My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3162 Somewhat Familiar

Chapter 3162 Somewhat Familiar
After Liu Mingzhi casually ate a few pieces of donkey meat in sauce, he bent down and grabbed a handful of snow behind the bench.

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's behavior, Zhu Run asked with a puzzled expression: "Brother, what are you doing?

Let's eat it, the lotus leaf chicken and donkey meat in sauce will not taste good when they are cold. "

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head, carefully wiping the oil off his hands with a snowball.

"I'm full, I'm full, if I eat any more, I won't be able to drink with you."

"This... How much do you eat, brother?"

Liu Mingzhi threw the cold snowball aside, and cheerfully picked up his wine bag.

"Brother had a basket of steamed buns for breakfast."

"So that's the case, then well, my younger brother will not persuade you anymore."


"The little one is here."

"Didn't you have breakfast yet? I'll leave the rest of the dishes to you and Zhutou."

"Yes, thank you, young master."

After Liu Mingzhi stretched with a satisfied expression, he laughed and looked at Gu Mo Rongrong who was sitting beside him.


Gu Mo Rongrong immediately looked at Liu Mingzhi: "Hey, husband?"

Liu Mingzhi raised the wine bag and took a sip of the wine, then picked up the package by his leg and handed it to the beauty.

"Give these banknotes to your sister Yun."

Gu Mo Rongrong immediately got up and took the package into her hand, and saluted Young Master Liu with a smile on her face.

"The concubine knows, the concubine will retire first."


Gu Mo Rongrong turned sideways slightly, and then saluted Zhu Runfu again.

"Uncle, if you and your husband continue to drink, sister-in-law will go back first."

Zhu Run quickly stood up, and smiled back at Gu Mo Rongrong.

"Sister-in-law, go slowly."

Gu Mo Rongrong nodded with a smile, and stuffed the wine bag into Young Master Liu's hand.

"Husband, there is still half a bottle of wine left, don't waste it."

"Okay, just leave it to the husband."

Gu Mo Rongrong nodded slightly, hugging the package containing the bank notes in her arms, she walked out of the garden in lotus steps.

After the beautiful figure of Gu Mo Rongrong gradually faded away, Zhu Run sat down on the bench again, and gestured with his wine bag.

"Brother, Brother Liu Song, let's drink one."

"it is good."


Zhu Run wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with his fingers, and with a smile on his face, he winked and moved towards First Young Master Liu.

"Brother, after drinking later, you shouldn't have anything to do today, right?"

Looking at Zhu Run's smiling expression, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and replied, "No, what's wrong?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's answer, Zhu Run's eyes lit up immediately, and he smiled and gestured towards the outside of Liu's residence.

"It's okay, it's okay.

Brother, after we finish drinking, let's call Brother Song, Brother Jia, Brother Hu, and Lao Wang to sit in Tianxiang Tower together? "

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows, and lightly kneaded his brows a few times with his fingers.

"your treat?"

Zhu Run sat up straight in an instant, raised his palm and patted his chest vigorously.

"Does it need to be said? Today, all the expenses of our brother and others in Tianxiang Tower will be paid by me, my little brother."

Young Master Liu's eyes lit up, and he patted Zhu Run's shoulder cheerfully.

"Pig head, you guys have already said that, if I don't go, my young master, I won't give you face."
"Brother, after we finish the rest of the food and drink, we will immediately go out to find Brother Song and the others, and then go straight to Tianxianglou."

As soon as Zhu Run's words fell, Young Master Liu stood up abruptly, and looked at Liu Song, who was eating deliciously, with a smile.


Liu Song immediately stood up and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a puzzled expression.

"Master? What's the matter?"

"Liu Song, my young master remembers that your appetite is quite small?

Why have you been eating for so long and still not full? "
"Huh? Master, you eat a lot, don't you?"

First Young Master Liu rolled his eyes angrily, fixed his eyes on Liu Song and asked again: "Isn't it young? Then I guess it's because I remembered it wrong."

When Liu Song saw Young Master Liu's angry eyes, and then thought of the words that his young master had just talked with Zhu Run and his brothers, Liu Song immediately reacted.

"Oh, oh, young master, you remember correctly, Xiao Xiao's appetite is indeed very small.

belch!belch!The little ones are already full. "

Liu Song forcibly burped a few times, then quickly bent down and grabbed a handful of snow, and silently wiped the grease from his hands.

