My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3175 Provoked the old man and granddaughter

Chapter 3175 Provoked the old man and granddaughter

Liu Mingzhi behaved like a wine bag, took a sip of the wine, and looked helplessly at the ladies around him.

"Yun'er, Yan'er, it's windy on the street, I suggest you don't go out for my husband.

What new year's goods need to be prepared at home, you sisters discuss with each other, make a detailed list, and then tell the servants to buy them back. "

Seeing the expression of helplessness and concern on her husband's face, Qi Yun smiled and shook her head.

"Husband, the main reason is that the sisters who are concubines have been bored at home all the time, so I thought about going to the street together to relax.

Buying some New Year's goods or something is just a second thing. "

After listening to Qi Yun's answer, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a wry smile: "I see, that's right, then you sisters, go to the street for a walk and relax.

By the way, it's windy on the street, you sisters, don't forget to wear more clothes. "

"Hey, I already know."

"Yeah, thank you for your concern, husband."


Young Master Liu put down the wine bag that was about to be delivered to his mouth, and looked at Ling Wei'er with a faint smile: "Wei'er, what's wrong?"

Ling Wei'er took a few steps forward with lotus steps, looked at her husband and asked softly, "Husband, do you have anything to do today?"

Liu Mingzhi directly shook his head: "No, Weier, what do you want?"

Ling Wei'er's delicate face was overjoyed, and she immediately reached out and grabbed Young Master Liu's sleeve and shook it gently a few times.

"Husband, anyway, you don't have anything to do when you stay at home, why don't you accompany us sisters to go shopping in the street together!"

As soon as Ling Wei'er's words fell, the rest of the beauties all had a bright look, and they gathered around Young Master Liu and echoed in their tender voices.

"Yes, yes, husband, why don't you accompany the concubines and sisters to go around the street together?"

"Husband, it's been a long time since you went shopping with our sisters."

"Husband, Husband, I saw a batch of new bearskin cloaks in Wu's store in the west of the city with my sister Ying'er a few days ago, and I feel that those bearskin cloaks must be very suitable for you.

Otherwise, you can go to Wu's shop with my concubines and sisters today to try on whether those cloaks fit or not.

If it fits well, I will immediately buy one and give it to your husband as a New Year's gift. "

"Sister Shan'er said this, and I also remembered that those bearskin cloaks were indeed very good.

Husband, why don't you go and have a look with my concubine sisters? "


Liu Mingzhi looked at the beauties around him who talked to each other, and quickly waved his hands,

"Stop, stop, ladies, listen to my husband first."

The words of Qinglian and the sisters stopped abruptly, and their eyes fell on Young Master Liu.



"Husband, tell me."

"Yes, yes, tell me, my concubine, listen up!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the ladies in front of him with a gloomy expression, first raised his finger to point to his flushed face after drinking, then grabbed the fox fur cloak on his body and vigorously flapped it a few times.

"Ladies, tell my husband, what do you all smell?"

The queen sisters were stunned for a moment, and looked at each other silently.

The empress narrowed her eyes slightly, and said in a soft tone: "Well, what I smell is alcohol, very strong alcohol."

"My concubine took a look at Sister Wanyan, and what she smelled was a very strong smell of alcohol."

"Hmm - besides the smell of alcohol, there is also a faint smell of dry tobacco."

Huyan Yunyao raised her slender jade arms, grabbed Young Master Liu's sleeve and sent it under the tip of her nose.

She sniffed at her husband's sleeve with the tip of her nose, and nodded thoughtfully.

"Yes, Zhuyeqing, and Nurhong."

Young Master Liu's face froze, and the corner of his mouth twitched and looked towards Huyan Yunyao.

"Yao'er, because my husband didn't let you smell what I've been drinking."

Huyan Yunyao threw off First Young Master Liu's sleeves, looked at her husband in front of her with beautiful eyes, and tapped her head a few times with a strange expression.

"In addition to the two alcohol smells, my husband, you also have a faint smell of rouge powder, and it is not a smell of rouge powder.

It's just the smell that I'm familiar with, at least there are jasmine, orchid, plum blossom... oh! "

Before Huyan Yunyao could finish her words, Young Master Liu covered her delicate red lips.

"No, no, no, no!"

