My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3160 Wronged You

Gu Mo Rongrong quietly stared at a group of koi that were scrambling for fish food, then grabbed a handful of fish food from the earthen jar, and sprinkled it gently into the lake water.

"Husband, I don't blame you, who made my hometown too far away!"

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment, then nodded silently.

"Yeah, it's really too far away."

Gu Mo Rongrong raised her eyes and looked towards the western sky: "The capitals of Ganzhou and Suzhou are far enough away from the capital.

And the concubine's hometown, Gumo Country, is thousands of miles away to the west of Suzhou.

For such a long journey, it would take at least several months to go on such a journey, let alone a round trip!

Moreover, this is under the condition that we have a safe journey and smooth sailing.

If something happened on the way, it would take even longer.

Husband, you are the king of a country, the court cannot do without you, and the people of the world cannot do without you.

The concubine cannot ask her husband to follow the concubine back to his homeland just because of his own homesickness, thus abandoning Dalong's country and community.

If the concubine really did that.

As a concubine, she was too selfish. "

Liu Mingzhi hugged the beauty's fragrant shoulders vigorously, and was silent for a moment with a guilty expression.

"Oh, Rong Rong, I have wronged you."

Gu Mo Rongrong tidied up the hair that was blown by the wind around her ears with her fingers, and leaned her head on her husband's shoulder.

"No grievances, no grievances at all. With your husband, you and your children by my side, I am content with everything."

Liu Mingzhi supported the beauty's shoulders with both hands, slightly nodded and kissed the beauty's white and tender forehead



"My husband promises you, after the crown prince is established on my husband's side.

For my husband, I will take you sisters and a group of children under our knees to accompany you back to Gumo country.

Except for your sister Yun, sister Shan'er and the other two sisters, the rest of your sisters haven't seen what it looks like in the Western Regions yet?

After we rush back to Gumo country together, you will lead their sisters and children around for a while.

Let them also have a good taste of the customs and customs of the Western Regions. "

Gu Mo Rongrong's delicate body trembled, and she looked towards Liu Mingzhi with surprise on her face.

"Husband, really?"

"Of course it's true. When did my husband lie to you?"

Gu Mo Rongrong nodded her head vigorously, and quickly tiptoed to peck Liu Mingzhi's lips lightly.

"Yeah, thank you husband."

Liu Mingzhi raised his right hand and hooked it on the beauty's nose with a smile.


Gu Mo Rongrong slapped First Young Master Liu's palm away, and snorted angrily, "Hmph, I'm not stupid."

"Yes, yes, you are not stupid, you are the smartest.

Let's not talk about these topics, let's continue to feed the fish. "

"Yeah, my concubine will help you."

After a long time.

Just as Liu Mingzhi, Gu Mo Rongrong and his wife were walking on the bridge corridor talking and laughing, grabbing a handful of fish food from time to time and throwing it towards the lake.

On the shore of the lake in the distance, Liu Song's shouts were suddenly heard. …

"Master, Master."

Young Master Liu stopped walking immediately, and looked back at Liu Song who was standing by the lake, waving his hands with a puzzled expression.

"Liu Song, what's wrong?"

"Return to the young master, Guanneihou asks to see you."

"Zhu Lan?"


Liu Mingzhi handed the earthen pot in his hand to Gu Mo Rongrong, and then slapped his hands vigorously a few times.

"Liu Song, did Zhu Lan say what he wanted from Master Ben?"

"Back to young master, Master Zhu just told the younger one that he has something to see."

"Well, where is he?"

"The little ones have taken it out of the garden."

"Master, I won't go off the bridge, you can go directly and bring him over."

"Yes, young master later, I will return as soon as I go."

Gu Mo Rongrong watched Liu Song's back trotting away, and walked lightly to Young Master Liu's side.

"Husband, Brother Zhu Lan should have something serious to say to you, or go back first if you are not a concubine."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at Gu Mo Rongrong, and said with a light smile: "You don't need to leave, just stay and be with your husband."

"Ah? But, in case Brother Zhu Lan wants to discuss something important with you, wouldn't it be inconvenient for me to stay by your side?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to tighten the fox fur cloak on his body, and stretched his body lazily.

"Rongrong, if there is something serious, Zhu Lan should have reported it to her husband when she was in court two days ago.

Don't worry, my husband is sure that Zhu Lan's visit to our house this time must be for some private matters. "

Seeing that her husband's tone was so sure, Gu Mo Rongrong nodded with a smile on her face.

