My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3125 Cheng Dazhi, Yan Wugong

Chapter 3125 Cheng Dazhi, Yan Wugong

After Nangong Meng's figure completely merged into the wind and snow, everyone withdrew their gazes.

"Husband, it's getting late, let's go back first."

First Young Master Liu stretched out his arms, moved his body, and happily walked out of the corridor.

"Go home, go home."


"Zhier, what's wrong?"

"Mother, the horses of Hai'er and Yun'er are parked over there, so we won't accompany you to the carriage."

Mrs. Liu nodded with a smile, and opened the oil-paper umbrella in her hand with a dignified manner.

"Got it, got it, you guys go ride the horses first."

"Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao."

Sister Liu Yiyi and the others hurriedly opened the oil-paper umbrella in their hands and ran over.

"The child is here."

"You sisters, stay with grandma and talk to grandma well."

"Hey, the child knows."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and patted Liu Yiyi's shoulder, then waved to Qi Yun, the queen and the other sisters.

"Yun'er, sister Ya, let's go."


All the beauties echoed in unison, and followed slowly in lotus steps.

Qi Yun quickened her pace to catch up with First Young Master Liu, walked lightly side by side with her husband, and then moved half of the oiled paper umbrella in her hand with a smile on her face.

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the umbrella above his head, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Yun'er, it's time to ride a horse later, you should support yourself."

Qi Yun looked at the wind and snow that had gradually diminished around her, and said softly, "It's okay, I can hold on for a while."



"Well, what happened?"

Qi Yun gently turned the handle of the umbrella in her hand, and glanced back at the East Palace Hall shrouded in snow and snow behind her.

"Husband, are you dissatisfied with the name Liu Chenshuo?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and looked at Qi Yun in surprise.

"Yun'er, why do you ask such a question?"

"Husband, when we were still in the side hall just now, I could tell from your face.

When Cheng Zhi said he would give our grandson a name, your expression seemed a little dissatisfied. "

As soon as Qi Yun finished speaking, she immediately turned her head to look at Young Master Liu's face.

Liu Mingzhi and Qi Yun looked at each other, looked back at the main hall behind them, and let out a soft breath.

Seeing her husband's reaction, Qi Yun chuckled and snapped her fingers.

"Let's see, let's see, I know that I guessed correctly. Husband, you are really not satisfied with giving your grandson the name Chen Shuo."

First Young Master Liu cupped his hands and exhaled hot air, smiled wryly and nodded.

"Yun'er, whatever you say is what you say."

"The concubine's body can be understood as, husband, if you don't explain it, you will acquiesce?"

"That's it."

Qi Yun rolled her eyes a few times thoughtfully, and looked at First Young Master Liu curiously.

"Husband, what name do you want to name our grandson?"

"The name has already been decided, does it matter what name my husband wants to give our grandson?"

"Isn't it okay for me to be curious? Just tell me, what name do you want to give your grandson?"

"Forget it, forget it, it's all over, there's no need to mention it again."

Qi Yun frowned in an instant, and grabbed Young Master Liu's arm and shook it a few times with reproachful eyes.

"Oh, there's no need for that.

Say it, say it, I want to hear it. "

Young Master Liu looked at the beauty's reproachful expression, and nodded helplessly.

"Okay, okay, why don't you say it for your husband?"

"Then tell me, what is the name?"

Young Master Liu took a breath of cool air, clasped the emerald wrench above his thumb and turned it lightly.

"Yanwu, Liu Yanwu."

"Liu Yanwu, Liu Yanwu."

Qi Yun raised her eyebrows, and with her mouth slightly open, she repeated the name her husband said softly.

Suddenly, Qi Yun seemed to think of something, and quickly looked back at the East Palace Hall, which was almost unrecognizable.

"Chengzhi, Yanwu."

In an instant.

Qi Yun seems to have understood that her husband has put so much effort into choosing this name for his grandson.

Zi Chengzhi, Sun Yanwu.

The son inherits the ambition, and the grandson continues the martial arts.

This is my husband, I want my son to...

Qi Yun hesitated for a moment, and looked at First Young Master Liu with some hesitation.

"Husband, compared to the name you wanted, the name Cheng Zhi and girl Jing Yao got.

