My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3161 A brother, as heavy as Mount Tai

Rongrong, you can't eat much, but you can taste it.

You can eat the rest later, just leave it to your husband. "

Gu Mo Rongrong hesitated for a moment, then moved her eyes firmly from the chicken leg in Young Master Liu's hand to other places.

"Forget it, I still don't want to eat, I am afraid that I will get fat."

First Young Master Liu folded his arms, looked at the beautiful woman's pretty face with depression, smiled lightly and clicked his tongue twice.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Rongrong, you have no luck."

Gu Mo Rongrong took a sip of the wine with her jade neck slightly raised: "Without good food, there is no good food. Compared with good food, the concubine is more worried about getting fat.

Husband, it's better for you to eat. "

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head, without saying anything, picked up the chicken leg and took a big bite.

"Brother, how does it taste?"

Liu Mingzhi chewed slowly for a while, then nodded with a smile.

"It tastes good, it tastes good, it's still the same as before.

Zhu Lan, don't just care about my young master, you can eat it yourself. "

Zhu Lan nodded cheerfully, reached out and pushed the paper bag holding the lotus leaf chicken in front of Gu Mo Rongrong.

"Sister-in-law Rongrong, why don't you try it a little bit?"

"Uncle, my sister-in-law ate too much for breakfast, I really can't eat any more"

"Then, the younger brother will stop being polite to his sister-in-law."

Afterwards, Zhu Lan pushed the lotus leaf chicken in front of Liu Song.

"Brother Liu Song, you eat too."

"Together, together."

"Brother, the sauced donkey meat in this old shop of Lu's is also just out of the pan, you should try it while it's still hot."

"No hurry, no hurry, come one by one."

Liu Mingzhi casually threw the chicken leg head aside, picked up two peanuts and threw them into his mouth.

"Zhu Lan."

Zhu Lan quickly put the donkey meat in sauce aside, and looked up at First Young Master Liu: "The little brother is here, big brother, tell me."

Young Master Liu took a sip of wine, looked at Zhu Lantan and said with a smile: "Brother, as the saying goes, you can go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do.

You came to my elder brother's house today to visit, you should not just come to see elder brother and me for a drink. "

Seeing the smile on Young Master Liu's face, Zhu Lan nodded with a smile, and directly raised his wine bag as a gesture.

"Big brother is wise, let's drink one first."

"Drink together."

Zhu Lan leaned the wine bag on her ankle, took out a handkerchief to wipe off the oil on her hands, and then reached out to touch her bosom.

"Brother, younger brother came to drink with you this time, after all, we two brothers haven't had a drink together for a long time.

Secondly, my little brother is giving you this year's Zhenbao Pavilion, the briquette business dividends are here. "

Hearing Zhu Lan's words, Young Master Liu's eyes lit up immediately, and he looked into Zhu Lan's arms with piercing eyes.

"Sure enough, as soon as I guessed, this young master knew that you didn't just come to drink with me."

Under Young Master Liu's slightly excited gaze, Zhu Lan took out a roll of folded square Shu brocade silk from his bosom, and handed it to Young Master Liu with a silly smile.

"Big brother."

Liu Mingzhi suppressed the excitement in his heart, and took the package from Zhu Lan with a light smile. …

"How much silver is there?"

"Brother, the dividend of Zhenbao Pavilion is 210 million taels, and the business of briquettes and stoves is 350 million taels.

The dividends from the two businesses together amounted to 560 million taels of silver. "

After hearing Zhu Lan's answer, Liu Mingzhi looked at the silk package in his hand with a wide smile.

"More than five million taels of silver, that's a lot!"

Zhu Lan raised her head and drank a few swigs of wine, then pointed to the package in Young Master Liu's hand.

"Brother, this year's accounting boy is also in the package, please take a look."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, leaned forward and picked up Zhu Lan's handkerchief to wipe his hands.


"Hey, big brother."

"Good brother, as the saying goes, brothers will settle accounts clearly.

We have been brothers for so many years, and you also know what kind of character your eldest brother has.

Brotherhood is brotherhood, and business is business.

One yard owned by a yard.

Therefore, I will not say more about some clichéd polite words. "

"Little brother understands, little brother understands."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and unwrapped the package in front of him. In the blink of an eye, five thick stacks of bank notes and two ledgers were directly displayed in front of several people.


"The concubine is here."

Liu Mingzhi first picked up two ledgers, and then pushed five stacks of bank notes in front of Gu Mo Rongrong.

