Chapter 3130
"Especially the old father? What do you mean, Jie'er?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's puzzled expression, Chen Jie showed a touch of emotion on her pretty face, and let out a long breath with slightly parted lips.

"What else can it mean? It's the simplest meaning on the surface!"

Looking at the emotion on the beauty's delicate face, Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, and silently recalled some past events many years ago.

After a long time, a hint of enlightenment flashed in Liu Mingzhi's eyes.

He already understood what Chen Jie wanted to express in what Chen Jie said just now.

First Young Master Liu stretched out his hands to warm his hands on the stove, and casually held Chen Jie's still somewhat cold jade hands in his palms.

"Jie'er, what you're talking about is the distinction between concubine and concubine, right?"

"Well, that's right."

Chen Jie nodded Zhenshou without hesitation, and directly admitted it.

"Husband, for the famous families in the world, or the families of high-ranking officials and dignitaries, the distinction between the concubine and the concubine is a natural barrier that is difficult to overcome.

Compared with those famous families, he was born in the royal family.

The distinction between concubine and concubine is even worse. "

Liu Mingzhi gently rubbed the beautiful woman's warmed hands, and let out a silent breath.

"Brother, when he was alive, he still loved Shu'er and your sisters very much.

It's the same with the old father, the emperor. When he was still alive, he didn't target your sisters at all!

This point, Wei Fu had seen it with his own eyes all those years ago. "

After listening to Young Master Liu's words, Chen Jie nodded without hesitation, and said softly: "Husband, this concubine does not deny what you said.

Including sister Shu'er, she will not deny it. "

"In that case, wouldn't it be all right?"

"But, husband, do you really think that you saw some pictures with your own eyes.

Does it have to be true?
Does it have to be what you imagined? "


Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and replied in a calm tone: "As the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing."

Chen Jie gently rubbed her green hands, and looked up at First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, do you really think so?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the calm and indifferent eyes in the beauty's beautiful eyes, with a slight sly smile, knit his brows with his fingers, and shook his head helplessly.

"Actually, not at all.

I have experienced many things for my husband, and I understand some things even if I have seen them with my own eyes.

Not necessarily, it is real.

It's just that. "

Chen Jie raised her eyebrows and asked directly, "Huh? Just what?"

"Jie'er, as to whether the elder brother really loves you and Shu'er, you and your sisters, I can tell that as a husband.

Feelings are something that can really be seen sometimes. "

Chen Jie nodded slightly, and said softly: "Husband, I have already answered you about this question just now.

This, the concubine does not deny. "

Young Master Liu frowned slightly, and immediately said angrily: "You don't even deny it, so why are you still asking my husband that question?"

"Husband, I don't deny what I said, but I don't deny that your elder brother still loves my sister and sister Shu'er very much.

It's a pity, the old father's side is just...hehehe..."

Chen Jie stopped abruptly after speaking halfway, and chuckled a few times with a self-deprecating expression on her face.

Then the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of indescribable sadness.

Seeing the beauty's face like this, Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, and asked softly: "Jie'er, what happened to the old man?"

Chen Jie raised her eyes and glanced at the direction of the imperial mausoleum in the suburbs of Beijing. Her waist softened slightly, and she leaned on Young Master Liu's shoulder with a light smile.

"Husband, do you know?"

"Huh? What?"

"When Father Huang was still alive, the two brothers, Ye'er and Tao'er, never entered the inner hall of the imperial study.

And the brothers under your elder brother, King Qing, King Shu, King Yun, King Jing...

The children of their brothers can enter the inner hall of the imperial study room every now and then to pay respects to their father, the emperor and the old man.

Ye'er and Tao'er are two brothers, and Li Xiang and Li Qian are cousins!
The treatment he received at his father's place was very different. "

First Young Master Liu frowned, and said softly: "Well, I'm really not very clear about these situations as a husband."

"Ye'er, Tao'er and the other two brothers have red eye sockets every time they come back home from the palace to pay their respects.

The worst time was when Ye'er was 11 years old.

It was a day in the first ten days of August, Ye'er and Tao'er entered the palace together to pay their respects to their father and the old man.

