Chapter 3131 Helpless
Chen Jie looked at Liu Mingzhi's sob and silent expression, and lightly pursed her red lips.

She is very clear that the husband has roughly understood what she means in his heart.

"Since the brothers Ye'er and Tao'er have become more and more silent, the concubine sisters have completely understood.

The concubine and sister Shu'er, our two sisters, have completely missed the position of the crown prince and concubine. "

"And then? You and Shu Er really gave up?"

"Husband, what can I do if I don't give up?

Do you think that the concubines and sisters, who can't get on the stage at all, can hide it from the eyes of the father, the emperor, and his old man?
Husband, you also know what Emperor Father looked like when he was still in power.

Which of the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty has not become a fine old fox?
Especially those veteran officials in the court, all of them are exquisite in appearance, and their minds are more shrewd than the other.

Be as cunning as you can be.

However, they are different from those of them, or they were easily manipulated by their father and his old man.

Those old foxes above the court are still like this in the hands of the father and his old man.

What's more, my concubine and sister Shu'er, we are two little girls who are powerless. "

After listening to Chen Jie's words, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but recall Li Zheng's voice and smile when he was alive.

He recalled Li Zheng's appearance when he was still alive, raised his eyebrows slightly, and nodded with a chuckle.

"That's right, when the old man was in charge of the world, father, he was very shrewd."

"Since then, the concubine sisters have figured it out.

Unless the father and the old man shifted his heart to Ye'er, Tao'er and the two brothers.

Otherwise, the two of us sisters would not have any chance.

So, what if we sisters don't give up? "

Chen Jie got up and glanced at He Shu who was still asleep, and let out a long breath with emotion.

"Phew, if the concubine and sister Shu Er continue to engage in those tricks that won't make it to the table without self-knowledge.

In the end, I'm afraid Ye'er and Tao'er, the two brothers, won't even get the treatment they had before. "

"Hehehe, the sisters Shu'er and you are two women, it's very heartfelt to be able to think about this clearly.

As the saying goes, people have self-knowledge.

You know, many men may not be able to see this clearly. "

"Husband, my concubine and sister Shu'er don't want to become such a woman, but what can we do?

In the final analysis, concubine sisters are from humble backgrounds and have no ability!

How else could it be said that once entering the palace gate it was as deep as the sea? "

"Can't your sisters' natal families give you any help?"

"Husband, my concubine's family and sister Shu'er's natal family are relatively small.

Otherwise, the two of us sisters would not be able to become the side concubine or concubine of your elder brother, the current crown prince.

However, this is the capital city, at the feet of the emperor!
The little influence of our sister's natal family, in a place like the capital...hehehe..."

Chen Jie only spoke half of her words, and then laughed lightly at herself.

"Sigh, since the day we married your elder brother, we sisters have fully understood what it means to truly enter the palace."

"Then you and Shu Er, you two sisters, have you ever hated Father Huang and his old man?"

"Husband, do you want to hear the truth? Or do you want to hear a lie?"

"How about a lie? What about the truth?"

"If you tell lies, don't hold grudges."

"What about the truth?"

"The truth is, it's impossible to say no to resentment at all.

However, if you want to talk about how resentful you are, you don't have that feeling of gnashing your teeth.

As soon as Chen Jie finished speaking, she immediately looked towards Young Master Liu nervously.

"Husband, if the concubine said so, you wouldn't think that the concubine was narrow-minded, would you?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and waved his hands cheerfully.

"No, of course not, this is human nature."

"That's good, that's good, Husband, if you can understand my sisters, I can rest assured."

Liu Mingzhi felt that his body was a little stuffy, and he wrapped his arms around the beauty's waist, and casually lifted the cloak wrapped around his body.

"Huh? Husband, what's the matter?"

"It's getting hot."

Chen Jie changed into a comfortable position, and immediately lifted half of the cloak covering her delicate body.

"The concubine's body is also a little hot, and before I know it, fine sweat is breaking out on my forehead."

Liu Mingzhi adjusted his sitting posture with a light smile, and took a deep breath of dry tobacco with his brows slightly condensed.


