Chapter 3177
"That's right, hurry up and explain to the old man what happened between you and Yue'er."

First Young Master Liu turned his head to observe the surrounding situation, and after confirming that no one else existed, he tightened his cloak and squatted down beside the rockery.

"If Yue'er is sullen and absent-minded because she has something to do with this young master.

Then the reason why Yue'er is in such a mood is because of a problem of this young master. "

Liu Zhi'an was stunned, and looked at First Young Master Liu with doubts in his eyes: "Huh? Just because of a problem?"

"Yes, just because of a problem?"

"Besides... other than this, is there anything else?"

"Yes, nothing else!"

"Liu Zhi'an was silent for a moment thoughtfully, looked at First Young Master Liu and said casually: "Oh, if that's the case, then you should talk to this old man.

What kind of questions did you ask this girl, Yue'er, to actually make Yue'er, who has always been carefree and joking, become like this. "

Liu Mingzhi reached out and took the wine bag in Liu Zhian's hand, raised his head and drank a few mouthfuls of wine, then exhaled into the palm of his hand with a complicated expression.

"Huh, half a day ago, after my young master came out of Tianxiang Tower, I met Yue'er on the street who was going to buy rouge powder.

When Master Ben and Yue'er were about to return to the mansion, I asked Yue'er about it.

If this young master hands over the country to her, how can he manage it well!
That's what the young master asked Yue'er. "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he frowned and sighed softly, and silently took out his pipe from his waist.

After listening to the eldest son's explanation, Liu Zhi'an's face froze for an instant, and a clearly visible gloomy look involuntarily appeared in his eyes.

Liu Zhian cast a gloomy glance at Young Master Liu who was loading the shredded tobacco, first picked up the premonition at the side lightly, then carefully bowed his body, and quietly walked towards the corridor not far away.

He looked at First Young Master Liu who was lighting a cigarette and didn't notice him at all, so he quickly closed his eyes and quickened his pace.

Liu Zhi'an, Liu Zhi'an, you are so fucking full.

It's enough to go fishing well, so why do you have to get involved in this crap?
Young Master Liu breathed out a puff of smoke with narrowed eyes, raised his hand and passed the fire bag to the side.

"Old man, would you like some?"

"Old man."

Didn't hear Liu Zhi'an's answer, Young Master Liu turned his head and looked to the side helplessly: "Old man, you are deaf, my young master asked...huh?"

When First Young Master Liu saw that there were only a bunch of messy footprints left on the snow beside the rockery, but there was no figure of Liu Zhi'an, he was stunned for a moment, then stood up straight away.

"Fuck, fuck, where's the person?"

Young Master Liu couldn't help but let out a soft cry, hurriedly walked a few steps, raised his head and looked around in the courtyard.

"Old man? Old man?"

Under the long corridor in front left, Liu Zhi'an heard Young Master Liu's doubtful voice behind him, lifted his cloak, and quickened his pace again.

At the same time, Young Master Liu's searching eyes happened to land on Liu Zhi'an.

Young Master Liu saw his old man's back in a hurry, and subconsciously raised his feet to catch up.

"Hey, old man, what are you doing? We haven't finished our business yet!"

Liu Zhi'an heard Eldest Young Master Liu's words, and looked back at Eldest Young Master Liu angrily rolled his eyes.

"Go away, the old man went fishing outside the city.

As for you and Yue'er, the matter between you father and daughter, the old man is too lazy to get involved!

With that said, do whatever you like, bastard. "

As soon as Liu Zhian finished speaking, he ran straight out of the corridor without looking back.

Young Master Liu frowned slightly as he watched his old man's back disappear under the arch, and shook his head with a complicated expression.

After hearing the old man's answer, how could he not understand why Liu Zhi'an left in such a hurry.

To put it bluntly, I just don't want to get involved in the matter of which son or daughter I want to be the crown prince.

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, raised his head and took a sip of the wine, then turned and walked towards Qi Yun's boudoir.

After entering the beauty's boudoir, Liu Mingzhi took off the cloak on his body, and walked towards the nearby stove without haste.

After a long time.

After making a pot of fragrant tea, Young Master Liu half-lyed on the recliner next to the stove, holding a volume of books in his hand and silently flipping through them.