As a result, as soon as Ye'er returned home, she threw herself into my concubine's arms crying bitterly.

After he finished crying, he choked up and asked my concubine if Grandpa Huang didn't like the two brothers.

Husband! "


"Do you know how it feels for me, as a mother, to see my child sad and sad?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a complicated expression, raised his hand and tore off half of the cloak on his body, and then wrapped it all around Chen Jie's delicate body wearing only a thin obscene garment.

"Jie'er, my husband is also a father, so I can understand your feelings."

"My own children have been treated so unfairly, and more than once.

I couldn't bear it anymore, so I went directly to your elder brother.

After the concubine saw him, she told the whole story of what happened to Ye'er and Tao'er, the two brothers, at Father Huang's old man's house.

At the beginning, the concubine thought that after listening to the narration of the concubine, he would find a way to help the concubine!

No, it should be said that he would find a way to help his two sons!

But, husband, do you know how your elder brother answered my concubine after listening to her confession? "

Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently, and asked directly with a puzzled expression: "What? How did the elder brother answer you?"

Chen Jie sighed softly, a hint of memory appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"At that time, your elder brother told me directly that I, as a woman, just need to manage the affairs of the family well.

As for other things, don't ask too much.

Then, he helped his father review the memorial document on his own.

Seeing this situation, the concubine had no choice but to leave his study lonely.

Later, when the two brothers, Ye'er and Tao'er, talked to my concubine and sister Shu'er about the unfair treatment they received in the palace.

The concubine sisters could only smile bitterly at themselves, speechless. "

Liu Mingzhi looked back at He Shu who was still sleeping in the quilt, and nodded with a clear expression.

"and then?"

Following Young Master Liu's gaze, Chen Jie also looked back at her sleeping sister.

"Later, the two brothers, Ye'er and Tao'er, gradually grew up and became more and more sensible.

The two brothers saw the difficulty of Qie Shen and sister Shu'er.

Later, every time the two brothers returned home from the palace, they gradually stopped talking about their affairs in the palace. "

With a sighing expression, Liu Mingzhi let go of the big hand that was holding the beautiful woman's waist, and leaned over to pick up his pipe from the low table beside the bed.

Chen Jie looked at Young Master Liu who was filling the shredded tobacco, and leaned her waist to take out a fire bag from the copper basin next to the stove.

"Although the two brothers no longer mentioned their situation in the palace to the concubine sister, the concubine sister could tell that the smiles on the faces of the two brothers were getting less and less.

But what if the concubine sisters saw it?

Side concubine, concubine, to put it mildly, is one of the prince's many concubines.

In fact, there is no difference between being a concubine in a dignitary's family. "

While Chen Jie was speaking, Tan mouth slightly opened and blew on the torch, and carefully lit the shredded tobacco in the tobacco pot for Young Master Liu.

"Because of these things, my concubine and sister Shu'er had a private discussion.

Deliberately make some open and secret fighting behaviors in front of your elder brother, so as to attract your elder brother's attention.

In this way, let your eldest brother pay more attention to our two sisters, and then direct your attention to Ye'er and Tao'er, their brothers. "

Liu Mingzhi pondered thoughtfully for a moment, then blew out a puff of smoke sideways.

"I'm afraid it's more than that. The original intention of the two of you sisters is to attract the attention of the father and the old man, right?"

Chen Jie covered the fire folder in her hand, and nodded with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"This concubine already knows that the little concubine's sisters' careful thoughts cannot be hidden from my husband.

Husband, you are right, the real purpose of the concubine and the sisters is to draw the eyes of the father and the old man to Ye'er, Tao'er and the brothers.

It's a's a pity..."

"It's a pity that the small thoughts of the two of you sisters can't be hidden from the eyes of the father and the old man, right?"

Chen Jie tightened the cloak on her body, and smiled bitterly twice with a pretty face.

"Hehehe, yes!
What kind of person is the old man, the old man, the old man, how could this little trick of the concubine and the sister be hidden from the eyes of the old man, the old man.

The actions of our sisters not only did not help Ye'er and Tao'er, their brothers.