"Master, in fact, the little one is already full.

However, because I know very well, Young Master, that you never like to waste food, so I can only force myself to continue eating.

After all, Brother Zhu spent real money to buy these food and wine, so it would be a pity to waste them.

Liu Song looked at First Young Master Liu with an apologetic smile on his face, and in a few words, he wove a perfect reason.

After listening to Liu Song's perfect words, First Young Master Liu smiled instantly.

"Then are you full?"

"Back to the young master, it's not just that I'm full, the little ones are already full."

Liu Song glanced reluctantly at the delicious dishes on the bench, but said insincere words in his mouth.

First Young Master Liu raised his head and drank all the wine in the wine bag, and then looked at Zhu Run cheerfully.

"Pig head, are you full?"

Zhu Run looked at the cheerful smile on Young Master Liu's face, then glanced at Liu Song who was smiling apologetically, and nodded without hesitation.

"Brother, little brother has almost eaten enough."


Zhu Run raised his head and drank the rest of his drink in one gulp, raised his hand and patted his stomach a few times.

"Brother, if you continue to eat, my younger brother will be full too."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, smiled lightly and threw the empty wine bag into Liu Song's hand.


"Sir, say it."

"It would be a pity to waste such a good appetizer. Go and share it with the maids and servants immediately."

"Yes, little one, let's go."

"and many more."


"The remaining two sachets of wine that have not been opened, you can just send them to Yun'er."

"The little one understands, the little one will leave first."

"Well, let's go."


Liu Song trotted away gradually.

Zhu Run looked at Liu Song's receding back, opened his cigarette pouch and gestured to Young Master Liu.

"Brother, come on."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded his head as a gesture, and continued to serve a pot of shredded tobacco skillfully.

"Brother, I made you laugh."

Zhu Run put away the fire folder, and took a few puffs of dry smoke with a smile.

"Brother, little brother has something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Say it."

"Brother, it's not my younger brother talking about you, you are now the Emperor of our Great Dragon.

In my little brother's impression, you are very proud, big brother.

Why is it that after becoming the king of a country, he acts more and more petty?

Of course, the little brother said this not to complain, but to feel a little sad for you, big brother.

The majestic king of a country, life can't be this far, can it? "

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry tobacco vigorously, put his arms around Zhu Run's shoulders, and walked out of the garden at a leisurely pace.

"Brother, I have told you many things and you still don't understand.

A cup of tea and a meal is hard-won!

As a brother, as the king of a country, you have to abide by self-discipline.

If even being an elder brother has become extravagant and licentious, what will happen to the officials in the court?

Once the situation of upward and downward effects occurs.

My Dalong's [-] li mountains and rivers will not last long. "

Zhu Run turned his head and glanced at Young Master Liu's deeply moved expression, pondered for a moment with complicated expression, then nodded with a clear understanding.

"Brother, it's my younger brother who is short-sighted."

"Hehehe, don't talk about it, don't talk about it."

"Yes, yes, let's not talk about these unpleasant topics.

Let's go to the homes of Big Brother Song and Lao Wang first, and then go straight to Tianxianglou for drinking and having fun. "

"Hahaha, good brother, good brother."

After half a day.

Young Master Liu, Liu Song, King Songqing of Wuyi, Marquis Zhu Run of Guannei, Wang Hezheng, Minister of Honglu Temple, Commander Jia Zhengjing, Commander of the Imperial Guards, Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guard... and others appeared at the gate of Tianxiang Tower, talking and laughing outside.

Outside Tianxiang Building.

Song Qing took out his hands from his cuffs, and walked into the Tianxiang Tower at the first.

In the lobby of Tianxiang Building, a beautiful woman about [-] years old who was bored with her fragrant cheeks, her eyes lit up when she saw Song Qing's figure, and she hurriedly greeted him with the embroidered handkerchief in her hand.

"Hey, isn't this Uncle Song?

Uncle Song, you haven't visited my slave's house for some time.

I haven't seen you for so long, but you miss Shanu's family. "

Seeing the twenty-eight beauties approaching, and hearing the words from the beauties, Young Master Liu, Zhu Run, Liu Song and others all looked at Song Qing with strange expressions.

Song Qing felt the eyes of Liu Dashao and others, and suddenly coughed twice with erratic eyes.