"Hey, husband?"

"Is the distinction between concubine and concubine really that important?"

Chen Jie raised her hand to fan the lingering smoke in front of her, and leaned sideways on Young Master Liu's shoulder.

"Husband, I can't answer this question for you.

However, I know that there are some people who can answer your husband's question. "

Young Master Liu's slightly frowned eyebrows relaxed for an instant, and he looked curiously at the beautiful woman who was nestled in his arms.

"Oh? Who?"

"Husband, when you have finished handling the government affairs in hand, when you have nothing to do, you can go to the palace of civil and military officials in the court as a guest.

Of course, it's not just the residence of the Chinese military officials.

You can also be a guest of those famous families in the capital, the mansions of wealthy and dignified families.

The living conditions of the concubines in their house, as well as the concubines and concubines.

For your husband's question, it is the best answer. "

Liu Mingzhi immediately understood what Chen Jie meant without thinking.

"Okay, my husband understands.

When I have free time for my husband in the future, I will go to someone else's house as a guest. "

Chen Jie nodded with a smile, got up straight and left Young Master Liu's arms, twisted her waist and walked towards the washing rack behind the screen.

"Husband, it's getting late, you should go back.

Come here to change the washing rack, and I will help you wash up. . "

Liu Mingzhi leaned over and knocked out the ashes from the smoke pot in the copper basin next to the stove, and turned to look outside the room.

He looked at the still dark sky outside the room, and looked towards Chen Jie cheerfully.

"Jie'er, take a look for yourself, the sky outside is still gloomy.

No rush, no rush to go back. "

Chen Jie glanced back at the sky outside the window, and walked directly to the stove with the copper basin on the wooden stand.

"Husband, I have already told you just now.

It was dark outside because of the snow.

If it were placed on weekdays, the sky would already be bright. "

While talking with First Young Master Liu, Chen Jie lifted the kettle on the stove and poured half a basin of hot water.

"Jie'er, then you don't have to make my husband and I wake up so early.

There is no court meeting today, and the official documents in my husband's study have almost been processed.

Did you let my husband and I get up so early to enjoy the snow in the yard? "

Chen Jie rolled a look at Young Master Liu with a coquettish expression, picked up the wooden ladle in the bucket, and added cold water to the copper basin little by little.

"Husband, if it is normal, you will sleep until the sun is high.

Even if you sleep all day, this concubine will never ask you to get up so early.

However, today is different. "

Young Master Liu rolled up the pipe and put it aside, and walked towards Chen Jie lazily.

"Jie'er, it's strange that you are talking about your husband.

Today is not a particularly important day, what is different? "

Chen Jie picked up the copper basin and walked towards the wooden frame, looked back at First Young Master Liu and said softly, "My husband, because Uncle Liu, Aunt Liu and the others are at home today.

After their elders arrived in the capital yesterday, husband, you should have stayed at home to clean up the dust for them.

But, husband, you are here with concubine sisters.

Husband, you didn't clean up the dust for their elders, at least you should have breakfast with them this morning, right? "

Hearing Chen Jie's explanation, Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly.

"Jie'er, there's no need for that."

"Why is there no need for this?"

"Jie'er, you and Shu'er, the two of you sisters, have little contact with my old man, and don't know much about his character.

For these things you said, my old man doesn't care at all.

Believe it or not, my old man is definitely still playing chess with Zhou Gong in the warm bed!
As for the husband's mother, let alone.

She was born in the Bai family in the East China Sea, and she was one of the strange women who gained a great reputation in the Jianghu when she was young.

Our mother, as a child of the rivers and lakes, also doesn't care too much about red tape. "

When Chen Jie heard First Young Master Liu's words, she was stunned for a moment.

"Ah? Like this? Like this?"

"Yeah, that's right.

Jie'er, do you know what the old man of my family is most used to say in front of Wei Fu and Yun'er and the other sisters? "

A look of curiosity appeared in Chen Jiemei's eyes, and she subconsciously asked, "What... what?"

"It's all from our own family, there is not so much red tape.

If you are too respectful to him, he will be unhappy. "


"You and Shu'er get along with him relatively little, and don't understand his character.

