The lights are on.

After a day of snowfall, Ruixue gradually calmed down.

Under the light of the bright red lanterns, three or five crystal clear snowflakes are floating in the air.

Qi Yun stood dignifiedly under the corridor, smiling sweetly and retracting her beautiful eyes staring at the dark sky.

"Phew, this heavy snow has finally stopped."

Qi Yun murmured to herself, pulled the light yellow cloak on her body, and rushed towards the study in the inner courtyard with lotus steps.

Qi Yun came all the way to the outside of the study, looked at the shadows and flickering candles in the study, and knocked lightly on the door a few times.

"Who is it?"

As soon as the knock on the door fell, Young Master Liu's inquiry came from the study.

"My husband is a concubine."

"Yun'er, it's cold outside, come in."

"Yes, I know."

Qi Yun responded softly, gently pushed open the door, and walked into the study with light steps.

Liu Mingzhi looked up at Qi Yun, smiled lightly and put down the ink brush in his hand.

"Yun'er, is it time for dinner?"

Qi Yun closed the door casually, walked to the desk with a smile, and sat down gracefully on the chair next to her.

"That's right, my concubine sister has ordered the kitchen to prepare dinner half an hour ago.

Husband, do you have dinner at home, or go to sister Jieer and sister He Shu for dinner? "

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a while, reached out to pick up the cooled tea, and was about to send it to his mouth, but was stopped by Qi Yun.

Qi Yun Jiaoyan took the teacup from her husband helplessly, got up and walked towards the stove next to her.

"Husband, this tea is already cold, so you don't have to worry about spoiling your stomach.

Wait a minute, I will give you another drink before drinking. "

Liu Mingzhi got up and stretched, and walked towards Qi Yun happily.

"Yun'er, how's the weather outside?"

"Before this concubine rushed to the study, all the lanterns in the house had already been lit. In about half an hour, the sky should be completely dark."

Qi Yun replied sweetly, while handing the happy tea to her husband.

Young Master Liu took the teacup with a light smile, and looked out of the half-opened window sideways.

"How's the snowstorm? Has it stopped?"

"Scattered snowflakes fall from time to time, so it has stopped."

Liu Mingzhi blew on the tea in his cup, and his face suddenly showed a sense of relief.

"Just stop, just stop."

Qi Yun leaned her willow waist and picked up an empty teacup, lifted the teapot and poured herself a cup of freshly brewed fragrant tea.

"Husband, you haven't answered my concubine yet."

Liu Mingzhi sipped the tea leaves at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the beautiful woman with surprise in his eyes.

"Huh? What?"

Qi Yun rolled her eyes angrily when she saw her husband's suspicious expression.

"Are you busy and confused? My concubine asked you just now, should you stay at home for dinner, or go to sister Jie'er and sister He Shu for dinner."

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and pondered secretly for a moment, then stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of the prince's old mansion.

"Yun'er, when our family was in the Eastern Palace during the day, my husband had already told Jie'er and Shu'er that we were going to have dinner with them.

If I don't go as a husband, wouldn't it be a waste of time for the two of them to wait. "

Qi Yun nodded with a light smile, and said softly: "That's true, but, what about the wind feast on Father and Mother's side?

Husband, as the head of the family, it seems inappropriate not to be present, right? "

"Yun'er, the old man and mother, father-in-law and mother-in-law, the four of them have been exhausted all the way, and they are probably exhausted physically and mentally.

In this case, what they need is an early rest.

Believe it or not, no matter how rich our reception banquet is, they won't be able to eat much. "

Qi Yun took a sip of tea, and glanced at the direction of the inner courtyard Xiyuan with a smile through the door and window of the study.

"That's true, after they get home, if they have a good rest for an afternoon, they will be refreshed.

However, before they had time to take a good rest, the girl Jingyao gave birth to a child happened again. "

Liu Mingzhi put the bottomed teacup on the table, chewed the tea in his mouth, returned to the desk and sat down again.

"When you are having dinner later, tell the old man directly, father-in-law and the others, just go to Jie'er and Shu'er and their sisters for your husband."

