Chapter 3148
Liu Mingzhi reached out and picked up the wine bag on the side, pulled out the cork and gestured to Song Qing.

"Good brother, it's all in the wine, brother respects you."

"Drink it together."

The stove in the study was burning, and the temperature in the room was already warm.

Young Master Liu drank a few gulps of spirits, his body gradually became hot, and his face also turned rosy involuntarily.

"Compared to now, the days before are still so chic and happy.

In the past, my young master, I only needed to lead my brothers to charge into battle, to attack cities and villages, and try my best to win a big battle.

All other matters are left to the court and the civil and military officials in the court to worry about.

The kind of days when you can put everything aside and do your best to fight wits and courage with many opponents, and you attack me, how carefree it is.

In contrast to today.

Although brother, I sat on the chair that everyone in the world yearned for, but I was also more tired from life.

Big and small business matters, trifles, and so on, and so on, all kinds of things, there is no one day that can stop.

Toil, toil, toil,

Over the years, my young master, I have been spinning like a pointer on a sundial every day.

There is no chance to stop and take a break to really relax physically and mentally. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and drank a big mouthful of wine, then heaved a long sigh with emotion.

"Oh! The past is like smoke, and everything can't go back."

Song Qing added another pot of shredded tobacco, turned his head and exhaled a puff of smoke, shaking the wine bag in his hand a few times with a sighing expression.

"Alas, third brother, since you became emperor, it will be seven years soon.

Time has passed for so many years, let some past events disappear with the wind.

Come on, big brother respects you. "

"Okay, drink."

First Young Master Liu put away the wine bag and put it aside, smiled lightly and picked up the letter on the desk.

Seeing this, Song Qing silently drank the drink in his hand without saying anything.

First Young Master Liu tore open the envelope, pulled out the letter paper from inside, got up and walked towards the window next to him.

Slowly stopping in front of the window, Liu Mingzhi gently shook off the letter paper in his hand, and looked down at the content on it.

"Your Majesty will surely live up to His Majesty's expectations.

The old minister was arrogant, and the old minister Nangong Ye nodded. "

There was only one sentence written on a piece of letter paper.

And the names of Zhang Kuang and Nangong Ye in the lower corner of the letter paper.

Liu Mingzhi looked at that simple line of content, raised his neck with a smile on his lips, stared at the desolate scenery in the courtyard outside the window, and fell silent.

After about half a stick of incense or so.

Young Master Liu let out a long breath of white air, and gently folded the letter paper in his hand.

"Big brother."

Song Qing stood up abruptly, holding the wine bag in his hand and looking towards First Young Master Liu.

"Third brother, what's wrong?"

"Did you have breakfast before going to court?"

"I just ate a bun and drank a bowl of porridge, what's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi turned around and returned to the desk, opened the middle drawer and put the letter paper in, looked up at Song Qing with a smile.

"Let's go, let's have a drink."

Song Qing couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked: "Ah? I drink it early in the morning, isn't it a bit early?"

Young Master Liu pushed the drawer up, and picked up the wine bag with a smile on his face.

"Brother, haven't we already had a drink?"

"Hey, can this warm-up drink be the same as formal drinking?"

First Young Master Liu picked up the cloak beside him, happily walked towards the stove not far away.

"It's all drinking, why is it different?

In a word, to drink or not to drink? "

Song Qing lightly took a puff of dry smoke, and immediately walked over to help First Young Master Liu clean up the items around the stove that might cause water leakage. .

"This is what I said, third brother, please drink for me, do you dare to say no?"

"Go to hell."

After Young Master Liu blocked the ventilation plug of the stove, he lightly patted the dust on his hands a few times.

"Okay, let's go drink in peace."

After Young Master Liu walked out of the courtyard of the study, he looked at the maidservants who were coming towards him with a faint smile.

"Come on."

When the maidservants heard Young Master Liu yelling, they trotted up to meet him immediately.

"Sister servant girl, see the young master."

"It's all free."

"Thank you sir."


"The servant is here."

"You sisters rush to find Yun'er immediately, and ask her to inform the kitchen immediately, and make some appetizers as soon as possible."

"The slaves and sisters obey, and the slaves will leave."

"Brother, let's go to the main hall first."

"it is good!"

Young Master Liu had just walked into the courtyard of the main hall, and when he saw the three people walking towards him, he subconsciously stopped.

