My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3147 The foundation is set

"Brother, why haven't you gone back yet?"

Song Qing immediately put the wine bag in his hand on his waist, pulled up the horse beside him and greeted First Young Master Liu.

"Brother, I specially waited for you outside the palace gate."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing suspiciously: "Waiting for me specially? What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, there is something I need to tell you."

Liu Mingzhi lightly let go of the rein in his hand, turned his head around and observed the situation around him.

"Brother, is it business or private?"

Song Qing let go of the reins, took out two documents from his cuffs, and signaled with an envelope.

"It's business, about the Western Expedition Army."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the documents and envelope in Song Qing's hand, and nodded solemnly.

"Brother, there are people coming and going on the street, so it's not convenient to talk about these things.

Let's go back to my little brother's house first, and we'll talk about this in detail after we get to my little brother's study. "

Song Qing quickly put the documents and envelopes in his cuffs, pulled the reins of the horse and got on his mount.

First Young Master Liu got on his horse directly, nodding his head and exhaling a few breaths of hot air into his slightly cold hands.



Following the soft shouts of the two brothers, the two vigorous horses raised their hooves and drove slowly towards the street.

Braving the oncoming cold wind, Young Master Liu kept rubbing his hands while shrinking his neck to look at the wine bag on Song Qing's waist.

"Brother, bring some of your fine wine to my brother. The weather has been getting colder and colder these days."

Song Qing immediately untied the wine bag from his waist, raised his head and threw it at First Young Master Liu.

"Brother Wei, this is not fine wine. It's a drink from the restaurants owned by brother and sister Bizhu and Lingyi after he left the palace not long ago."

Young Master Liu raised his brows, and directly unplugged the wine bag.

"Spirits, that's even better."

First Young Master Liu drank a few gulps of spirits, and his face gradually turned red.

"Phew, happy, really fucking happy.

In this weather, it is more enjoyable to drink this kind of strong wine.

As soon as he drank a few gulps of wine, his body immediately became hot. "

"Hehehe, then you should drink more, and then go to the restaurant to make a new pot after drinking.

Anyway, the restaurant is run by your wife, so you don't need to spend any money. "

"Fuck you, Bizhu, Lingyi and the other sisters get up early every day and finish their work, is it easy to earn such a little money?

Fortunately for you, all the calculations have been made on your two younger brothers and sisters. "

Song Qing shook his head angrily, grabbed the wine bag from Young Master Liu's hand and drank it in big gulps.

"Good guy, what you said, it's not easy for the two siblings to earn some money.

Co-authoring for my brother and me to buy wine and drink, so there is no need to spend money. "

Young Master Liu untied the wine bag from his waist, snatched the wine bag from Song Qing's hand again with his backhand, and poured half of the wine into his wine bag.

"Tsk tsk tsk, look at your stinginess. The majestic King Wuyi is a thousand years old, so why don't you even want to spend some wine money?"

"You are arrogant, you are arrogant, don't drink brother's wine."...

Young Master Liu grinned, and cheerfully returned the wine bag to Song Qing.

"I'll give you, I'll make it look like this young master finished your drink."

Song Qing weighed the wine sac with only a small half of the wine in his hand, and said helplessly: "Oh, you are so shameless, brother, I really don't know what to say."

Young Master Liu took a sip of the wine, grabbed the corner of the cloak and rubbed it vigorously on his cheeks a few times.

"Today's cold wind is really strong, like a knife, it hurts people's faces when it blows."

Song Qing tightened the cloak on his body, and breathed out the alcohol silently.

"How about the twelfth lunar month and the cold wind like a knife?
There is still half a month until the Chinese New Year. It would be really strange if the weather is not cold at this time. "

"Sigh, the comfortable life has passed for a long time, and my young master's health is not as good as before.

I think back then, when our brothers fought on the battlefield together with the soldiers.

This young master led the soldiers, braved the oncoming storm and snow, leaped on the endless snowy field, and ran for most of the day.

"At that time, I didn't feel anything at all.

On the other hand, today, the weather is a little bit worse, and I feel a little uncomfortable. "

"It's not just you, why not me as a brother?
The past is like smoke, there is no going back. "

"Hehehe, big brother, little brother respects you."

"Drink it together."

