him in silence. He fanned the smoke in front of his eyes helplessly, and sat up abruptly.

"No, you don't go to bed, what are you doing around this young master?

You have been staring at me so intently, how can I rest? "

A group of people looked at each other silently, but no one spoke first, and still stared at First Young Master Liu without moving.

Young Master Liu looked helplessly at the group of people in front of him, and patted his thigh vigorously.

"No, what exactly do you want to do?"

Lu Changsheng, governor of Lingzhou, breathed a sigh of relief, and saluted Young Master Liu with a respectful expression.

"Lv Changsheng, the governor of Lingzhou, begged Lord Yang to save my life."

"It's the same below."

"We implore Lord Yang to save the next life."

First Young Master Liu looked at the group of people who were saluting him in front of him, took a strong puff of tobacco, and rolled his eyes angrily.

"Nonsense, how can my young master save you?
You are all death row prisoners who are about to be taken to the execution ground. How capable is this young master to save you.

Who do you take this young master as?
The current emperor? "

"Master Yang, although you are not His Majesty the Emperor today, you are definitely the one in this treasured land in the capital."

Lu Changsheng spoke sincerely with compliments, and gave First Young Master Liu a thumbs up respectfully.

"That's right, that's right, my eyes were clumsy before, and I didn't know that the tiger was right in front of me.

If there is a disrespect, I hope Master Yang will forgive me a lot. "

"Master Yang, we are sincerely begging you, hoping that Master Yang can save my life."

Young Master Liu knocked out the soot on the original open space, and waved his hands with a bored expression.

"Stop, stop, you don't want to flatter my young master with nice words.

This young master is not as powerful as you say.

Furthermore, as the saying goes, everyone sweeps the snow in front of his own door, and don't care about other people's roofs.

This young master is not related to you, so why should I save your life?

The most important thing is, my young master, I really don't have the ability to save you guys.

What is your own identity now, you know better than anyone else in your heart.

You are death row prisoners who will be taken to the execution ground tomorrow, waiting to be executed.

My young master, even if I have great abilities, I can't help you. "

As Young Master Liu talked, he rolled up the pipe and put it on his waist, lay down on the straw mat with a sigh and closed his eyes.

"Come on, come on, let's all go and rest.

For those who haven't eaten yet, hurry up and eat.

Even if you are a ghost, you have to be a ghost, right?

Go back, go back. "

"Master Yang, I beg you, please help me."

"Master Yang, I kneel down for you, I beg you to have your own life."

"Master Yang, I just passed my [-]th year next year, and there is still a long time to come, so please help me.

I can swear to the sky, as long as you can save my life.

After I go out, I will never forget your great kindness, Mr. Yang. "

Young Master Liu clenched his fists with a gloomy expression, and turned directly to face the crowd.

"My young master said one last sentence, I can't help you.

Get the hell out of here, if anyone dares to pester me again, don't blame me for being rude to you. "

When a group of people heard Young Master Liu's impatient cursing, they looked at each other in dismay.

Some of them who were not determined, looked at First Young Master Liu who didn't want to pay attention to him and others, turned around trembling and walked to their original positions.

After a while, in the dimly lit cell, there was a low-pitched cry.

The low-pitched weeping instantly suppressed the atmosphere in the cell.

Those who were still standing there could not help but feel a little irritable when they heard the crying sound one after another around them.

The mind that had gradually calmed down suddenly became chaotic.

Could it be that he was really dead this time?

I don't want to die, I don't want to die!

God, you are not fair!
They all violated the laws of the Great Dragon, so why would Master Yang walk out of Zhao Prison alive in a dignified manner.

As for me, I have to be escorted to the execution ground, where I will be executed at [-]:[-] noon tomorrow.

It's not fair, it's not fair.

At this moment, the thoughts in the hearts of a group of people can be said to be similar.

They all feel unfair about their upcoming ending.

The atmosphere in my cell became more and more depressed.

After a long time.

Lu Changsheng, governor of Lingzhou, seemed to have thought of something, and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Master Yang, Lord Yang."

"Master Yang, you fucking think I dare not do anything to you, don't you?"

"Master Yang, I have money, and I have money.

I can use money to buy my own life, and beg Master Yang to help me. "

When the rest of the people heard Lu Changsheng's words, they immediately screened them, and hurriedly knelt down to Young Master Liu.

"Master Yang, I also have money, and I have a lot of money."

"Master Yang, I also have a lot of money, as long as you can save my life, Master Yang, you can ask for as much money as you need.

No matter how much silver you want, Mr. Yang, you can get as much as you say, and I will never bargain. "

"Master Yang, I can give you all the silver, so please show mercy and save my life.

I beg you, please! "

First Young Master Liu, who was dozing off with his eyes closed, suddenly sat down when he heard a group of people pleading with each other.

First Young Master Liu turned around, looked cheerfully at the group of people kneeling around him, and rubbed his hands with a smile on his face.

"If you have money, tell me if you have money!"

Young Master Liu glared at everyone pretending to be complaining, and stretched out his hands one by one.

"Get up, get up."

"Thank you, Master Yang."

Young Master Liu waved his hands cheerfully, and turned to look at Lv Changsheng, governor of Lingzhou.

"You're welcome, you're welcome.

Mr. Lu, Inspector of Lingzhou, this young master is being polite. "

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Young Master Liu stretched his waist, and with the help of the weak candlelight outside the cell, he turned his head and looked around the cell.

"Everyone, which one of you hasn't finished your drink yet, bring it here and let me quench my thirst first."

"Master Yang, I didn't take a sip of the drink I'm serving."

"Master Yang, Master Yang, I am the same."

"Master Yang, the food and drink that I'm serving haven't been touched at all."

