My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3149 Brothers reunite

Chapter 3149 Brothers reunite
Liu Mingzhi glanced at Liu Chengfeng, and then glanced sideways at the direction of Dongkuayuan.

"Lian'er, do you think there is that kind of intimacy between them? Or are they deliberately pretending to be intimate for us to see?"

"Of course it's intimate from the heart."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Husband, what do you mean by that? Don't you want harmony between your son and daughter-in-law?"

"No, my husband certainly hopes that this kid Chengfeng will live in harmony with Serena and his wife.

Didn't my husband ask this question just to make sure? "

Qinglian frowned, and angrily stretched out her hand to lightly bump Young Master Liu's arm.

"Husband, I'm not stupid, of course you can tell whether their expressions and reactions when they get along are true or false.

The concubine can guarantee that the intimacy between Chengfeng and Serena, the young couple, is absolutely from the heart.

Husband, the intimacy that comes from the heart is completely different from the intimacy that seems to be in harmony with the outside world.

The concubine is not the kind of little woman who has never seen the world, so she still has such a little insight. "

After listening to Qinglian's words, Liu Mingzhi nodded with satisfaction and said, "It's so good, it's so good, family and everything will prosper, and family and everything will prosper.

The husband and wife are harmonious and respect each other as guests, so we parents can rest assured. "

Qinglian pursed her red lips a few times, pulled Young Master Liu's sleeves with some hesitation on her pretty face, and walked out of the hall first.

"Husband, I have an idea and want to ask you what it means."

After hearing Qinglian's voice transmission to him, First Young Master Liu straightened his clothes with a light smile.

"Big brother."

"Third brother, what's wrong?"

"My young master suddenly remembered that there is a very important thing that I forgot to explain to you. Come out with me, and my younger brother will explain the general situation to you."

"Okay, here we come."

Song Qing cheerfully waved at the three princesses and the others, and immediately followed Young Master Liu.

"Brothers and sisters, let's chat later."

"Brother, please."

After Liu Mingzhi walked out of the hall door with a light smile, he saw that Qinglian had already walked to the corner of the courtyard, and immediately walked over.

Song Qing came out from the main hall, and hurriedly followed Young Master Liu.

He was just about to ask First Young Master Liu what he wanted to tell him, but after seeing this scene, he immediately understood.

The third brother is using himself as a shield!

Song Qing coughed a few times, took off the wine bag on his waist, and hurriedly turned and walked towards the corridor not far away.

Young Master Liu glanced back at the direction of the hall door, smiled lightly and stopped beside the beauty.

"Lian'er, tell Weifu what you think."

"Husband, I would like to arrange for the personal maid to pay more attention to the situation of Chengfeng, Serena and their young couple.

In this way, if there is some quarrel between the young couple one day, the concubine will know immediately.

However, to put it mildly, this kind of behavior is to pay attention to the situation on their side.

It was explained that it was an act of surveillance.

I don't even know if it's appropriate to act like this.

So, I would like to ask what you mean? "

After hearing Qinglian's appeal, Liu Mingzhi smiled and said with a clear expression: "Lian'er, are you worried that your good intentions will end up doing something bad?"

Qinglian's pretty face was filled with joy, and she nodded her head a few times without hesitation.

"Hmm, that's what it means to be a concubine.

After all, monitoring this kind of behavior, no matter how you say it, is not a gentleman's behavior.

However, at the same time, the concubine is also very worried that Chengfeng and Serena, the husband and wife, will have another quarrel in the future.

So, sir, what do you mean? "

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and patted the beauty's fragrant shoulders, looked sideways at the direction of the hall door, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Lian'er, it's just as you said.

Surveillance is not, by any means, an act of a gentleman.

What's more, is he sending someone to monitor his son and daughter-in-law?
Lian Er, your painstaking efforts, as a husband, I naturally understand and understand.

However, the young couple Chengfeng and Serena may not be able to understand it. "

"Husband, this concubine is worried about this, so I wanted to discuss it with you.

As a concubine, I don't want to be my mother, and in the end I am not a human being inside and out. "


"Hey, husband, say it."

"Lian'er, our son has grown up and has his own ideas.

As parents, we can't stay by their side for the rest of our lives! "

After Qinglian heard her husband's words, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she blinked her eyes a few times with flushed eyes.