She can continue to stay by her husband's side, so she naturally doesn't want to leave now.

After all, with so many sisters, the chance to be alone with her husband is really too little.

"Rongrong, let's go."

"Husband, where are you going?"

"Of course I went to the bridge to meet him, Zhu Lan is one of my husband's good brothers.

As a husband, who is the eldest brother, naturally he can't be too condescending. "

"Hey, my concubine is here."

Liu Mingzhi, Gu Mo Rongrong and his wife had just walked a few steps.

At a glance, Zhu Lan was walking towards the lake, following Liu Song.

When Zhu Lan saw the figure of Young Master Liu and his wife, he beckoned from a distance.

"Brother, sister-in-law."

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, looked at Zhu Lan and waved in response.

"Zhu Lan, you bastard, what are you doing in such a hurry.

Brother and your sister-in-law were talking about going to meet you, but we just walked a few steps before you arrived. "

Zhu Lan lifted the hem of her clothes, and immediately ran towards First Young Master Liu and Gu Mo Rongrong.

"Don't dare, younger brother, how dare you let elder brother and your wife greet you!"

"Slow down, slow down, watch your feet, don't fall into the lake again."

"Hey, big brother, what you said, little brother, I'm already a few dozen years old now, and I can still be as stupid as a child who is only a few years old!"

While responding to Young Master Liu's words, Zhu Lan trotted to Young Master Liu, and Gu Mo Rongrong and his wife bowed in front of him. …

"Little brother Zhu Lan, I have met my elder brother and my wife."

Liu Mingzhi shook his head angrily, and directly held his hands up.

"What are we brothers doing to see each other so much? Hurry up and get rid of the courtesy."

"Uncle, no courtesy."

"Thank you, brother, thank you, Mrs. Sister-in-law."

Zhu Lan straightened up and looked at the earthen pot in Gu Mo Rongrong's hand, and asked curiously, "Brother, you and Mrs. Rongrong, are you feeding fish?"

"That's right, I have nothing to do when I'm free, so I'll accompany you, Rong Rong, to the garden."

"It's very elegant, it's really elegant."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and hugged Zhu Lan's shoulders, then turned his head to look at Liu Song.


"The little one is here."

"Go to Yun'er right away and ask her to order her servants to prepare some tea, and the wine will be delivered as soon as possible."

"Yes, the little one will leave first."

Zhu Lan looked at Liu Song who was about to turn around and leave, and quickly raised her hand to stop him.

"Brother Liu Song, wait a minute."

Liu Song paused, looked at Zhu Lan and asked suspiciously: "Master Zhu, what orders do you have?"

"Hey, why is Lord Zhu not Lord Zhu, Brother Liu Song, you're out of touch now, aren't you?

You can just call me Big Brother Zhu, or Old Zhu.

I'm not used to the title Zhu Houye. "

Liu Song hesitated for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

"Okay, Brother Zhu, that little brother will be rude."

"Hahaha, it's not rude, it's not rude at all, just call it that."

"Brother Zhu, are you catching up with my younger brother?"

Zhu Lan turned to Young Master Liu, and lifted off the fox fur cloak on her body.

"Hahaha, big brother, take a look at what's on my little brother's waist."

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi subconsciously looked at Zhu Lan's waist.

When First Young Master Liu saw what was on Zhu Lan's waist, he couldn't help being startled.

There were six wine bags of the same size hanging on the jade belt around Zhu Lan's waist.

Seeing Young Master Liu's stunned expression, Zhu Lan laughed and groped inside the cuffs on both sides.

In the blink of an eye, Zhu Lan handed two big paper packages to Liu Mingzhi.

One of the paper bags was still steaming slightly.

"Brother, the lotus leaf chicken from Zhao's old shop on Zhuque Street, and the sauced donkey meat from Lu's old shop on Xuanwu Street.

In my younger brother's arms, there are still two big bags full of fried peanuts that your younger siblings personally prepared for our brothers.

How about these appetizers? "

Liu Mingzhi closed his gaze, pointed at Zhu Lan with a light smile and tapped a few times.

"Hehehe, you bastard.

There is no reason why you have to bring your own food and drinks when you are a guest.

Why, are you afraid that my young master won't be able to take care of the food? "

Zhu Lan stuffed the two paper bags into Young Master Liu's hand, and then cheerfully took out two more paper bags from her bosom.

"Brother, this statement is wrong.

The little brother came to see you not as a guest, but to drink with you.

