My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3176 has passed away

Chapter 3176 has passed away
"Old man, what did this stinky girl, Yue'er, tell you?"

When Liu Zhian heard Young Master Liu's question, he frowned immediately, raised the fishing rod in his hand and yanked it towards Young Master Liu's back forcefully again.

"Why do you ask this? What do you mean? Do you still want to settle accounts with Yueer Qiuhou?"

Seeing this, Young Master Liu pulled his legs up and dodged to the side.
"Old man, what are you thinking? When is this young master going to settle accounts with Yueer Qiuhou?"

With a crisp sound, the fishing rod in Liu Zhi'an's hand directly hit the rockery that Young Master Liu was supporting with both hands just now.

Hearing the crisp sound behind him, Young Master Liu shivered involuntarily, and looked towards the fishing rod in Liu Zhian's hand with lingering fear.

"Oh, I'll go, old man, you are serious!"

Liu Zhi'an lifted his clothes with one hand, and chased after him vigorously with the fishing rod in his hand: "Nonsense, if I don't play with you for real, can I still be joking with you? You bastard, stop for me."

As soon as Young Master Liu tightened his cloak, he ran towards the back of the rockery.

"Old man, you stop first, we have something to talk about slowly."

"Okay, the old man can tell you slowly, you stop for the old man first."

"If you stop chasing, my young master won't run away."

"Asshole, if you don't run away, the old man will stop chasing you."

First Young Master Liu glanced back at Liu Zhi'an, who was chasing after him, with both hands supporting the rockery in front of him, his figure was agile and kept moving around with him.

"Hey, let me go, I really believe in your evil, old man, tell me yourself, just like you are now, do you dare not run away?"

Liu Zhi'an, Liu Dashao and his son are chasing after each other, neither one is willing to give way first.

However, just as the two of them were chasing after each other, they didn't realize that under the corridor not far away, Liu Xuan and Liu Mingjie were watching a play with great interest.

Liu Mingjie picked up a fragrant melon seed just out of the oven, and looked at his sister Liu Xuan who was also nibbling melon seeds with a strange expression.


"Huh? What?"

"Sister, on weekdays, our father would sigh at every turn, that he is already old, already old.

However, if you look at our father's appearance now, how does he look old? "

Liu Xuan's eyebrows were slightly condensed, her beautiful eyes looked at her little brother strangely, and she asked softly, "Mingjie, what do you mean by that?"

Liu Mingjie patted his hands lightly, raised his head and gestured towards the courtyard: "Sister, from my younger brother's point of view, not only is our father not old at all, but he is very old and strong.

Tsk tsk tsk, sister, look at how energetic our father is now, he is simply full of energy!

Let me tell you, the old man of our family is full of energy and full of energy, even I, a young man in his early 20s, can't compare to him. "

Liu Xuan looked at her younger brother Liu Mingjie's narrow expression, rolled her eyes coquettishly, and turned her eyes again to look at the rockery in the courtyard.

"Stinky boy, stop your sarcastic remarks.

If our father or our eldest brother heard what you just said, you will inevitably be beaten up. "

"Sister, what are you talking about, where is my brother making sarcastic remarks?

From the beginning to the end, your brother and I are telling the truth, okay? "

Liu Xuan spat out the melon seed husk from the corner of her mouth, raised her slender hands and placed them on Liu Mingjie's shoulders, gently patting them.

"Stinky boy, I just don't understand, our father and our eldest brother are playing games now?"

Liu Mingjie was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Liu Xuan with puzzled eyes.

"Huh? Playing a game? What game?"

Liu Xuan raised her jade neck and stared at the warm sun in the sky, her beautiful eyes revealed a hint of memory.


"Sister, what are you laughing at?"

Liu Xuan pursed her red lips lightly a few times, lifted her skirt and sat sideways on the bench under the corridor.

"The name of this game, called Run Under the Sunset, is what we are about to die..."

However, Liu Xuan stopped abruptly after only saying one word.

Liu Xuan opened her mouth slightly and looked towards the rockery, looking at the figure of her eldest brother Liu Mingzhi who was fleeing in a hurry, an indescribable and unexplainable sadness instantly appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"The running in the sunset is our lost youth."