Seeing a group of people rushing over with flagons, First Young Master Liu waved his hands quickly.

"Okay, okay, a jug of wine is enough."

First Young Master Liu casually took a pot of wine, raised his head and drank it in big gulps.

After a while, Young Master Liu burped lightly, and wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with his fingers.

"Men and gentlemen."

"Master Yang, tell me."

"Master Yang, we brothers are all listening."

First Young Master Liu took another sip of wine, and glanced at the people in front of him with a smile on his eyes.

"Everyone, what happened to you, let's not talk about it for now.

You guys tell this young master first, you first tell this young master.

How much money are you planning to pay to buy your own life. "



Young Master Liu looked at the group of people who looked hesitant, raised his head and took a sip of the wine, then pulled out the carved jade fan from his waist, the corners of his mouth slightly raised to fan the cool wind.

"Everyone, if you are sincere, let's continue talking.

If there is no sincerity, then forget it.

This young master rests mine, you rest yours.

Let's not interfere with each other! "

"Master Yang."

"you are?"

"Don't drive Chang Zhixing in Xia Luozhou."

"What do you want to say?"

"Master Yang, it's not that I don't have rules, but that I'm humble and powerful, and I really don't know the rules in the capital.

In order to show my sincerity, why don't you, Master Yang, tell me what to do!

As long as I can do it, Master Yang, you can do whatever you want. "

"Yes, yes, I second it."

"I also second the proposal, as long as I can do it, Master Yang, you can do whatever you want."

"Master Yang, we are all willing to follow your rules.

As long as Master Yang can save the lives of his subordinates, he will not hesitate to lose his family and property.

Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think? "

"Master Yang, I will second the proposal."

Young Master Liu looked at the anxious expressions of the crowd, heaved a sigh of relief, and fell silent with a slight frown.

Seeing Young Master Liu's appearance like this, everyone waited nervously.

Young Master Liu was silent for a long time, closed the folding fan in his hand, got up and walked towards the prison door.

After stopping behind the cell door, First Young Master Liu carefully looked around to observe the surrounding situation.

After a while, Young Master Liu cheerfully returned to the straw mat and sat down.

"Men and gentlemen."

"Master Yang."

"Since you are so sincere, then the young master will tell you about the rules of the capital?"

"Master Yang, please tell me, I will listen to you all the time."

First Young Master Liu lifted the flagon and took a big sip of the wine, frowned slightly and smacked his lips a few times.

"Everyone, it's not impossible for me to save your life.

However, it depends on what you have committed.

If an ordinary small matter is committed, a few thousand taels of silver can be settled.

But if you commit a serious crime, it's hard to say.

Let's not talk about small things. If you all committed small things, you wouldn't be reduced to this level. "

"Yes, yes, Master Yang really has sharp eyesight, then Master Yang, please tell us the rules for committing serious crimes."

Young Master Liu put down the flagon and let out a soft breath.

"Come on, my young master will tell you the rules for committing serious crimes.

The most obvious point, such as being involved in a life lawsuit.

If you want to settle the life lawsuit, at least this amount. "

While speaking, Young Master Liu stretched out four fingers to everyone with a light smile.

"Four... 4 taels of silver?"

"Don't get me wrong, what this young master is talking about is a human life!"

"Master Yang, Mr. Xia Geming, the chief minister of the cabinet, said 2... [-] taels of silver."

Young Master Liu turned his head to look at the official who spoke, with a look of displeasure flashing in his eyes.

Seeing the displeasure in Young Master Liu's eyes, the rest of the group glared at the official.

"Young man, how do you talk to Master Yang?"

"This old man is right, Master Yang spent 2 taels to settle the matter, that is Master Yang's ability.

What are you and I capable of?I have to rely entirely on Master Yang for help. "

"Brother, are you confused?"

"Master Yang, Master Yang, don't be as knowledgeable as him, just keep talking."

"Yes, yes, yes, Master Yang, please continue."

Young Master Liu fanned the cool breeze lightly, and nodded with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"For the sake of you being so sensible, I won't care about you guys."

"Master Yang has a lot."

"Everyone, just be quiet."

"Master Yang, tell me."

"My young master will put the ugly words first, and after I settle the matter for you, if anyone of you dares to go back on what you said.

Then, don't blame this young master for being cruel.

I can let you get out of Zhao Prison alive, and I can destroy your family. "

"Don't worry, Master Yang, don't worry, Master Yang."

"Master Yang, I will never forget your great kindness and virtue."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, closed the fan and put it in his cuff.

"Come on, since you all said that, then the young master will not say anything.

In a word, those who have money in their hands will talk about things, and those who have no money should do what they want. "

"Master Yang, let me tell you first."

"Go ahead."

"Master Yang, I am Ma Chengshun, the magistrate of Taohua County in Bingzhou.

The reason why I entered Zhao Prison this time is because..."

After a long time, Young Master Liu looked at the official in front of him, smiled and nodded.

"Small things, to settle your affairs, a total of 18 taels is needed.

This young master will give you a change, counting you 18 taels of silver, what do you think? "

"Thank you, Master Yang, for your kindness."


"Master Yang, Lu Changsheng, the governor of Lower Lingzhou, is helping my brother-in-law with Lingzhou city..."

Time passed quietly, and everyone in the cell told First Young Master Liu about the crimes they committed.

However, they never thought of it.

At this time, outside the prison cell, there were two people sitting in the corner with a smile on their faces, and they were writing down every word they said on the rice paper with a pen.

"Second brother, our stinky father is really insidious.

In a few words, just play around with these bastards! "

"Hey, that's wrong.

In our dad's words, it's called fishing law enforcement. "

"Yes, yes, Yue'er remembered it, it's your turn."

(End of this chapter)

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