"Okay, I know what to do.

Husband, are you still busy? "

Holding the teacup in her hand, Qi Yun walked towards the desk with lotus steps.

Liu Mingzhi fiddled with the candle next to him with scissors, and picked up the paperwork on the table with a complicated expression.

"Most of the documents have been approved, but there is still a situation on the document, and my husband is still undecided.

Before you, Yun'er, came to the study, my husband had been thinking about it for a long time because of the contents of this book. "

Seeing her husband's frowning look, Qi Yun put down the teacup in his hand, and reached out to take the document in Young Master Liu's hand.

"Come on, let the concubine also see what kind of situation is reported on the document, it will make your husband so embarrassed."

Liu Mingzhi happily leaned on the chair, stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the beauty's willow waist, hugged her into his arms and sat down.

"You are not afraid of others saying that you, the master of the harem, interfere in politics without authorization!"

Qi Yun raised her head and smiled at First Young Master Liu, then proudly picked up the document in her hand.

"As long as you don't care about it, my husband, I won't bother to care about what other people say behind my back!
Besides, how many times have you asked your concubine to help you with your staff documents before? "

Liu Mingzhi curled up the beauty's hair scattered around the earlobe with his fingers, and brought it under the tip of his nose with a smile, taking a deep breath.

"Well, Yun'er, your hair still smells as good as before."

"Come on, it's been a long time since you went to rest at my concubine's place."

"Yun'er, my husband rested at your place ten days ago, okay?"

"You also said that you went there four days ago.

If I don't see you for a day, it's like three autumns. Do you understand? "

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he sighed with twitching corners of his mouth.

"Well, I don't know if it's a blessing or a disaster to marry a group of goblins like your sisters for my husband."

"Virtue, typical of getting cheap and being good."

Qi Yun gave Young Master Liu a white look with a coquettish expression, and silently shifted her gaze to the document in her hand.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi didn't say anything more, he gently rested his chin on the beautiful woman's fragrant shoulder, and silently sniffed the faint fragrance of Qi Yun's body.


Qi Yun'e frowned slightly and closed the document in her hand, and turned her head to look at her husband.

"Husband, this..."

"How about it, after reading the contents of the paperwork, is there any way to help my husband solve his problems?"

Qi Yun shook her head silently when she heard her husband's question.

"The situation is too complicated, and I can't think of any good solution for a while."

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, took the document from the beauty's hand and threw it directly on the desk.

"It's okay if you can't think of it, let's think about the solution for my husband and myself."

"Husband, after I go back, I will think about whether there is any good way."

"Okay, but don't worry too much about it."

"Hmm, I know.

By the way, my husband, there is one more thing I want to tell you. "

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Husband, it's like this. After you came to the study during the day, the concubine sisters talked about..."

Qi Yun changed into a comfortable posture, and in a soft voice, she roughly recounted to Young Master Liu the things that her sisters had said during the day.

"Husband, the situation is just like this. The concubines and sisters have discussed for a long time, but they still haven't made up their mind. .

Husband, what do you think?Those guests who are far away, should we invite or not? "

Hearing Qi Yun's tangled tone, First Young Master Liu said without thinking, "What's so embarrassing, of course I won't invite you."

"Huh? Don't invite them all?"

"Now those who live in the capital, or those who should be invited in the capitals of Gyeonggi, are invited.

Those who are too far away are not invited at all. "

When Qi Yun heard her husband's words, she said in a delicate voice with a pretty face, "But, after all, they are your old subordinates, husband, and they are life and death brothers who have followed you through life and death for many years!

For such a big happy event, wouldn't it be inappropriate not to invite them? "

Young Master Liu straightened his waist gently, reached out to pick up Qi Yun's teacup and took a sip.

"Inappropriate? What's inappropriate? I don't invite them to the banquet, it's for their own good and for their sake.

The north wind howled, the weather was severe, and the road was blocked by heavy snow, making it difficult to travel by car.