Time passed without a trace.

The sunlight flickers past the window, and the figures in the room move forward.

The door opens.

Qi Yun and Qinglian sisters each carried four or five large and small brocade boxes in their hands, and walked into the room talking and laughing.

Qinglian closed the door casually, looked at Qi Yun with regret and said softly: "Sister Yun, that jade hairpin is really good.

Although the price of the jade hairpin is a bit low, no matter in terms of the jade quality, shape, or craftsmanship of the hairpin, that jade hairpin can be called high quality.

It's a shame you didn't buy it. "

"Hey, Sister Lian'er, there is no shortage of hairpins in my sister's jewelry box. It's nothing if you don't have hairpins. If you don't buy them, you don't buy them."

"Sister Yun, of course my sister knows that you don't lack hairpins.

The meaning of the younger sister is, elder sister, you finally found a hairpin that you like very much, and it is really..."

Qi Yun put the brocade boxes in her hand on the table, turned around and interrupted Qinglian with a smile: "Sister Lian'er, it's all over.

Don't talk, don't talk, hurry up and help my sister organize the things I bought today. "

Qinglian also put the brocade box in her hand on the table, and nodded helplessly with a pretty face.

"Okay, how do you organize it?"

Qi Yun lifted the pot and poured two cups of tea, and handed a cup of tea to Qinglian with a smile.

"No hurry, no hurry, drink a cup of tea and take a break before talking."

Qinglian took the teacup with a light smile: "Hey, thank you sister."

Qi Yun turned around and sat down on the chair: "Sister, don't stand up, sit down and have a rest."

"Hey, little sister knows."

Qinglian took a sip of herbal tea with her mouth slightly opened, then turned her head to look at Qi Yun: "Sister, we sisters haven't seen your husband yet after we came back.

Now that the sun has already set, what is he going to do? "

Qi Yun shook her head lightly, got up and was about to walk towards the stove: "Who knows, maybe I'm going to the study to do business again.

Sister, drink tea first, and sister light the candles in the room first. "

"Okay, sister, you can do your work first."

Qi Yun's eyes just turned to the stove, and at a glance, he saw First Young Master Liu who was sleeping soundly on the recliner next to the stove.

Qi Yun never thought that besides her two sisters, there was another person in her boudoir.

She suddenly saw the sleeping husband on the recliner, she was taken aback by surprise, and couldn't help but exclaimed.


Qinglian heard Qi Yun's surprise, and quickly turned around and looked over: "Huh? Sister Yun? What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Qi Yun stretched out her hand and stroked her plump chest a few times, and let out a long breath with her slightly opened mouth.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's your husband."

When Qinglian looked at Qi Yun, she naturally saw Young Master Liu on the reclining chair.

Seeing her husband fast asleep on the couch, Qinglian was also taken aback.

"Oh, husband, why is he here?"

Qi Yun looked back at Qinglian shaking her head a few times, and walked towards the stove lightly.

"Who knows!"

Qinglian gently put down the teacup in her hand, also got up and walked towards the stove.

Qi Yun looked at the cloak that had slipped from her husband's body, leaned down slightly, and carefully picked up the cloak from the ground.

Seeing that Qi Yun was about to put the cloak back on her body for her husband, Qinglian gently tugged at her sleeves.

"Sister Yun?"

"Huh? Sister?"

Qinglian looked at her husband who was sleeping soundly, then turned her head and pouted her red lips against the dark sky outside the window.

"Sister, night is coming soon.

Before long, the temperature in the room should be cold.

Let's wake up the husband and let him go back to bed to rest. "

Qi Yun looked sideways at the maids who were lighting the lanterns under the corridor one by one outside the window, and nodded slightly.


Qi Yun withdrew her gaze, leaned over and gently pushed Young Master Liu's shoulder.


"Husband, wake up?"

First Young Master Liu snorted, and subconsciously opened his eyes.


Seeing Qi Yun and Qinglian sisters in front of him, Young Master Liu sat up and stretched lazily.

"Yun'er, Lian'er, you are back."

"Hey, my concubine sister is back."

First Young Master Liu yawned and turned his head to look out of the room.