Hearing her sister's words, Liu Mingjie looked up at the warm sun in the clear blue sky in bewilderment, and then looked at Liu Xuan, whose beautiful eyes were full of melancholy, in amazement.

"Sister, younger brother, I remember that you didn't seem to drink alcohol today, why did you start talking nonsense when you were doing well?

It's just past noon, and the sun is still hanging high in the sky!
What, why is the sun setting?

There is no sunset, so what about running under the sunset? "

Liu Xuan looked up at Liu Mingjie's puzzled face, and sighed softly with memories in her eyes.

"Oh, brat, what my sister said has happened many years ago.

At that time, we didn't have you in our family, even if my sister told you, you wouldn't understand. "

Seeing Liu Xuan's complicated expression and dazed look, Liu Mingjie also realized that his sister seemed to be recalling something from the past, so he nodded with a wry smile.

"That, all right."

Liu Xuan gently knocked the melon seeds in her hand with her white teeth, and looked into the courtyard with a sad expression.

"Huh-huh-you bastard, you can really fucking run!"

Liu Zhi'an supported his knee with one hand, panting and looked at First Young Master Liu who was four or five steps away.

First Young Master Liu grabbed his sleeve and wiped the fine sweat off his forehead, then looked back at his old man, and leaned helplessly against the rockery beside him.

"Huh—old man, your strength is still the same as before!"

Liu Zhi'an glared at First Young Master Liu viciously, with one hand supporting the fishing rod in his hand, his face flushed and he slid on the stone at his feet.

"Fuck your mother, I almost died of exhaustion."

First Young Master Liu untied the wine bag from his waist, raised his head and drank a few mouthfuls of wine, then walked towards Liu Zhi'an without stopping.

"Old man, would you like a drink?"

Liu Zhi'an nodded silently, and beckoned directly to First Young Master Liu.

"Asshole, you still have some conscience, send the wine bag to Lao Tzu."

Young Master Liu stopped three steps away from Liu Zhi'an with a cautious expression, and raised his wine bag as a signal.

"Old man, you go on."

Liu Zhi'an rolled his eyes angrily: "You bastard, can't you just give me the wine bag directly to the old man?"

Young Master Liu didn't seem to hear his old man's curse words, and directly threw the wine bag towards Liu Zhi'an.

"My young master just said that I told you to stop, if there is something wrong, let's take it easy.

If you didn't keep chasing Master Ben, would you be so tired? "

Liu Zhi'an caught the wine bag steadily, pulled out the cork and sent it directly to his mouth.

"If you don't provoke the old man's granddaughter and become unhappy, will the old man chase you like this?"

"Old man, we have to speak with conscience, when did this young master make Yue'er, a stinky girl, unhappy?"

"Fart, how dare you say that you didn't offend the old man's granddaughter?"

"Old man, the heavens are above, and the earth is below, my young master, I am really wronged!

This young master dares to swear to God right now, I definitely did not offend Yue'er. "

Liu Zhi'an wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth, and gave First Young Master Liu a suspicious look.


"Old man, if you don't believe me, I can swear to the sky immediately."

"Since that's the case, why is Yue'er so depressed and suffering a lot of grievances?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and grabbed the cloak on his body, while watching Liu Zhian's actions, he squatted down cautiously.

"Old man, first tell me what that stinky girl, Yue'er, told you.

Especially, especially those words that my young master and I made her unhappy. "

Liu Zhi'an took a sip of his wine, turned his head to look at First Young Master Liu, "To tell you the truth, this girl Yue'er didn't say anything to this old man."

Young Master Liu couldn't help being suspicious, and said with a surprised expression: "Ah? What... didn't you say anything?"

"That's right, the girl Yue'er didn't tell the old man what happened."

"No, old man, you are full, right?
Since that stinky girl, Yue'er, didn't say anything, and didn't complain to you, then why are you chasing after this young master? "

Liu Zhi'an silently shook the wine bag in his hand, and looked towards the eldest son with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Asshole, do you think the old man is a fool?"

"Huh? Old man, what do you mean by that?"

"Before the cup of tea, the old man was about to go fishing when he met Yue'er in the inner courtyard."

"and then?"

"After seeing the old man, the girl Yue'er casually greeted the old man, then absent-mindedly rushed towards Xiyuan where she lives."