First Young Master Liu quickly winked his eyes at the beautiful woman in front of him, and smiled bitterly.

"Yaoer, good Yaoer, my husband didn't ask you to smell it so carefully."

Huyan Yunyao rolled her eyes angrily, raised her jade hand and slapped her husband's back vigorously a few times.

"No, no, no, no."

Young Master Liu noticed the narrow eyes of the other beauties, and nodded to Huyanyun Yaozhu's round and jade-run earlobe: "Good Yaoer, don't say any more, don't say any more."

Afterwards, First Young Master Liu let go of the palm covering the beauty's red lips, raised the wine bag in his hand and sent it to his mouth.

"Hmm, good wine, good wine, really good wine!
Hahaha, hahaha..."

Huyan Yunyao rolled her eyes coquettishly when she saw her husband's smirk.

"Smell of alcohol, the concubines are just like sisters, they also smell of alcohol.

Smelly husband, the only thing I can smell on my body is the smell of alcohol, so it's okay. "

Hearing the beauty's reproachful tone, First Young Master Liu's face froze, and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times.

I go.

Good Yaoer, good Yaoer, when you say these words, why do you have a feeling of trying to cover up?
Qi Yun, the empress, the third princess, Yun Qingshi, and the other sisters looked at each other silently when they saw her husband's stiff face, and then they all covered their red lips and laughed smugly.


"Pfft... puff..."

"Pfft, heh heh—"

Liu Mingzhi saw a group of women who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and they were holding back their strange faces, and waved their hands in a depressed manner.

"Okay, okay, you sisters don't have to hold back so hard, just laugh if you want to laugh."

"Pfft, hahaha."

"Hehehe, husband, if my concubine's expectations are correct, you should be going to the land of fireworks, right?"

Qi Yun calmed down her breathing, and said with narrow eyes: "Husband, half a day ago, after Sister Rongrong sent the bank note to the concubine, she told the concubine everything in detail about you and Brother Zhu Run in the garden. dead.

With Brother Zhu Run's family business, the place he invited you to go with Liu Song should be Tianxiang Tower, the number one place for fireworks in the capital, right? "

Seeing all the beauties, Liu Mingzhi had already guessed where he had gone, and after knitting his brows with a gloomy expression, he could only nod with a wry smile.

"Yes, yes, your sisters are right, my husband did go to Tianxiang Tower."

Qi Ya walked gently in front of First Young Master Liu, her black eyebrows slightly tightened her cloak.

"Silly husband, go as soon as you go, can sisters who are concubines blame you?"

"Sister Ya, that's not what being a husband means."

"Okay? Did you drink too much? Do you need our sisters to prepare some hangover soup for you?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the worried expression of the beautiful woman, and said without hesitation: "I didn't drink much, but I'm a little drunk."

Qi Ya took the wine bag from First Young Master Liu's hand, and said with a smile: "It's fine if you don't drink too much, and I won't worry about you."

Young Master Liu shook his head with a gloomy expression: "Sister Ya, my husband just wants to tell you sisters and others that my husband is already a little drunk, and I can't accompany you to hang out on the street.

However, my husband never imagined that all of you sisters, like the master Qingtian who judges cases like a god, insisted on guessing what I drank and where I went. "

"Stupid, aren't concubine sisters worried about your body?"

"Yes, yes, I understand for my husband, I understand for my husband."

Qi Ya gave First Young Master Liu an angry look, and looked sideways at the group of maids behind her sisters and others.


When the maid named Tao'er heard Qi Ya's greeting, she immediately trotted up to meet her.

"Lady Ya, the servant is here."

"After we leave later, we will serve the young master to rest immediately."

"Yes, slaves obey."

Qi Ya smiled lightly and nodded as a gesture, and hung the corked wine bag on Young Master Liu's waist.

"Husband, the sisters who are concubines are going to hang out in the street first."

Young Master Liu nodded happily, and looked up at the group of ladies around him.

"Yun'er, to put it bluntly, it's windy on the street, you sisters should pay attention to your health."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

"Husband, you go back early."

Qi Yun gently turned her body away, "Husband, the stove in my room is always being watched by Yu'er, if you are cold, you can go to my room to rest."