"I understand, my husband!"


"Husband, is this concubine particularly ignorant?"

"No, no, what do you think?"

"Why not? You're already at this age, but when you think about things, you're still 20 years old..."

Before Qinglian could finish her sentence, Young Master Liu directly planned to open it.


"Hey, my concubine is here."

Young Master Liu rubbed Qinglian's flushed eye sockets with his fingers, raised his head and pouted towards the courtyard behind the main hall.

"Lian'er, how old are the old man and mother this year?

For my husband, Mingli, Xuan'er, Mingjie and our brothers and sisters.

The two elders are both so old, don't they also work hard all day long?

In this world, except for a few people.

How many parents do not love their children?

Lian'er, you feel bad, don't you feel bad for your husband? "

Qinglian grabbed Young Master Liu's wrist, frowned and shook her head forcefully.

"Husband, I definitely don't mean that."

"Lian'er, I understand for my husband, I understand your thoughts for my husband."

"Yeah, well, the concubine will not say that it is you."

"Lian'er, the child has grown up, and even became a father.

We should trust him and believe that he can handle his own affairs well. "

Qinglian took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Husband, I understand what you mean."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and combed the slightly disheveled hair around her ears for the beauty, then pointed in the direction of the hall door.

"Go and help Yan'er, Sister Ya and the others tidy up the dining table."

Qinglian responded delicately, and rushed towards the main hall with light steps.

"Hey, the concubine will go first."

Qinglian had just walked a few steps when Qi Yun's surprised voice suddenly came from under the arch next to her.

"Ah, husband, why are you and Sister Lian'er standing in the yard?"

Qinglian turned her head to look at Qi Yun, and waved her hands with a smile.

"Sister Yun, let my husband tell you, my sister has gone to the hall first."

"Huh? All right."

Qi Yun beckoned blankly, then walked towards First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, what's going on?"

"Huh? Yun'er, what's going on?"

"Husband, why does this concubine feel that there is something wrong with Sister Lian'er's expression?"

Young Master Liu watched Qinglian walk into the main hall, and looked sideways at Qi Yun, who had a pretty face full of doubts.

"Why, Lian'er didn't tell you about the quarrel between Cheng Feng and Serena?"

Qi Yun raised her eyebrows and nodded in a sudden realization.

"It's no wonder that Sister Lian'er's expression is a little bit wrong, I understand, I understand."


"Hey, husband, say it."

"Are you ready for the appetizers that my husband asked you to prepare?"

"Husband, the cold dishes are almost ready before I come back.

I don't know my husband, where are you two going to drink, big brother? "

"Go to the garden. You can drink and enjoy the scenery. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

Qi Yun nodded with a smile on her face, and beckoned to her close maid Yu'er sideways.


"The servant is here."

"You take a few maids to the Snow Pavilion right away, and clean up where it is."

"The servant obeys the order, the servant will leave first."

Liu Mingzhi patted Qi Yun's arm, smiled lightly and walked towards Song Qing.

"Big brother."

"Third brother."

"I've seen big brother."

"No gift, no gift."

"Brother, the back kitchen is almost ready, let's go to the snow viewing pavilion in the garden for a drink."

"No problem, third brother, wherever you want to go, let's go drink there."



"After you sisters have finished handling the trivial matters, don't forget to go to the Snow Pavilion."

"Yeah, I know."

"Brother, let's go."


After half a day.

In the garden of Liu Mansion.

Young Master Liu, Qi Yun, and the three princesses gathered in the Snow Pavilion.

Qi Yun lifted the warm wine from the stove, filled several glasses of fine wine with a smile, and sat down beside Young Master Liu in a dignified manner.

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and picked up his wine glass behind him.

Qi Yun, the queen, sister Yun Xiaoxi and others also took up their wine glasses one after another.

"Brother, please."

"Drink together."

Before Song Qing put down the wine glass, Yu'er immediately picked up the pot and served Song Qing a glass of wine.
Qi Yun and sisters Murong Shan immediately raised their wine glasses to signal.

"Brother, our sisters offer you a toast, please."

"Okay, let's have a drink together."

"Daddy, Yun Rui wants to eat chicken legs..."

"Daddy, do you want to eat that sauced duck neck?"