Indeed, a little worse. "

Young Master Liu waved his hands with a faint smile, and said cheerfully: "Yun'er, what you said is wrong.

There is no good or bad name, it's just that everyone thinks differently.

My husband wants to name our grandson Yanwu, and I have my own ideas.

The young couple Chengzhi and Jingyao named their son Chenshuo, so they naturally had their own ideas. "

Qi Yun pursed her cherry lips a few times and nodded silently.

"That's true. Husband, when you say that, it seems that my concubine's thoughts are too shallow."

"Hey, there's no such thing as superficial."

"Husband, how about..."

Qi Yun didn't say what she said later, but Young Master Liu already understood what she meant.


"Well, husband, tell me."

"Forget it, it's all settled, and it's not beautiful to change it.

Besides, the name Liu Chenshuo is actually quite good. "

Qi Yun looked back at Donggong behind her again, and nodded with a pretty face.

"Hey, I understand now."

Liu Mingzhi patted the back of Qi Yun's hand, smiled lightly and walked towards his horse.

"Get on the horse."

"Hey, here we come."

"Sister Ya, Sister Shan, politely, get on the horse and go home."



Young Master Liu got on his horse, and lightly pulled the rein between the horse's belly.


After about half a stick of incense, Young Master Liu, his wife and others have already returned home.

"Yun'er, Yan'er."

"The concubine is here."

"I have something to do in my husband's study room, old man, mother, you sisters, treat me well.

When it's almost time for dinner, your sisters can send someone to notify your husband. "

"Okay, I know."

"Husband, you go to work first."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, waved his hands, and went straight to the study in the inner courtyard.

After Young Master Liu's figure disappeared, the third princess frowned slightly and pulled Qi Yun's sleeve.

"Sister Yun."

Qi Yun's pretty face froze for a moment, she turned to look at the third princess and asked softly, "Sister Yan'er, what's wrong?"

"Sister Yun'er, girl Jingyao gave birth to a pair of twins, which is indeed a great joy.

But, what about the full moon banquet for two children?

Under such weather, the guests might not be able to rush to the banquet!
People in the capital will not talk about it, there must be no problem.

The problem in Gyeonggi is not too big, and it is just a little troublesome to rush to the capital.

But what about people in other state capitals? "

When Qi Yun heard the words of the third princess, she frowned slightly with a complicated expression on her willow eyebrows.

"Sister Yan'er, to tell you the truth, the question you mentioned.

On the way we rushed home from the East Palace, my sister and I thought about it more than once.

It's a pity that I thought about it and thought about it, but I couldn't come up with a more suitable way.

When the road is blocked by heavy snow, let's not talk about letting guests from afar come to the capital for a banquet. Whether we can send the invitations out is a question! "

Hearing Qi Yun and the three princesses' words, Qi Ya, the queen and the other sisters also frowned.

It is indeed a very troublesome thing to entertain guests under such weather.

Yun Xiaoxi flicked the crystal clear snowflakes on his cuffs with his fingers, walked gently to Qi Yun's side and stopped.

"Sister Yun."

"Hey, sister Xiaoxi, what good solution have you thought of?"

Seeing Qi Yun's expectant expression, Yun Xiaoxi quickly waved his hand.

"No, no, my sister didn't think of any good solution either."


"Sister Yun'er, sister, I think so.

How about we only invite those guests who are close, and forget about those guests who are far away. "

Qinglian echoed softly: "Sister Yun, Sister Xiaoxi is right, those guests who are far away should be ignored.

Under this kind of weather, even if we invite them, they may not be able to rush to the capital.

We sent the invitations, and they couldn't come to the banquet, which made both parties unhappy.

In this case, simply do not invite. "

Qi Yun pursed her cherry lips and remained silent for a long time, frowning slightly, shaking her head a few times.

"No, that won't work."

"Sister Yun?"

"Sisters, due to the weather, we don't have to invite some guests.

However, we have to send an invitation to the old subordinates before my husband.

After all, they are all old brothers who have followed their husband through life and death for many years. "


"But, sister Yun'er, you said it yourself just now.

Under this kind of weather, whether we can send out the invitation is a question.