"Okay, my husband knows, you sisters go out and hang out."

Qi Yun, the empress and the sisters looked at each other with smiles, and saluted Young Master Liu at the same time.

"Husband, then our sisters will go to the street first, see you in the evening."

"Husband, the sisters who are concubines will leave the house first."

"Go, go, keep warm."

"Sister concubine, thank you husband."

Sister Qi Yun and the others waved their hands with smiling eyes, and walked out of the corridor hand in hand.

Young Master Liu frowned slightly as he watched the Queen, Qi Yun, the Third Princess, Murong Shan and the other sisters gradually go away, he hesitated for a moment, and casually removed the wine bag from his waist.

Seeing this, Tao'er who was standing by the side hurriedly walked up to First Young Master Liu, and gave a blessing with a nervous expression.

"Master, you?"


"The servant is here."

"Master is fine, you go and accompany Yun'er, Yan'er, the sisters and others go wandering in the street."

"Ah? Master, this?"

First Young Master Liu raised the wine bag and took a light sip, then glanced at Tao'er with a slight frown.

"Huh? What? How dare you not listen to what the young master said?"

"The servants dare not, the servants dare not."

"Go, if Yun'er and the sisters ask you, you can directly tell them and the others that it was the young master who asked you to follow them there."

Tao'er groaned awkwardly with a pretty face, and gave a blessing with a wry smile.

"The servant obeys the order, the servant will leave first."

"Okay, let's go."

Tao'er nodded hurriedly, lifted her skirt, and quickly walked towards Qi Yun, sister Qi Ya and others chased after her.

Young Master Liu watched Tao'er's receding back, raised his head and drank a few mouthfuls of wine, then turned and walked out of the corridor.

After a moment.

As soon as Young Master Liu walked out of the long corridor leading to the courtyard where Qi Yun lived, he saw Liu Zhi'an running towards him angrily with a fishing rod in his hand.

"You bastard, I finally found you, you fucking stop me."

Seeing the figure of his old man walking towards him quickly, First Young Master Liu was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he hurriedly ran towards the rockery in the courtyard.

While shrinking behind the rockery, Liu Mingzhi was thinking about what made his old man unhappy.

However, First Young Master Liu thought and thought, but he never thought of where he provoked Liu Zhi'an today.

"Hey, old man, what do you want to do? My young master didn't provoke you today!"

"You bastard, stop for me first."

"Old man, this young master can stop, but at least you should explain clearly to this young master first, why did this young master make your old man happy again today?"

Liu Zhi'an gave First Young Master Liu a hard look, and directly waved the fishing rod in his hand: "You bastard, stop for me first."

First Young Master Liu shrank his neck hastily, seeing Liu Zhi'an who was chasing after him, he quickly dodged behind the rockery.

"Hoohoo—old man, before this young master stands still, you should at least explain clearly to this young master how I provoked you again today."

Seeing Liu Mingzhi quickly hide behind the rockery, Liu Zhi'an raised the fishing rod in his hand again, striding towards Young Master Liu in high spirits.

"I explain your mother's legs, you bastard, you fucking stop me.

If the old man doesn't smoke today and your peach blossoms bloom, the old man will not be called Liu Zhi'an. "
Young Master Liu trembled, and surrounded the rockery in front of him with an aggrieved expression, constantly dodging the fishing rod that his old man kept waving.

"Hey, old man, old man, we have to be reasonable!

If this young master makes you unhappy today, if you want to give him a good meal, this young master will say nothing.

However, apart from meeting you this morning at breakfast, this young master has never seen you again during the rest of the time.

In this way, I really can't think of it, how can I provoke you to be unhappy.

Even if you want to beat me up, at least you have to give me a reason, right? "

"Bastard, you didn't offend me, but you fucking offended my good granddaughter."

First Young Master Liu quickly shrank his head, dodging the fishing rod that Liu Zhian pulled over.

"Old man, you have many granddaughters.

You should make it clear to this young master, how many granddaughters this young master has provoked are unhappy.

You just want to beat me up, at least you want this young master to know, what's wrong with me, right? "

"The old man asks you, what did you tell Yue'er, and why she looks so depressed today."

"Yue'er, girl?"

"That's right, it's the girl Yue'er."

(End of this chapter)

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