"Ahem, cough, what are you doing looking at this young master?
This young master doesn't believe that there is no girl you like in Xianglou today.

We are all gentlemen, let's not talk about anyone. "

As soon as Song Qing's words fell, everyone except First Young Master Liu looked away with resentment.

Sure enough, as Song Qing said.

Under the clear and melodious voice of the beauties approaching, a group of beauties who were sitting in the hall subconsciously looked towards Young Master Liu and his party.

"Oh, Master Zhu, I haven't seen you for some time."

"Master Wang, what have you been up to these days, why don't you take a look at my slave's house."

"Ah, brother Hu, you haven't visited my concubine for some time!"

"Brother Liu, Brother Liu, my little sister is here."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the last beauty who was waving at Liu Song, and looked at Liu Song with a strange expression.

"Liu Song, my young master didn't see that you are a dick or a regular visitor of Tianxianglou?"

Liu Song's face turned embarrassed for a moment, and he scratched his head with a smirk.

"Master, I...I..."

When Liu Song was thinking about what to say, a beautiful woman who trot came threw him into his arms.

"Brother Liu, why have you taken so long to see my sister?"

Seeing the beautiful woman in his arms, Liu Song's body trembled instantly, and he looked at First Young Master Liu with embarrassment.

"Master, little one..."

"Oh, brother Liu, why are you ignoring my sister?"

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and glanced at the beautiful woman who was holding Liu Song's arm, raised his head and patted his shoulder, and happily walked over to the table next to him.

"Don't worry, Master Ben will not tell Tweety how many sisters happened today."



Except for Young Master Liu, beside Zhu Run, Song Qing, Liu Song, Wang Hezheng and others, there was a young and beautiful lady.

Song Qing, Zhu Run and the others looked at each other in dismay, and patted the shoulders of the beauties around them with embarrassing expressions.

"Tao Hong, just wait and be honest."

"Lan Xiang, try to talk as little as possible later, and look at me."

"Brother, what's the matter, why did you become so serious all of a sudden?"


As the girls of Tianxianglou, the beauties are naturally extraordinary in their ability to observe words and expressions.

When the sisters saw the serious faces of their regular customers, they straightened their postures one after another.

"Yes, yes, I know."

"Brother Song, my little sister knows. Later, if you let my little sister talk, she will talk. If you don't let my little sister talk, I will promise not to say a word."

Song Qing, Zhu Run and the others saw the upright posture of the beautiful woman around them, so they followed Young Master Liu together.

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the guests in the hall, smiled lightly and sat on the chair beside him.

Long time no see.

The business of Tianxiang Building is still full of guests.

As soon as First Young Master Liu sat down, all the beauties around him walked over with lotus steps.

The girls in Tianxiang Tower, which one is not a person with a bright eye.

They could tell from the moment Young Master Liu and his party entered the hall.

The group of people behind First Young Master Liu, who were dressed in silk and satin and had a good demeanor, respected the Lord sitting on the chair in front of them.

You know, when my sisters went up to meet them just now, they called out what names they all called.

Either Lord Hou, or Your Excellency.

The worst address is also the address of the master.

I will not mention the titles such as adults and masters for the time being.

What kind of identity is Hou Ye?

One can imagine the status of a person who can be respected by a current prince.

In the worst case, he was also a marquis.

If you think about it deeply, it might be a father-in-law, or even a prince.

That is to say, these girls are too young now, and have never met Young Master Liu.

Otherwise, as long as it is replaced by some older girls, they will definitely recognize who Young Master Liu is.

A group of young and beautiful girls smiled coquettishly around First Young Master Liu, and immediately moved towards him.

"Sir, my daughter is being polite."

"Brother, sister, you look strange, you don't come to Tianxiang Tower very often."

Liu Mingzhi happily leaned on it, and looked up at the beauties clustered around him.

"Beauties, where is your mother Han?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, a group of girls were taken aback, and looked at each other.

"Ah, brother, you actually know Mother Han?"

"Sir, it seems that he is also a frequent visitor of our Tianxiang Building.

It's just that my sister doesn't seem to have seen you. "

An older, charming lady looked at Young Master Liu carefully, and subconsciously frowned.

"Sir, I think you look familiar to me."

Liu Mingzhi stopped a beautiful woman's willow waist with a light smile, hugged her into his arms with a little force, and then looked at that charming woman with a smile.

"Oh, really?"

(End of this chapter)

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