"Hehehe, Daddy will bring you some food now."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the children who had just become sensible around him, and with a smile on his face, he picked up the dishes and put them on the side plate.

"Ke Xin, Ke Ke, you brothers and sisters, go and eat.

If you want to eat any more, just ask your mother, don't delay your father and your uncle drinking. "

"Yeah, baby, I know."

"Father, mother, let's go to the side to eat first."

"Uncle, eat and drink well."

"Hey, uncle understands, please pay attention to your feet."

"we know."

Song Qing held his wine glass and looked at First Young Master Liu helplessly.

"Third brother, what are you doing.

Yun Rui, Keke and the others want to eat something, just let them eat as much as they want. "

"Brother, these little guys have already had breakfast, and they are just messing around.

Leave them alone and let them play. "

Qi Yun and the three princess sisters also joined in.

"Brother, you and your husband just have a good drink."

"Brother, what my husband said is right, the few of them have already had their fill."

Seeing that Qi Yun and the other sisters had said so, Song Qing naturally couldn't say anything more.

He withdrew his gaze, and raised his wine glass with a smile as a gesture.

"My brothers and sisters have already said that, what else can I say as a brother?

Come, come, drink, drink. "

"Drink together, drink together."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi and Song Qing brothers put down their wine glasses, Yu'er refilled two glasses of already warm wine with a smile on their face.

"Brother, there is something that Master Ben has to tell you."

Song Qing burped lightly, and looked at First Young Master Liu with doubts in his eyes.

"Hi, third brother, tell me."

"Because of the heavy snow blocking the road, Song Lei and Ming Li's family may not have the chance to come back to the capital for the New Year this year."

Song Qing frowned, sighed lightly with a melancholy expression, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Oh, understand, understand for brother."

"Brother, this situation is not just for you, younger brother.

Uncle and his old man's side, it's up to you to talk about it. "

Song Qing nodded with a wry smile, looked at Yu'er who was about to pour wine for him, and waved casually as a signal.

"Yu'er, you can put down the jug, I can drink it myself."

Yu'er's pretty face tightened, and she quickly looked at First Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu glanced sideways at Yu'er, smiled and nodded.

"Yu'er, you should step back first."

Yu'er immediately put the jug aside, and gave a respectful blessing.

"Yes, slaves obey."

"Yun'er, Sister Ya, Wanyan, Rongrong."

"The concubine is here."

"You sisters have already toasted the eldest brother, so go back and do your own business first."

Qi Yun, the three princess sisters and the others were startled for a while, but immediately got up and gave a blessing after realizing it.

"Hey, the concubine sisters will leave first."

Sister Qi Yun and the others walked out of the snow viewing pavilion gracefully, and immediately yelled at their children and walked out towards the garden.

"Third brother, what are you?"

Liu Mingzhi casually untied the pipe from his waist, and gave Song Qing a look with a faint smile.

After Qi Yun, the empress and the others gradually faded away, Liu Mingzhi held a pipe that had already been dyed with shredded tobacco in his hand, and smiled and gestured behind him.


Under Song Qing's surprised eyes, a figure wearing a bamboo hat and a plain robe flew down into the snow-appreciating pavilion within a few ups and downs.

Song Qing stared blankly at the man in the bamboo hat for a moment, then stood up from the stone bench with a jerk.

"Second child."

Ling Yang raised his head and took off the bamboo hat on his head, and nodded to Song Qing with a light smile.

"Brother, long time no see."

With a soft sound, Song Qing hurriedly put the wine glass on the stone table, and walked quickly towards Ling Yang.

"Good brother, long time no see."

Song Qing patted Ling Yang's shoulder heavily, looking excitedly and helplessly at Young Master Liu.

"Third brother, what you did today is not authentic!

Why didn't you tell Brother Wei in advance that you asked your second child to come over for a drink? "

Young Master Liu took a puff of dry smoke lightly, raised his head to Song Qing, and the two brothers Ling Yang waved.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, let's sit down and talk."

"Hey, sit here, sit here.

Second child, come and sit next to elder brother. "

Ling Yang put the bamboo hat on the stone bench covered with cotton pads, and happily sat next to Song Qing.

"Thank you bro."

Song Qing gave Ling Yang a hard look, and poured three glasses of wine with the pot.

"Bastard, what the hell are you being polite to big brother for?"

(End of this chapter)

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