"Yun'er, what time is it?"

"Husband, the sun has already set, and the maids have started to light the lanterns outside the room."
Young Master Liu nodded silently, wiped the filth from the corners of his eyes with his fingers, got up and walked towards the main hall.

"How could it be so fast, my husband thought he had just slept for a while!"

Qi Yun and Qinglian sisters hurriedly followed.


"Hey, husband?"

"My husband's mouth is a little dry, please pour him a cup of warm tea."

"Okay, I know."

Qinglian responded, turned around and returned to the stove, and directly lifted the kettle above.


"The concubine is here, what are your orders, my husband?"

"It's a bit dark in the room, light the candle."

"Hey, my concubine knows.

Husband, my concubine was just about to go to the stove to light the candles in the room, how could I expect you to fall asleep next to the stove!
When the concubine sisters saw you, they were immediately taken aback. "

Hearing Qi Yun's tender and resentful tone, First Young Master Liu raised his hands and rubbed his face vigorously a few times, then looked back at the beautiful woman and smiled softly.

"Hehehe, Yun'er, Lian'er, you can't blame me as your husband.

For my husband, I don't know that the eyes of you two sisters are so bad, the main hall is so far away from the stove, you sisters didn't see my husband, I fell asleep on the recliner next to the stove. "

Qi Yun put the lit candle on the table, looked at the smiling husband, and rolled her eyes in reproach.

"Stinky husband, it's not that the concubine sisters have bad eyesight, but that the concubine sisters didn't notice that at all.

After the two of us sisters returned to the room, we just chatted, but I never thought that you, my husband, would be in my concubine's room! "

Qinglian handed the adjusted warm tea to First Young Master Liu, and echoed with a light smile: "That's right, what Sister Yun said is correct.

It's not that the concubine sisters have bad eyesight, but that the concubine sisters didn't notice that at all.

Before our sisters found you, we were still talking about where you went, husband! "

Liu Mingzhi took the teacup and sent it directly to his mouth, and drank the tea completely in two or three sips.

"Lian'er, have another drink."

Young Master Liu stretched his waist a few times, then turned to look at Qi Yun who was lighting the other two candles.

"Yun'er, you sisters have been shopping in the street for a long time, what did you buy?"

After Qi Yun put the candles in her hands away, she turned back towards the main hall with light steps.

"I didn't buy anything, except for some necessities for the new year, which are things that our sisters and others can use in daily life."

During Qi Yun's words, he leaned over and looked at the brocade boxes on the table and began to observe.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Yun picked up a beautiful brocade box, smiled and handed it to First Young Master Liu.

"Hey, I bought it for you."

"Husband, tea."

"Hey, okay."

Young Master Liu took the tea from Qinglian, and looked curiously at the brocade box in Qi Yun's hand.

"Yun'er, what did you buy for your husband?"

"Jade pendant."

"Huh? Jade pendant?"


Qi Yun nodded sweetly with a smile, and gently opened the brocade box in her hand.

"I'll take out the concubine's body for you, husband, take a look and see if you like it."

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, picked up the teacup and brought it to his mouth.

"Okay, let's take a look for my husband first."
Qi Yun took out a pendant made of transparent jade from the brocade box, and handed it to Young Master Liu with an expression of expectation.


When Young Master Liu saw the jade pendant in Qi Yun's hand, his eyes lit up immediately, he quickly put the teacup aside, and reached out to take the jade pendant from the beauty's hand.

Young Master Liu held up the jade pendant in his hand and looked at it carefully for a moment, then looked towards Qi Yun with surprise.

"Good jade, good jade, Yun'er, you have a good eye!"

When Qi Yun heard her husband's praise, she picked up her teacup with a smile on her face.

"Sir, it's fine if you like it."

Qinglian put down the teapot in her hand, and reached out to take the cloak in Young Master Liu's hand.

"Husband, hurry up and try it on."

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, and directly took off the other ring around his waist.

"Lian'er, take it."

"it is good."

Qinglian hugged the cloak in her arms, and immediately took the ring from Young Master Liu's hand.

Just when Young Master Liu was about to tie the jade pendant around his waist, there was a knock on the door in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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