In a word, drink or not. "

Liu Mingzhi held up the two paper packages and sniffed deeply a few times, then gestured to the bench by the lake.

"Go, drink by the lake."

Zhu Lan immediately turned his body sideways, and smiled at First Young Master Liu, and Gu Mo Rongrong and his wife made a gesture. …

"Brother, sister-in-law Rong Rong, please."

"Together, together."


Liu Mingzhi, Zhu Lan and the others rushed to the bench by the lake.

Liu Mingzhi put the two paper bags in his hand on the bench, picked up the hem of his clothes and stuffed them around his waist, and looked at Zhu Lan pretending to be unhappy.

"Zhu Lan."

"Big brother?"

Young Master Liu sat on the bench carelessly, deftly dismantling the paper package in front of him.

"You guy, you figured out that your elder brother came to drink with me after I had breakfast, right?

Master Ben, if I know that you are coming to drink with me again, I will save breakfast for my family.

Now it's all right, you have prepared so many sumptuous food and drink, how much can I eat from you, my young master?

If you are a bitch, it must be a good deal. "

Zhu Lan untied the wine bags one by one and put them on the bench, and sat opposite Young Master Liu with an aggrieved face.

"Big brother, little brother, I was wronged, really wronged.

It's not that my younger brother deliberately waited for you to have breakfast before coming to drink with you. It's my younger brother who I can't help.

The two of us have drank wine so many times before, and you know when the old Zhao's shop selling lotus leaf chicken opens.

Little brother, I went out early in the morning, but the old Zhao family shop is not open, what can I do?

Brother, in order to let you have a meal of lotus leaf chicken, I waited for a full hour and a half outside the shop of Zhao's old shop.

Big brother, that's not one moment, two minutes, or half an hour.

Instead, a full hour and a half!
I have waited for so long in this kind of weather, it’s easy for me, little brother. "

Young Master Liu joyfully lifted a wine bag, and handed it directly to Liu Song.

"Liu Song, sit down."

Liu Song subconsciously pushed his palm: "Master, I..."

"Zhu Lan is not an outsider, and doesn't have so many rules.

Sit down and accompany me and brother Zhu Lan. "

"Okay, thank you, young master."

Liu Song took the wine bag and sat sideways beside Zhu Lan.

Liu Mingzhi picked up another wine bag, and gestured to Gu Mo Rongrong with a faint smile.

"Rongrong, would you like some drink?"

Gu Mo Rongrong is a woman from the Western Regions, so her drinking capacity is naturally not too bad.

She looked at the wine pouch her husband handed to her, and her white and tender jade neck couldn't help sliding.

"Husband, concubine, concubine."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman emotionally, but with a somewhat embarrassed expression, he cheerfully stuffed the wine bag into her hand.

"Come on, have a drink if you want."

"Yeah, thank you husband."

Young Master Liu picked up a wine bag again, took off the wine cork on it, and gestured to Zhu Lan with a light smile.

"Zhu Lan, Rong Rong, Liu Song, there are no wine glasses here, let's drink as we please."

"Brother, younger brother respect you."

"The concubine respects her husband."

"Master, my little one respects you."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, raised his wine bag and drank heavily.

"Huh—good wine, really good wine.

Zhu Lan, how many years has this Zhuyeqing been stored in the cellar? "

Zhu Lan wiped the wine from the corner of her mouth with her fingers, and immediately gave Young Master Liu a thumbs up.

"Brother is indeed a good drinker, he immediately drank the wine that the younger brother brought.

Brother, these two altars of green bamboo leaves have been stored in the cellar for about 30 years, and they were specially prepared for you by my younger brother. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and drank a few mouthfuls of wine.

"Good wine, good wine! Good brother, you have a heart."

"Should, should.

Brother, let's not just focus on drinking, you can taste the taste of this lotus leaf chicken.

When we used to drink together, this lotus leaf chicken was your favorite appetizer. "

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the lotus leaf chicken in front of him, stretched out his hand and gently flapped his face a few times.

"Well, the color and fragrance are complete, and it's still the same old taste."

"Brother, as long as you are satisfied, try it quickly, it will not taste good when it is cold."

Liu Mingzhi reached out and tore off a chicken leg, and handed it to the beautiful woman next to him with a smile.

"Rong Rong, come and try a chicken drumstick."

Gu Mo Rongrong shook her head with a gloomy expression, and stretched out her hand to push back her husband's wrist.

"Husband, you should eat by yourself.

The concubine is too full from breakfast, I can just drink some wine with you. "

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