His character is very enlightened. "

Chen Jie was silent for a while with a weird expression, then nodded her head a few times with a faint smile.

"Husband, I finally understand why you are so approachable.

Husband, the reason why you have developed your current personality is probably related to Uncle Liu's personality, right? "

First Young Master Liu stretched out his hand to gently stroke the stubble on his chin, and said with a wry smile: "Although my husband doesn't want to admit it, but my husband has to admit it.

My husband's current personality is indeed influenced by my old man. "

Chen Jie twisted the hot towel in her hand, and handed it to First Young Master Liu with a smile on her face.

"Husband, I'm already up, let's wash up first."

Liu Mingzhi took the hot towel from the beauty's hand with a light smile, and hugged her into his arms.

Chen Jie raised her hand and beat First Young Master Liu on the back, and rolled her eyes angrily.

"Husband, what are you doing?"

Young Master Liu raised his arms, threw the hot towel into the basin, and looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms with a smile.

"Good Jie'er, what do you think you want to do as a husband?"

Chen Jie's pretty face flushed, and she struggled slightly a few times.

"Stinky husband, let go of this concubine."

"Jie'er, as I said just now, she has already woken up.

If you continue to sleep late, wouldn't it be a disappointment to your good intentions. "

"You... um..."

"Husband, after I woke up, I haven't rinsed my mouth yet.

After the concubine washes up, I will come back to accompany you. "

"Good Jie'er, you are already an old married couple, how can you despise you as a husband?"


It took about half a cup of tea.

Young Master Liu and Chen Jie returned to the quilt that was still slightly warm.

The plan for a day lies in the morning, and the plan for a year lies in the spring.

Young Master Liu, who had been awake for a long time, naturally would not easily let go of Chen Jie who woke her up from her sleep.

A short cup of tea.

In the beauty's boudoir, there is already endless spring.


After a long time.

Clouds and rain.

First Young Master Liu took a look at the two beauties who were huddled in the brocade quilt, with blushing faces and beautiful eyes, and looked towards the door with a smile.

"Come on."

"The servant is here."

"Hot water for bathing."

"Your servant obeys, please wait a moment, sir, the servant girl and sister will bring you the hot water in a while."

Young Master Liu half-lyed on the pillow, smilingly curling up Chen Jie's messy black hair with his fingers.

"Good Jie'er, tell me now, which of the two of you sisters do you love more?"

"Bah! Not serious."

Chen Jie spat softly, and after giving Young Master Liu a flirtatious look, she quickly covered her ruddy and lustrous cheeks with a brocade quilt.

Young Master Liu frowned, and looked sideways at He Shu who was sleeping on the inside.

"Good Shuer, what do you think?"

"Bah, bad husband."

There was no difference between He Shu's reaction and Chen Jie's reaction, they also spit softly, and gave First Young Master Liu a coquettish look.

After a long time.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, First Young Master Liu dressed neatly under the service of sisters Chen Jie and He Shu.

"Jie'er, Shu'er."

"Hey, husband?"

"You two sisters have a good rest, and you will go back first for your husband."

Chen Jie picked up the big cloak on the side and put it on Young Master Liu, nodding her head reluctantly as a gesture.

"Husband, it's getting late, you should go back early."

"Husband, my concubine sisters haven't washed up yet, so I won't go out to see you off."

Young Master Liu fastened the cloak on his body, leaned over and kissed the foreheads of the two beauties, and rushed out of the room with a faint smile.

"I went back first for my husband, you sisters can rest for a while."

Chen Jie and He Shu sisters looked at Young Master Liu's backup, and gave a blessing with a smile.

"Sisters who are concubines send off their husbands respectfully."

"Let's rest."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."


Young Master Liu picked up the unlit lantern in his hand, and was escorted by Lao Gao to leave the Prince's Old Mansion.

"The old servant will send you off respectfully."

Young Master Liu walked to the corner of the street and glanced back in the direction of the Prince's old mansion.

Chen Jie's words, I'm afraid she wants to tell herself something!

(End of this chapter)

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