"Huh? Third brother, why did you stop?"

"Hey, see for yourself."

Song Qing was taken aback for a moment, and instinctively turned around to look.

"Huh? When did my dad come here?"

"Who knows?"

First Young Master Liu tightened the cloak on his body, and moved towards Song Yu, Liu Zhi'an, Qi Run, and the older brothers with strange expressions.


When Song Yu saw First Young Master Liu approaching him, he flicked his sleeves habitually and was about to bow to salute.

"Old minister..."

Seeing this, Young Master Liu quickly reached out to stop him: "Hey, uncle, this is in our own home, so please don't be too polite."

Song Yu straightened up, and smiled bitterly.

"Get used to it, get used to it."

"My nephew, Song Qing, pay my respects to my second uncle, my uncle Qi.

Liu Zhi'an looked at Song Qing who was greeting him, and put his hands up with a faint smile.

"Qing'er, excuse me."

Qi Run nodded slightly, smiled lightly and raised his hand to signal

"King Wuyi, please forgive me."

"Thank you Second Uncle, thank you Uncle Qi."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Liu Zhi'an with a strange expression, looked at Song Yu with a light smile and said, "Uncle, it's probably less than an hour since the San Dynasty.

You finished processing the documents in the Ministry of War so quickly? "

Song Yu exhaled into the palms of his hands, and put his hands inside his cuffs with a sigh.

"Now the world is peaceful, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Since the Second Route Army set off, how many documents still need to be processed by the Ministry of War. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded noncommittally, and smiled lightly.

"Hehehe, that's true.

It is a good thing for this young master, for the court, and for tens of millions of people in the world that the Ministry of War is not busy.

If your Ministry of War gets busy one day, I will have a headache for my nephew. "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he looked sideways at his old man.

"Old man, father-in-law, uncle, the three of you old brothers hooked up shoulder to shoulder along the way, talking and laughing.

This is, what are you going to do? "

Song Yu's body trembled, he raised his hand to stroke his beard a few times, and looked aside with erratic eyes.

Qi Run coughed twice with a strange expression on his face, and also looked away with evasive eyes.

"Hmm, cough, cough, cough."

Liu Zhi'an hurriedly turned his head and glanced at the direction of the hall door behind him, with his hands in his cuffs, he watched Young Master Liu cough softly a few times.

"Stinky boy, since the old man and your mother returned to our hometown in the south of the Yangtze River to settle down, we haven't seen your uncle and our brother for a long time.

Now, the old man and your father-in-law, we three old brothers finally reunited after a long absence.

Therefore, the old man wanted to go out for a few drinks with your uncle, father-in-law, and me, so as to get in touch with brotherhood.

What's the matter, can't you? "

First Young Master Liu glanced sideways at the hall door in the distance, and tapped the tip of his nose cheerfully.

"Okay, of course.

Old man, you and your uncle reunited after a long absence. The two of you brothers want to have a few drinks together and catch up on the old days. No one can find the slightest fault. "

Old God Liu Zhi'an nodded, took out his right hand from his cuff and pulled First Young Master Liu aside.

"Old man and your father-in-law, uncle, the three of us are going to drink first. If you and Qing'er have something to do, go get busy first."

Young Master Liu frowned, and immediately stopped Liu Zhian and Song Yu.

"Wait a minute."

Liu Zhi'an paused, and gave First Young Master Liu an angry look.

"Bastard, what the hell do you mean by that?"

In response to his old man's cursing, Young Master Liu cheerfully shrugged his shoulders.

"Old man, if you want to have a few drinks with father-in-law and uncle, my young master naturally has no objection.

In other words, the vintage wines stored in the wine cellar in the backyard of our house, aged for a hundred years, are much better than the wines in the restaurants outside!
In this way, old man, you, father-in-law, and uncle, why do you three want to stay close and seek distance?

How about this, this young master immediately informs Sister Ya, and asks her to bring the maids to bring several large jars of vintage wine from the backyard.

When the time comes, I promise to let you and your uncle and your brothers have a good drink.

How about it, my young master is filial enough. "

The corners of Liu Zhian's mouth twitched a few times, and he leaned towards First Young Master Liu with an extremely helpless expression.

"You bastard, stop putting on a show for me.