On the contrary, it also made the two brothers even more taciturn.

Husband, now you know why the concubine and sister have such a good relationship, right?

Because there has never been any barrier between us sisters.

The two of us sisters are very clear in our hearts, once we enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea.

The two of us sisters are just hard-working people.

As two hard-working people, it's too late to report to the group to keep warm.

And where is there any extra thought to intrigue for that insurmountable moat? "

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry cigarette silently, frowned slightly and rested his chin on the beautiful woman's fragrant shoulder, recalling the past with faint eyes.

In my own impression, it seems that I have never seen Li Ye, Li Tao and their brothers in the inner hall of the imperial study.

You know, I was a frequent visitor to the Imperial Study Room back then!
Not to mention going once a day, there is no problem going twice in three days.

You know, from the 26th year of Xuande, the year when I first entered the capital.

As for the seventh year of Rui'an, the year when his father, Emperor Li Zheng, passed away.

I, Weng and my son-in-law, have been monarchs and ministers for about ten years.

In ten years, I can't remember how many times I went in and out of the imperial study.

However, in these ten years.

As a frequent visitor to the imperial study, I have never seen Li Ye, Li Tao and their brothers in the inner hall once.

It can be seen from this that what Chen Jie said just now are all facts.

But, then again.

In his own memory, Li Zheng treated Li Ye, Li Tao and his brothers, the two grandsons, very well.

When I first entered the capital, I was selling glass mirrors on the street.

Among the first batch of mirrors that Li Zheng extorted from him were Li Ye, Li Tao and his brothers.

He commanded an army of 40 to conquer the countries in the Western Regions, and when his troops returned to the court, he brought back a lot of bloody horses.

After Li Zheng rewarded the soldiers in the Qinzheng Hall, he immediately sent someone to Li Ye. Li Tao and his brothers each sent a sweaty BMW!
It seems that not only Li Ye and his brothers, but even the girl Jingyao was rewarded with a bloody BMW.

There was also the time when Jiang He led the tens of thousands of officers and soldiers of the Dragon Treasure Fleet, and was ordered to patrol the Western countries, and led the envoys of the Western countries to return to Beijing for an audience.

After Li Zheng entertained the envoys from various countries, he asked Lao Zhou to lead the eunuchs to give Li Ye and his brothers a box and a box of rare treasures!

What's more, they are all missions from Western countries to present those rare treasures to Dalong.

If you put those big boxes of rare treasures in the big squares and markets, you can buy a few hundred thousand taels of silver at least.

This series of behaviors is enough to prove that his father, Li Zheng, still loves his elder grandson and younger grandson very much!
Liu Mingzhi exhaled a puff of smoke sideways, and looked at the beautiful woman nestled in his arms with a puzzled expression.


Chen Jie lifted the cloak from her body, and wrapped herself and First Young Master Liu together again.

"Husband? What's the matter?"

"Jie'er, in my husband's impression, my father is an old man..."

Liu Mingzhi didn't hide anything from Chen Jie, and expressed his thoughts one by one with eloquence.

"Jie'er, so no matter how you look at it, the old man treats Li Ye, Li Tao, and his brothers very well!"

After listening to Young Master Liu's words, Chen Jie said bluntly: "Husband, I know what you said.

Not only the concubine herself knew it, but sister Shu'er also knew it. "

"What? Both you and Shu'er know?"

"Yeah. I know."

"Since you know all about it, then do you think Father Huang and his elders treated Li Ye, Li Tao and his brothers unfairly?"

"Husband, do you think concubine sisters are so short-sighted?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Husband, the attitude of Father and His Majesty towards Ye'er and Tao'er is not aimed at their brothers.

Instead, he was warning Concubine Shen and Sister Shu'er!

Warn the concubine and sisters not to have unrealistic fantasies about a certain position.

Father, the old man, only loves his grandson! "

Liu Mingzhi was shocked, and fell silent immediately.

He finally understood, what did the side concubine Chen Jie mentioned just now mean that she was only a side concubine after all?

Knock the mountain and shake the tiger.

Knock the mountain and shake the tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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