The first snowfall in the capital was already so heavy, if there are a few more heavy snowfalls in the next few days.

There will definitely be deep snow on the official road, making it difficult to travel by car. "


When Qi Yun heard Ling Wei'er's words, the expression on her pretty face suddenly became more embarrassed.

When all the beauties looked at each other and were speechless, Mrs. Liu's soft voice suddenly came from beside her.

"Yun'er, Ya'er, what are you sisters doing standing outside in such a heavy snowstorm?"

Qi Yun, the queen and all the other sisters' eyes lit up, and they hurriedly greeted Mrs. Liu.



"What's the matter, this is, the faces of your sisters seem to be a little strange."

"Mother, we just thought of some helpless things."

Mrs. Liu looked at the somewhat helpless expression of her daughter-in-law, and immediately asked curiously: "What's the matter? Tell my mother, what happened to stump all of you sisters."

Qi Yun closed the oil-paper umbrella in her hand, and gently took Mrs. Liu's arm.

"Mother, it is so.

Didn't this girl Jingyao give birth to twins?So we sisters..."

Qi Yun held Mrs. Liu's arm, and softly explained the reasons for her sisters' embarrassment.

"Mother, it's probably like this."

Mrs. Liu nodded lightly, and looked around at the courtyard where a thick layer of snow had already accumulated.

"This, this is indeed a problem."

"That's right, the snow in our yard is so thick, and the snow on the official road is not much thinner.

The official road is covered with deep snow, so if you have to hurry, it is not impossible.

Only, it won't be easy.

The cold wind howled at night, and if there was some ice on the road, it would be even more difficult to travel. "

Mrs. Liu frowned and remained silent for a moment, then turned and looked towards Liu Zhian.

"Master, what do you think?"

Liu Zhi'an first exhaled a few warm breaths into his palms, and then put his hands inside the warm cuffs with a smile.

"Ma'am, girl Yun, if you think so, caravans of all sizes in the world won't have to hurry."

"Father, what do you mean?"

"My lord, then don't be a fool."

"The wind and snow are too strong, and it is true that the official road will be blocked by heavy snow.

However, the ruts of the predecessors will also remain behind.

As long as you follow the ruts, you will hardly have any major problems. "

When Qi Yun heard Liu Zhian's answer, his eyes lit up.

"Father, do you mean that we can directly invite guests to the banquet?"

Liu Zhi'an squatted silently on the ground, took out his right hand that was tucked inside his cuff, and inserted it straight into the thick snow on the ground.


Liu Zhi'an grabbed a handful of snow, stood up and looked at Qi Yun and shook his head.

"Not quite."

Qi Yun first looked at the handprint on the snow, and then at the little snowball in Liu Zhian's hand.

She rolled her beautiful eyes a few times, silently thinking about the deep meaning of Liu Zhian's actions.

"Father, is it because the snow is falling too hard?"

Liu Zhi'an nodded cheerfully, casually threw away the little snowball in his hand, and copied his hand into his cuff again.

"Yun girl, you are right, it is true."

"Didn't you just say that you can follow the ruts left by the predecessors?"

"It can be done, but if the number of people is too small, it won't work.

The caravan is on the road, even if it is just a small caravan, there are at least dozens of people on the road together.

On the way they were on their way, once something unexpected happened, it was not a big problem to get out of danger under the mutual care of each other. "

Qi Yun nodded silently, already understanding what Liu Zhian meant.

"Father, my daughter-in-law understands."

"Girl Yun, now that you understand, the old man won't say anything more."

"Father, are we inviting? Or not?"

Liu Zhi'an raised his brows, cheerfully raised his head in the direction of the study in the inner courtyard to signal.

"Girl Yun, why are you sisters looking for trouble?

Whether to invite or not, just leave it to the bastard to consider?

He said to invite, and your sisters will arrange for someone to send invitations to people.

He said no invitation, and you sisters will naturally be happy and free.

What a simple thing, why is it so difficult? "

Qi Yun turned her head and glanced at the direction of the study in the inner courtyard, and nodded helplessly.

"Father, we sisters know what you said.

It's just, don't we sisters also want to share the pressure for my husband? "

"Ask the bastard, just ask him directly."

(End of this chapter)

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