Young Master Liu, brothers Song and Qing, chatted with each other, and they had already returned to the mansion before they knew it.

When Liu Song heard the sound of horseshoes, he immediately opened the gate and came out.

"Master, come back."

"Well, I'm back."

Liu Mingzhi got off his horse and threw the whip into Liu Song's hand.

"Master Song, you are here too."

"Yeah, Brother Liu Song."


"The little one is here."

"Just take the young master's horse to the stable, and the elder brother's horse to the yard."

"Yes, the little one knows."

"Brother, please."



"Master, do you have any orders?"

"Master, where is the document that I asked you to bring back from the palace? Is it still with you?"

"Back to the young master, the younger one gave the document to Mrs. Ying'er as soon as she came back. It is estimated that Mrs. Ying'er should have sent it to you in the study."

"Okay, I see, you go to work first."

"Retire, little one."

· Major Liu pinned the wine pouch to his waist, and waved to Song Qing with a smile.

"Brother, give me the documents and letters first."

Song Qing nodded slightly, and immediately took out letters and documents from his cuffs and handed them to First Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu put his hands behind his back slightly, and hurried towards the study in the inner courtyard without haste.

"Brother, let's go to the study first."


It takes about a cup of tea.

Young Master Liu used Ruo to unlock the door and walked into the study first.

"Brother, you can sit wherever you want."

Song Qing closed the door casually, walked straight to the side opposite Young Master Liu and sat down.


Liu Mingzhi lifted the teapot from the stove, walked to the desk with a chuckle and made two cups of tea. …

"Brother, drink tea."

"it is good."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing who was holding the teacup, and continued to ask with a smile: "Brother, what's the situation with these two documents and letters?"

Song Qing blew on the tea in the cup, and leaned on the chair with a comfortable expression.

"The two documents are Uncle Zhang Kuang, Uncle Nangong Ye, and the other two commanders together sent a letter to Jin Yong at the imperial court.

Brother Wei was the same as before, after looking through the contents of the letter, he immediately sorted out two documents respectively.

By the way, the original letter of the two uncles is also included on the last page of the document.

As for the contents of that letter, Brother Wei is not clear.

The bottom of the envelope specially marked this letter, which is a private letter to your third brother, so it is naturally inconvenient for you to open it. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly, first put the letters aside, then leaned on the chair, and opened one of them casually.

After carefully reading the contents of the document, First Young Master Liu's expression gradually became excited.

"Good, good, good!"

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's agitated expression and repeated good words, Song Qing took a sip of tea with a calm expression.

He seemed to have already guessed that Young Master Liu would definitely have this reaction after seeing the content on the document.

Liu Mingzhi picked up another document and reviewed the contents with excitement.

"Great, great."

First Young Master Liu put the two books on the desk, picked up the tea at the side, got up and walked towards the huge map next to the bookshelf.

Seeing this, Song Qing also got up and followed.

Liu Mingzhi stared at the map in front of him with piercing eyes and remained silent for a long time, then looked at Song Qing who was at the side with a smile.

"After more than three years, the elite soldiers of my Dalong finally gained a firm foothold on these two vast territories.

After the foundation was stabilized, Uncle Zhang Kuang and Uncle Nangong Ye led two armies on the left and right to march westward.

As well as the Second West Expedition Army commanded by Dingbang, if he wants to continue to march westward in the future, he will have no worries. "

Song Qing chewed the tea in his mouth lightly, and glanced at the map in front of him with sighs.

"In the blink of an eye, more than three years have passed.

More than three years, the soldiers of the Western Expedition, it is not easy! "

Liu Mingzhi put the teacup aside, lifted it up on the map, and gently swam with his fingertips on the borders of Tianzhu, Dashi, and Rome.

"The Tianzhu Kingdom, the Great Food Kingdom, and the Roman Kingdom, the combined territory of these three countries is several million.

In just over three years, the soldiers have opened up millions of territory for my Dalong, which is really not easy.

However, it's all worth it. "

"Third brother, I have a question to ask you, I don't know if I should talk about it?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"Aren't you afraid that in the history books, you will be reprimanded by a stupid king who wastes money and wastes money?"

Young Master Liu trembled, and his fingertips walked gently on the map for a long time.