"Look at the bank notes, don't be blown away by the wind."

"Yeah, I know."

"Brother, Liu Song, the two of you continue to drink. After I have a rough look at the accounts, I will continue to accompany you."

"Okay, big brother."

"Yes, the little one knows."

First Young Master Liu walked aside with two books of accounts, picked up a dead branch, and squatted directly on the unmelted snow beside him.

Seeing her husband's appearance, Gu Mo Rongrong immediately picked up a wine bag and pressed it on the bank note, got up and walked towards First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, why don't I go back and get you some pens, ink, paper and inkstones?"

"No, just do a rough calculation of the accounts for my husband."

Hearing her husband's answer, Gu Mo Rongrong tapped Zhenshou helplessly: "This, okay."

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, and concentrated on opening the account in his hand.

Under Gu Mo Rongrong's surprised eyes, Young Master Liu slowly flipped through the accounts in one hand, and gently waved the dead branch in the other hand to write on the snow.

After about half a stick of incense or so.

Young Master Liu looked at the numbers on the snow with a slight frown, got up, walked to the bench, and sat down carelessly.

"Zhu Lan.

"Brother, younger brother is here."

Liu Mingzhi casually threw the ledger on the bench, looked at Zhu Lan with both helplessness and emotion, and raised his wine bag to gesture to him.

"Brother, let's drink one first."

"Okay, little brother respects big brother."

First Young Master Liu raised his head and drank a few swigs of wine, picked up a few peanuts with his knuckles and threw them into his mouth.

"Brother, there is nothing wrong with the accounts, but there seems to be something wrong with the dividend you gave to eldest brother."

Zhu Lan's face froze, and she smiled resentfully. …

"Brother, me."

Liu Mingzhi took out the pipe from his waist, looked at Zhu Lan with a complicated expression, and sighed softly.

"Oh, brother, why are you doing this?"

Seeing Liu Mingzhi pull out the pipe, Zhu Lan immediately lifted his cloak and touched his lower back with his backhand.

"Brother, wait a minute."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Zhu Lan smiled and took out a paper bag from behind her, and handed it to First Young Master Liu with a playful smile.

"Big brother."

"Zhu Lan, what are you?"

Zhu Lan casually put the paper bag on the bench, and with a smile on her face, she took out her dry pipe from her waist.

"Brother, this is the high-quality shredded tobacco that my younger brother specially bought for you on the street."

Zhu Lan quickly untied the paper bag while speaking, picked up a pinch of shredded tobacco and stuffed it into Young Master Liu's cigarette pot.

"Brother, taste how it tastes."

After Liu Mingzhi lit a pot of shredded tobacco with a torch, he stared at the cloak on Zhu Lan's body with a strange expression, and carefully sized it up.

"Zhu Lan, how many things are hidden on your dog's body?
Also brought something to this young master, quickly take it out together. "

Zhu Lan turned her head and exhaled a puff of light smoke, lifted the cloak on her body and twisted around a few times.

"Brother, it's gone, there is nothing else."

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and exhaled warm air into his palms, and with a slight frown, he picked up a stack of bank notes and waved them in front of Zhu Lan's eyes.

"Tell me, what happened to the extra one million taels of silver?"

"Hey, big brother, what are we talking about between brothers.

Drink, drink, come, come, my brother respects you. "

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand as a gesture, and held up a stack of bank notes in his hand and said directly: "Brother, if the dividend you give to eldest brother is just an extra one or two million taels of silver, I will accompany you to have a good drink with me, brother." I also accepted it.

However, the dividend you gave to big brother is more than 100 million taels of silver.

The gap between this amount and the amount agreed upon by our brothers is really too big! "

Zhu Lan waved her hand indifferently, and cheerfully pushed the donkey meat in sauce forward.

"Brother, stop talking about this, stop talking about this, drink, drink."

Liu Mingzhi threw a stack of banknotes in his hand on the silk, raised his wine bag and had a drink.

"Zhu Lan, if you still treat me as your eldest brother, please explain the matter clearly to your eldest brother."

"Big brother."


Zhu Lan pondered for a moment with a complicated expression, then looked at Young Master Liu and said in a low voice, "Brother, since you issued a new decree three years ago.

Not only are there more and more official businessmen under the control of the court, but also large and small private caravans are like crucian carp crossing the river.

In this way, the business we two brothers cooperate with will be... just..."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Zhu Lan's gloomy face, and said calmly, "Zhu Lan, as the king of a country, brother, I know these things better than you.