In a word, how many? "

Seeing Liu Zhi'an, Young Master Liu had already put his words on the surface, and rubbed his fingers with a smile.

"Old man, just look at it and give it to me. This young master is quite easy to dismiss."

"Hey, what a crime."

Liu Zhi'an suppressed his voice and sighed, groped a few times in his cuffs, took out two 500 taels of silver notes and stuffed them into Young Master Liu's hands.

"Old man, you are too stingy, it's only 1000 taels."

"Whether you like it or not, at worst, the old man will stay at home and drink today.

The days to come are still long, the old man will not miss the next three days or five days. "

Young Master Liu grabbed the banknote in his hand, and with a spring-like smile on his face, he took a few steps back cheerfully.

"Old man, uncle, you two brothers haven't seen each other for so long, eat and drink well."

"Hmph! Boss, in-laws, let's go."

Liu Zhi'an snorted coldly, shook his sleeves vigorously, and walked out of the corridor with his hands behind his back.

Song Yu glanced at First Young Master Liu helplessly, and immediately followed Liu Zhi'an.

Qi Run smiled lightly and waved to First Young Master Liu, and hurriedly followed.

As for Liu Zhi'an, Qi Run, and Song Yu, what are the old brothers doing?

Nature is self-evident.

Everything is clear, there is no need to say more.

Song Qing watched his father, second uncle Liu Zhi'an, and uncle Qi Run go away, and looked at the two 500 taels of silver notes in Young Master Liu's hand with a strange expression.

"Third brother, I have to say, it's still easier for you to earn money.

At best, it's only a cup of tea, and the 1000 taels of silver ticket is already in hand. "

Young Master Liu put the banknotes into his cuffs with a smile on his face, and hurried towards the main hall.

"No way, who made your second uncle have so much money in his pocket!"

Song Qing raised his brows, smiled strangely and shook his head.

As soon as First Young Master Liu entered the main hall, Qi Ya, the empress and other beauties came up to greet her and gave a blessing.

"Sisters who are concubines see their husbands."

"Free of courtesy, free of courtesy."

"Thank you husband."

After Qi Ya and the other beauties got up, they immediately saluted Song Qingfu who was following First Young Master Liu.

"Siblings, sisters, and others, I've met my eldest brother, and I'm so polite."

"Brothers and sisters, please forgive me, please forgive me."

"Thank you bro."

"Sister Ya, has Yun'er gone to the kitchen?"

"Go back to your husband, my sister has already gone.

Sister, she learned that husband, you are going to drink with elder brother, and just received the notice from the maids, she couldn't wait to rush to the kitchen. "

"That's fine, that's fine.

By the way, isn't it just past the time for breakfast?What about mother and mother-in-law? "

Hearing her husband's question, Qi Ya coughed a few times with a strange pretty face.

"Cough cough, husband."

"Sister Ya, what's the matter?"

"Husband, according to the time calculation.

On the way you and your elder brother rushed to the living room, you should have met our father, my concubine's father, and Uncle Song, right? "

First Young Master Liu glanced back towards the outside of the hall, then scanned the main hall with a strange expression.

"Sister Ya, you mean?"

Qi Ya raised her head and covered her cherry lips lightly, her beautiful eyes narrowed and she smiled sullenly.

"Yeah, it's really a coincidence that the three whispered words of uncle and the others happened to be heard by my concubine's mother and our mother.

Then our mother and my concubine's mother went back directly. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded playfully, and scratched his brow with his fingers.

"For my husband, I only know, Sister Ya, Sister Shan, Yan'er, Rongrong..."

Qi Ya, the third princess, sister Gumo Rongrong and the others immediately gave a blessing.

"The concubine is here."

"You sisters have already suffered from rebellion, so you should be busy with your own affairs."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

Liu Mingzhi glanced intentionally or unintentionally at the eldest son Liu Chengfeng at the next table, and gently tugged Qinglian's silk cuff with his fingers.


Seeing her husband's abnormal expression, Qinglian vaguely understood something.

She lightly smiled and straightened her clothes, and said softly like a mosquito, "Husband, what's wrong?"

"Lian'er, girl Serena, have you come to have breakfast today?"

"Come, let's go after we're full."

"How's the situation today? There's nothing wrong between this girl and Chengfeng, right?"

"No, no, don't mention how intimate the words and deeds are."

(End of this chapter)

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