"Brother, the merits and demerits in front of us, let's decide for ourselves.  …

However, this young master believes that our children and grandchildren in future generations will definitely give us a fair review. "

"Maybe so, in the long run, Brother Wei is far worse than you.

May what you say come true. "

"Yes, it will."

With his finger on the map, Liu Mingzhi cheerfully picked up his teacup, turned around and walked towards the desk.

"If this situation continues to develop, in a few more years, the name of my great dragon will be completely written on the three territories."

Song Qing lit a pot of dry tobacco by the stove, walked to his seat with a slight frown and sat down.

"Why wait a few more years, according to what the two uncles said in the documents.

We can now replace the territory of the three kingdoms of Dashi, Tianzhu, and Rome with the name of my Dalong Dynasty. "

Between Song Qing's words, he pulled open the dry pipe and gestured to First Young Master Liu.

"Third brother, do you want to have a pot?"

"No, I already smoked it when I chatted with Li Tao in the palace."

"Okay, I'll put it away for my brother."

Liu Mingzhi sipped the tea leaves at the corner of his mouth, and gently fiddled with the tea lid in his hand.

"Now our Dalong's Western Expedition soldiers have established a firm foothold on those vast territories, but there is one thing we have to admit.

That is, the people living on those territories are still dominated by the barbarians from Tianzhu, Dashi, and Rome.

On that vast territory, only the number of Yi people still occupies a dominant position.

This also means that my Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty has not really brought that vast territory under the governance of my Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty.

In this way, anything is possible! "

Song Qing took a deep puff of the dry cigarette, and a cold light flashed through his slightly narrowed eyes.

"Third brother."

"Huh? Brother?"

Song Qing was silent for a moment with a hesitant expression, then raised his hand and made a cross-cutting motion towards his neck.

"If you don't want to send a letter to Uncle Zhang Kuang, Uncle Nangong Ye and the two old men, order them to directly..."

When Young Master Liu saw Song Qing's actions, he instantly understood what he meant.

Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently, raised his legs casually, and leaned lazily on the chair.

"Brother, judging from the current situation, this is of course the best way.

However, if it is based on a long-term plan, acting like this is tantamount to digging its own grave. "

"Third brother, what you mean is that if you act like this, it may break the stable situation in front of you and arouse the resistance of the barbarian people."

"That's just one of them, not the main reason."

"Huh? What else is there?"

Liu Mingzhi put his arms around his chest, and said decisively: "Food, this is the main reason.

Whether it's killing people or massacring cities, it's not a big deal at all to my Dalong soldiers who have experienced many battles in the Western Expedition.

To put it simply, it's just a matter of raising a knife and falling with a knife.

However, after killing people and massacring the city?

My Dalong left and right are the soldiers of the two Western Expeditions, the soldiers of the Anxi Duhu Mansion and the Allied Army of the Western Regions, and the soldiers of the Second Western Expedition Commanded by the boy Dingbang. …

Adding up the strength of the four armies, there are more than 100 million soldiers!

From another point of view, they are not only the soldiers of my dragon, but also the people of my dragon.

More than 100 million soldiers, plus various war horses, ox carts, poor horses, etc. consumed.

When people eat horse chews, how much food do they need to consume in a day?

Brother, you are also a soldier who was born, so you don't need to talk to you about it. "

Song Qing's body shook, and he nodded with a frown.

"This, brother understands."

"So, it is easy to kill the Yi people.

And then, where will more than 100 million people go to get food and grass?

Is it mobilized from our treasury?Or order the kings of the countries in the Western Regions to support?

In a short time, the difficulty of gnashing one's teeth was over.

But what about the long campaign?

With such a long journey, even if our treasury and the treasuries of dozens of countries in the Western Regions were completely consumed, we would not be able to supply it.

Brother, tell yourself.

What will happen when more than 100 million people have no food to eat?
In the end, what will happen to the Great Western Expedition? "

Song Qing leaned over and knocked out the soot in the brazier at his feet, and shook his head with a complicated expression.

"Oh, forget it, forget it, forget it.

Your eldest brother and I are not this material. "

"Brother, brother, I am more anxious than you.

But no matter how anxious you are, things like opening up territories have to be done gradually, step by step. "

"Third brother, no matter what, I will always be your pawn.

As long as you give an order, you let the elder brother lead the soldiers to charge, and the elder brother will never back down. "

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