The eldest brother just wants to know, what is going on with the extra dividends? "

Zhu Lan hesitated for a moment, raised his head and drank the remaining wine in the wine bag, and then picked up another wine bag. …

"Brother, after more and more official businessmen and private caravans under the imperial court, our income will naturally decrease.

Little brother is worried... worried..."

Liu Mingzhi didn't wait for Zhu Lan to finish speaking, he reached out and interrupted: "You are worried that I might be dissatisfied with this year's dividend.

So, you bastard gave me a few percent of the dividends that should belong to you, right? "

"Brother, if you hadn't supported me back then..."

Young Master Liu frowned, and interrupted Zhu Lan again: "My young master didn't ask you to mention what happened back then, so I asked you if that's the case?"

Zhu Lan looked at the slightly condensed brows of his elder brother Liu Mingzhi, and hurriedly nodded nervously.


Liu Mingzhi directly drank the rest of the wine, and raised a wine bag again with a complicated expression: "Zhu Lan, Zhu Lan, let me tell you what's good about you."

"Big brother."

Liu Mingzhi ate two pieces of donkey meat in sauce, and walked towards the lakeside with his dry pipe.

"Pig head, when we brothers first met, I always called you Big Brother like that.

Now, big brother can still call you that? "

Zhu Lan was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, she nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, of course."

Liu Mingzhi walked to the lake and stopped, staring calmly at the sparkling lake.

"Pig head, do you like silver?"

Hearing the eldest brother's question, Zhu Lan was stunned for a moment.


"Ah, what? Tell big brother directly, do you like it or not."

Zhu Lan hesitated for a moment, then replied calmly: "I like it."

"Liu Mingzhi glanced back at Zhu Lan, smiled and nodded as a gesture.

"Pig, not only do you like silver, but brother also likes silver.

Or it can be said that in this world, there are very few people who do not like silver. "

"Big brother."

"However, I drank a lot, but it can't be exchanged for money.

For example, the friendship between our brothers. "

"Big brother!"


"Hey, my concubine is here."

"You immediately count out 100 million taels of banknotes from those piles of banknotes and return them to Zhu Lan."

"Yes, I know."

Seeing Gu Mo Rongrong leaning over to pick up a stack of bank notes, Zhu Lan immediately walked towards Young Master Liu who was standing by the lake.

"Big brother."

Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked at Zhu Lan with a faint smile.

"Brother, if you still treat me as a big brother, swallow what you want to say.

In about half a month, it will be the Spring Festival.

Those extra hundreds of thousands of silver bills should be regarded as lucky money given to your nephews and nieces by you, your siblings, and your husband and wife. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, Zhu Lan said helplessly, "Brother, these extra banknotes are my little brother's wish, so why do you do that?"

Liu Mingzhi blinked lightly, and raised his hand to pat Zhu Lan's shoulder.

"Good brother, just like what I said just now, one yard is worth one yard, and brothers will settle accounts clearly.

If you gave elder brother a gift worth more than 100 million taels, brother would accept the gift without hesitation. …

But these banknotes are no good.

Because these bank notes are not just bank notes, but also an agreement between us brothers.

As the sage said, a man cannot stand without faith.

Brother, you don't want to break the rules for me because of a little cash, right? "

Zhu Lan was silent for a moment with a complex expression, then nodded with a wry smile.

"Brother, younger brother knows it's wrong, younger brother knows it's wrong."

"Asshole, just know it's wrong, next time you dare to do this with big brother, be careful, I'll just let someone kick you out."

"Yes, yes, brother, I promise there will be no next time, I promise there will be no next time."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile, then put his arms around Zhu Lan's shoulders and returned to the bench.

"Good brother, sit down."

"Thank you brother, you sit too."


"Hey, my concubine is here."

"Is the bank note ready?"

Gu Mo Rongrong turned sideways slightly, and immediately handed a small stack of bank notes in front of First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, count and see."

Liu Mingzhi took a vote and placed it directly in front of Zhu Lan.

"You don't need to count, a few more or less are nothing."

"Okay, I know."

"Brother, do you still want to count?"

Without even looking at it, Zhu Lan took the banknote and put it in his cuff, and then gestured with the jug.

"Good brother, a brother is as important as Mount Tai.

Money is important, but compared to our brotherhood.

What is the value of transferring gold and silver to these things.

Brother, sister-in-law Rongrong, brother Liu Song, let's have a drink together. "

"Drink together."



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