"Ah! Isn't this a normal thing?"

"Huh? Based on your understanding of Yue'er's personality, is her reaction normal?"

Hearing Liu Zhi'an's question, First Young Master Liu thought for a moment with a gloomy expression, then shook his head with a wry smile.

"Ah! It seems, it seems that it is not normal!"

Liu Zhi'an nodded noncommittally and signaled: "I, as a grandfather, know very well what kind of character my granddaughter and grandchildren have.

Seeing Yue'er's abnormal appearance, the old man was naturally puzzled.

So, the old man chased after her and asked Yue'er what happened to the girl. "

"So, what did this stinky girl, Yue'er, tell you?"

"The old man told you just now, the girl Yue'er didn't tell the old man anything."

First Young Master Liu hurriedly nodded and waved his hand: "Yes, yes, old man, go on."

Liu Zhi'an raised the wine bag and took a sip of the wine, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Huh~ Under the old man's questioning, the girl Yue'er just perfunctory the old man for a while, and then went back.

Later, when the old man was about to go out, Liu Yuan told the old man that the girl Yue'er came back with you bastard.

I don't need to think about it, the old man knows that the reason why Yue'er is depressed must have something to do with you, a bastard. "

"So, old man, you came directly to this young master, wanting to vent your anger on your good granddaughter?"

Liu Zhi'an stared at First Young Master Liu and rolled his eyes angrily, and said directly: "That's right, that's it?"

First Young Master Liu raised his head and rubbed his forehead, looking helplessly at Liu Zhi'an.

"Hey, old man, old man, if it's just because of such a trivial matter, why don't you just tell this young master?

With your appearance before, my young master, I thought I had committed some heinous crime! "

"You bastard, the old man is too lazy to care if you made a mistake.

In short, it's just a sentence, if you offend the old man's granddaughter, it's okay if the grandson is unhappy. "

First Young Master Liu looked around, and when he was about to walk towards Liu Zhi'an, he saw his younger sister Liu Xuan and younger brother Liu Mingjie under the corridor at a glance.

"Xuan'er, Mingjie, what are you two doing?"

Liu Xuan was silently kneading the melon seeds in her hand, when she heard her elder brother's greeting, she stood up abruptly.

"Hey, big brother?"

At the same time, Liu Mingjie hastily slapped the debris in his hand, and hid behind Liu Xuan with a stride, raised his hand with a smile and waved at Liu Zhi'an and Liu Dashao and his son.

"Hey hey, dad, big brother."

First Young Master Liu coughed lightly, got up and walked towards Liu Xuan, and Liu Mingjie and his brother walked over.

"Xuan'er, Mingjie, why are you two here?"

Liu Xuan rolled her eyes lightly, and stood up smiling.

"Uh, hee hee, big brother, Xuan'er and Mingjie, we two have nothing to do, we're just hanging out, just hanging out."

Liu Mingjie also nodded without thinking when he heard his sister's answer.

"That's right, big brother, little brother and sister Xuan'er are hanging out!"

First Young Master Liu looked at the embarrassing expressions of his younger sister Liu Xuan and his younger brother Liu Mingjie, and straightened the cloak on his body with a smile.


"That's right, that's right."

"Brother, Sister Xuan'er can do whatever she says, and my younger brother has absolutely no objection."

First Young Master Liu put his hands inside his cuffs casually, and looked towards Liu Xuan with a faint smile.


Liu Xuan's delicate body trembled, she glanced sideways at her father who was squatting next to the rockery, and ran towards the end of the corridor without hesitation.

"Brother, little sister suddenly remembered that I still have a very important thing to finish!
So what, you talk to our old man first, and the younger sister will go to work on her own affairs first. "

Seeing his sister running away, Liu Mingjie quickly waved his hands at First Young Master Liu, and hurriedly chased after Liu Xuan.

"Big brother, big brother, little brother will go to help sister first."

First Young Master Liu watched Liu Xuan, the backs of Liu Mingjie and his brother fleeing away, he shook his head with a wry smile, turned around and walked towards Liu Zhi'an.

"Old man, don't you want to know why this stinky girl, Yue'er, looks so unhappy?"

(End of this chapter)

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