Under this kind of weather, it's just a full moon banquet, what's the big deal if you don't eat or not?
Is the life of the family important?Or is it important to have a banquet? "

"The reason why the concubine sisters are in trouble is because they are afraid that they will complain after they know about this.

After all, when His Royal Highness the Prince was happy with the Dragon Son, the matter of Feng Nu could not be hidden. "

"Yun'er, you sisters, don't worry.

Who dares to complain behind their backs, my young master made them unable to eat their banquet, and they had to eat a military stick first.

Damn it, go against them. "

Qi Yun looked at her husband's righteous expression, and nodded immediately.

"Well, since you have said so, my husband, I will know what to do."


"Hey, husband, say it."

"As for the full moon banquet, you sisters can just figure it out.

As for those relatives and friends who are unable to entertain due to the weather, when the weather improves, my husband will write a letter to tell them the reason. "

"Hey, my concubine knows.

By the way, where are our grandparents, uncles and aunts in Donghai?Not invited either? "

"No invitation, it's too far away, and it's not enough to torment them."

"Okay, tomorrow I will tell my husband what you mean to my parents."

Liu Mingzhi put down the teacup in his hand, as if thinking of something.


"Huh? Husband?"

"Our thirteenth aunt Bai Ling'er, she must be invited over."

"Husband, where is Thirteenth Aunt now?"

"Mingzhou is quite close to the capital."

"Aunt Thirteen is in Mingzhou, so I really need to be invited."

"The general situation is like this, you sisters just look at the arrangement."

"Yeah, I understand."

As soon as Qi Yun's words fell, there was a knock on the door in the study.

Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows immediately, and looked up towards the door.


"Hey, old man, it's me.

You are the cutest, the most favorite baby girl. "

Hearing the little cutie's grinning voice, First Young Master Liu shook his head angrily.

"Smelly girl, what's the matter?"

"Father, the food is ready, Yue'er is calling you and Aunt Yun'er to eat."

First Young Master Liu put down the teacup in his hand, and lightly patted the buttocks of the beautiful woman in his arms.

"Yun'er, get up."

Qi Yun nodded slightly, and hurriedly got up and straightened her clothes.

Liu Mingzhi stood up, carefully tidying up the documents on the desk.

"Smelly girl, come in."

"Hey, here we come."

The door of the room opened in response, and the little cutie walked into the study with her head poking around.

"Father, aunt, Yue'er didn't disturb your good business, did she?"

Qi Yun's pretty face flushed, and she gave the little cutie an angry look.

"Smelly girl, what nonsense are you talking about?"

The little cutie walked to Qi Yun's side with a smile, reached out and took her arm and shook it gently a few times.

"Aunt Yun, Yue'er is just in case!
Yue'er, I'm not married yet, what if I see something I shouldn't see! "

When Qi Yun heard Xiaocuti's teasing words, her pretty face, which was already slightly red, suddenly turned even brighter.

"Smelly girl, I really don't know how to be ashamed."

First Young Master Liu packed up the documents on the desk, strode up to the little cutie, raised his hand and flicked her tender forehead vigorously.

"Smelly girl, do you still have the face to say that you haven't married yet?

If you continue to be so thick-skinned, it will be strange to be able to marry in the future.

Look at your current appearance, do you have the appearance that a daughter's family should have? "


The little cutie groaned in pain, rubbed her forehead, and quickly hid behind Qi Yun.

The little cutie hid behind Qi Yun, made a proud face, and muttered, "Hmph! What's wrong with thick skin.

Didn't you learn it from your stinky old man, how about like a father, like a daughter?
Compared with your face.

My girl, I'm still far behind! "

Although First Young Master Liu didn't hear clearly what the cutie was muttering, he could guess it from her expression.

This stinky girl definitely didn't say anything good.

First Young Master Liu immediately glared at the cutie: "Stinky girl, what did you say?"

The little cutie's delicate body trembled, and her eyes looked elsewhere.

"'s nothing? Yue'er said that you are right, Daddy.

Yue'er knows, Yue'er must correct it. "

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